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Publications: Prof Ioannis Kokkoris

Kokkoris I ( 2024 ) . Merger Control, National Security, and Foreign Direct Investment Screening: A Comparative Perspective . Oxford University Press
Kokkoris I ( 2024 ) . Merger Control, National Security, and Foreign Direct Investment Screening . Oxford University Press (OUP)
Kokkoris I ( 2024 ) . Public Interest Considerations in US Merger Control . Oxford University Press (OUP)
Kokkoris I ( 2023 ) . Media Plurality Assessment as a Public Interest Concern in UK Merger Control . Competition and Regulation in Network Industries
Kokkoris I ( 2023 ) . Public Interest Considerations in US Merger Control An Assessment of National Security and Sectoral Regulators . Oxford University Press, USA
Kokkoris I ( 2023 ) . EU merger control and national security assessment: A moving target . Research Handbook on Global Merger Control , Edward Elgar Publishing
Kokkoris I, Levy N ( 2023 ) . Preface . Research Handbook on Global Merger Controlxvi - xvi .
( 2023 ) . Research Handbook on Global Merger Control: Introduction and synopsis . Research Handbook on Global Merger Control , Edward Elgar Publishing
Kokkoris I, Levy N ( 2023 ) . Research handbook on global merger control .
Kokkoris I, Lemus C ( 2022 ) . Introduction and Synopsis . Antitrust Bulletin vol. 67 , ( 4 ) 499 - 503 .
Kokkoris I ( 2022 ) . Introduction to the research handbook on the law and economics of competition enforcement . Research Handbook on the Law and Economics of Competition Enforcement ,
Kokkoris I, Skourtis A ( 2022 ) . Is consumer welfare still fit for purpose in the EU competition regime? . Research Handbook on the Law and Economics of Competition Enforcement ,
Kokkoris I ( 2022 ) . Preface .
Kokkoris I, Lemus C ( 2022 ) . Research handbook on the law and economics of competition enforcement .
Kokkoris I ( 2022 ) . Assessment Of National Security Concerns In The Acquisition Of US And UK Assets . Journal of National Security Law and Policy
Kokkoris I ( 2021 ) . CAN COMPETITION CONSIDERATIONS TRUMP TRADE MARKS RIGHTS . Chicago-Kent Journal of Intellectual Property
Kokkoris I, Gabison G, Pahari N ( 2021 ) . Inability-to-Pay Fine Reductions in European Cartel Cases . World Competition vol. 44 , ( Issue 2 ) 125 - 146 .
Kokkoris I ( 2021 ) . National Security as a Public Interest Consideration in UK Merger Control . Journal of Strategic Security vol. 14 , ( 2 ) 47 - 73 .
Kokkoris I ( 2020 ) . The “Failing Firm Defence” in Failing Markets: The Case for Bank Mergers . Financial Crisis Management and Bank Resolution , Taylor & Francis
Kokkoris I, Valletti T ( 2020 ) . Innovation Considerations in Horizontal Merger Control . Journal of Competition Law & Economics vol. 16 , ( 2 ) 220 - 261 .
Kokkoris I ( 2019 ) . Innovation considerations in merger control and unilateral conduct enforcement . Journal of Antitrust Enforcement vol. 8 , ( 1 ) 56 - 85 .
Ioannidou M, Kokkoris I ( 2019 ) . THE APPLICATION OF COMPETITION LAW IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL SECTOR: CHALLENGES FOR BRICS . EU Law of Competition and Trade in the Pharmaceutical Sector , Edward Elgar Publishing
Kokkoris I, Maniatis S, Gao Y ( 2019 ) . Introduction to IP and Anti-Monopoly Legislation and Practice in China . Competition Law and Intellectual Property in China , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Kokkoris I, Maniatis S, Wang X ( 2019 ) . Notes on Editors and Contributors . Competition Law and Intellectual Property in China , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Kokkoris I, Maniatis S, Wang X ( 2019 ) . Table of Cases . Competition Law and Intellectual Property in China , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Kokkoris I, Maniatis S, Wang X ( 2019 ) . Table of Legislation . Competition Law and Intellectual Property in China , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Kokkoris I, Maniatis S, Wang X ( 2019 ) . Table of Treaties and International Instruments . Competition Law and Intellectual Property in China , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Kokkoris I ( 2018 ) . The Google Saga: episode I . European Competition Journal vol. 14 , ( 2-3 ) 462 - 490 .
Laprévote F-C, Gray J, De Cecco F, Kokkoris I ( 2017 ) . Chapter 1: The special nature of banks and its challenges for competition policy . Research Handbook on State Aid in the Banking Sector , Edward Elgar Publishing
Kokkoris I ( 2017 ) . The special nature of banks and its challenges for competition policy . Research Handbook on State Aid in the Banking Sector ,
Kokkoris I ( 2017 ) . The google case in the eu: Is there a case? . Antitrust Bulletin vol. 62 , ( 2 ) 313 - 333 .
Kokkoris I, Olivares-Caminal R ( 2016 ) . The Operation of the Single Resolution Mechanism in the Context of the EU State Aid Regime . Bank Resolution: The European Regime , Oxford University Press (OUP)
KOKKORIS I ( 2016 ) . The Pharmaceutical Sector between Patent Law and Competition Law in UK . Competition and Intellectual Property Law in the Pharmaceutical Sector: An International Perspective , Kluwer
Kokkoris I ( 2015 ) . A Practical Application of Event Studies in Merger Assessment: Successes and Failures . European Competition Journal vol. 3 , ( 1 ) 65 - 99 .
Kokkoris I ( 2014 ) . Merging banks in time of crisis . Journal of Banking Regulation vol. 15 , ( 3-4 ) 313 - 324 .
Kokkoris I ( 2014 ) . Competition vs. Financial Stability in the Aftermath of the Crisis in the UK . The Antitrust Bulletin vol. 59 , ( 1 ) 31 - 53 .
Kokkoris I ( 2014 ) . Introduction: EU and U.S. Competition Enforcement—Convergence or Divergence . The Antitrust Bulletin vol. 59 , ( 1 ) 1 - 8 .
KOKKORIS I, Shelanski H ( 2014 ) . EU Merger Control: A Legal and Economic Analysis . Oxford University Press
Kokkoris I, Shelanski H ( 2014 ) . EU Merger Control . Oxford University Press (OUP)
Olivares-Caminal R, Papadakis KE, Galazoula O, Kokkoris I ( 2014 ) . The dos and don'ts of credit default swaps (CDS) in the context of the eu sovereign debt crisis . Journal of Banking Regulation vol. 15 , ( 1 ) 87 - 104 .
Kokkoris I ( 2013 ) . Chapter 12: Merger control: substantive issues . Handbook on European Competition Law , Edward Elgar Publishing
( 2012 ) . Conclusions . Non-Proliferation Law as a Special Regime , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Kokkoris I ( 2012 ) . Book Review: European Merger Control , by Michael Rosenthal and Stefan Thomas. (Munich:Verlag C.H. Beck, 2010) . Common Market Law Review vol. 49 , ( Issue 4 ) 1514 - 1516 .
Kokkoris I ( 2011 ) . Chapter 15: To Divest or Not to Divest: That is the Question.. . Managing Risk in the Financial System , Edward Elgar Publishing
Kokkoris I, Olivares-Caminal R, Papadakis K ( 2011 ) . The Greek tragedy: Is there a Deus ex Machina? . Managing Risk in the Financial System ,
Kokkoris I ( 2011 ) . To divest or not to divest: That is the question.. . Managing Risk in the Financial System ,
Kokkoris I ( 2010 ) . Guest Editor's Introduction . The Antitrust Bulletin vol. 55 , ( 4 ) 707 - 714 .
Kokkoris I ( 2010 ) . Should Crisis Cartels Exist amid Crises? . The Antitrust Bulletin vol. 55 , ( 4 ) 727 - 758 .
Kokkoris I, Olivares-Caminal R ( 2010 ) . Antitrust Law Amidst Financial Crises . Cambridge Univ Pr
Kokkoris I ( 2010 ) . Merger Control in Europe, The Gap in the ECMR and National Merger Legislations . Taylor & Francis
Kokkoris I, Olivares-Caminal R, Papadakis K ( 2010 ) . The Greek tragedy . Journal of Banking Regulation vol. 11 , ( 4 ) 257 - 259 .
Marsden P, Kokkoris I ( 2010 ) . The role of competition and state aid policy in financial and Monetary law . Journal of International Economic Law vol. 13 , ( 3 ) 875 - 892 .
Kokkoris I ( 2008 ) . Assessment of Mergers Inducing Coordinated Effects in the Presence of Explicit Collusion . World Competition vol. 31 , ( Issue 4 ) 499 - 522 .
Kokkoris I, Olivares-Caminal R ( 2008 ) . Lessons from the recent stock exchange merger activity . Journal of Competition Law and Economics vol. 4 , ( 3 ) 837 - 869 .
Kokkoris I, Olivares-Caminal R ( 2007 ) . Some issues on cross-border stock exchange mergers . University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law vol. 29 , ( 2 ) 455 - 526 .
Kokkoris I ( 2007 ) . The Development of the Concept of Collective Dominance in the ECMR. From its Inception to its Current Status . World Competition vol. 30 , ( Issue 3 ) 419 - 448 .
Kokkoris I ( 2006 ) . Buyer Power Assessment in Competition Law: A Boon or a Menace? . World Competition vol. 29 , ( Issue 1 ) 139 - 164 .
Kokkoris I ( 2005 ) . Merger Simulation: A Crystal Ball for Assessing Mergers . World Competition vol. 28 , ( Issue 3 ) 327 - 348 .