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Publications: Dr Alessia d'Onofrio

D'Onofrio A, Hill RG, Kent NW, Rawlinson SCF, Shahdad SA ( 2024 ) . Development of a Novel Formulation of Bioactive Glass Based Calcium Phosphate Cement for Bone Grafting . Advanced Functional Materials vol. 34 , ( 36 )
D'Onofrio A ( 2019 ) . Development of Novel Formulations of Bioactive Glass based Calcium Phosphate Cement for Bone Grafting . Presented at: Queen Mary University of London ,
Sauro S, Lin C-Y, Bikker FJ, Cama G, Dubruel P, Soria JM, D''Onofrio A, Gillam D ( 2016 ) . Di-Calcium Phosphate and Phytosphingosine as an Innovative Acid-Resistant Treatment to Occlude Dentine Tubules . Caries Research vol. 50 , ( 3 ) 303 - 309 .
D’Onofrio A, Kent NW, Shahdad SA, Hill RG ( 2016 ) . Development of novel strontium containing bioactive glass based calcium phosphate cement . Dental Materials vol. 32 , ( 6 ) 703 - 712 .

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