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Publications: Prof Sian Henson

Sillito FE, Holler A, O'Neill AT, Callender LA, Henson SM, Stauss H, Chakraverty R ( 2024 ) . Enhancement of mTORC1 Activity in Engineered Therapeutic CD4+ T Cells Amplifies Tumour Infiltration but Impairs Cytotoxicity . Blood vol. 144 , ( Supplement 1 ) 7196 - 7196 .
Al-Khateeb ZF, Henson SM, Tremoleda JL, Michael-Titus AT ( 2024 ) . The Immune Response in Two Models of Traumatic Injury of the Immature Brain . Cells vol. 13 , ( 19 )
Appios A, Davies J, Sirvent S, Henderson S, Trzebanski S, Schroth J, Law ML, Carvalho IB et al. ( 2024 ) . Convergent evolution of monocyte differentiation in adult skin instructs Langerhans cell identity . Science Immunology vol. 9 , ( 99 ) eadp0344 - eadp0344 .
Karatzia L, Cullen F, Young M, Henson SM, Aksentijevic D ( 2024 ) . BS27 Induction of pre-clinical diabetes mellitus using combination of high fat diet and multiple low doses of anomer-equilibrated streptozotocin in C57/BL6J mice mimics human diabetic cardiomyopathy . Conference: Basic sciencea264.2 - a2a265 .
Covre LP, Fantecelle CH, Queiroz AM, Fardin JM, Miranda PH, Henson S, da Fonseca-Martins AM, de Matos Guedes HL et al. ( 2024 ) . NKG2C+CD57+ natural killer cells with senescent features are induced during cutaneous leishmaniasis and accumulate in patients with lesional healing impairment . Clinical & Experimental Immunology vol. 217 , ( 3 ) 279 - 290 .
Janssen H, Jhanji S, Oliver NS, Ackland GL, Investigators FTG, Korbonits M, Henson S, Yeung J et al. ( 2024 ) . Ward monitoring 4.0: real-time metabolic insights from continuous glucose monitoring into perioperative organ dysfunction . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 132 , ( 5 ) 843 - 848 .
Al-Khateeb ZF, Boumenar H, Adebimpe J, Shekerzade S, Henson SM, Tremoleda JL, Michael-Titus AT ( 2024 ) . The cellular senescence response and neuroinflammation in juvenile mice following controlled cortical impact and repetitive mild traumatic brain injury . Experimental Neurology vol. 374 ,
Garrod-Ketchley C, d’Algue LM, Littlewood K, Hood G, Worthington A, Pattrick M, Sutcliffe C, Valla Z et al. ( 2023 ) . The generation of senescent-like CD4+ EMRA T cells in T2D and their contribution to poor COVID-19 vaccine responses . Discovery Immunology vol. 3 , ( 1 )
Henson SM ( 2023 ) . Response to Letter to the Editor: Type 2 diabetes is associated with the accumulation of senescent T cells . Clinical & Experimental Immunology
Duggal NA, Henson SM, Turner JE ( 2023 ) . Editorial: Inflammation, aging, and disease: new perspectives and interventions . Frontiers in Aging vol. 4 ,
Anderson S, Barnes M, Karlstaedt A, Albee L, Shattock M, O’Riordan C, Henson S, Cvetko F et al. ( 2022 ) . Targeting T-cell mediated inflammation improves cardiac dysfunction and metabolic remodelling in type 2 diabetes . Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology vol. 173 ,
Yildiz O, Schroth J, Tree T, Turner MR, Shaw PJ, Henson SM, Malaspina A ( 2022 ) . Senescent-like Blood Lymphocytes and Disease Progression in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis . Neurology Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation vol. 10 , ( 1 )
Bystrom J, Taher TE, Henson SM, Gould DJ, Mageed RA ( 2022 ) . Metabolic requirements of Th17 cells and of B cells: Regulation and defects in health and in inflammatory diseases . Frontiers in Immunology vol. 13 ,
Yildiz O, Schroth J, Lombardi V, Pucino V, Bobeva Y, Yip PK, Schmierer K, Mauro C et al. ( 2022 ) . The Expression of Active CD11b Monocytes in Blood and Disease Progression in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis . International Journal of Molecular Sciences vol. 23 , ( 6 )
Henson SM, Aksentijevic D ( 2021 ) . Senescence and Type 2 Diabetic Cardiomyopathy: How Young Can You Die of Old Age? . Frontiers in Pharmacology vol. 12 ,
Sumagin R, Henson SM, Morrison VL, McGettrick HM ( 2021 ) . Editorial: Targeting Leukocyte Trafficking: Insights and Future Directions . Frontiers in Immunology vol. 12 ,
Callender L, Carroll E, Ketchley-Garrod C, Schroth J, BYSTROM J, Berryman V, Pattrick M, Campbell-Richards D et al. ( 2021 ) . Altered nutrient uptake causes mitochondrial dysfunction in senescent CD8+ EMRA T cells during type 2 diabetes . Frontiers in Aging
Edwards AE, Vathenen R, Henson SM, Finer S, Gunganah K ( 2021 ) . Acute hyperglycaemic crisis after vaccination against COVID‐19: A case series . Diabetic Medicine vol. 38 , ( 11 )
Callender LA, Schroth J, Carroll EC, Garrod-Ketchley C, Romano LEL, Hendy E, Kelly A, Lavender P et al. ( 2021 ) . GATA3 induces mitochondrial biogenesis in primary human CD4+ T cells during DNA damage . Nature Communications
Jones T, Gutierrez A, Arroyo D, Henson S, Ackland G ( 2021 ) . O10: METFORMIN TREATMENT IMPROVES LYMPHOCYTE METABOLISM IN A MOUSE MODEL OF MAJOR SURGERY . British Journal of Surgery . vol. 108 ,
Schroth J, Weber V, Jones TF, Del Arroyo AG, Henson SM, Ackland GL ( 2021 ) . Preoperative lymphopaenia, mortality, and morbidity after elective surgery: systematic review and meta-analysis . British Journal of Anaesthesia
Schroth J, Henson SM ( 2020 ) . Mitochondrial Dysfunction Accelerates Ageing . Immunometabolism vol. 2 , ( 4 ) e200035 - e200035 .
Schroth J, Thiemermann C, Henson SM ( 2020 ) . Senescence and the Aging Immune System as Major Drivers of Chronic Kidney Disease . Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology vol. 8 , 564461 - 564461 .
Mahler C, Andrews M, Henson S, Gnanapavan S ( 2020 ) . Sequential Interleukin 2 and Pembrolizumab Treatment for Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy . Neurology, Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation
Sheikh MH, Henson S, Loiola RA, Mercurio S, Colamatteo A, Maniscalco GT, De Rosa V, Mcarthur S et al. ( 2020 ) . Immuno-metabolic impact of the multiple sclerosis patients’ sera on endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier . Journal of Neuroinflammation
Pereira B, De Maeyer R, Covre L, Nehar-Belaid D, Lanna A, Ward S, Marches R, Chambers E et al. ( 2020 ) . Sestrins induce natural killer function in 1 senescent-like CD8+ T cells . Nature Immunology
Callender L, Carroll E, BOBER E, Akbar A, Solito E, Henson S ( 2019 ) . Mitochondrial mass governs the extent of human T cell senescence . Aging Cell vol. 19 , ( 2 )
Gadsbøll A-SØ, Jee MH, Funch AB, Alhede M, Mraz V, Weber JF, Callender LA, Carroll EC et al. ( 2019 ) . Pathogenic CD8+ epidermis-resident memory T cells displace dendritic epidermal T cells in allergic dermatitis . Journal of Investigative Dermatology
Lau EYM, Carroll EC, Callender LA, Hood GA, Berryman V, Pattrick M, Finer S, Hitman GA et al. ( 2019 ) . Type 2 diabetes is associated with the accumulation of senescent T cells . Clinical & Experimental Immunology
Seidel JA, Vukmanovic-Stejic M, Muller-Durovic B, Patel N, Fuentes-Duculan J, Henson SM, Krueger JG, Rustin MHA et al. ( 2018 ) . Skin resident memory CD8<sup>+</sup>T cells are phenotypically and functionally distinct from circulating populations and lack immediate cytotoxic function . Clinical and Experimental Immunology vol. 194 , ( 1 ) 79 - 92 .
Callender LA, Carroll EC, Bober EA, Henson SM ( 2018 ) . Divergent mechanisms of metabolic dysfunction drive fibroblast and T-cell senescence . Ageing Research Reviews vol. 47 , 24 - 30 .
Callender LA, carroll EC, beal R, Chambers ES, Nourshargh S, Akbar AN, Henson SM ( 2017 ) . Human CD8+ EMRA T cells display a senescent-associated secretory phenotype regulated by p38 MAPK . Aging Cell
Lanna A, Henson S, Akbar A ( 2017 ) . THE REGULATION OF T CELL SENESCENCE AND METABOLISM BY P38 MAPKINASE SIGNALING . Innovation in Aging vol. 1 , ( suppl_1 ) 1254 - 1254 .
Henson SM ( 2016 ) . Effects of Ageing on Adaptive Immune Responses . 21 - 33 .
HENSON SM, Akbar AN, Lanna A ( 2016 ) . Senescence of T Lymphocytes: Implications for Enhancing Human Immunity . Trends in Immunology
Seidel JA, Henson S, Riddell N, Vukmanovic-Stejic M, Rustin MH, Nestle F, Lacy K, Akbar AN ( 2016 ) . Skin resident CD8+ T cells display low cytotoxic potential in healthy skin and fail to fully mature in primary melanoma lesions . Journal of Dermatological Science vol. 84 , ( 1 ) e156 - e157 .
Vukmanovic-Stejic M, Seidel JA, Patel N, Henson SH, Rustin MH, Nestle FO, Lacy K, Akbar AN ( 2016 ) . Skin resident CD8+T-cells display low cytotoxic potential in healthy skin and fail to fully mature in primary melanoma lesions . BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY . Conference: 20th Anniversary Conference of the British-Skin-Foundation on Skin Deep vol. 175 , 64 - 65 .
Müller-Durovic B, Lanna A, Polaco Covre L, Mills RS, Henson SM, Akbar AN ( 2016 ) . Killer Cell Lectin-like Receptor G1 Inhibits NK Cell Function through Activation of Adenosine 5'-Monophosphate-Activated Protein Kinase . Journal of Immunology vol. 197 , ( 7 ) 2891 - 2899 .
Schurich A, Pallett LJ, Jajbhay D, Wijngaarden J, Otano I, GIll US, Hansi N, Kennedy PT et al. ( 2016 ) . Distinct metabolic requirements of exhausted and functional virus-specific CD8 T cells in the same host . Cell Reports vol. 16 , ( 5 ) 1243 - 1252 .
( 2015 ) . Correction: Genetic Regulation of Fate Decisions in Therapeutic T Cells to Enhance Tumor Protection and Memory Formation . Cancer Research vol. 75 , ( 24 ) 5402 - 5402 .
Henson SM ( 2015 ) . CD8+ T-cell senescence: no role for mTOR . Biochemical Society Transactions vol. 43 , ( 4 ) 734 - 739 .
Veliça P, Zech M, Henson S, Holler A, Manzo T, Pike R, Santos E Sousa P, Zhang L et al. ( 2015 ) . Genetic Regulation of Fate Decisions in Therapeutic T Cells to Enhance Tumor Protection and Memory Formation . Cancer Research vol. 75 , ( 13 ) 2641 - 2652 .
Riddell NE, Griffiths SJ, Rivino L, King DCB, Teo GH, Henson SM, Cantisan S, Solana R et al. ( 2015 ) . Multifunctional cytomegalovirus (CMV)-specific CD8+ T cells are not restricted by telomere-related senescence in young or old adults . Immunology vol. 144 , ( 4 ) Article 4 , 549 - 560 .
Henson SM, Macaulay R, Riddell NE, Nunn CJ, Akbar AN ( 2015 ) . Blockade of PD-1 or p38 MAP kinase signaling enhances senescent human CD8+ T-cell proliferation by distinct pathways . European Journal of Immunology vol. 45 , Article 5 , 1441 - 1451 .
Schurich A, Henson SM ( 2014 ) . The many unknowns concerning the bioenergetics of exhaustion and senescence during chronic viral infection . Frontiers in Immunology vol. 5 , Article 468 ,
Henson SM, Lanna A, Riddell NE, Franzese O, Macaulay R, Griffiths SJ, Puleston DJ, Watson AS et al. ( 2014 ) . p38 signaling inhibits mTORC1-independent autophagy in senescent human CD8+ T cells . J Clin Invest vol. 124 , ( 9 ) 4004 - 4016 .
Lanna A, Henson SM, Escors D, Akbar AN ( 2014 ) . The kinase p38 activated by the metabolic regulator AMPK and scaffold TAB1 drives the senescence of human T cells . Nat Immunol vol. 15 , ( 10 ) 965 - 972 .
Franzese O, Henson SM, Naro C, Bonmassar E ( 2014 ) . Defect in HSP90 expression in highly differentiated human CD8+ T lymphocytes . Cell Death Dis vol. 5 ,
Seidel JA, Henson SM, Riddell N, Vukmanovic-Stejic M, Rustin MH, Nestle FO, Lacy K, Akbar AN ( 2014 ) . Skin resident CD8<SUP>+</SUP> T-cells display low cytotoxic potential in healthy skin and fail to fully mature in primary melanoma lesions . IMMUNOLOGY vol. 143 , 52 - 52 .
Henson SM, Akbar AN ( 2014 ) . mTOR-independent regulation of senescent human CD8<SUP>+</SUP> T-cells . IMMUNOLOGY vol. 143 , 49 - 49 .
Lanna A, Coutavas E, Levati L, Seidel J, Rustin MHA, Henson SM, Akbar AN, Franzese O ( 2013 ) . IFN-α Inhibits Telomerase in Human CD8+ T Cells by Both hTERT Downregulation and Induction of p38 MAPK Signaling . The Journal of Immunology vol. 191 , ( 7 ) 3744 - 3752 .
Griffiths SJ, Riddell NE, Masters J, Libri V, Henson SM, Wertheimer A, Wallace D, Sims S et al. ( 2013 ) . Age-Associated Increase of Low-Avidity Cytomegalovirus-Specific CD8+ T Cells That Re-Express CD45RA . The Journal of Immunology vol. 190 , ( 11 ) 5363 - 5372 .
Macaulay R, Riddell NE, Griffiths SJ, Akbar AN, Henson SM ( 2013 ) . Differing HLA types influence inhibitory receptor signalling in CMV-specific CD8+ T cells . Human Immunology vol. 74 , ( 3 ) 302 - 309 .
Seidel JA, Riddell N, Henson S, Vukmanovic-Stejic M, Rustin M, Nestle F, Lacy K, Akbar A ( 2013 ) . Global circulating CD4+and CD8+T cells are more differentiated in old melanoma patients compared to healthy controls . JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY . vol. 133 , S14 - S14 .
Macaulay R, Akbar AN, Henson SM ( 2013 ) . The role of the T cell in age-related inflammation . AGE vol. 35 , Article 3 , 563 - 572 .
Havenith SHC, Yong SL, Henson SM, Piet B, Idu MM, Koch SD, Jonkers RE, Kragten NAM et al. ( 2012 ) . Analysis of stem-cell-like properties of human CD161++IL-18Rα+ memory CD8+ T cells . International Immunology vol. 24 , ( 10 ) 625 - 636 .
Henson SM, Riddell NE, Akbar AN ( 2012 ) . Properties of end-stage human T cells defined by CD45RA re-expression . Current Opinion in Immunology vol. 24 , ( 4 ) 476 - 481 .
Henson SM, Macaulay R, Franzese O, Akbar AN ( 2012 ) . Reversal of functional defects in highly differentiated young and old CD8 T cells by PDL blockade . Immunology vol. 135 , ( 4 ) 355 - 363 .
Seidel J, Riddell N, Henson S, Vukmanovic-Stejic M, Rustin M, Nestle F, Lacy K, Akbar A ( 2012 ) . Increased CD4 and CD8 T-cell differentiation in elderly patients with melanoma . BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY . vol. 166 , e35 - e36 .
Seidel JA, Riddell N, Henson S, Vukmanovic-Stejic M, Rustin M, Nestle F, Lacy KE, Akbar AN ( 2012 ) . Increased CD4+and CD8+T cell differentiation in old melanoma patients . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 137 , 611 - 611 .
Wills M, Akbar A, Beswick M, Bosch JA, Caruso C, Colonna-Romano G, Dutta A, Franceschi C et al. ( 2011 ) . Report from the second cytomegalovirus and immunosenescence workshop . Immunity & Ageing vol. 8 , Article 1 , 1 - 8 .
Di Mitri D, Azevedo RI, Henson SM, Libri V, Riddell NE, Macaulay R, Kipling D, Soares MVD et al. ( 2011 ) . Reversible Senescence in Human CD4+CD45RA+CD27− Memory T Cells . The Journal of Immunology vol. 187 , ( 5 ) 2093 - 2100 .
Akbar AN, Henson SM ( 2011 ) . Are senescence and exhaustion intertwined or unrelated processes that compromise immunity? . Nature Reviews Immunology vol. 11 , ( 4 ) 289 - 295 .
Wallace DL, Masters JE, De Lara CM, Henson SM, Worth A, Zhang Y, Kumar SR, Beverley PC et al. ( 2011 ) . Human cytomegalovirus-specific CD8(+) T-cell expansions contain long-lived cells that retain functional capacity in both young and elderly subjects . Immunology vol. 132 ,
Henson SM, Franzese O, Macaulay R, Akbar AN ( 2011 ) . PD-1 acting through AKT mediates a proliferative defect in highly differentiated CD8+T cells . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 135 , 43 - 43 .
Seidel JA, Riddell N, Henson S, Vukmanovic-Stejic M, Lacy K, Rustin M, Akbar A ( 2011 ) . Peripheral T cell activation and differentiation in elderly melanoma patients . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 135 , 83 - 83 .
Di Mitri D, Henson S, Riddell NE, Kipling D, Soares MVD, Battistini L, Akbar AN ( 2011 ) . Reversible senescence in human CD4<SUP>+</SUP> CD45RA<SUP>+</SUP>CD27<SUP>-</SUP> memory T cells . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 135 , 72 - 72 .
Hayhoe RPG, Henson SM, Akbar AN, Palmer DB ( 2010 ) . Variation of human natural killer cell phenotypes with age: Identification of a unique KLRG1-negative subset . Human Immunology vol. 71 , ( 7 ) 676 - 681 .
van de Berg PJEJ, Griffiths SJ, Yong S, Macaulay R, Bemelman FJ, Jackson S, Henson SM, ten Berge IJM et al. ( 2010 ) . Cytomegalovirus Infection Reduces Telomere Length of the Circulating T Cell Pool . The Journal of Immunology vol. 184 , ( 7 ) 3417 - 3423 .
Henson SM, Akbar AN ( 2010 ) . Memory T-Cell Homeostasis and Senescence during Aging . Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology vol. 684 , 189 - 197 .
Henson SM, Akbar AN ( 2009 ) . KLRG1—more than a marker for T cell senescence . GeroScience vol. 31 , ( 4 ) 285 - 291 .
Henson SM, Franzese O, Macaulay R, Libri V, Azevedo RI, Kiani-Alikhan S, Plunkett FJ, Masters JE et al. ( 2009 ) . KLRG1 signaling induces defective Akt (ser473) phosphorylation and proliferative dysfunction of highly differentiated CD8+ T cells . Blood vol. 113 , ( 26 ) 6619 - 6628 .
Henson SM, Macaulay R, Kiani-Alikhan S, Akbar AN ( 2008 ) . The use of the inhibitory receptors for modulating the immune responses . Current Pharmaceutical Design vol. 14 , ( 26 ) 2643 - 2650 .
Aspinall R, Pido-Lopez J, Imami N, Henson SM, Ngom PT, Morre M, Niphuis H, Remarque E et al. ( 2007 ) . Old Rhesus Macaques Treated with Interleukin-7 Show Increased TREC Levels And Respond Well to Influenza Vaccination . Rejuvenation Research vol. 10 , ( 1 ) 5 - 18 .
Ghattas H, Wallace DL, Solon JA, Henson SM, Zhang Y, Ngom PT, Aspinall R, Morgan G et al. ( 2007 ) . Long-term effects of perinatal nutrition on T lymphocyte kinetics in young Gambian men 2 . American Journal of Clinical Nutrition vol. 85 , ( 2 ) 480 - 487 .
ASPINALL R, HENSON S, PIDO‐LOPEZ J, NGOM PT ( 2006 ) . Interleukin‐7: An Interleukin for Rejuvenating the Immune System . Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences vol. 1019 , ( 1 ) 116 - 122 .
Henson SM, Snelgrove R, Hussell T, Wells DJ, Aspinall R ( 2005 ) . An IL-7 Fusion Protein That Shows Increased Thymopoietic Ability . The Journal of Immunology vol. 175 , ( 6 ) 4112 - 4118 .
Herndler-Brandstetter D, Schwaiger S, Veel E, Fehrer C, Cioca DP, Almanzar G, Keller M, Pfister G et al. ( 2005 ) . CD25-Expressing CD8+ T Cells Are Potent Memory Cells in Old Age . The Journal of Immunology vol. 175 , ( 3 ) 1566 - 1574 .
Ngom PT, Collinson AC, Pido-Lopez J, Henson SM, Prentice AM, Aspinall R ( 2004 ) . Improved thymic function in exclusively breastfed infants is associated with higher interleukin 7 concentrations in their mothers' breast milk . American Journal of Clinical Nutrition vol. 80 , ( 3 ) 722 - 728 .
Henson SM, Pido-Lopez J, Aspinall R ( 2004 ) . Reversal of thymic atrophy . Experimental Gerontology . vol. 39 , 673 - 678 .
Aspinall R, Henson SM, Pido-Lopez J ( 2003 ) . My T's gone cold, I'm wondering why.. . Nature Immunology vol. 4 , ( 3 ) 203 - 205 .
Henson SM, Aspinall R ( 2003 ) . Aging and the Immune System . Aging of the Organs and Systems , Springer Nature
Russell WS, Henson SM, Hussein AS, Tippins JR, Selkirk ME ( 2000 ) . Nippostrongylus brasiliensis: Infection Induces Upregulation of Acetylcholinesterase Activity on Rat Intestinal Epithelial Cells . Experimental Parasitology vol. 96 , ( 4 ) 222 - 230 .
Sennitt MV, Kaumann AJ, Molenaar P, Beeley LJ, Young PW, Kelly J, Chapman H, Henson SM et al. ( 1998 ) . Erratum: The contribution of classical (β(1/2-)) and atypical β- adrenoceptors to the stimulation of human white adipocyte lipolysis and right atrial appendage contraction by novel β<inf>3</inf>-adrenoceptor agonists of differing selectives (Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutic (1998) 285 (1084-1095)) . Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics vol. 287 , ( 3 )
Sennitt MV, Kaumann AJ, Molenaar P, Beeley LJ, Young PW, Kelly J, Chapman H, Henson SM et al. ( 1998 ) . The Contribution of Classical (β1/2-) and Atypical β-Adrenoceptors to the Stimulation of Human White Adipocyte Lipolysis and Right Atrial Appendage Contraction by Novel β3-Adrenoceptor Agonists of Differing Selectivities . Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics vol. 285 , ( 3 ) 1084 - 1095 .
Selkirk ME, Hussein AS, Russell WS, Grigg ME, Chacón MR, Smith AM, Henson S, Tippins JR ( 1998 ) . Secretory Acetylcholinesterases from the Nematode Parasite Nippostrongylus Brasiliensis . Structure and Function of Cholinesterases and Related Proteins , Springer Nature
Molenaar P, Sarsero D, Arch JRS, Kelly J, Henson SM, Kaumann AJ ( 1997 ) . Effects of (−)-RO363 at human atrial β-adrenoceptor subtypes, the human cloned β3-adrenoceptor and rodent intestinal β3-adrenoceptors . British Journal of Pharmacology vol. 120 , ( 2 ) 165 - 176 .