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Publications: Miss Jermaine Tan

Oke A, Knox J, Tan J, Aigret B, Schmid P, Coleman RE, Cuzick J, Thorat MA ( 2017 ) . Barriers to recruitment from primary care into a trial in secondary care settings: experience from the feasibility study of IBIS-3 trial . TRIALS . Conference: ICTMC/SCT 2017 vol. 18 ,
Harvey SE, Parrott F, Harrison DA, Zia Sadique M, Grieve RD, Canter RR, McLennan BKP, Tan JCK et al. ( 2016 ) . A multicentre, randomised controlled trial comparing the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of early nutritional support via the parenteral versus the enteral route in critically ill patients (CALORIES) . Health Technology Assessment vol. 20 , ( 28 ) 1 - 143 .
Mouncey PR, Osborn TM, Power GS, Harrison DA, Sadique MZ, Grieve RD, Jahan R, Tan JCK et al. ( 2015 ) . Protocolised Management In Sepsis (ProMISe):A multicentre randomised controlled trial of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of early, goal-directed, protocolised resuscitation for emerging septic shock . Health Technology Assessment vol. 19 , ( 97 ) 1 - 150 .