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Publications: Mr Daniel Gover

Gover D ( 2023 ) . Religious lobbying and policy influence: Christian interest group impacts around the legalization of same‐sex marriage in England and Wales . Politics &amp Policy vol. 51 , ( 6 ) 1097 - 1116 .
Gover D ( 2021 ) . Christian Interest Groups in A Religiously Changing United Kingdom: Issues, Strategies, Influence . Politics and Religion vol. 15 , ( 3 ) 462 - 484 .
Russell M, GOVER D ( 2021 ) . Taking Back Control: Why the House of Commons Should Govern its Own Time . Constitution Unit, UCL ( London ),
GOVER D, KENNY M ( 2018 ) . Answering the West Lothian Question? A Critical Assessment of ‘English Votes for English Laws’ in the UK Parliament . Parliamentary Affairs
Russell M, GOVER D ( 2018 ) . Parliamentary Scrutiny and Influence on Government Bills . Exploring Parliament , Editors: Leston-Bandeira, C, Thompson, L , Oxford University Press
Russell M, GOVER D ( 2017 ) . Legislation at Westminster: Parliamentary Actors and Influence in the Making of British Law . Oxford University Press ( Oxford ),
GOVER D, KENNY M ( 2016 ) . Finding the Good in EVEL: An Evaluation of ‘English Votes for English Laws’ in the House of Commons . Centre on Constitutional Change ( Edinburgh ),
Russell M, Gover D, Wollter K, Benton M ( 2015 ) . Actors, Motivations and Outcomes in the Legislative Process: Policy Influence at Westminster . Government and Opposition vol. 52 , ( 1 ) 1 - 27 .
Russell M, Gover D, Wollter K ( 2015 ) . Does the Executive Dominate the Westminster Legislative Process?: Six Reasons for Doubt . Parliamentary Affairs vol. 69 , ( 2 ) 286 - 308 .
GOVER D, Russell M ( 2015 ) . The House of Commons’ “Financial Privilege” on Lords Amendments: Perceived Problems and Possible Solutions . Public Law vol. 2015 , ( 1 ) 12 - 22 .
GOVER D ( 2014 ) . Demystifying Financial Privilege: Does the Commons' Claim of Financial Primacy on Lords Amendments Need Reform? . The Constitution Unit ( London ),
GOVER D ( 2011 ) . Turbulent Priests?: The Archbishop of Canterbury in Contemporary English Politics . Theos ( London ),