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Publications: Prof Sionaidh Douglas-Scott

Douglas-Scott S ( 2024 ) . The European Communities Act 1972 . Leading Works in Public Law , Taylor & Francis
Douglas-Scott S ( 2022 ) . A Second Scottish Referendum on Independence? . Political Insight vol. 13 , ( 4 ) 24 - 27 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 2021 ) . The European Union and Fundamental Rights . Oxford Principles Of European Union Law: The European Union Legal Order: Volume I , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Douglas-Scott S ( 2020 ) . The Future of the United Kingdom after Brexit . The Law & Politics of Brexit: Volume II , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Douglas-Scott S ( 2019 ) . THE FUTURE OF THE United Kingdom . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES vol. 2019 , ( SPECIAL ISSUE ) 245 - 274 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 2019 ) . Brexit and the Future of the United Kingdom . European Journal of Legal Studies
Douglas-Scott S ( 2019 ) . Brexit, Boundaries and the Power of Images . Pólemos vol. 13 , ( 1 ) 63 - 89 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 2019 ) . 'The Constitutional Implications of the EU (Withdrawal) Act 2018: A Critical Appraisal’ .
Douglas-Scott S ( 2019 ) . Brexit and the siren-like allure of sovereignty . On Brexit: Law, Justice, Injustice , Editors: Fahey, E, Ahmed , Elgar
Douglas-Scott S ( 2019 ) . EU Human Rights Law and History: A Tale of 3 Narratives . History and International Law: An Intertwined Relationship , Editors: Ciampi, A, Ben-Nun, G , Elgar
Douglas-Scott S, Hatzis N ( 2019 ) . Research Handbook on EU Law and Human Rights . Elgar
Douglas-Scott S ( 2019 ) . The common foreign and security policy of the eu: Reinforcing the european identity? . Europe's Other: European Law between Modernity and Post Modernity ,
Douglas-Scott S ( 2019 ) . ‘Borges’ Pierre Menard, author of the Quixote and the idea of a European Consensus’ . Building Consensus on European Consensus , Editors: Kapotas, P, Tzevelekos, V , Cambridge University Press
Douglas-Scott S ( 2018 ) . Britain and the European Union: federalism and differentiation . The United Kingdom and the Federal Idea , Editors: Tierney, S, Schuetze, R , Bloomsbury
Douglas-Scott S, Hatzis N, Douglas-Scott S ( 2017 ) . Chapter 23: EU law and social rights . Research Handbook on EU Law and Human Rights , Edward Elgar Publishing
Douglas-Scott S, Hatzis N, Cartabia M, Ninatti S ( 2017 ) . Chapter 9: Fundamental rights in the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights . Research Handbook on EU Law and Human Rights , Edward Elgar Publishing
Douglas-Scott S, Hatzis N, Douglas-Scott S ( 2017 ) . Introduction . Research Handbook on EU Law and Human Rights , Edward Elgar Publishing
Douglas-Scott S, Hatzis N ( 2017 ) . Table of cases . Research Handbook on EU Law and Human Rights , Edward Elgar Publishing
( 2017 ) . Table of legislation . Research Handbook on EU Law and Human Rights , Edward Elgar Publishing
Douglas-Scott S ( 2017 ) . Human rights as a basis for justice in the European union . Transnational Legal Theory vol. 8 , ( 1 ) 59 - 78 .
Bardutzky S, Fahey E, Douglas-Scott S ( 2017 ) . Chapter 6: Subjects and objects of EU human rights law . Framing the Subjects and Objects of Contemporary EU Law , Edward Elgar Publishing
DOUGLAS-SCOTT S ( 2017 ) . Human Rights as a Basis for Justice in the EU . Transnational Legal Theory
DOUGLAS-SCOTT S ( 2017 ) . Human Rights sa a basis for Justice in the EU . Transnational Legal Theory
Douglas-Scott S ( 2017 ) . Brexit and the Scottish question . The Law and Politics of Brexit ,
Douglas-Scott S, Hatzis N ( 2017 ) . EU law and social rights . Research Handbook on EU Law and Human Rights ,
Douglas-Scott S, Hatzis N ( 2017 ) . Introduction . Research Handbook on EU Law and Human Rights , Editors: Douglas-Scott, S, Hatzis, N , Elgar
Douglas-Scott S ( 2017 ) . Popular Sovereignty v. Parliamentary Sovereignty . The Constitution in Crisis: The New Putney Debates , Editors: Galligan, D , Tauris
Douglas-Scott S, Hatzis N ( 2017 ) . Research handbook on EU law and human rights .
Douglas-Scott S ( 2017 ) . Subjects and objects of EU human rights law . Framing the Subjects and Objects of Contemporary EU Law ,
Douglas-Scott S ( 2016 ) . ‘Am Rande der Verfassungskrise? Die Rechtliche Grundlage des Brexit' (‘A British Exit from the European Union and the Article 50 process,’ ) . Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte24 - 36 .
DOUGLAS-SCOTT S ( 2016 ) . Brexit, Article 50 and the Contested British Constitution . The Modern Law Review1019 - 1040 .
Douglasā€Scott S ( 2016 ) . The European Union and Human Rights . A Companion to European Union Law and International Law , Wiley
Douglas-Scott S ( 2016 ) . Brave new world? The challenges of transnational law and legal pluralism to contemporary legal theory . Law, Society and Community: Socio-Legal Essays in Honour of Roger Cotterrell ,
DOUGLAS-SCOTT S ( 2016 ) . Legal Theory and Legal History: Which Legal Theory? . Law in Theory and History. New Essays on a Neglected Dialogue. , Hart Publishing
DOUGLAS-SCOTT S ( 2016 ) . Scotland, Secession, and the European Union . The Scottish Independence Referendum , Oxford University Press
Douglas-Scott S ( 2016 ) . ‘Autonomy and Fundamental Rights: The ECJ’s Opinion 2/13 on Accession of the EU to the ECHR’ . Swedish European Law Journal vol. special edition (201 ,
Douglas-Scott S ( 2015 ) . Book Review: Fundamental Rights in Europe. Challenges and Transformations in Comparative Perspective , by Federico Fabbrini. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014) . Common Market Law Review vol. 52 , ( Issue 5 ) 1413 - 1415 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 2015 ) . Affirmative Action at the University of Michigan . King's Law Journal vol. 14 , ( 2 ) 245 - 254 .
Scott SD ( 2015 ) . Constituting Europe: In Defence of Public Reason . King's Law Journal vol. 12 , ( 1 ) 75 - 99 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 2015 ) . 'A UK exit from the EU: the end of the United Kingdom or a new constitutional dawn?’ .
Douglas-Scott S ( 2015 ) . 'The Relationship between the EU and the ECHR Five Years on from the Treaty of Lisbon . The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as a Binding Instrument , Editors: de Vries, S, Bernitz, U, Weatherill, S , Hart Publishing
Douglas-Scott S ( 2015 ) . Fundamental Rights in Europe. Challenges and Transformations in Comparative Perspective . COMMON MARKET LAW REVIEW vol. 52 , ( 5 ) 1413 - 1415 .
DOUGLAS-SCOTT S ( 2015 ) . Fundamental Rights, Not Euroscepticism: Why the UK Should Embrace the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights . The UK and European Human Rights A Strained Relationship? , Hart
DOUGLAS-SCOTT S ( 2015 ) . Justice, Injustice and the Rule of Law in the EU . Europe’s Justice Deficit , Hart
Douglas-Scott S ( 2015 ) . ‘F. Fabbrini: Fundamental Rights in Europe’ . Common Market Law Review
Douglas-Scott S ( 2015 ) . ‘Human Rights as a basis for Justice in the European Union’ . no. 4 ,
Douglas-Scott S ( 2015 ) . ‘Law, Justice and the Pervasive Power of the Image’ . Journal of Law and Social Research vol. 2 , 17 - 35 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 2014 ) . 'Rethinking Justice for the EU . Transnational Law: Rethinking European law and legal thinking , Editors: Maduro, M, Tuori, K, Sankari, S , Cambridge University Press
Douglas-Scott S ( 2014 ) . Brave new world? the challenges of transnational law and legal pluralism to contemporary legal theory . Law, Society and Community: Socio-Legal Essays in Honour of Roger Cotterrell ,
Douglas-Scott S ( 2014 ) . ‘How Easily could an independent Scotland join the EU? . no. 46/2014 ,
Douglas-Scott S ( 2013 ) . Book Review: The Evolution of the European Convention on Human Rights – From Its Inception to the Creation of a Permanent Court of Human Rights. , by Ed Bates. (Oxford: Oxford University Pr . Common Market Law Review vol. 50 , ( Issue 2 ) 649 - 651 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 2013 ) . The Problem of Justice in the European Union . Philosophical Foundations of European Union Law ,
Douglas-Scott S ( 2013 ) . 'The Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights after Lisbon’ . The Protection of Fundamental Rights in the EU after Lisbon , Editors: de Vries, S, Weatherill, S, Bernitz, U , Bloomsbury Hart
Douglas-Scott S ( 2013 ) . Law After Modernity . Hart
Douglas-Scott S ( 2013 ) . My Notable Works: Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex and Gustave Klimt’s Jurisprudentia . Bodleian Library Oxford, 2013
Douglas-Scott S ( 2013 ) . The Evolution of the European Convention on Human Rights - From Its Inception to the Creation of a Permanent Court of Human Rights . COMMON MARKET LAW REVIEW vol. 50 , ( 2 ) 649 - 651 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 2012 ) . Justice and Pluralism in the EU . Current Legal Problems vol. 65 , ( 1 ) 83 - 118 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 2012 ) . EU Accession to the ECHR, Review of Z. Luca, ‘EU Accession to the ECHR — The Commission Proposal for Negotiating Directives’, 17 MJ 2 (2010), p. 206–209 . Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law vol. 19 , ( 3 ) 348 - 351 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 2011 ) . The European Union and Human Rights after the Treaty of Lisbon . Human Rights Law Review vol. 11 , ( 4 ) 645 - 682 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 2011 ) . Freedom, Security, and Justice in the European Court of Justice: The Ambiguous Nature of Judicial Review . The Legal Protection of Human Rights , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Douglas-Scott S ( 2011 ) . Karen Alter, THE EUROPEAN COURT'S POLITICAL POWER: SELECTED ESSAYS Oxford: Oxford University Press ( ), 2009. xxviii 332 pp. ISBN 9780199558353. 40 . Edinburgh Law Review vol. 15 , ( 2 ) 332 - 334 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 2011 ) . 'Human Rights in the European Legal Space - utopia, dystopia, monotopia or polytopia?' . Europe's Constitutional Mosaic , Editors: Walker, N, Tierney, S, Shaw, J , Hart Publishing
Douglas-Scott S ( 2011 ) . Europe’s Constitutional Mosaic: Human Rights in the European Legal Space – Utopia, Dystopia, Monotopia or Polytopia? . Europe's Constitutional Mosaic ,
Douglas-Scott S ( 2009 ) . The EU’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: A Lack of Fundamental Rights, Mutual Trust and Democracy? . Cambridge yearbook of European legal studies vol. 11 , 53 - 85 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 2007 ) . 'Fundamental Rights in EU Justice and Home Affairs' . EU Current Law
Douglas-Scott S ( 2007 ) . Book Review: European Union Law: Text and Materials , by Damian Chalmers, Christos Hadjiemmanuil, Giorgio Monti, and Adam Tomkins. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 2006) . European Public Law vol. 13 , ( Issue 4 ) 709 - 712 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 2007 ) . 'Damian Chalmers, Christos Hadjiemmanuil, Giorgio Monti & Adam Tomkins: . European Union Law ' . European Public Law
Douglas-Scott S ( 2007 ) . 'Human Rights and the Rule of Law in the EU' . Fundamental Rights and Justice and Home Affairs , Editors: Martin, M, Smith, R , JUSTICE Publications
Douglas-Scott S ( 2007 ) . 'The Law and Custom of a New Parliament: The European Parliament' . Constitutionalism and the role of Parliaments , Editors: Bradley, A, Baranger, D, Ziegler, K , Hart Publishing
Douglas-Scott S ( 2006 ) . A tale of two Courts: Luxembourg, Strasbourg and the growing European Human Rights acquis . Common Market Law Review vol. 43 , ( 3 ) 629 - 665 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 2006 ) . A tale of two courts: Luxembourg, Strasbourg and the growing European human rights acquis . Common Market Law Review vol. 43 , ( Issue 3 ) 629 - 665 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 2006 ) . Bosphorus Hava Yollari Turizm Ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi v. Ireland . Common Market Law Review vol. 43 , ( Issue 1 ) 243 - 254 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 2004 ) . ‘The Rule of Law in the European Union - putting the security into the EU’s Area of Freedom Security and Justice ' . European Law Review
Douglas-Scott S ( 2003 ) . 'The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights ' . Legal Issues of the Treaty of Nice , Editors: Andenas, M, Usher, J , Hart
Douglas-Scott S ( 2003 ) . 'The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as a constitutional document ' . European Human Rights Law Review37 - 50 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 2003 ) . The impact of the proposed EU Constitution on the UK 2003 . London: the Stationery Office: HL Paper 168, Session 2002–03 ( London ),
Douglas-Scott S ( 2003 ) . ‘J Wakefield, Judicial Protection through the use of Article 288(2)’ . European Law Review
Douglas-Scott S ( 2002 ) . Constitutional Law of the European Union . Pearson Education
Douglas-Scott S ( 2001 ) . ‘A Constitution For Europe’ . no. 11/2001 ,
Douglas-Scott S ( 2000 ) . Constitutional and Institutional Law of the European Union Study Guide . University of London
Douglas-Scott S, Tadros V, Oliver P ( 2000 ) . Faith in Law . Editors: Douglas-Scott, S, Oliver, P, Tadros, V , Hart
Douglas-Scott S, Oliver P, Tadros V ( 2000 ) . ‘Introduction to Faith in Law: Essays in Legal Theory' . Faith in Law , Editors: Douglas-Scott, S, Oliver, P, Tadros, V , Hart
Douglas-Scott S ( 1999 ) . 'The Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU' . Faculty of Law University of Uppsala/King's College London academic colloquium , Editors: Andenas, M , Justus Forlag
Douglas-Scott S ( 1999 ) . 'The Hatefulness of Protected Speech: a comparison of the European and American Approaches' . William & Mary Bill of Rights Review305 - 346 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 1998 ) . Psychoanalysis, speech acts and the language of “free speech” . Res Publica vol. 4 , ( 1 ) 29 - 50 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 1998 ) . 'Reinforcing the European Identity: the Common Foreign Policy of the EU ' . Europe's Other , Editors: Bergeron, J, Fitzpatrick, P , Ashgate: Dartmouth
Douglas-Scott S ( 1998 ) . In Search of Union Citizenship . Yearbook of European Law vol. 18 , ( 1 ) 29 - 65 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 1997 ) . 'Affirmative action in the US Supreme Court ' . Public Law43 - 54 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 1997 ) . 'Ruling out Affirmative Action' . New Law Journal
Douglas-Scott S ( 1996 ) . 'Environmental Rights - Taking the Environment Seriously' . Understanding Human Rights , Editors: Gearty, C, Tomkins, A , Mansell
Douglas-Scott S ( 1996 ) . 'Environmental Rights in the EU - Participatory Democracy or Democratic deficit?' . Environmental Rights , Editors: Boyle, A, Anderson, M , Oxford University Press
DOUGLAS-SCOTT S ( 1996 ) . Book Reviews . Mind vol. 105 , ( 417 ) 196 - 198 .
Douglas-Scott S, Kimbell J ( 1996 ) . ‘The Adams Exclusion Order case - new enforceable Civil Rights in the post-Maastricht European Union' . Public Law516 - 525 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 1996 ) . ‘W. Waluchow: Inclusive Legal Positivism' . Mind: a quarterly review of philosophy
Douglas-Scott S ( 1994 ) . 'The Konstantinidis case . King's College Law Journal
Douglas-Scott S ( 1994 ) . 'What's in a name: EC Law and human rights' . King's College Law Journal
Douglas-Scott S ( 1994 ) . BOOK REVIEWS . Medical Law Review vol. 2 , ( 2 ) 255 - 260 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 1994 ) . ‘R Dworkin,: Life's Dominion' . Medical Law Review
DOUGLAS-SCOTT S ( 1993 ) . Book Reviews . Mind vol. 102 , ( 408 ) 655 - 658 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 1993 ) . 'Europe's Future' . Maitres
Douglas-Scott S ( 1993 ) . 'Sunday Trading and EC Law ' . King's College Law journal
Douglas-Scott S ( 1993 ) . ‘Julie Inness, Privacy, Intimacy, Isolation’, . Mind: a quarterly review of philosophy
Douglas-Scott S ( 1992 ) . 'The Francovich case ' . King's College Law Journal
Douglas-Scott S ( 1992 ) . Review of Legal Issues of European Integration . Journal of Common Market Studies
Douglas-Scott S, Dine J, Persaud I ( 1991 ) . 'Judicial review in the European Court of Justice' . Procedure and the European Court , Law Chancery
Douglas-Scott S ( 1991 ) . 'The Factortame case: Fishing in Troubled Waters' . King's College Law journal7 - 23 .
Douglas-Scott S ( 1991 ) . Conflict of Laws . Charlesworth's Business Law , Sweet and Maxwell
Douglas-Scott S, Dine J, Persaud I ( 1991 ) . Introduction . Procedure and the European Court , Editors: Dine, J, Douglas-Scott, S, Persaud , Law Chancery
Dine J, Douglas-Scott S, Persaud I ( 1991 ) . Procedure and the European Court . Editors: Douglas-Scott, S, Dine, J, Persaud, I , Law Chancery