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Publications: Dr Gareth Ackland

Ackland G ( 2024 ) . Preoperative activation of the renineangiotensin system and myocardial injury in noncardiac surgery: exploratory mechanistic analysis of the SPACE randomised controlled trial . British Journal of Anaesthesia
Sikandar S, Ackland GL ( 2024 ) . Chronic pain: a modifiable target to reduce perioperative cardiovascular morbidity . British Journal of Anaesthesia
Hughes C, Ackland G, Shelley B ( 2024 ) . Perioperative myocardial injury . BJA Education vol. 24 , ( 10 ) 352 - 360 .
Theparambil SM, Kopach O, Braga A, Nizari S, Hosford PS, Sagi-Kiss V, Hadjihambi A, Konstantinou C et al. ( 2024 ) . Adenosine signalling to astrocytes coordinates brain metabolism and function . Nature vol. 632 , ( 8023 ) 139 - 146 .
Thomas M, Hayes K, White P, Baumer T, Beattie C, Ramesh A, Culliford L, Ackland GL et al. ( 2024 ) . Early Intravenous Beta-Blockade with Esmolol in Adults with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Phase 2a Intervention Design Study . Neurocritical Care vol. 41 , ( 3 ) 1009 - 1019 .
Mi Y, Burnham KL, Charles PD, Heilig R, Vendrell I, Whalley J, Torrance HD, Antcliffe DB et al. ( 2024 ) . High-throughput mass spectrometry maps the sepsis plasma proteome and differences in patient response . Science Translational Medicine vol. 16 , ( 750 )
Vail EA, Ackland GL ( 2024 ) . The BJA Editorial Fellowship 2024: a barometer for the state of academic anaesthesiology, perioperative, pain, and critical care medicine . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 133 , ( 1 ) 3 - 6 .
Janssen H, Jhanji S, Oliver NS, Ackland GL, Investigators FTG, Korbonits M, Henson S, Yeung J et al. ( 2024 ) . Ward monitoring 4.0: real-time metabolic insights from continuous glucose monitoring into perioperative organ dysfunction . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 132 , ( 5 ) 843 - 848 .
del Arroyo AG, Patel A, Abbott TEF, Begum S, Dias P, Somanath S, Middleditch A, Cleland S et al. ( 2024 ) . Preoperative N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide and myocardial injury after stopping or continuing renin–angiotensin system inhibitors in noncardiac surgery: a prespecified analysis of a phase 2 randomised controlled multicentre trial . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 132 , ( 5 ) 857 - 866 .
Kellett DO, Aziz Q, Humphries JD, Korsak A, Braga A, Del Arroyo AG, Crescente M, Tinker A et al. ( 2024 ) . Transcriptional response of the heart to vagus nerve stimulation . Physiol Genomics vol. 56 , ( 2 ) 167 - 178 .
Bollen Pinto B, Ackland GL ( 2024 ) . Pathophysiological mechanisms underlying increased circulating cardiac troponin in noncardiac surgery: a narrative review . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 132 , ( 4 ) 653 - 666 .
Prowle JR, Croal B, Abbott TEF, Cuthbertson BH, Wijeysundera DN, Myles PS, Shulman MA, Wallace S et al. ( 2024 ) . Cystatin C or creatinine for pre-operative assessment of kidney function and risk of post-operative acute kidney injury: a secondary analysis of the METS cohort study . Clinical Kidney Journal vol. 17 , ( 1 )
Polok K, Biccard BM, Chan MTV, Archbold RA, Wang CY, Sigamani A, Urrútia G, Cruz P et al. ( 2024 ) . Mortality and major postoperative complications within 1 year after vascular surgery: a prospective cohort study . Polish Archives of Internal Medicine vol. 134 , ( 2 )
Ackland GL, Martin T, Joseph M, Dias P, Hameed R, del Arroyo AG, Hewson R, Abbott TEF et al. ( 2023 ) . Transauricular nerve stimulation in acute ischaemic stroke requiring mechanical thrombectomy: Protocol for a phase 2A, proof-of-concept, sham-controlled randomised trial . PLOS ONE vol. 18 , ( 12 )
Kellett DO, Aziz Q, Humphries JD, Korsak A, Braga A, Gutierrez Del Arroyo A, Crescente M, Tinker A et al. ( 2023 ) . Transcriptional response of the heart to vagus nerve stimulation . Physiol Genomics
Lurati Buse G, Bollen Pinto B, Abelha F, Abbott TEF, Ackland G, Afshari A, De Hert S, Fellahi JL et al. ( 2023 ) . ESAIC focused guideline for the use of cardiac biomarkers in perioperative risk evaluation . European Journal of Anaesthesiology vol. 40 , ( 12 ) 888 - 927 .
Ackland G ( 2023 ) . Discontinuation vs. continuation of renin–angiotensin system inhibition before non-cardiac surgery: the SPACE trial . European Heart Journal Article ehad716 ,
James A, Bruce D, Tetlow N, Patel ABU, Black E, Whitehead N, Ratcliff A, Humphreys AJ et al. ( 2023 ) . Heart rate recovery after orthostatic challenge and cardiopulmonary exercise testing in older individuals: prospective multicentre observational cohort study . BJA Open vol. 8 ,
Roshanov PS, Chan MTV, Borges FK, Conen D, Wang CY, Xavier D, Berwanger O, Marcucci M et al. ( 2023 ) . One-year Outcomes after Discharge from Noncardiac Surgery and Association between Predischarge Complications and Death after Discharge: Analysis of the VISION Prospective Cohort Study . Anesthesiology vol. 140 , ( 1 ) 8 - 24 .
Keast T, McErlane J, Kearns R, McKinlay S, Raju I, Watson M, Robertson KE, Berry C et al. ( 2023 ) . Study protocol for IMPRoVE: a multicentre prospective observational cohort study of the incidence, impact and mechanisms of perioperative right ventricular dysfunction in non-cardiac surgery . BMJ Open vol. 13 , ( 9 )
Korsak A, Kellett DO, Aziz Q, Anderson C, D’Souza A, Tinker A, Ackland GL, Gourine AV ( 2023 ) . Immediate and sustained increases in the activity of vagal preganglionic neurons during exercise and after exercise training . Cardiovascular Research vol. 119 , ( 13 ) 2329 - 2341 .
Kopach O, Sylantyev S, Bard L, Michaluk P, Heller JP, del Arroyo AG, Ackland GL, Gourine AV et al. ( 2023 ) . Human neutrophils communicate remotely via calcium-dependent glutamate-induced glutamate release . iScience vol. 26 , ( 7 )
Thomas M, Hayes K, White P, Ramesh A, Culliford L, Ackland G, Pickering A ( 2023 ) . Early Intravenous Beta-Blockade with Esmolol in Adults with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury (EBB-TBI): Protocol for a Phase 2a Intervention Design Study . Neurocritical Care vol. 40 , ( 2 ) 795 - 806 .
Edwards MR, Forbes G, Walker N, Morton DG, Mythen MG, Murray D, Anderson I, Mihaylova B et al. ( 2023 ) . Fluid Optimisation in Emergency Laparotomy (FLO-ELA) Trial: study protocol for a multi-centre randomised trial of cardiac output-guided fluid therapy compared to usual care in patients undergoing major emergency gastrointestinal surgery . Trials vol. 24 , ( 1 )
Patel ABU, Bibawy PPWM, Althonayan JIM, Majeed Z, Gan WL, Abbott TEF, Ackland GL ( 2023 ) . Effect of transauricular nerve stimulation on perioperative pain: a single-blind, analyser-masked, randomised controlled trial . British Journal of Anaesthesia
Lan-Pak-Kee V, Ackland GL, Egan TC, Abbott TE, Elsheikh F, Investigators TACWU, Barrett S, Gooneratne M et al. ( 2022 ) . Arterial cannulation with ultrasound: clinical trial protocol for a randomised controlled trial comparing handheld ultrasound versus palpation technique for radial artery cannulation . BJA Open vol. 4 ,
Ackland G ( 2022 ) . Statistical anaysis plan: VATS RCT .
Walker SLM, Muthoo C, Sanchez J, Del Arroyo AG, Ackland GL ( 2022 ) . Sex-specific differences in cardiac function, inflammation and injury during early polymicrobial sepsis . Intensive Care Medicine Experimental vol. 10 , ( 1 )
Patel ABU, Bibawy PPWM, Majeed Z, Gan WL, Ackland GL ( 2022 ) . Trans-auricular vagus nerve stimulation to reduce perioperative pain and morbidity: protocol for a single-blind analyser-masked randomised controlled trial . BJA Open vol. 2 ,
Ali A, Weber V, Thompson SJ, Abbott TEF, Harmston R, David AL, Ackland GL, investigators FTE ( 2022 ) . IL-1ra polymorphisms and risk of epidural-related maternal fever (EPIFEVER-2): study protocol for a multicentre, observational mechanistic cohort study . International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia vol. 50 ,
Ackland G, ABBOTT T ( 2022 ) . Hypotension as a marker or mediator of perioperative organ injury: a review . British Journal of Anaesthesia
Abbott TEF, Ackland GL ( 2022 ) . Reply to: Monitors are not a treatment . Eur J Anaesthesiol vol. 39 , ( 2 ) 180 - 180 .
Jones TF, Iakovou D, Makariou N, Fowler AJ, Ackland GL ( 2022 ) . Metformin and mortality after surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 128 , ( 4 ) e277 - e279 .
Ackland GL, Walker SLM, Jones TF ( 2022 ) . 2 The Inflammatory Response to Surgery . Perioperative Medicine , Elsevier
Ackland G, Van Duijvenboden S, ABBOTT T, Gutierrez Del Arroyo A, Wilson M, David A ( 2021 ) . Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist and risk of caesarean delivery after onset of labour: a Mendelian randomisation analysis . British Journal of Anaesthesia
Patel ABU, Weber V, Gourine AV, Ackland GL ( 2021 ) . The potential for autonomic neuromodulation to reduce perioperative complications and pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 128 , ( 1 ) 135 - 149 .
May SM, Chiang E, Reyes A, Martir G, Patel A, Karmali S, Patel S, West S et al. ( 2021 ) . Immunomodulation of innate immunity by brachial plexus blockade: a crossover study . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 127 , ( 3 ) e116 - e118 .
May SM, Chiang E, Reyes A, Martir G, Patel A, Karmali S, Patel S, West S et al. ( 2021 ) . Neuromodulation of innate immunity by remote ischaemic conditioning in humans: Experimental cross-over study . Brain Behavior & Immunity - Health vol. 16 ,
Heywood WE, Bliss E, Bahelil F, Cyrus T, Crescente M, Jones T, Iqbal S, Paredes LG et al. ( 2021 ) . Proteomic signatures for perioperative oxygen delivery in skin after major elective surgery: mechanistic sub-study of a randomised controlled trial . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 127 , ( 4 ) 511 - 520 .
Jones T, Gutierrez A, Arroyo D, Henson S, Ackland G ( 2021 ) . O10: METFORMIN TREATMENT IMPROVES LYMPHOCYTE METABOLISM IN A MOUSE MODEL OF MAJOR SURGERY . British Journal of Surgery . vol. 108 ,
Schroth J, Weber V, Jones TF, Del Arroyo AG, Henson SM, Ackland GL ( 2021 ) . Preoperative lymphopaenia, mortality, and morbidity after elective surgery: systematic review and meta-analysis . British Journal of Anaesthesia
Pearse RM, Ackland GL, Asai T, Hemmings HC ( 2021 ) . Preprints in perioperative medicine: immediacy for the greater good . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 126 , ( 5 ) 915 - 918 .
Farmer AD, Strzelczyk A, Finisguerra A, Gourine AV, Gharabaghi A, Hasan A, Burger AM, Jaramillo AM et al. ( 2021 ) . International Consensus Based Review and Recommendations for Minimum Reporting Standards in Research on Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation (Version 2020) . Frontiers in Human Neuroscience vol. 14 ,
Abbott TEF, Howell S, Pearse RM, Ackland GL ( 2021 ) . Mode of blood pressure monitoring and morbidity after noncardiac surgery: A prospective multicentre observational cohort study . European Journal of Anaesthesiology vol. 38 , ( 5 ) 468 - 476 .
Weber V, Abbott TEF, Ackland GL ( 2020 ) . Reducing the dose of neuromuscular blocking agents with adjuncts: a systematic review and meta-analysis . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 126 , ( 3 ) 608 - 621 .
Booth LC, Yao ST, Korsak A, Farmer DGS, Hood SG, McCormick D, Boesley Q, Connelly AA et al. ( 2020 ) . Selective optogenetic stimulation of efferent fibers in the vagus nerve of a large mammal . Brain Stimulation vol. 14 , ( 1 ) 88 - 96 .
Shrimpton AJ, Walker SLM, Ackland GL ( 2020 ) . Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers . BJA Education vol. 20 , ( 11 ) 362 - 367 .
May S, Abbott TEF, Gutierrez Del Arroyo A, Reyes A, Martir G, Stephens RCM, Brealey D, Cuthbertson B et al. ( 2020 ) . MicroRNA signatures of perioperative myocardial injury after elective noncardiac surgery: a prospective observational mechanistic cohort study . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 125 , ( 5 ) 661 - 671 .
May SM, Abbott TEF, Del Arroyo AG, Reyes A, Martir G, Stephens RCM, Brealey D, Cuthbertson BH et al. ( 2020 ) . MicroRNA signatures of perioperative myocardial injury after elective noncardiac surgery: a prospective observational mechanistic cohort study . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 125 , ( 5 ) 661 - 671 .
Riedel B, Li MHG, Lee CHA, Ismail H, Cuthbertson BH, Wijeysundera DN, Ho KM, Wallace S et al. ( 2020 ) . A simplified (modified) Duke Activity Status Index (M-DASI) to characterise functional capacity: a secondary analysis of the Measurement of Exercise Tolerance before Surgery (METS) study . British Journal of Anaesthesia
Machhada A, Hosford PS, Dyson A, Ackland GL, Mastitskaya S, Gourine AV ( 2020 ) . Optogenetic Stimulation of Vagal Efferent Activity Preserves Left Ventricular Function in Experimental Heart Failure . JACC Basic to Translational Science
Wan YI, Patel A, ABBOTT TEF, Achary C, Macdonald N, Duceppe E, Sessler DI, Szczeklik W et al. ( 2020 ) . Prospective observational study of postoperative infection and outcomes after noncardiac surgery: analysis of prospective data from the VISION cohort . British Journal of Anaesthesia
Hadjihambi A, Karagiannis A, Theparambil SM, Ackland GL, Gourine AV ( 2020 ) . The effect of general anaesthetics on brain lactate release . European Journal of Pharmacology vol. 881 ,
Patel ABU, May SM, Reyes A, Martir G, Abbott TEF, Brealey D, Stephens RCM, Ackland GL ( 2020 ) . Elevated heart rate after noncardiac surgery: post hoc analysis of a prospective observational cohort study . British Journal of Anaesthesia . vol. 124 , e207 - e208 .
Patel ABU, Stevens J, Ackland GL ( 2020 ) . Experimental medicine in anaesthesia-related research: UK and US activity . British Journal of Anaesthesia . vol. 124 ,
Walker SLM, Muthoo C, Sanchez J, Del Arroyo AG, Ackland GL ( 2020 ) . Sex influences cardiac dysfunction in early polymicrobial sepsis, independent of leucocyte-derived tumour necrosis factor-α . British Journal of Anaesthesia . vol. 124 , e204 - e205 .
Ackland GL, ABBOTT T, Jones TF, Leuwer M, Pearse R, Niebrzegowska E, Wragg A, Archbold A et al. ( 2020 ) . Early elevation in plasma high-sensitivity troponin T and morbidity after elective noncardiac surgery: prospective multicentre observational cohort study . British Journal of Anaesthesia
Duceppe E, Patel A, Chan MTV, Berwanger O, Ackland G, Kavsak PA, Rodseth R, Biccard B et al. ( 2020 ) . Preoperative n-terminal pro-b-type natriuretic peptide and cardiovascular events after noncardiac surgery: A cohort study . Annals of Internal Medicine vol. 172 , ( 2 ) 96 - 104 .
Ackland GL ( 2020 ) . 40 What happens to the autonomic nervous system in critical illness? . Evidence-Based Practice of Critical Care , Elsevier
Wijeysundera D, Beattie WS, Hillis G, ABBOTT T, Shulman M, Ackland G, Mazer D, Myles P et al. ( 2019 ) . Integration of the Duke Activity Status Index into Preoperative Risk Evaluation: A Multicentre Prospective Cohort Study . British Journal of Anaesthesia
Ackland GL, Abbott TEF, Minto G, Clark M, Owen T, Prabhu P, May SM, Reynolds JA et al. ( 2019 ) . Correction: Heart rate recovery and morbidity after noncardiac surgery: Planned secondary analysis of two prospective, multi-centre, blinded observational studies . PLOS ONE vol. 14 , ( 12 )
Patel ABU, Ackland GL ( 2019 ) . Inotropes and Vasopressors for Shock . DeckerMed Transitional Year Weekly Curriculum™
Patel ABU, May SM, Reyes A, Martir G, Brealey D, Stephens RCM, Abbott TEF, Ackland GL ( 2019 ) . Elevated heart rate after non-cardiac surgery: post-hoc analysis of a prospective observational cohort study .
Walker S, Del Arroyo AG, Sanchez J, Ackland GL ( 2019 ) . P3509Leukocyte derived tumour necrosis factor modulates cardiac function in health and disease . European Heart Journal vol. 40 , ( Supplement_1 )
Zarbock A, Kellum JA, Gourine AV, Ackland GL ( 2019 ) . Salvaging remote ischaemic preconditioning as a therapy for perioperative acute kidney injury . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 124 , ( 1 ) 8 - 12 .
del Arroyo AG, Sanchez J, Reyes A, Ackland GL, Investigators E ( 2019 ) . Bupivacaine reduces release of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist from circulating neutrophils obtained from women in active labour . British Journal of Anaesthesia . vol. 123 ,
Reynolds J, May SM, Reyes A, Martir G, Karmali S, Brealey D, Stephens R, Ackland GL ( 2019 ) . Orthostatic autonomic dysfunction is associated with postoperative morbidity in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery . British Journal of Anaesthesia . vol. 123 , e509 - e510 .
del Arroyo AG, Cyrus T, Bahelil F, Bliss E, Heywood W, Mills K, Ackland GL, group P-OS ( 2019 ) . Serial proteomic characterisation of skin during the perioperative period . British Journal of Anaesthesia . vol. 123 , e511 - e512 .
Manou-Stathopoulou V, Korbonits M, Ackland GL ( 2019 ) . Redefining the perioperative stress response: a narrative review . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 123 , ( 5 ) 570 - 583 .
Stephens TJ, Peden CJ, Haines R, Grocott MPW, Murray D, Cromwell D, Johnston C, Hare S et al. ( 2019 ) . Hospital-level evaluation of the effect of a national quality improvement programme: time-series analysis of registry data . BMJ Quality and Safety
May SM, Reyes A, Martir G, Reynolds J, Paredes LG, Karmali S, Stephens RCM, Brealey D et al. ( 2019 ) . Acquired loss of cardiac vagal activity is associated with myocardial injury in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery: prospective observational mechanistic cohort study . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 123 , ( 6 ) 758 - 767 .
Peden CJ, Stephens T, Martin G, Kahan BC, Thomson A, Everingham K, Kocman D, Lourtie J et al. ( 2019 ) . A national quality improvement programme to improve survival after emergency abdominal surgery: the EPOCH stepped-wedge cluster RCT . Health and Social Care Delivery Research vol. 7 , ( 32 ) 1 - 96 .
del Arroyo AG, Hadjihambi A, Sanchez J, Turovsky E, Kasymov V, Cain D, Nightingale TD, Lambden S et al. ( 2019 ) . NMDA receptor modulation of glutamate release in activated neutrophils . EBioMedicine
Ackland GL, Abbott TEF, Minto G, Clark M, Owen T, Prabhu P, May SM, Reynolds JA et al. ( 2019 ) . Heart rate recovery and morbidity after noncardiac surgery: Planned secondary analysis of two prospective, multi-centre, blinded observational studies . PLoS ONE vol. 14 , ( 8 )
The Vascular Events in Noncardiac Surgery Patients Cohort Evaluation (VISION) Study Investigators ( 2019 ) . Association between complications and death within 30 days after noncardiac surgery . Canadian Medical Association Journal vol. 191 , ( 30 ) E830 - E837 .
Lau EYM, Carroll EC, Callender LA, Hood GA, Berryman V, Pattrick M, Finer S, Hitman GA et al. ( 2019 ) . Type 2 diabetes is associated with the accumulation of senescent T cells . Clinical & Experimental Immunology
Bartoszko J, Thorpe KE, Laupacis A, Wijeysundera DN, Myles PS, Shulman MA, Wallace S, Farrington C et al. ( 2019 ) . Association of preoperative anaemia with cardiopulmonary exercise capacity and postoperative outcomes in noncardiac surgery: a substudy of the Measurement of Exercise Tolerance before Surgery (METS) Study . British Journal of Anaesthesia
Ackland GL, Pryor KO ( 2019 ) . Electroencephalography-guided anaesthetic administration does not impact postoperative delirium among older adults undergoing major surgery: an independent discussion of the ENGAGES trial . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 123 , ( 2 ) 112 - 117 .
ABBOTT TEF, PEARSE RM, beattie S, Phull M, Beilstein C, Raj A, Grocott M, Cuthbertson B et al. ( 2019 ) . Chronotropic incompetence and myocardial injury after non-cardiac surgery: planned secondary analysis of a prospective observational international cohort study . BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 123 , ( 1 ) 17 - 26 .
PEARSE RM, Peden C, STEPHENS T, Martin G, KAHAN B, Thomson A, Rivett K, Wells D et al. ( 2019 ) . Effectiveness of a national quality improvement programme to improve survival after emergency abdominal surgery: A stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial . Lancet
Manou-Stathopoulou V, Abbott TEF, May SM, Cuthbertson BH, Wijeysundera DN, Pearse RM, Ackland GL ( 2019 ) . Perioperative plasma cortisol levels and myocardial injury after non-cardiac surgery . British Journal of Anaesthesia . vol. 122 , e45 - e46 .
May SM, Abbott TEF, Del Arroyo AG, Cuthbertson BH, Wijeysundera DN, Pearse RM, Ackland GL ( 2019 ) . Serum microRNAs and perioperative myocardial injury . British Journal of Anaesthesia . vol. 122 ,
Sessler DI, Bloomstone JA, Aronson S, Berry C, Gan TJ, Kellum JA, Plumb J, Mythen MG et al. ( 2019 ) . Perioperative Quality Initiative consensus statement on intraoperative blood pressure, risk and outcomes for elective surgery . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 122 , ( 5 ) 563 - 574 .
Ackland GL, Brudney CS, Cecconi M, Ince C, Irwin MG, Lacey J, Pinsky MR, Grocott MP et al. ( 2019 ) . Perioperative Quality Initiative consensus statement on the physiology of arterial blood pressure control in perioperative medicine . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 122 , ( 5 ) 542 - 551 .
Pinto BB, Filipovic M, Ackland G ( 2019 ) . Intra-operative heart rate and postoperative outcomes – rowing against the tide? . European Journal of Anaesthesiology vol. 36 , ( 2 ) 90 - 92 .
McEvoy MD, Gupta R, Koepke EJ, Feldheiser A, Michard F, Levett D, Thacker JKM, Hamilton M et al. ( 2019 ) . Perioperative Quality Initiative consensus statement on postoperative blood pressure, risk and outcomes for elective surgery . British Journal of Anaesthesia
Ackland GL ( 2019 ) . Autonomic Dysfunction in Shock . Hemodynamic Monitoring , Springer Nature
Gourine AV, Ackland GL ( 2019 ) . Cardiac Vagus and Exercise . Physiology (Bethesda) vol. 34 , ( 1 ) 71 - 80 .
Abbott TEF, Pearse RM, Cuthbertson BH, Wijeysundera DN, Ackland GL ( 2019 ) . Cardiac vagal dysfunction and myocardial injury after non-cardiac surgery: a planned secondary analysis of the measurement of Exercise Tolerance before surgery study . British Journal of Anaesthesia
Walker S, Del Arroyo AG, Sanchez J, Ackland GL ( 2019 ) . Leukocyte derived tumour necrosis factor modulates cardiac function in health and disease . EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL . vol. 40 , 2119 - 2119 .
ACKLAND GL ( 2019 ) . Perioperative Quality Initiative consensus statement on preoperative blood pressure, risk and outcomes for elective surgery . British Journal of Anaesthesia
del Arroyo AG, Sanchez J, Patel S, Phillips S, Reyes A, Cubillos C, Fernando R, David AL et al. ( 2018 ) . Role of leucocyte caspase-1 activity in epidural-related maternal fever: a single-centre, observational, mechanistic cohort study . British Journal of Anaesthesia
Ackland GL, Galley HF, Shelley B, Lambert DG ( 2018 ) . Perioperative medicine and UK plc . British Journal of Anaesthesia
Ackland GL, Abbott TEF, Cain D, Edwards MR, Sultan P, Karmali SN, Fowler AJ, Whittle JR et al. ( 2018 ) . Preoperative systemic inflammation and perioperative myocardial injury: prospective observational multicentre cohort study of patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery . British Journal of Anaesthesia
TORRANCE H, LONGBOTTOM R, VIVIAN M, Lalabekyan B, ABBOTT TEF, ACKLAND GL, HINDS CJ, PEARSE RM et al. ( 2018 ) . Post-operative immune suppression is mediated via reversible, Interleukin-10 dependent pathways in circulating monocytes following major abdominal surgery . PLoS ONE vol. 13 , ( 9 )
Turner S-J, Jones T, Sanchez J, Borgel J, Ackland GL ( 2018 ) . Clinical modulation of immunometabolism in sepsis . British Journal of Anaesthesia . vol. 121 ,
Jones TF, Torrance HDT, Owen HC, Brohi K, Barnes MR, Knight JC, Hinds CJ, Ackland GL et al. ( 2018 ) . MicroRNA profiles are associated with lymphocyte count after a major traumatic injury: a potential role for immunometabolism? . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 121 , ( 2 ) e23 - e24 .
Ackland GL, Abbott TF, Pearse RM, Investigators VEIN-CSPCE-U ( 2018 ) . Preoperative systemic inflammation and myocardial injury in non-cardiac surgery . British Journal of Anaesthesia . vol. 121 , e20 - e21 .
Wijeysundera D, PEARSE R, shulman M, ABBOTT TEF, Torres E, Ambosta A, Bernard C, Granton J et al. ( 2018 ) . Assessment of functional capacity before major non-cardiac surgery: an international, prospective cohort study . Lancet vol. 391 , ( 10140 ) 2631 - 2640 .
WALKER S, ABBOTT TEF, Brown K, PEARSE R, ACKLAND G ( 2018 ) . Perioperative management of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and/or angiotensin receptor blockers: a survey of perioperative medicine practitioners . PeerJ
Lurati Buse G, Manns B, Lamy A, Guyatt G, Polanczyk CA, Chan MTV, Wang CY, Villar JC et al. ( 2018 ) . Troponin T monitoring to detect myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery: a cost–consequence analysis . Canadian Journal of Surgery vol. 61 , ( 3 ) 185 - 194 .
Ackland G, del Arroyo AG, Sanchez J, Patel S, Phillips S, Reyes A, Sultan P, David A ( 2018 ) . Caspase-1 and epidural-related maternal fever . British Journal of Anaesthesia . vol. 120 , e20 - e21 .
Walker S, Abbott T, Brown K, Pearse R, Ackland G ( 2018 ) . Contemporary perioperative management of ACE-inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers . British Journal of Anaesthesia . vol. 120 , e24 - e25 .
May S, Karmali S, Reyes A, Paredes LG, Martir G, Stephens R, Brealey D, Ackland G ( 2018 ) . Serial holter recordings in non-cardiac surgery patients reveal postoperative autonomic impairment within 48 hours . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 120 , ( 5 ) e16 - e17 .
ackland GL, ABBOTT T, Pearse RM, Karmali S, Whittle J, Minto G ( 2018 ) . Arterial pulse pressure and postoperative morbidity in high-risk surgical patients . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 120 , ( 1 ) 94 - 100 .
ABBOTT T, pearse RM, Archbold RA, Ahmad T, Niebrzegowska E, Wragg A, Rodseth R, Devereaux PJ et al. ( 2017 ) . A Prospective International Multicentre Cohort Study of Intraoperative Heart Rate and Systolic Blood Pressure and Myocardial Injury After Noncardiac Surgery: Results of the VISION Study . Anesthesia and Analgesia vol. 126 , ( 6 ) 1936 - 1945 .
ACKLAND GL, Minto G, Clark M, Whittle J, Stephens RCM, Owen T, Prabhu P, del Arroyo AG ( 2017 ) . Autonomic regulation of systemic inflammation in humans: a multi-center, blinded observational cohort study . Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
Karmali SN, Sciusco A, May SM, Ackland GL ( 2017 ) . Heart rate variability in critical care medicine: a systematic review . Intensive Care Medicine Experimental vol. 5 , ( 1 )
ABBOTT T, pearse R, ahmad T, ackland G ( 2017 ) . Association between preoperative pulse pressure and perioperative myocardial injury: an international observational cohort study of patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery . British Journal Of Anaesthesia vol. 119 , ( 1 ) 78 - 86 .
ABBOTT T, Lee A, Pearse R, Ackland G, Minto G ( 2017 ) . Elevated preoperative heart rate is associated with cardiopulmonary and autonomic impairment in high-risk surgical patients . British Journal Of Anaesthesia vol. 119 , ( 1 ) 87 - 94 .
Machhada A, Trapp S, Marina N, Stephens RCM, Whittle J, Lythgoe MF, Kasparov S, Ackland GL et al. ( 2017 ) . Vagal determinants of exercise capacity . Nature Communications vol. 8 , ( 1 )
Biccard BM, Scott DJA, Chan MTV, Archbold A, Wang C-Y, Sigamani A, Urrútia G, Cruz P et al. ( 2017 ) . Myocardial Injury After Noncardiac Surgery (MINS) in Vascular Surgical Patients: A Prospective Observational Cohort Study . Ann Surg
Writing Committee for the VISION Study Investigators, Devereaux PJ, Biccard BM, Sigamani A, Xavier D, Chan MTV, Srinathan SK, Walsh M et al. ( 2017 ) . Association of Postoperative High-Sensitivity Troponin Levels With Myocardial Injury and 30-Day Mortality Among Patients Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery . JAMA vol. 317 , ( 16 ) 1642 - 1651 .
O'Connor ME, Hewson RW, Kirwan CJ, Ackland GL, Pearse RM, Prowle JR ( 2017 ) . Acute kidney injury and mortality 1 year after major non-cardiac surgery . British Journal of Surgery
Patel A, Prowle JR, Ackland GL, Investigators P-OS ( 2017 ) . Postoperative goal-directed therapy and development of acute kidney injury following major elective noncardiac surgery: post-hoc analysis of POM-O randomized controlled trial . Clinical Kidney Journal vol. 10 , ( 3 ) 348 - 356 .
Basalay M, Mastitskaya S, Mrochek A, Ackland GL, Arroyo AGD, Sanchez J, Sjoquist P-O, Pernow J et al. ( 2017 ) . Reply: Glucagon-like peptide-1 mediates cardioprotection by remote ischaemic conditioning . Cardiovasc Res vol. 113 , ( 1 ) 13 - 14 .
Turovsky E, Theparambil SM, Kasymov V, Deitmer JW, del Arroyo AG, Ackland GL, Corneveaux JJ, Allen AN et al. ( 2016 ) . Mechanisms of CO2/H+ Sensitivity of Astrocytes . Journal of Neuroscience vol. 36 , ( 42 ) 10750 - 10758 .
Basalay MV, Mastitskaya S, Mrochek A, Ackland GL, del Arroyo AG, Sanchez J, Sjoquist P-O, Pernow J et al. ( 2016 ) . Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) mediates cardioprotection by remote ischaemic conditioning . Cardiovascular Research vol. 112 , ( 3 ) 669 - 676 .
Toner A, Jenkins N, Ackland GL ( 2016 ) . Baroreflex impairment and morbidity after major surgery . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 117 , ( 3 ) 324 - 331 .
Ackland GL, Whittle J, Toner A, Machhada A, Del Arroyo AG, Sciuso A, Jenkins N, Dyson A et al. ( 2016 ) . Molecular Mechanisms Linking Autonomic Dysfunction and Impaired Cardiac Contractility in Critical Illness . Crit Care Med vol. 44 , ( 8 ) e614 - e624 .
Abbott TEF, Ackland GL, Archbold RA, Wragg A, Kam E, Ahmad T, Khan AW, Niebrzegowska E et al. ( 2016 ) . Preoperative heart rate and myocardial injury after non-cardiac surgery: results of a predefined secondary analysis of the VISION study . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 117 , ( 2 ) 172 - 181 .
Marina N, Kasymov V, Ackland GL, Kasparov S, Gourine AV ( 2016 ) . Astrocytes and Brain Hypoxia . Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology vol. 903 , 201 - 207 .
Ackland GL, Stephens RCM ( 2016 ) . Big Data: A Cheerleader for Translational Perioperative Medicine . Anesth Analg vol. 122 , ( 6 ) 1744 - 1747 .
Sultan P, David AL, Fernando R, Ackland GL ( 2016 ) . Inflammation and Epidural-Related Maternal Fever . Anesthesia & Analgesia vol. 122 , ( 5 ) 1546 - 1553 .
Wijeysundera DN, Pearse RM, Shulman MA, Abbott TEF, Torres E, Croal BL, Granton JT, Thorpe KE et al. ( 2016 ) . Measurement of Exercise Tolerance before Surgery (METS) study: a protocol for an international multicentre prospective cohort study of cardiopulmonary exercise testing prior to major non-cardiac surgery . BMJ Open vol. 6 , ( 3 ) e010359 - e010359 .
Nelson A, Otto J, Whittle J, Stephens RCM, Martin DS, Prowle JR, Ackland GL ( 2016 ) . Subclinical cardiopulmonary dysfunction in stage 3 chronic kidney disease . Open Heart vol. 3 , ( 1 )
Abbott T, Ackland GL, Wragg A, Rodseth R, Archbold A, Pearse RM ( 2015 ) . Association between intraoperative heart rate and postoperative myocardial injury in patients following non-cardiac surgery . Intensive Care Med Exp vol. 3 , ( Suppl 1 ) A751 - A751 .
Abbott T, Ackland G, Wragg A, Archbold A, Devereaux P, Pearse R ( 2015 ) . Association of preoperative heart rate with postoperative myocardial injury . BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA . vol. 115 , E958 - E959 .
Patel ABU, Reyes A, Ackland GL ( 2015 ) . Non-inferiority of retrospective data collection for assessing perioperative morbidity . PeerJ vol. 3 ,
Whittle J, Nelson A, Otto JM, Stephens RCM, Martin DS, Sneyd JR, Struthers R, Minto G et al. ( 2015 ) . Sympathetic autonomic dysfunction and impaired cardiovascular performance in higher risk surgical patients: implications for perioperative sympatholysis . Open Heart vol. 2 , ( 1 )
Karmali S, Jenkins N, Sciusco A, John J, Haddad F, Ackland GL, Investigators P-XS ( 2015 ) . Randomized controlled trial of vagal modulation by sham feeding in elective non-gastrointestinal (orthopaedic) surgery . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 115 , ( 5 ) 727 - 735 .
Machhada A, Gourine AV, Ackland GL ( 2015 ) . Vagal Modulation of Atrial Fibrillation . Journal of the American College of Cardiology vol. 66 , ( 8 ) 977 - 978 .
Angelova PR, Kasymov V, Christie I, Sheikhbahaei S, Turovsky E, Marina N, Korsak A, Zwicker J et al. ( 2015 ) . Functional Oxygen Sensitivity of Astrocytes . Journal of Neuroscience vol. 35 , ( 29 ) 10460 - 10473 .
Edwards MR, Sultan P, del Arroyo AG, Whittle J, Karmali SN, Moonesinghe SR, Haddad FS, Mythen MG et al. ( 2015 ) . Metabolic dysfunction in lymphocytes promotes postoperative morbidity . Clinical Science vol. 129 , ( 5 ) 423 - 437 .
Machhada A, Ang R, Ackland GL, Ninkina N, Buchman VL, Lythgoe MF, Trapp S, Tinker A et al. ( 2015 ) . Control of ventricular excitability by neurons of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve . Heart Rhythm vol. 12 , ( 11 ) 2285 - 2293 .
Abbott T, Rodseth R, Le Manach Y, Ackland G, Archbold A, Wragg A, Devereaux P, Pearse R ( 2015 ) . Association between preoperative resting heart rate and postoperative myocardial injury in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery . ANAESTHESIA . vol. 70 , 28 - 28 .
Milne A, Mon WY, Down J, Obichere A, Ackland GL ( 2015 ) . Contemporary Perioperative Management of Adult Familial Dysautonomia (Riley-Day Syndrome) . A & A Case Reports vol. 4 , ( 9 ) 111 - 113 .
Ackland GL, Cecconi M, Pearse RM ( 2015 ) . Individualised targeted haemodynamic therapy in high-risk surgical patients - authors' reply . The Lancet. Respiratory medicine vol. 3 , ( 4 ) e14 - e15 .
Ackland GL, Prowle JR ( 2015 ) . Presepsin: solving a soluble (CD14) problem in sepsis? . Intensive Care Medicine vol. 41 , ( 2 ) 351 - 353 .
Cain DJ, del Arroyo AG, Ackland GL ( 2015 ) . Man is the new mouse: Elective surgery as a key translational model for multi-organ dysfunction and sepsis . Journal of the Intensive Care Society vol. 16 , ( 2 ) 154 - 163 .
Karmali S, Reyes A, Barnett S, Davies K, Moonesinghe R, John J, Haddad F, Ackland G ( 2015 ) . Frailty and postoperative morbidity following elective orthopaedic surgery . ANAESTHESIA . vol. 70 , 30 - 30 .
Ackland GL ( 2015 ) . Heart Failure and Perioperative Care . ASA Refresher Courses in Anesthesiology vol. 43 , ( 1 ) 7 - 14 .
Karmali S, Jenkins N, Davies K, Reyes A, Edwards J, Kennedy J, Whittle J, Barnett S et al. ( 2015 ) . Vagal modulation by sham feeding and post-operative gastrointestinal dysfunction following elective orthopaedic surgery . ANAESTHESIA . vol. 70 , 30 - 30 .
Ackland GL, Iqbal S, Paredes LG, Toner A, Lyness C, Jenkins N, Bodger P, Karmali S et al. ( 2014 ) . Individualised oxygen delivery targeted haemodynamic therapy in high-risk surgical patients: a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, controlled, mechanistic trial . The Lancet Respiratory Medicine vol. 3 , ( 1 ) 33 - 41 .
Barsukevich V, Basalay M, Sanchez J, Mrochek A, Whittle J, Ackland GL, Gourine AV, Gourine A ( 2014 ) . Distinct cardioprotective mechanisms of immediate, early and delayed ischaemic postconditioning . Basic Research in Cardiology vol. 110 , ( 1 )
Ackland GL, Laing CM ( 2014 ) . Chronic kidney disease: a gateway for perioperative medicine . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 113 , ( 6 ) 902 - 905 .
Sultan P, Edwards MR, del Arroyo AG, Cain D, Sneyd JR, Struthers R, Minto G, Ackland GL ( 2014 ) . Cardiopulmonary Exercise Capacity and Preoperative Markers of Inflammation . Mediators of Inflammation vol. 2014 , ( 1 )
Pearse RM, Harrison DA, MacDonald N, Gillies MA, Blunt M, Ackland G, Grocott MPW, Ahern A et al. ( 2014 ) . Effect of a Perioperative, Cardiac Output–Guided Hemodynamic Therapy Algorithm on Outcomes Following Major Gastrointestinal Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Trial and Systematic Review . JAMA vol. 311 , ( 21 ) 2181 - 2190 .
Fragkou P, Torrance H, Ackland G, Hinds C, Pearse R, O'Dwyer MJ ( 2014 ) . Major gastrointestinal surgery is associated with a specific gene expression profile that is quantitatively associated with infectious complications . European Journal of Anaesthesiology . vol. 31 ,
Fragkou P, Prowle J, Ackland G, Hinds C, Pearse R, O'Dwyer MJ ( 2014 ) . Perioperative blood transfusion is associated with a characteristic immune response, excess infectious complications and death in patients undergoing scheduled major gastrointestinal surgery . European Journal of Anaesthesiology . vol. 31 ,
Botto F, Alonso-Coello P, Chan MTV, Villar JC, Xavier D, Srinathan S, Guyatt G, Cruz P et al. ( 2014 ) . Myocardial Injury after Noncardiac Surgery . Anesthesiology vol. 120 , ( 3 ) 564 - 578 .
Cain DJ, del Arroyo AG, Ackland GL ( 2014 ) . Uncontrolled sepsis: a systematic review of translational immunology studies in intensive care medicine . Intensive Care Medicine Experimental vol. 2 , ( 1 )
Henderson WR, Barnbrook J, Dominelli PB, Griesdale DE, Arndt T, Molgat-Seon Y, Foster G, Ackland GL et al. ( 2014 ) . Administration of intrapulmonary sodium polyacrylate to induce lung injury for the development of a porcine model of early acute respiratory distress syndrome . Intensive Care Medicine Experimental vol. 2 , ( 1 )
Machhada A, Ang R, Ninkina N, Buchman VL, Ackland GL, Lythgoe MF, Marina N, Gourine AV ( 2014 ) . A CNS cell group that controls electrical stability of the heart . EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL . vol. 35 , 435 - 435 .
Fragkou PC, Torrance HD, Pearse RM, Ackland GL, Prowle JR, Owen HC, Hinds CJ, O'Dwyer MJ ( 2014 ) . Perioperative blood transfusion is associated with a gene transcription profile characteristic of immunosuppression: a prospective cohort study . Crit Care vol. 18 , ( 5 ) 014 - 0541 .
Abbott T, Ackland GL ( 2014 ) . The relationships between anesthesia, hemodynamics and outcome . Perioperative Hemodynamic Monitoring and Goal Directed Therapy , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Machhada A, Gourine AV, Lythgoe MF, Ackland GL ( 2014 ) . Vagal mechanisms controlling exercise capacity . EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL . vol. 35 , 953 - 953 .
Ackland GL, Kazymov V, Marina N, Singer M, Gourine AV ( 2013 ) . Peripheral Neural Detection of Danger–Associated and Pathogen–Associated Molecular Patterns . Critical Care Medicine vol. 41 , ( 6 ) e85 - e92 .
Ackland G, Mythen M ( 2013 ) . Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract Including Splanchnic Blood Flow and Tonometry . Gastrointestinal and Colorectal Anesthesia , Taylor & Francis
Toner A, Whittle J, Ackland GL ( 2013 ) . Autonomic Dysfunction Is the Motor of Chronic Critical Illness . Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2013 , Springer Nature
Pearse, Ackland ( 2012 ) . Perioperative fluid therapy . Praxis vol. 101 , ( 17 ) 1113 - 1118 .
Mastitskaya S, Marina N, Gourine A, Gilbey MP, Spyer KM, Teschemacher AG, Kasparov S, Trapp S et al. ( 2012 ) . Cardioprotection evoked by remote ischaemic preconditioning is critically dependent on the activity of vagal pre-ganglionic neurones . Cardiovascular Research vol. 95 , ( 4 ) 487 - 494 .
Basalay M, Barsukevich V, Mastitskaya S, Mrochek A, Pernow J, Sjöquist P, Ackland GL, Gourine AV et al. ( 2012 ) . Remote ischaemic pre‐ and delayed postconditioning – similar degree of cardioprotection but distinct mechanisms . Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology and Cognate Medical Sciences vol. 97 , ( 8 ) 908 - 917 .
Cain D, Ackland G ( 2012 ) . Knowing the risk? NCEPOD 2011: a wake-up call for perioperative practice . British Journal of Hospital Medicine . vol. 73 , 262 - 264 .
Pearse RM, Ackland GL ( 2012 ) . Perioperative fluid therapy . The BMJ vol. 344 , ( apr26 1 )
Dyson A, Cone S, Singer M, Ackland GL ( 2012 ) . Microvascular and macrovascular flow are uncoupled in early polymicrobial sepsis . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 108 , ( 6 ) 973 - 978 .
Ackland GL ( 2012 ) . In Response . Anesthesia & Analgesia vol. 114 , ( 3 )
Sultan P, Hamilton MA, Ackland GL ( 2012 ) . Preoperative muscle weakness as defined by handgrip strength and postoperative outcomes: a systematic review . BMC Anesthesiology vol. 12 , ( 1 )
Ackland GL, Moran N, Cone S, Grocott MPW, Mythen MG ( 2011 ) . Chronic Kidney Disease and Postoperative Morbidity After Elective Orthopedic Surgery . Survey of Anesthesiology vol. 55 , ( 6 ) 287 - 288 .
Holm L, Ackland GL, Edwards MR, Breckenridge RA, Sim RB, Offer J ( 2011 ) . Chemical labelling of active serum thioester proteins for quantification . Immunobiology vol. 217 , ( 2 ) 256 - 264 .
Ackland GL ( 2011 ) . Reply from the authors . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 106 , ( 5 )
Edwards M, Whittle J, Ackland GL ( 2011 ) . Biomarkers to guide perioperative management . Postgraduate Medical Journal vol. 87 , ( 1030 ) 542 - 549 .
Cross J, Edwards M, Harrison S, Richards T, Ackland G ( 2011 ) . Morbidity following complex EVAR . International Journal of Surgery vol. 9 , ( 7 )
Ackland GL, Dyson A, Singer M ( 2010 ) . Arterial Hyperoxia and In-Hospital Mortality After Resuscitation From Cardiac Arrest . JAMA vol. 304 , ( 13 ) 1440 - 1441 .
Ackland GL, Harris S, Ziabari Y, Grocott M, Mythen M, Investigators S ( 2010 ) . Revised cardiac risk index and postoperative morbidity after elective orthopaedic surgery: a prospective cohort study . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 105 , ( 6 ) 744 - 752 .
Barnes SJ, Ackland GL ( 2010 ) . Beta-adrenoreceptor modulation of metabolic, endocrine and immunologic function during critical illness . Endocrine Metabolic & Immune Disorders - Drug Targets vol. 10 , ( 3 ) 292 - 300 .
Ackland GL, Moran N, Cone S, Grocott MPW, Mythen MG ( 2010 ) . Chronic Kidney Disease and Postoperative Morbidity After Elective Orthopedic Surgery . Anesthesia & Analgesia vol. 112 , ( 6 ) 1375 - 1381 .
Ackland GL, Edwards M ( 2010 ) . Defining higher-risk surgery . Current Opinion in Critical Care vol. 16 , ( 4 ) 339 - 346 .
Ackland GL, Yao ST, Rudiger A, Dyson A, Stidwill R, Poputnikov D, Singer M, Gourine AV ( 2010 ) . Cardioprotection, attenuated systemic inflammation, and survival benefit of β1-adrenoceptor blockade in severe sepsis in rats* . Critical Care Medicine vol. 38 , ( 2 ) 388 - 394 .
Ackland GL, Del Arroyo AG, Yao ST, Stephens RC, Dyson A, Klein NJ, Singer M, Gourine AV ( 2010 ) . Low-molecular-weight polyethylene glycol improves survival in experimental sepsis* . Critical Care Medicine vol. 38 , ( 2 ) 629 - 636 .
Paschalis A, Churchill L, Marina N, Kasymov V, Gourine A, Ackland G ( 2009 ) . β1-Adrenoceptor distribution in the rat brain: An immunohistochemical study . Neuroscience Letters vol. 458 , ( 2 ) 84 - 88 .
Ackland G, Agrawal R, Hou C, Patterson A ( 2009 ) . Strain-specific and pathogen-specific physiologic and genomic differences in murine inflammatory cardiac dysfunction . Critical Care vol. 13 , ( Suppl 1 )
Ackland GL, Patterson AJ ( 2009 ) . The Pivotal Role of Beta-adrenoreceptors in Critical Illness Pathophysiology . Intensive Care Medicine , Springer Nature
Ackland G ( 2008 ) . Physical incompatibility between atracurium and intravenous diclofenac . Anaesthesia vol. 56 , ( 3 ) 294 - 294 .
Ackland GL, O’Beirne J, Platts AR, Ward SC ( 2008 ) . False-Positive Presentation of Battle’s Sign During Hepatic Encephalopathy . Neurocritical Care vol. 9 , ( 2 )
Ackland GL, Harrington J, Downie P, Holding JW, Singh-Ranger D, Griva K, Mythen MG, Newman SP ( 2008 ) . Dehydration Induced by Bowel Preparation in Older Adults Does Not Result in Cognitive Dysfunction . Anesthesia & Analgesia vol. 106 , ( 3 ) 924 - 929 .
Ackland GL, Mythen MG ( 2007 ) . Novel biomarkers in critical care: utility or futility? . Critical Care vol. 11 , ( 6 )
Ackland GL, Kasymov V, Gourine AV ( 2007 ) . Physiological and pathophysiological roles of extracellular ATP in chemosensory control of breathing . Biochemical Society Transactions vol. 35 , ( 5 ) 1264 - 1268 .
Ackland GL, Scollay JM, Parks RW, De Beaux I, Mythen MG ( 2007 ) . Pre‐operative high sensitivity C‐reactive protein and postoperative outcome in patients undergoing elective orthopaedic surgery . Anaesthesia vol. 62 , ( 9 ) 888 - 894 .
Ackland GL, Smith M, McGlennan AP ( 2007 ) . Acute, Severe Hypoglycemia Occurring During General Anesthesia in a Nondiabetic Adult . Anesthesia & Analgesia vol. 105 , ( 2 ) 553 - 554 .
Ackland G ( 2006 ) . Perioperative beta-blockade: beyond myocardial ischaemia . British Journal of Hospital Medicine vol. 67 , ( 5 ) 276 - 276 .
Hamilton MA, Mythen MG, Ackland GL ( 2006 ) . Less Is Not More: A Lack of Evidence for Intraoperative Fluid Restriction Improving Outcome After Major Elective Gastrointestinal Surgery . Anesthesia & Analgesia vol. 102 , ( 3 ) 970 - 971 .
Spyer KM, Ackland GL, Gourine AV ( 2006 ) . NEUROPHYSIOLOGY . Encyclopedia of Respiratory Medicine: Volume 1-4 , vol. 1-4 ,
Spyer KM, Ackland GL, Gourine AV ( 2006 ) . NEUROPHYSIOLOGY | Overview . Encyclopedia of Respiratory Medicine , Elsevier
Ackland GL, Fox R ( 2005 ) . Low-dose Propofol Infusion for Controlling Acute Hyperspasticity after Withdrawal of Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy . Anesthesiology vol. 103 , ( 3 ) 663 - 665 .
Ackland GL, Mythen MG ( 2005 ) . Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema as an Unsuspected Imitator of Acute Lung Injury/ARDS . CHEST Journal vol. 127 , ( 5 ) 1867 - 1868 .
Ackland GL, Singh-Ranger D, Fox S, McClaskey B, Down JF, Farrar D, Sivaloganathan M, Mythen MG ( 2004 ) . Assessment of preoperative fluid depletion using bioimpedance analysis . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 92 , ( 1 ) 134 - 136 .
Ackland GL, Gourine AV, Spyer KM ( 2003 ) . Endotoxin impairs the hypoxic ventilatory response in anaesthetized adult rats . INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE . vol. 29 , S86 - S86 .
Ackland G ( 2002 ) . Effect of low‐dose volatile anaesthetics on ventilation during acute hypoxia . Anaesthesia vol. 57 , ( 12 ) 1224 - 1226 .
Ackland G, Grocott MP, Mythen MG ( 2000 ) . Understanding gastrointestinal perfusion in critical care: so near, and yet so far . Critical Care vol. 4 , ( 5 )
Ackland GL, Noble R, Hanson MA ( 1997 ) . Red nucleus inhibits breathing during hypoxia in neonates1Paper presented at the conference of Neural Control of Breathing: Molecular to Organismal Perspectives, Madison, WI, 21–25 July 1996.1 . Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology vol. 110 , ( 2-3 ) 251 - 260 .
Moore PJ, Ackland GL, Hanson MA ( 1996 ) . Unilateral cooling in the region of locus coeruleus blocks the fall in respiratory output during hypoxia in anaesthetized neonatal sheep . Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology and Cognate Medical Sciences vol. 81 , ( 6 ) 983 - 994 .
Waites BA, Ackland GL, Noble R, Hanson MA ( 1996 ) . Red nucleus lesions abolish the biphasic respiratory response to isocapnic hypoxia in decerebrate young rabbits . The Journal of Physiology vol. 495 , ( 1 ) 217 - 225 .
Ackland GL, Moore PJ, Hanson MA ( 1994 ) . Is the Ventilatory Decline Seen in Newborns during Hypoxaemia Centrally Mediated? . Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology vol. 360 , 345 - 348 .
Ackland GL, Moore PJ, Hanson MA ( 1993 ) . Hypoxia inhibits the effect on breathing of transient chemoreceptor stimulation in anaesthetized newborn rabbits . Journal of Physiology . vol. 467 ,