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Publications: Prof Sujoy Mukerji

Mukerji S, Ozsoylev HN, Tallon J ( 2023 ) . TRADING AMBIGUITY: A TALE OF TWO HETEROGENEITIES . International Economic Review
Mukerji S ( 2021 ) . Foundations of ambiguity models under symmetry: -MEU and smooth ambiguity . Journal of Economic Theory
Altug S, Collard F, Çakmaklı C, Mukerji S, Özsöylev H ( 2020 ) . Ambiguous business cycles: A quantitative assessment . Review of Economic Dynamics vol. 38 , 220 - 237 .
Hanany E, Klibanoff P, Mukerji S ( 2020 ) . Incomplete Information Games with Ambiguity Averse Players . American Economic Journal Microeconomics vol. 12 , ( 2 ) 135 - 187 .
Billot A, Mukerji S, Tallon J-M ( 2020 ) . Market Allocations under Ambiguity: A Survey . Revue économique vol. Vol. 71 , ( 2 ) 267 - 282 .
Billot A, Mukerji S, Tallon J-M ( 2020 ) . Market Allocations under Ambiguity: A Survey . REVUE ECONOMIQUE vol. 71 , ( 2 ) 267 - 282 .
MUKERJI S, Cubitt R, van de Kuilen G ( 2019 ) . Discriminating between Models of Ambiguity Attitude: A Qualitative Test . Journal of the European Economic Association
Cubitt R, van de Kuilen G, Mukerji S ( 2018 ) . The strength of sensitivity to ambiguity . Theory and Decision vol. 85 , ( 3-4 ) 275 - 302 .
Collard F, Mukerji S, Sheppard K, Tallon J ( 2018 ) . Ambiguity and the historical equity premium . Quantitative Economics vol. 9 , ( 2 ) 945 - 993 .
Jewitt I, Mukerji S ( 2017 ) . Ordering ambiguous acts . Journal of Economic Theory vol. 171 , 213 - 267 .
Klibanoff P, Mukerji S, Seo K ( 2017 ) . Symmetry axioms and perceived ambiguity . Mathematics and Financial Economics vol. 12 , ( 1 ) 33 - 54 .
Klibanoff P, Mukerji S, Seo K ( 2014 ) . Perceived Ambiguity and Relevant Measures . Econometrica vol. 82 , ( 5 ) 1945 - 1978 .
Klibanoff P, Marinacci M, Mukerji S ( 2012 ) . On the Smooth Ambiguity Model: A Reply . Econometrica vol. 80 , ( 3 ) 1303 - 1321 .
Klibanoff P, Marinacci M, Mukerji S ( 2011 ) . Definitions of ambiguous events and the smooth ambiguity model . Economic Theory vol. 48 , ( 2-3 ) 399 - 424 .
Mukerji S ( 2010 ) . Ambiguity and economic activity: Implications for the current crisis in credit markets . The Economic Crisis and the State of Economics ,
Mukerji S ( 2010 ) . Ambiguity and Economic Activity: Implications for the Current Crisis in Credit Markets . The Economic Crisis and the State of Economics , Springer Nature
Mukerji S ( 2009 ) . FOUNDATIONS OF AMBIGUITY AND ECONOMIC MODELLING . Economics and Philosophy vol. 25 , ( 3 ) 297 - 302 .
Klibanoff P, Marinacci M, Mukerji S ( 2009 ) . Recursive smooth ambiguity preferences . Journal of Economic Theory vol. 144 , ( 3 ) 930 - 976 .
Higashi Y, Mukerji S, Takeoka N, Tallon J ( 2008 ) . Comment on “Ellsberg's two‐color experiment, portfolio inertia and ambiguity” . International Journal of Economic Theory vol. 4 , ( 3 ) 433 - 444 .
Klibanoff P, Marinacci M, Mukerji S ( 2005 ) . A Smooth Model of Decision Making under Ambiguity . Econometrica vol. 73 , ( 6 ) 1849 - 1892 .
Mukerji S, Tallon J-M ( 2004 ) . Ambiguity aversion and the absence of indexed debt . Economic Theory . vol. 24 , 665 - 685 .
( 2004 ) . Uncertainty in Economic Theory, Essays in honor of David Schmeidler's 65th birthday . Taylor & Francis
Mukerji S ( 2004 ) . Ambiguity aversion and incompleteness of contractual form . Uncertainty in Economic Theory: Essays in Honor of David Schmeidler's 65th Birthday ,
Mukerji S, Tallon JM ( 2004 ) . Ambiguity aversion and incompleteness of financial markets . Uncertainty in Economic Theory: Essays in Honor of David Schmeidler's 65th Birthday ,
Mukerji S, Tallon JM ( 2004 ) . An overview of economic applications of David Schmeidler's models of decision making under uncertainty . Uncertainty in Economic Theory: Essays in Honor of David Schmeidler's 65th Birthday ,
Mukerji S, Tallon J-M ( 2004 ) . Ambiguity aversion and the absence of wage indexation . Journal of Monetary Economics vol. 51 , ( 3 ) 653 - 670 .
Mukerji S, Tallon J-M ( 2003 ) . Ellsberg’s two-color experiment, portfolio inertia and ambiguity . Journal of Mathematical Economics vol. 39 , ( 3-4 ) 299 - 316 .
Mukerji S ( 2003 ) . Risk, Ambiguity and Decision . The Economic Journal vol. 113 , ( 485 ) f187 - f188 .
Mukerji S, Shin HS ( 2002 ) . Equilibrium Departures from Common Knowledge in Games with Non-Additive Expected Utility . The BE Journal of Theoretical Economics vol. 2 , ( 1 )
Mukerji S, Tallon J-M ( 2001 ) . Ambiguity Aversion and Incompleteness of Financial Markets . The Review of Economic Studies vol. 68 , ( 4 ) 883 - 904 .
Mukerji S ( 2000 ) . A survey of some applications of the idea of ambiguity aversion in economics . International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol. 24 , ( 2-3 ) 221 - 234 .
Mukerji S ( 1998 ) . Ambiguity Aversion and Incompleteness of Contractual Form . American Economic Review vol. 88 , ( 5 ) 1207 - 1231 .
Mukerji S ( 1997 ) . Understanding the nonadditive probability decision model . Economic Theory vol. 9 , ( 1 ) 23 - 46 .
Mukerji S ( 1996 ) . Understanding the nonadditive probability decision model . Economic Theory vol. 9 , ( 1 ) 23 - 46 .