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Publications: Miss Angela McArthur

Mcarthur A ( 2022 ) . Aesthetic potentials of distance in spatial sound for immersive environments .
McArthur A, Stewart R, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . Accuracy of perceived distance in VR using verbal descriptors . Proceedings of the AES International Conference . vol. 2019-March ,
McArthur A, Sandler M, Stewart R ( 2018 ) . Perception of mismatched auditory distance - Cinematic VR . Proceedings of the AES International Conference . vol. 2018-August , 24 - 33 .
McArthur A, Sandler M, Stewart R ( 2017 ) . Distance in audio for VR: Constraints and opportunities . ACM International Conference Proceeding Series . vol. Part F131930 ,
McArthur A, Stewart R, Sandler M ( 2017 ) . Sounds too true to be good: diegetic infidelity–the case for sound in virtual reality . Journal of Media Practice vol. 18 , ( 1 ) 26 - 40 .