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Publications: Dr Ozge Eyice-Broadbent

Tsola SL, Prevodnik AA, Sinclair LF, Sanders IA, Economou CK, Eyice Ö ( 2024 ) . Methanomethylovorans are the dominant dimethylsulfide-degrading methanogens in gravel and sandy river sediment microcosms . Environmental Microbiome vol. 19 , ( 1 ) 51 - 51 .
Tsola SL, Zhu Y, Chen Y, Sanders IA, Economou CK, Brüchert V, Eyice Ö ( 2024 ) . Methanolobus use unspecific methyltransferases to produce methane from dimethylsulphide in Baltic Sea sediments . Microbiome vol. 12 , ( 1 ) 3 - 3 .
Jameson E, Taubert M, Angel R, Coyotzi S, Chen Y, Eyice Ö, Schäfer H, Murrell JC et al. ( 2022 ) . DNA-, RNA-, and Protein-Based Stable-Isotope Probing for High-Throughput Biomarker Analysis of Active Microorganisms . Metagenomics , vol. 2555 , Springer Nature
Burian A, Pinn D, Peralta-Maraver I, Sweet M, Mauvisseau Q, Eyice O, Bulling M, Röthig T et al. ( 2021 ) . Predation increases multiple components of microbial diversity in activated sludge communities . The ISME Journal: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology vol. 16 , ( 4 ) 1086 - 1094 .
Marchant DJ, Iwan Jones J, Zemelka G, Eyice O, Kratina P ( 2021 ) . Do microplastics mediate the effects of chemicals on aquatic organisms? . Aquatic Toxicology vol. 242 ,
Wilson B, Eyice Ö, Koumoutsos I, Lomer MC, Irving PM, Lindsay JO, Whelan K ( 2021 ) . Prebiotic Galactooligosaccharide Supplementation in Adults with Ulcerative Colitis: Exploring the Impact on Peripheral Blood Gene Expression, Gut Microbiota, and Clinical Symptoms . Nutrients vol. 13 , ( 10 )
Tsola SL, Zhu Y, Ghurnee O, Economou CK, Trimmer M, Eyice Ö ( 2021 ) . Diversity of dimethylsulfide‐degrading methanogens and sulfate‐reducing bacteria in anoxic sediments along the Medway Estuary, UK . Environmental Microbiology vol. 23 , ( 8 ) 4434 - 4449 .
Eyice-Broadbent O ( 2021 ) . Diversity of dimethylsulfide-degrading methanogens and sulfate-reducing bacteria in anoxic sediments along the Medway Estuary, UK . Environmental Microbiology vol. 23 , ( 8 ) 4434 - 4434 .
Khatami K, Atasoy M, Ludtke M, Baresel C, Eyice Ö, Cetecioglu Z ( 2021 ) . Bioconversion of food waste to volatile fatty acids: Impact of microbial community, pH and retention time . Chemosphere vol. 275 ,
Trimmer M, Zhu Y, Purdy K, Eyice Ö, Shen L, Harpenslager S, Yvon-Durocher G, Dumbrell A ( 2020 ) . Disproportionate increase in freshwater methane emissions induced by experimental warming . Nature Climate Change
Atasoy M, Eyice O, Cetecioglu Z ( 2020 ) . A comprehensive study of volatile fatty acids production from batch reactor to anaerobic sequencing batch reactor by using cheese processing wastewater . Bioresource Technology vol. 311 ,
Atasoy M, Eyice Ö, Cetecioglu Z ( 2019 ) . Volatile fatty acid production from semi-synthetic milk processing wastewater under alkali pH: The pearls and pitfalls of microbial culture . Bioresource Technology Article 122415 , 122415 - 122415 .
Kröber E, Eyice Ö ( 2019 ) . Profiling of Active Microorganisms by Stable Isotope Probing—Metagenomics . Stable Isotope Probing vol. 2046 , 151 - 161 .
Atasoy M, Eyice O, Schnurer A, Cetecioglu Z ( 2019 ) . Volatile fatty acids production via mixed culture fermentation: Revealing the link between pH, inoculum type and bacterial composition . Bioresource Tecnology vol. 292 , Article 121889 ,
Owusu-Agyeman I, Eyice Ö, Cetecioglu Z, Plaza E ( 2019 ) . The study of structure of anaerobic granules and methane producing pathways of pilot-scale UASB reactors treating municipal wastewater under sub-mesophilic conditions . Bioresource Technology vol. 290 , Article 121733 , 121733 - 121733 .
Schäfer H, Eyice Ö ( 2019 ) . Microbial Cycling of Methanethiol . Curr Issues Mol Biol vol. 33 , 173 - 182 .
EYICE O, Cetecioglu Z, Dolfing J, Taylor J, Purdy KJ ( 2019 ) . COD/sulfate ratio does not affect the methane yield and microbial diversity in anaerobic digesters . Water Research vol. 155 , 444 - 454 .
Schäfer H, Eyice Ö ( 2019 ) . Microbial Cycling of Methanethiol . Methylotrophs and Methylotroph Communities , Caister Academic Press
Eyice Ö, Myronova N, Pol A, Carrión O, Todd JD, Smith TJ, Gurman SJ, Cuthbertson A et al. ( 2017 ) . Bacterial SBP56 identified as a Cu-dependent methanethiol oxidase widely distributed in the biosphere . The ISME Journal: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology vol. 12 , ( 1 ) 145 - 160 .
Jameson E, Taubert M, Coyotzi S, Chen Y, Eyice Ö, Schäfer H, Murrell JC, Neufeld JD et al. ( 2017 ) . DNA-, RNA-, and Protein-Based Stable-Isotope Probing for High-Throughput Biomarker Analysis of Active Microorganisms . vol. 1539 ,
Eyice Ö, Schäfer H ( 2015 ) . Culture-dependent and culture-independent methods reveal diverse methylotrophic communities in terrestrial environments . Archives of Microbiology vol. 198 , ( 1 ) 17 - 26 .
Kowalczyk A, Eyice Ö, Schäfer H, Price OR, Finnegan CJ, van Egmond RA, Shaw LJ, Barrett G et al. ( 2015 ) . Characterization of para-Nitrophenol-Degrading Bacterial Communities in River Water by Using Functional Markers and Stable Isotope Probing . Applied and Environmental Microbiology vol. 81 , ( 19 ) 6890 - 6900 .
Eyice Ö, Namura M, Chen Y, Mead A, Samavedam S, Schäfer H ( 2015 ) . SIP metagenomics identifies uncultivated Methylophilaceae as dimethylsulphide degrading bacteria in soil and lake sediment . The ISME Journal: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology vol. 9 , ( 11 ) 2336 - 2348 .
Eyice Ö, Ince O, Ince BK ( 2014 ) . Monitoring the abundance and the activity of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in a full-scale nitrifying activated sludge reactor . Environmental Science and Pollution Research vol. 22 , ( 3 ) 2328 - 2334 .
Ince O, Kolukirik M, Cetecioglu Z, Eyice O, Inceoglu O, Ince B ( 2009 ) . Toluene inhibition on an anaerobic reactor sludge in terms of potential activity and composition of acetoclastic methanogens . Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A vol. 44 , ( 14 ) 1551 - 1556 .
Akarsubasi AT, Eyice O, Miskin I, Head IM, Curtis TP ( 2009 ) . Effect of Sludge Age on the Bacterial Diversity of Bench Scale Sequencing Batch Reactors . Environmental Science and Technology vol. 43 , ( 8 ) 2950 - 2956 .
Ince O, Kolukirik M, Cetecioglu Z, Eyice O, Tamerler C, Ince BK ( 2007 ) . Methanogenic and sulphate reducing bacterial population levels in a full-scale anaerobic reactor treating pulp and paper industry wastewater using fluorescence in situ hybridisation . Water Science & Technology vol. 55 , ( 10 ) 183 - 191 .
Eyice O, Ince BK, Coskuner G, Sozen S, Ince O ( 2007 ) . Identification of nitrifiers in a full-scale biological treatment system using fluorescent in situ hybridization . Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A vol. 42 , ( 4 ) 517 - 523 .
Oz NA, Ince O, Ince BK, Akarsubasi AT, Eyice O ( 2003 ) . Microbial Population Dynamics in an Anaerobic CSTR Treating a Chemical Synthesis-Based Pharmaceutical Wastewater . Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A vol. 38 , ( 10 ) 2029 - 2042 .

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