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Publications: Prof John London

London J ( 2024 ) . Experiencing performance and performing experience . The Experience of Translation , Taylor & Francis
London J ( 2023 ) . Laughing, Spanish Style: Moreto and Tirso de Molina in the Third Reich . Dramaturgies of War , Springer Nature
Guerson A, Johnson PM, Ibarreche XG, London J, Chislett W, Bellver CG, Colom-Montero G, Fiddian R et al. ( 2023 ) . Reviews of Books . Bulletin of Spanish Studies vol. 100 , ( 6 ) 927 - 944 .
London J ( 2023 ) . Baroque Lorca: An Archaist Playwright for the New Stage . Hispanic Research Journal vol. 23 , ( 4 ) 357 - 358 .
London J ( 2023 ) . Catalonia: A New History, Andrew Dowling (2023) . International Journal of Iberian Studies vol. 36 , ( 1 ) 101 - 103 .
London J ( 2023 ) . Futurism in Latin America. Special Issue: International Yearbook of Futurism Studies . Hispanic Research Journal vol. 22 , ( 6 ) 664 - 665 .
London J ( 2023 ) . Laughing, Spanish Style: Moreto and Tirso de Molina in the Third Reich . Dramaturgies of War: Institutional Dramaturgy, Politics, and Conflict in 20th-Century Germany ,
London J ( 2023 ) . Restaging Futurism and Joan Brossa: Provocation or Observation with a Glass of Champagne or a Cup of Tea . The Edinburgh Companion to Modernism in Contemporary Theatre , Editors: Warden, C, Paxton, N, Johnson,, N, Curtin, A et al. , Edinburgh University Press
London J ( 2022 ) . Comedy in French Catalonia: Adventures in mockery and self-mockery . Acting Funny on the Catalan Stage: El teatre còmic en català (1900-2016) ,
London J, Sansano G ( 2022 ) . Studying catalan theatrical comedy: An introduction . Acting Funny on the Catalan Stage: El teatre còmic en català (1900-2016) ,
London J, Sansano G ( 2022 ) . Acting Funny on the Catalan Stage / El teatre còmic en català . Editors: London, J, Sansano, G , Peter Lang ( Oxford ),
London J ( 2022 ) . Llúcia Bartre: Amateur Theatre in French Catalonia during World War Two . Tot el món és igual que un escenari : estudis d'història, crítica i didàctica del teatre oferts a Enric Gallén en el seu setantè aniversari , Editors: Gibert, M, Ortín, M, Pujol, D , Institut d'Estudis Catalans
London J ( 2022 ) . Theatre and Theatricality in Joan Brossa’s Poesia escènica . Del teatre de l'absurd als nous paradigmes performatius , Editors: Sansano, G, Marcillas-Piquer, I , Punctum ( Lleida ),
London J ( 2021 ) . The History of the Performance of American Drama in Spain, 1912–1977: Theatre as a Weapon against Political Authoritarianism . Hispanic Research Journal vol. 21 , ( 6 ) 720 - 721 .
London J ( 2020 ) . Joan Brossa, Brossa El ventríloc . Editors: London, J , Institut del Teatre
London J ( 2020 ) . A Companion to Early Modern Hispanic Theater . The European Legacy vol. 26 , ( 1 ) 99 - 101 .
London J ( 2019 ) . Jacint Verdaguer. Mount Canigó: A Tale of Catalonia . Hispanic Research Journal vol. 19 , ( 6 ) 665 - 667 .
London J ( 2019 ) . Shadows of Survival: A Child’s Memoir of the Warsaw Ghetto . The European Legacy vol. 24 , ( 6 ) 680 - 682 .
LONDON J ( 2019 ) . Translating Titles and Content: Artistic Image and Theatrical Action . Translating Across Sensory and Linguistic Borders , Editors: Campbell, M, VIDAL, R , Palgrave ( New York ),
LONDON J ( 2018 ) . Rodolf Sirera’s El verí del teatre (The Audition): Creating Performance, Reality and Politics On Stage . Iberian and Latin American Studies - Catalan Culture Experimentation, Creative Imagination and the Relationship with Spain ,
London J ( 2017 ) . Teatros nacionales republicanos: la Segunda República y el teatro clásico español by David Rodríguez-Solás (review) . Revista Hispánica Moderna vol. 70 , ( 2 ) 234 - 236 .
LONDON J ( 2015 ) . National Frontiers on Stage: An Ironic Reality in Europe . De fronteres: arts escèniques , Editors: Santamaria, N , Punctum ( Lleida ),
LONDON J ( 2014 ) . Dramatúrgia i personatges del teatre de Rodolf Sirera: existeixen noves categories analítiques? . Rodolf Sirera actes de la III Jornada sobre els Escriptors Valencians Actuals : València 2012 , Editors: no editors , Valè€ncia Publicacions de l'Acadè€mia Valenciana de la Llengua D.L. 2014