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Publications: Dr Nikolaos Gkranias

Goldstein M, Donos N, Teughels W, Gkranias N, Temmerman A, Derks J, Kuru BE, Carra MC et al. ( 2024 ) . Structure, governance and delivery of specialist training programs in periodontology and implant dentistry . Journal Of Clinical Periodontology vol. 51 , ( S27 ) 55 - 90 .
Herrera D, Chapple I, Jepsen S, Berglundh T, Tonetti MS, Kebschull M, Sculean A, Papapanou PN et al. ( 2024 ) . Consensus report of the second European Consensus Workshop on Education in Periodontology . Journal Of Clinical Periodontology vol. 51 , ( S27 ) 4 - 37 .
Calciolari E, Corbella S, Gkranias N, Viganó M, Sculean A, Donos N ( 2023 ) . Efficacy of biomaterials for lateral bone augmentation performed with guided bone regeneration. A network meta‐analysis . Periodontology 2000 vol. 93 , ( 1 ) 77 - 106 .
Perussolo J, Teh M-T, Gkranias N, Tiberi S, Petrie A, Cutino-Moguel M-T, Donos N ( 2023 ) . Efficacy of three antimicrobial mouthwashes in reducing SARS-CoV-2 viral load in the saliva of hospitalized patients: a randomized controlled pilot study . Scientific Reports vol. 13 , ( 1 )
Krajewski A, Perussolo J, Gkranias N, Donos N ( 2023 ) . Influence of periodontal surgery on the subgingival microbiome—A systematic review and meta‐analysis . Journal of Periodontal Research vol. 58 , ( 2 ) 308 - 324 .
Nibali L, Gkranias N, Mainas G, Di Pino A ( 2022 ) . Periodontitis and implant complications in diabetes . Periodontology 2000 vol. 90 , ( 1 ) 88 - 105 .
ZOU L, FORTUNE F, NIBALI L, GKRANIAS N, MARDAS N, DONOS N . 3D Sequential Spacal and Thermal Measurements . Conference: Proceedings of 3DBODY.TECH 2021 - 12th International Conference and Exhibition on 3D Body Scanning and Processing Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, 19-20 October 2021
Nibali L, Koidou V, Salomone S, Hamborg T, Allaker R, Ezra R, Zou L, Tsakos G et al. ( 2019 ) . Minimally invasive non-surgical vs. surgical approach for periodontal intrabony defects: a randomised controlled trial . Trials vol. 20 , ( 1 )
D'Aiuto F, GKRANIAS ND, Bowruth D, Tauseef K, Orlandi M, Suvan J, Masi S, Tsakos G et al. ( 2018 ) . Systemic effects of periodontitis treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes: a 12 month, single-centre, investigator-masked, randomised trial . Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology vol. 6 , ( 12 ) P954 - 965 .
Liu LS, Gkranias N, Farias B, Spratt D, Donos N ( 2018 ) . Differences in the subgingival microbial population of chronic periodontitis in subjects with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus—a systematic review . Clinical Oral Investigations vol. 22 , ( 8 ) 2743 - 2762 .
Needleman I, Garcia R, GKRANIAS ND, Kirkwood KL, Kocher T, Iorio AD, Moreno F, Petrie A ( 2018 ) . Mean annual attachment, bone level, and tooth loss: A systematic review . Journal of Periodontology
Needleman I, Garcia R, Gkranias N, Kirkwood KL, Kocher T, Di Iorio A, Moreno F, Petrie A ( 2018 ) . Mean annual attachment, bone level, and tooth loss: A systematic review . Journal Of Clinical Periodontology vol. 45 , ( S20 ) s112 - s129 .
Tatarakis N, Gkranias N, Darbar U, Donos N ( 2017 ) . Blood flow changes using a 3D xenogeneic collagen matrix or a subepithelial connective tissue graft for root coverage procedures: a pilot study . Clinical Oral Investigations vol. 22 , ( 4 ) 1697 - 1705 .
Dufty J, GKRANIAS ND, Donos N ( 2017 ) . Necrotising Ulcerative Gingivitis: A Literature Review . Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry
Dufty J, Gkranias N, Petrie A, McCormick R, Elmer T, Donos N ( 2016 ) . Prevalence and treatment of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) in the British Armed Forces: a case-control study . Clinical Oral Investigations
Bhowruth DJ, Khan T, Gkranias N, Orlandi M, Suvan J, Hingorani A, Hurel S, Donos N et al. ( 2015 ) . Impact of periodontitis on endothelial function in patients with type 2 diabetes from different ethnic groups . EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL . vol. 36 , 95 - 95 .
Masi S, Gkranias N, Li K, Salpea KD, Parkar M, Orlandi M, Suvan JE, Eng HL et al. ( 2014 ) . Association Between Short Leukocyte Telomere Length, Endotoxemia, and Severe Periodontitis in People With Diabetes: A Cross-Sectional Survey . Diabetes Care vol. 37 , ( 4 ) 1140 - 1147 .
Masi S, Bhowruth D, Orlandi M, Parkar MP, Suvan JE, Gkranias N, Hurel S, Donos N et al. ( 2014 ) . Mitochondrial oxidative stress, inflammation and endothelial function in people with type 2 diabetes . EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL . vol. 35 , 740 - 740 .
Gkranias ND, Graziani F, Sculean A, Donos N ( 2010 ) . Wound healing following regenerative procedures in furcation degree III defects: histomorphometric outcomes . Clinical Oral Investigations vol. 16 , ( 1 ) 239 - 249 .

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