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Publications: Dr Richard Clegg

Arnold NA, Zhong P, Ba CT, Steer B, Mondragon R, Cuadrado F, Lambiotte R, Clegg RG ( 2024 ) . Insights and caveats from mining local and global temporal motifs in cryptocurrency transaction networks . Scientific Reports vol. 14 , ( 1 )
Sthankiya K, Saeed N, Mcsorley G, Jaber M, Clegg RG ( 2024 ) . A Survey on AI-Driven Energy Optimization in Terrestrial Next Generation Radio Access Networks . IEEE Access vol. 12 , 157540 - 157555 .
Barnes MR, Karan M, McQuistin S, Perkins C, Tyson G, Purver M, Castro I, Clegg RG ( 2024 ) . Temporal Network Analysis of Email Communication Patterns in a Long Standing Hierarchy . AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media . Conference: arxiv vol. abs/2311.13442 ,
Sthankiya K, Briggs K, Jaber M, Clegg RG ( 2024 ) . AI-Ready Energy Modelling for Next Generation RAN . Conference: 2024 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) from: 21/04/2024 to: 24/04/2024 , vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Arnold NA, Mondragón RJ, Clegg RG ( 2023 ) . Using a Bayesian approach to reconstruct graph statistics after edge sampling . Applied Network Science vol. 8 , ( 1 ) 80 - 80 .
Steer B, Arnold NA, Ba CT, Lambiotte R, Yousaf H, Jeub L, Murariu F, Kapoor S et al. ( 2023 ) . Raphtory: The temporal graph engine for Rust and Python . The Journal of Open Source Software vol. 9 , ( 95 ) 5940 - 5940 .
Arnold NA, Mondragón RJ, Clegg RG ( 2023 ) . Reconstructing Degree Distribution and Triangle Counts from Edge-Sampled Graphs . Complex Networks and Their Applications XI , vol. 1078 , Springer Nature
Barnes MR, Nicosia V, Clegg RG ( 2023 ) . Measuring Equality and Hierarchical Mobility on Abstract Complex Networks . Complex Networks XIII , Springer Nature
Arnold N, Steer BA, Hafnaoui I, Parada G HA, Mondragon RJ, Cuadrado F, Clegg RG ( 2021 ) . Moving with the Times: Investigating the Alt-Right Network Gab with Temporal Interaction Graphs . Conference: ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing
Malekzadeh M, Clegg R, Cavallaro A, Haddadi H ( 2021 ) . DANA: Dimension-Adaptive Neural Architecture for Multivariate Sensor Data . Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies vol. 5 , ( 3 )
Arnold NA, Mondragón RJ, Clegg RG ( 2021 ) . Likelihood-based approach to discriminate mixtures of network models that vary in time . Scientific Reports vol. 11 , ( 1 )
Alasmar M, Clegg R, Zakhleniuk N, Parisis G ( 2021 ) . Internet Traffic Volumes are Not Gaussian—They are Log-Normal: An 18-Year Longitudinal Study With Implications for Modelling and Prediction . IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking vol. 29 , ( 3 ) 1266 - 1279 .
Yin H, Clegg RG, Mondragón RJ ( 2020 ) . Simplification of networks by conserving path diversity and minimisation of the search information . Scientific Reports vol. 10 , ( 1 )
Yin H, Clegg RG, Mondragon RJ ( 2020 ) . Simplification of networks via conservation of path diversity and minimisation of the search information . Scientific Reports
Malekzadeh M, Clegg RG, Cavallaro A, Haddadi H ( 2020 ) . Privacy and utility preserving sensor-data transformations . Pervasive and Mobile Computing vol. 63 ,
Katevas K, Hänsel K, Clegg R, Leontiadis I, Haddadi H, Tokarchuk L ( 2019 ) . Finding dory in the crowd: Detecting social interactions using multi-modal mobile sensing . SenSys-ML 2019 - Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Machine Learning on Edge in Sensor Systems, Part of SenSys 201937 - 42 .
Steer B, Cuadrado F, Clegg R ( 2019 ) . Raphtory: Streaming analysis of distributed temporal graphs . Future Generation Computer Systems: the international journal of grid computing: theory, methods and applications vol. 102 , 453 - 464 .
Alasmar M, Parisis G, CLEGG R, Zakhleniuk N ( 2019 ) . On the Distribution of Traffic Volumes in the Internet and its Implications . Conference: IEEE INFOCOM ( Paris, France ) from: 29/04/2019 to: 02/05/2019 ,
Malekzadeh M, Clegg RG, Cavallaro A, Haddadi H ( 2019 ) . Mobile sensor data anonymization . Conference: Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation49 - 58 .
Sultana N, Galea S, Greaves D, Wójcik M, Shipton J, Clegg RG, Mai L, Bressana P et al. ( 2019 ) . EMU: Rapid prototyping of networking services . Proceedings of the 2017 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, USENIX ATC 2017 . 459 - 471 .
Malekzadeh M, Clegg RG, Haddadi H ( 2018 ) . Replacement autoencoder: a privacy-preserving algorithm for sensory data analysis . Proceedings - ACM/IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation, IoTDI 2018165 - 176 .
Malekzadeh M, Clegg RG, Cavallaro A, Haddadi H ( 2018 ) . Protecting Sensory Data against Sensitive Inferences . Conference: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Privacy by Design in Distributed Systems1 - 6 .
Clegg RG, Smith MJ ( 2018 ) . Dynamic simulation of a simple Route Guidance System in the presence of responsive signal control policies . Behavioural and Network Impacts of Driver Information Systems , vol. 12 ,
Katevas K, Tokarchuk L, Haddadi H, Clegg RG, Irfan M ( 2017 ) . Demo . Conference: Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services190 - 190 .
Steer BA, Cuadrado F, Clegg RG ( 2017 ) . Raphtory . Conference: Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems341 - 342 .
CLEGG R, Landa R, Griffin D, Rio M, Hughes P, Kegel I, Stevens T, Pietzuch P et al. ( 2017 ) . Faces in the Clouds: Long-Duration, Multi-User, Cloud-Assisted Video Conferencing . IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing
Landa R, Charalambides M, Clegg RG, Griffin D, Rio M ( 2017 ) . Self-Tuning Service Provisioning for Decentralized Cloud Applications . IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management vol. 13 , ( 2 ) 197 - 211 .
Katevas K, Tokarchuk L, Haddadi H, Clegg RG, Irfan M ( 2017 ) . Detecting Group Formations using iBeacon Technology . MOBISYS'17: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 15TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MOBILE SYSTEMS, APPLICATIONS, AND SERVICES . 190 - 190 .
Landa R, Araujo JT, CLEGG R, Pavlou G, Fukuda K ( 2016 ) . On rate limitation mechanisms for TCP throughput: a longitudinal analysis . Computer Networks
Katevas K, Haddadi H, Tokarchuk L, Clegg RG ( 2016 ) . Detecting Group Formations using iBeacon Technology . Conference: HASCA @ UbiComp 2016
Alim A, Clegg RG, et al ( 2016 ) . FLICK: Developing and Running Application-Specific Network Services . Conference: USENIX Annual Technical Conference ( Denver Colorado ) from: 22/06/2016 to: 24/06/2016 ,
Nordin N, Clegg RG, Rio M ( 2016 ) . Multichannel Cross-Layer Routing for Sensor Networks . Conference: 2016 23rd International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT)1 - 6 .
Clegg RG, Parker B, Rio M ( 2016 ) . Likelihood-based assessment of dynamic networks . Journal of Complex Networkscnv031 - cnv031 .
Katevas K, Haddadi H, Tokarchuk L, Clegg RG ( 2015 ) . Walking in Sync . Conference: Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Workshop on Physical Analytics25 - 29 .
Clegg RG, Landa R, Araújo JT, Mykoniati E, Griffin D, Rio M ( 2014 ) . TARDIS . ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review vol. 42 , ( 1 ) 593 - 594 .
Araújo JT, Landa R, Clegg RG, Pavlou G ( 2014 ) . Software-defined network support for transport resilience . Conference: 2014 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS)1 - 8 .
Araújo JT, Landa R, Clegg RG, Pavlou G, Fukuda K ( 2014 ) . A Longitudinal Analysis of Internet Rate Limitations . Conference: IEEE INFOCOM 2014 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications1438 - 1446 .
Clegg RG, Spencer J, Landa R, Thakur M, Mitchell J, Rio M ( 2014 ) . Pushing Software Defined Networking to the access . Conference: 2014 Third European Workshop on Software Defined Networks31 - 36 .
Landa R, Araújo JT, Clegg RG, Mykoniati E, Griffin D, Rio M ( 2013 ) . The large-scale geography of Internet round trip times . 2013 IFIP Networking Conference, IFIP Networking 2013 .
Landa R, Clegg RG, Araújo JT, Mykoniati E, Griffin D, Rio M ( 2013 ) . Measuring the Relationships between Internet Geography and RTT . Conference: 2013 22nd International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN)1 - 7 .
Clegg RG, Araújo JT, Landa R, Mykoniati E, Griffin D, Rio M ( 2013 ) . On the relationship between fundamental measurements in TCP flows . Conference: 2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)2502 - 2506 .
Clegg RG, Clayman S, Pavlou G, Mamatas L, Galis A ( 2013 ) . On the Selection of Management/Monitoring Nodes in Highly Dynamic Networks . IEEE Transactions on Computers vol. 62 , ( 6 ) 1207 - 1220 .
Clegg RG, Isam S, Kanaras I, Darwazeh I ( 2012 ) . A practical system for improved efficiency in frequency division multiplexed wireless networks . IET Communications vol. 6 , ( 4 ) 449 - 457 .
Landa R, Mykoniati E, Clegg RG, Griffin D, Rio M ( 2012 ) . Modelling the Tradeoffs in Overlay-ISP Cooperation . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 7290 , 223 - 237 .
Clayman S, Clegg R, Mamatas L, Pavlou G, Galis A ( 2011 ) . Monitoring, aggregation and filtering for efficient management of virtual networks . 2011 7th International Conference on Network and Service Management, CNSM 2011 .
Hecht FV, Boeck T, Clegg RG, Landa R, Hausheer D, Stiller B ( 2011 ) . LiveShift: Mesh-Pull Live and Time-Shifted P2P Video Streaming . Conference: 2011 IEEE 36th Conference on Local Computer Networks315 - 323 .
Clegg RG, Landa R, Rio M ( 2011 ) . Criticisms of modelling packet traffic using long-range dependence (extended version) . Journal of Computer and System Sciences vol. 77 , ( 5 ) 861 - 868 .
Araújo JT, Clegg R, Grandi I, Rio M, Pavlou G ( 2011 ) . Balancing by PREFLEX: Congestion Aware Traffic Engineering . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 6641 , 135 - 149 .
Psaras I, Clegg RG, Landa R, Chai WK, Pavlou G ( 2011 ) . Modelling and Evaluation of CCN-Caching Trees . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 6640 , 78 - 91 .
Clegg RG ( 2010 ) . A discrete-time Markov-modulated queuing system with batched arrivals . Performance Evaluation vol. 67 , ( 5 ) 376 - 385 .
Woldeselassie M, Clegg RG, Rio M ( 2010 ) . Forecasting Full-Path Network Congestion Using One Bit Signalling . Conference: 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications1 - 5 .
Clegg RG, Di Cairano-Gilfedder C, Zhou S ( 2010 ) . A critical look at power law modelling of the Internet . Computer Communications vol. 33 , ( 3 ) 259 - 268 .
Clegg RG, Landa R, Griffin D, Mykoniati E, Rio M ( 2009 ) . Performance of locality-aware topologies for peer-to-peer live streaming . IET Software vol. 3 , ( 6 ) 470 - 479 .
Clegg RG, Landa R, Haddadi H, Rio M ( 2009 ) . Measuring the likelihood of models for network evolution . Proceedings - IEEE INFOCOM .
Clegg RG, Landa R, Rio M ( 2009 ) . Criticisms of modelling packet traffic using long-range dependence . Conference: 2009 Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks61 - 74 .
Redman-White W, Bugbee M, Dobbs S, Wu X, Balmford R, Nuttgens J, Kiani US, Clegg R et al. ( 2009 ) . A Robust High Speed Serial PHY Architecture with Feed-Forward Correction Clock and Data Recovery . IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits vol. 44 , ( 7 ) 1914 - 1926 .
Clegg RG, Landa R, Rio M, Harder U ( 2009 ) . A likelihood based framework for assessing network evolution models tested on real network data . Conference: Proceedings of the 1st Annual Workshop on Simplifying Complex Network for Practitioners1 - 6 .
Clegg RG, Withall MS, Moore AW, Phillips IW, Parish DJ, Rio M, Landa R, Haddadi H et al. ( 2009 ) . Challenges in the capture and dissemination of measurements from high-speed networks . IET Communications vol. 3 , ( 6 ) 957 - 966 .
Landa R, Griffin D, Clegg RG, Mykoniati E, Rio M ( 2009 ) . A Sybilproof Indirect Reciprocity Mechanism for Peer-to-Peer Networks . Conference: IEEE INFOCOM 2009343 - 351 .
Mykoniati E, Latif L, Landa R, Yang B, Clegg R, Griffin D, Rio M ( 2009 ) . Distributed Overlay Anycast Tables using Space Filling Curves . Conference: IEEE INFOCOM Workshops 20091 - 6 .
Clegg RG, Landa R, Haddadi H, Rio M ( 2009 ) . Measuring the likelihood of models for network evolution . Conference: IEEE INFOCOM Workshops 20091 - 6 .
Mykoniati E, Latif L, Landa R, Yang B, Clegg R, Griffin D, Rio M ( 2009 ) . Distributed Overlay Anycast Tables using Space Filling Curves . IEEE INFOCOM 2009 - IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS WORKSHOPS . 19 - 24 .
Mykoniati E, Landa R, Spirou S, Clegg RG, Latif L, Griffin D, Rio M ( 2008 ) . Scalable peer-to-peer streaming for live entertainment content . IEEE Communications Magazine vol. 46 , ( 12 ) 40 - 46 .
Redman-White W, Bugbee M, Dobbs S, Wu X, Balmford R, Nuttgens J, Kiani U, Clegg R et al. ( 2008 ) . A robust 1.5Gb/s + 3Gb/s serial PHY with feed-forward correction clock and data recovery . Conference: ESSCIRC 2008 - 34th European Solid-State Circuits Conference170 - 173 .
Landa R, Rio M, Griffin D, Clegg R, Mykoniati E ( 2008 ) . Incentives Against Hidden Action in QoS Overlays . Conference: 2008 Eighth International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing12 - 21 .
Clegg RG, Landa R, Haddadi H, Rio M, Moore AW ( 2008 ) . Techniques for flow inversion on sampled data . Conference: IEEE INFOCOM 2008 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops1 - 6 .
Clegg RG ( 2006 ) . A set theoretic framework for enumerating matches in surveys and its application to reducing inaccuracies in vehicle roadside surveys . European Journal of Operational Research vol. 175 , ( 3 ) 1501 - 1513 .
Clegg RG ( 2006 ) . A practical guide to measuring the hurst parameter . International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology vol. 7 , ( 2 ) 3 - 14 .
Di Cairano-Gilfedder C, Clegg RG ( 2005 ) . A decade of Internet research — advances in models and practices . BT Technology Journal vol. 23 , ( 4 ) 115 - 128 .
Clegg RG, Dodson M ( 2005 ) . Markov chain-based method for generating long-range dependence . Physical Review E vol. 72 , ( 2 )
Clegg RG, Clune AJ ( 1999 ) . MUSIC Project: Urban Traffic Control for Traffic Demand Management . Transportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board vol. 1682 , ( 1 ) 55 - 61 .
Clegg R, Ghali MO, Smith MJ ( 1996 ) . Equilibrium/control results and the approach to near-equilibrium of a new dynamic micro-simulation/assignment model on a network model of York . Proceedings of the International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering . 568 - 572 .