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Publications: Dr Stephan Dickert

Grant MD, Markowitz DM, Sherman DK, Flores A, Dickert S, Eom K, Jiga-Boy GM, Kogut T et al. ( 2024 ) . Ideological diversity of media consumption predicts COVID-19 vaccination . Scientific Reports vol. 14 , ( 1 )
Erlandsson A, Dickert S ( 2024 ) . A Typology of Psychological Mechanisms Underlying Prosocial Decisions . Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Tommasi F, Ceschi A, Sartori R, Trifiletti E, Vignoli M, Dickert S ( 2024 ) . Discriminations in remote work contexts: the pivotal role of diversity and equality management . International Journal of Workplace Health Management vol. 17 , ( 4 ) 301 - 318 .
Tommasi F, Sartori R, Ceschi A, Dickert S ( 2024 ) . What makes a workday meaningful? Evidence on the role of task significance, competence and subjective meaningful work . Evidence-based HRM a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship vol. ahead-of-print , ( ahead-of-print )
Tommasi F, Sartori R, Ceschi A, Michailidis E, Dickert S ( 2024 ) . EVIDENCE OF SYSTEMATIC COGNITIVE ERRORS IN JOB PERFORMANCE SELF-RATINGS . TPM - Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology vol. 31 , ( 1 ) 25 - 39 .
Erlandsson A, Dickert S, Moche H, Västfjäll D, Chapman C ( 2023 ) . Beneficiary effects in prosocial decision making: Understanding unequal valuations of lives . European Review of Social Psychology
Priolo G, Vacondio M, Dickert S, Bonini N ( 2023 ) . The influence of COVID-19 Mortality Rate Formats on Emotional Reactions, Risk perception, and self-protective Behavioral Intentions . Journal of Risk Research vol. 26 , ( 11 ) 1174 - 1190 .
Rubaltelli E, Dickert S, Markowitz DM, Slovic P ( 2023 ) . Political ideology shapes risk and benefit judgments of COVID‐19 vaccines . Risk Analysis vol. 44 , ( 1 ) 126 - 140 .
Vacondio M, Dickert S ( 2023 ) . Risk . The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible , Springer Nature
Dickert S, Slovic P ( 2023 ) . Attentional mechanisms in the generation of sympathy . Judgment and Decision Making vol. 4 , ( 4 ) 297 - 306 .
Ashby NJS, Dickert S, Glöckner A ( 2023 ) . Focusing on what you own: Biased information uptake due to ownership . Judgment and Decision Making vol. 7 , ( 3 ) 254 - 267 .
Erlandsson A, Lindkvist A, Lundqvist K, Andersson PA, Dickert S, Slovic P, Västfjäll D ( 2023 ) . Moral preferences in helping dilemmas expressed by matching and forced choice . Judgment and Decision Making vol. 15 , ( 4 ) 452 - 475 .
Dickert S, Kleber J, Peters E, Slovic P ( 2023 ) . Numeracy as a precursor to pro-social behavior: The impact of numeracy and presentation format on the cognitive mechanisms underlying donation decisions . Judgment and Decision Making vol. 6 , ( 7 ) 638 - 650 .
Rubaltelli E, Dickert S, Slovic P ( 2023 ) . Response mode, compatibility, and dual-processes in the evaluation of simple gambles: An eye-tracking investigation . Judgment and Decision Making vol. 7 , ( 4 ) 427 - 440 .
Moche H, Erlandsson A, Dickert S, Västfjäll D ( 2023 ) . The potential and pitfalls of unit asking in reducing scope insensitivity . Judgment and Decision Making vol. 18 , ( 1 )
Fruchter GE, Reutterer T, Dickert S, Vacondio M ( 2022 ) . Dynamic Formation of Quality Expectations: Theory and Empirical Evidence . Review of Marketing Science vol. 0 , ( 0 )
Ramos J, Grant MD, Dickert S, Eom K, Flores A, Jiga-Boy GM, Kogut T, Mayorga M et al. ( 2022 ) . Structured reflection increases intentions to reduce other people’s health risks during COVID-19 . PNAS Nexus vol. 1 , ( 5 )
Hagman W, Tinghög G, Dickert S, Slovic P, Västfjäll D ( 2022 ) . Motivated Down-Regulation of Emotion and Compassion Collapse Revisited . Frontiers in Psychology vol. 13 , 801150 - 801150 .
Pittarello A, Motsenok M, Dickert S, Ritov I ( 2022 ) . When the poor give more than the rich: The role of resource evaluability on relative giving . Journal of Behavioral Decision Making vol. 36 , ( 1 )
Khalid AS, Dickert S ( 2022 ) . Empathy at the Gates: Reassessing Its Role in Moral Decision Making . Frontiers in Psychology vol. 13 ,
Flores A, Cole JC, Dickert S, Eom K, Jiga-Boy GM, Kogut T, Loria R, Mayorga M et al. ( 2022 ) . Politicians polarize and experts depolarize public support for COVID-19 management policies across countries . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America vol. 119 , ( 3 )
Erlandsson A, Moche H, Dickert S ( 2021 ) . A new typology of psychological mechanisms underlying prosocial decisions .
Manika D, Dickert S, Golden LL ( 2021 ) . Check (it) yourself before you wreck yourself: The benefits of online health information exposure on risk perception and intentions to protect oneself . Technological Forecasting and Social Change vol. 173 ,
Ceschi A, Sartori R, Dickert S, Scalco A, Tur EM, Tommasi F, Delfini K ( 2021 ) . Testing a norm-based policy for waste management: An agent-based modeling simulation on nudging recycling behavior . Journal of Environmental Management vol. 294 ,
Ceschi A, Tommasi F, Costantini A, Malavasi G, Dickert S, Sartori R ( 2021 ) . A “GRRR” Goal Orientation Process-Model: Workplace Long-Term Relationships Among Grit, Resilience and Recovery . Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Grit , Springer Nature
Vacondio M, Priolo G, Dickert S, Bonini N ( 2021 ) . Worry, Perceived Threat and Media Communication as Predictors of Self-Protective Behaviors During the COVID-19 Outbreak in Europe . Frontiers in Psychology vol. 12 ,
Bjälkebring P, Henning G, Västfjäll D, Dickert S, Brehmer Y, Buratti S, Hansson I, Johansson B ( 2020 ) . Helping Out or Helping Yourself? Volunteering and Life Satisfaction Across the Retirement Transition . Psychology and Aging
Costantini A, Dickert S, Ceschi A, Sartori R ( 2020 ) . Return to work after maternity leave: the role of support policies on work attitudes of women in management positions . Gender in Management: an international journal
Vacondio M, Dickert S ( 2020 ) . Risk . The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible , Springer Nature
Thürridl C, Kamleitner B, Ruzeviciute R, Süssenbach S, Dickert S ( 2020 ) . From happy consumption to possessive bonds: When positive affect increases psychological ownership for brands . Journal of Business Research vol. 107 , 89 - 103 .
Rubaltelli E, Hysenbelli D, Dickert S, Mayorga M, Slovic P ( 2019 ) . Asymmetric cost and benefit perceptions in willingness‐to‐donate decisions . Journal of Behavioral Decision Making vol. 33 , ( 3 ) 304 - 322 .
HAGMAN W, ERLANDSSON A, DICKERT S, TINGHÖG G, VÄSTFJÄLL D ( 2019 ) . The effect of paternalistic alternatives on attitudes toward default nudges . Behavioural Public Policy vol. 6 , ( 1 ) 95 - 118 .
Costantini A, Dickert S, Ceschi A, Sartori R ( 2018 ) . Psychological processes underlying organizational reward management . The Routledge Companion to Reward Management , Taylor & Francis
Costantini A, Dickert S, Ceschi A, Sartori R ( 2018 ) . Psychological processes underlying organizational reward management The role of perceived organizational support and effort-reward management . The Routledge Companion to Reward Management ,
Dickert S, Ashby NJS, Dickert A ( 2018 ) . Trading Under the Influence: The Effects of Psychological Ownership on Economic Decision-Making . Psychological Ownership and Consumer Behavior , Springer Nature
Dickert S, Kamleitner B, Süssenbach S, Geveze E ( 2017 ) . “My” Losing Proposition: The Role of Ownership in Sunk Cost Effects: An Abstract . Back to the Future: Using Marketing Basics to Provide Customer Value , Springer Nature
Hermstrüwer Y, Dickert S ( 2017 ) . Sharing is daring: An experiment on consent, chilling effects and a salient privacy nudge . International Review of Law and Economics vol. 51 , 38 - 49 .
Ceschi A, Costantini A, Dickert S, Sartori R ( 2017 ) . The impact of occupational rewards on risk taking among managers . Journal of Personnel Psychology vol. 16 , ( 2 ) 104 - 111 .
Schaat S, Jager W, Dickert S ( 2017 ) . Psychologically Plausible Models in Agent-Based Simulations of Sustainable Behavior . Agent-Based Modeling of Sustainable Behaviors , Springer Nature
Scalco A, Ceschi A, Shiboub I, Sartori R, Frayret J-M, Dickert S ( 2017 ) . The Implementation of the Theory of Planned Behavior in an Agent-Based Model for Waste Recycling: A Review and a Proposal . Agent-Based Modeling of Sustainable Behaviors , Springer Nature
Ashby NJS, Jekel M, Dickert S, Glöckner A ( 2016 ) . Finding the right fit: A comparison of process assumptions underlying popular drift-diffusion models . J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn vol. 42 , ( 12 ) 1982 - 1993 .
Ceschi A, Sartori R, Dickert S, Costantini A ( 2016 ) . Grit or Honesty-Humility? New Insights into the Moderating Role of Personality between the Health Impairment Process and Counterproductive Work Behavior . Frontiers in Psychology vol. 7 , 1799 - 1799 .
Bjälkebring P, Västfjäll D, Dickert S, Slovic P ( 2016 ) . Response: Commentary: Greater Emotional Gain from Giving in Older Adults: Age-Related Positivity Bias in Charitable Giving . Front Psychol vol. 7 , 1887 - 1887 .
Bjälkebring P, Västfjäll D, Dickert S, Slovic P ( 2016 ) . Greater emotional gain from giving in older adults: Age-related positivity bias in charitable giving . Frontiers in Psychology vol. 7 , ( JUN )
Dickert S, Kleber J, Västfjäll D, Slovic P ( 2016 ) . Mental Imagery, Impact, and Affect: A Mediation Model for Charitable Giving . PLOS ONE vol. 11 , ( 2 )
Kamleitner B, Dickert S ( 2015 ) . The two faces of ownership: Introduction to the special section on ownership and economic decisions . Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics vol. 58 , 159 - 161 .
Schaat S, Miladinović A, Wilker S, Kollmann S, Dickert S, Geveze E, Gruber V ( 2015 ) . Emotion in Consumer Simulations for the Development and Testing of Recommendations for Marketing Strategies . Conference: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Emotions and Personality in Personalized Systems 201525 - 32 .
Dickert S, Västfjäll D, Kleber J, Slovic P ( 2015 ) . Scope insensitivity: The limits of intuitive valuation of human lives in public policy . Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition vol. 4 , ( 3 ) 248 - 255 .
Ceschi A, Dorofeeva K, Sartori R, Dickert S, Scalco A ( 2015 ) . A Simulation of Householders’ Recycling Attitudes Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior . Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing . vol. 372 , 177 - 184 .
Ceschi A, Scalco A, Dickert S, Sartori R ( 2015 ) . Compassion and Prosocial Behavior. Is it Possible to Simulate them Virtually? . Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing . vol. 372 , 207 - 214 .
Schaat S, Wilker S, Miladinovic A, Dickert S, Geveze E, Gruber V ( 2015 ) . Modelling Emotion and Social Norms for Consumer Simulations Exemplified in Social Media . Conference: 2015 International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII)851 - 856 .
Dickert S, Västfjäll D, Mauro R, Slovic P ( 2015 ) . The Feeling of Risk: Implications for Risk Perception and Communication . The SAGE Handbook of Risk Communication , SAGE Publications
Kamleitner B, Dickert S, Falahrastegar M, Haddadi H ( 2013 ) . Information bazaar . Conference: Proceedings of the 5th ACM workshop on HotPlanet57 - 62 .
Kleber J, Dickert S, Peters E, Florack A ( 2013 ) . Same numbers, different meanings: How numeracy influences the importance of numbers for pro-social behavior . Journal of Experimental Social Psychology vol. 49 , ( 4 ) 699 - 705 .
Slovic P ( 2013 ) . The Feeling of Risk, New Perspectives on Risk Perception . Taylor & Francis
Fiedler S, Glöckner A, Nicklisch A, Dickert S ( 2013 ) . Social Value Orientation and information search in social dilemmas: An eye-tracking analysis . Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes vol. 120 , ( 2 ) 272 - 284 .
Kleber J, Dickert S, Betsch T ( 2013 ) . The Influence of Differential Focus on the Endowment Effect in Risky Objects . European Journal of Psychology Open vol. 72 , ( 3 ) 159 - 164 .
Dickert S, Västfjäll D, Kleber J, Slovic P ( 2012 ) . Valuations of human lives: normative expectations and psychological mechanisms of (ir)rationality . Synthese vol. 189 , ( Suppl 1 ) 95 - 105 .
Dickert S, Herbig B, Glöckner A, Gansen C, Portack R ( 2012 ) . The More the Better? Effects of Training, Experience and Information Amount in Legal Judgments . Wiley pp. 223 - 233 .
Dickert S, Sagara N, Slovic P ( 2011 ) . Affective motivations to help others: A two‐stage model of donation decisions . Journal of Behavioral Decision Making vol. 24 , ( 4 ) 361 - 376 .
( 2011 ) . The Science of Giving, Experimental Approaches to the Study of Charity . Taylor & Francis
Dickert S, Sagara N, Slovic P ( 2011 ) . Affective motivations to help others: A two-stage model of donation decisions . The Science of Giving: Experimental Approaches to the Study of Charity ,
Ashby NJS, Glöckner A, Dickert S ( 2011 ) . Conscious and Unconscious Thought in Risky Choice: Testing the Capacity Principle and the Appropriate Weighting Principle of Unconscious Thought Theory . Frontiers in Psychology vol. 2 ,
Dickert S, Slovic P ( 2011 ) . Unstable Values in Lifesaving Decisions . Frontiers in Psychology vol. 2 ,
Yau JYK, Joy M, Dickert S ( 2010 ) . A mobile context-aware framework for managing learning schedules - data analysis from a diary study . Educational Technology and Society vol. 13 , ( 3 ) 22 - 32 .
( 2009 ) . Foundations for Tracing Intuition, Challenges and Methods . Taylor & Francis
Dickert S, Slovic P ( 2008 ) . Attentional mechanisms in the generation of sympathy . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY . vol. 43 , 268 - 268 .
Baumeister R, Vohs K ( 2007 ) . Values . Encyclopedia of Social Psychology , SAGE Publications
Peters E, Västfjäll D, Slovic P, Mertz CK, Mazzocco K, Dickert S ( 2006 ) . Numeracy and Decision Making . Psychological Science vol. 17 , ( 5 ) 407 - 413 .