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Publications: Mrs Caterina Gennaioli

Carattini S, Fankhauser S, Gao J, Gennaioli C, Panzarasa P ( 2023 ) . What does network analysis teach us about international environmental cooperation? . Ecological Economics vol. 205 ,
Dechezleprêtre A, Gennaioli C, Martin R, Muûls M, Stoerk T ( 2021 ) . Searching for carbon leaks in multinational companies . Journal of Environmental Economics and Management vol. 112 ,
Clare A, Fankhauser S, Gennaioli C ( 2017 ) . The national and international drivers of climate change legislation . Trends in Climate Change Legislation , Edward Elgar Publishing
Gennaioli C, Tavoni M ( 2016 ) . Clean or dirty energy: evidence of corruption in the renewable energy sector . Public Choice vol. 166 , ( 3-4 ) 261 - 290 .
Fankhauser S, Gennaioli C, Collins M ( 2015 ) . The political economy of passing climate change legislation: Evidence from a survey . Global Environmental Change vol. 35 , 52 - 61 .
Doda B, Gennaioli C, Gouldson A, Grover D, Sullivan R ( 2015 ) . Are Corporate Carbon Management Practices Reducing Corporate Carbon Emissions? . Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management vol. 23 , ( 5 ) 257 - 270 .
Fankhauser S, Gennaioli C, Collins M ( 2015 ) . Do international factors influence the passage of climate change legislation? . Climate Policy vol. 16 , ( 3 ) 318 - 331 .
Gennaioli C, Martin R, Muûls M ( 2013 ) . Using micro data to examine causal effects of climate policy . Handbook on Energy and Climate Change , Edward Elgar Publishing
Gennaioli C, Martin R, Muûls M ( 2013 ) . Chapter 20: Using micro data to examine causal effects of climate policy . Handbook on Energy and Climate Change , Edward Elgar Publishing
Gennaioli C, Tavoni M ( 2012 ) . Wind Energy and Corruption; Evidence from Italian Data . Conference: 2012 9th International Conference on the European Energy Market vol. 1 , 1 - 9 .
Gennaioli C ( 2010 ) . Go Divisive or Not? How Political Campaigns Affect Turnout . Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob ,