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Publications: Prof Matthew Hilton

HILTON MJ ( 2018 ) . Charity and the end of empire: British Non-Governmental Organisations, Africa and international development in the 1960s . American Historical Review vol. 123 , ( 2 ) 493 - 517 .
HILTON MJ ( 2018 ) . Oxfam and the Problem of NGO Aid Appraisal in the 1960s . Humanity ( Spring 2018 ) 2 - 18 .
Hilton M ( 2016 ) . Charity, Decolonization and Development: The Case of the Starehe Boys School, Nairobi* . Past & Present vol. 233 , ( 1 ) 227 - 267 .
HILTON MJ, Connell K ( 2015 ) . The working practices of Birmingham's Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies . Social History vol. 40 , ( 3 ) 287 - 311 .
HILTON MJ ( 2015 ) . Ken Loach and the Save the Children Film: Humanitarianism, Imperialism, and the Changing Role of Charity in Postwar Britain . The Journal of Modern History vol. 87 , ( 2 ) 357 - 394 .