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Publications:  Mr Xiaoshuai Zhang

Liu C, Chai KK, Zhang X, Lau ET, Chen Y(2018). Adaptive Blockchain-Based Electric Vehicle Participation Scheme in Smart Grid Platform. IEEE Access vol. 6, 25657-25665.
Ma Z, Poslad S, Hu S, Zhang X (2018). A fast path matching algorithm for indoor positioning systems using magnetic field measurements. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC. vol. 2017-October, 1-5.
Zhang X, Poslad S, Ma Z (2018). A semi-outsourcing secure data privacy scheme for IoT data transmission. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC. vol. 2017-October, 1-5.
Ma Z, Poslad S, Bigham J, Zhang X, Men L (2017). A BLE RSSI ranking based indoor positioning system for generic smartphones. Wireless Telecommunications Symposium.
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