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Publications: Mr Jonathan Goncalves Filippon

Nungo S, Filippon J, Russo G ( 2024 ) . Social Health Insurance for Universal Health Coverage in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs): a retrospective policy analysis of attainments, setbacks and equity implications of Kenya’s social health insurance model . BMJ Open vol. 14 , ( 12 )
Filippon J ( 2024 ) . The political economy of the National Health Service in the United Kingdom . The Routledge Handbook of the Political Economy of Health and Healthcare , Taylor & Francis
da Silva MSM, Carnut L, Filippon J ( 2023 ) . O modelo hegemônico de alocação de recursos e a escola de pensamento de economia de saúde de York: aproximações para a compreensão de uma estratégia liberalizante . JMPHC | Journal of Management & Primary Health Care | ISSN 2179-6750 vol. 15 , ( spec ) e034 - e034 .
Rola RCF, Carnut L, Filippon J ( 2022 ) . Alocação de recursos financeiros em saúde no sistema de saúde da Escócia: uma revisão integrativa para se refletir sobre o caso brasileiro . JMPHC | Journal of Management & Primary Health Care | ISSN 2179-6750 vol. 14 , ( spec ) e029 - e029 .
Barcelos MRB, de Fátima Almeida Lima E, Bof SMS, da Silva MBDO, Filippon J, de Figueiredo KC, Vargas TB, Barroso JAM et al. ( 2022 ) . O enfrentamento da sífilis em Vitória (ES) 2016-2019: avaliação qualitativa para a gestão pública . Research Society and Development vol. 11 , ( 11 ) e399111133646 - e399111133646 .
Russo G, Silva TJ, Gassasse Z, Filippon J, Rotulo A, Kondilis E ( 2021 ) . The impact of economic recessions on health workers: a systematic review and best-fit framework synthesis of the evidence from the last 50 years . Health Policy and Planning vol. 36 , ( 4 ) 542 - 551 .
Rocha EMS, Sarti TD, Azevedo GDD, Filippon J, Siqueira CEG, Andrade MAC ( 2021 ) . A dimensão da formação no Programa Mais Médicos: hiato entre propostas e implementação . Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica vol. 45 , ( 1 )
Rocha EMS, Sarti TD, de Azevedo GD, Filippon J, Siqueira CEG, Andrade MAC ( 2021 ) . Education in the Mais Médicos program: the gap between proposals and implementation . Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica vol. 45 , ( 01 )
Russo G, Levi ML, de Britto e Alves MTSS, de Oliveira BLCA, de Carvalho RHDSBF, Andrietta LS, Filippon JG, Scheffer MC ( 2020 ) . How the ‘plates’ of a health system can shift, change and adjust during economic recessions: A qualitative interview study of public and private health providers in Brazil’s São Paulo and Maranhão states . PLOS ONE vol. 15 , ( 10 )
Turino F, Filippon J, Sodré F, Siqueira CE ( 2020 ) . Reinventing Privatization: A Political Economic Analysis of the Social Health Organizations in Brazil . International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services vol. 51 , ( 1 ) 90 - 100 .
Filippon J, Bremner S, Giovanella L, Pollock A ( 2020 ) . An ecological study of publicly funded elective hip arthroplasties in Brazil and Scotland: do access inequalities reinforce the inverse care law? . JRSM Open vol. 11 , ( 5 )
Alvarenga AA, Rocha EMS, Filippon J, Andrade MAC ( 2020 ) . Desafios do Estado brasileiro diante da pandemia de COVID-19: o caso da paradiplomacia maranhense . Cadernos de Saúde Pública vol. 36 , ( 12 )
Jesus TS, Kondilis E, Filippon J, Russo G ( 2019 ) . Impact of economic recessions on healthcare workers and their crises’ responses: study protocol for a systematic review of the qualitative and quantitative evidence for the development of an evidence-based conceptual framework . BMJ Open vol. 9 , ( 11 )
Santos M, Filippon J, Mendes Á, Kondilis E ( 2019 ) . International Trade and Health Care in Brazil: An Unpredicted Tale Threatening Health Care Entitlement? . International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services vol. 49 , ( 2 ) 343 - 359 .
Filippon J, Giovanella L, Konder M, Pollock AM, LANCASTER J ( 2016 ) . “Liberalizing” the English National Health Service: background and risks to healthcare entitlement . Cadernos de Saúde Pública
de Oliveira Toso BRG, Filippon J, Giovanella L ( 2016 ) . Atuação do enfermeiro na Atenção Primária no Serviço Nacional de Saúde da Inglaterra . Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem vol. 69 , ( 1 ) 182 - 191 .
Filippon J ( 2015 ) . The opening of the national healthcare market to Foreign Direct Investment: effects of the global market in Brazil . Saúde em Debate vol. 39 , ( 107 ) 1127 - 1137 .
Filippon J ( 2015 ) . Slow and costly access to anonymised patient data impedes academic research . The BMJ vol. 351 ,
Filippon JG, Kantorski LP, Saeki T ( 2015 ) . Democracy and achievement: mental health as a municipal public policy . Physis Revista de Saúde Coletiva vol. 25 , ( 1 ) 187 - 208 .
Filippon J, Kantorski LP ( 2012 ) . Humanization and madness, in search of the Human who dialogues health . Physis Revista de Saúde Coletiva vol. 22 , ( 2 ) 659 - 680 .

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