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Publications: Mr Giuliano Russo

Nungo S, Filippon J, Russo G ( 2024 ) . Social Health Insurance for Universal Health Coverage in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs): a retrospective policy analysis of attainments, setbacks and equity implications of Kenya’s social health insurance model . BMJ Open vol. 14 , ( 12 )
Bhattacharjya S, Curtis S, Kueakomoldej S, von Zweck C, Russo G, Mani K, Kamalakannan S, Ledgerd R et al. ( 2024 ) . Developing a Global Strategy for strengthening the occupational therapy workforce: a two-phased mixed-methods consultation of country representatives shows the need for clarifying task-sharing strategies . Human Resources for Health vol. 22 , ( 1 )
Coveney L, Musoke D, Russo G ( 2023 ) . Do private health providers help achieve Universal Health Coverage? A scoping review of the evidence from low-income countries . Health Policy and Planning vol. 38 , ( 9 ) 1050 - 1063 .
Russo G, de Oliveira BLCAL, Cassenote AJF, Scheffer MC ( 2023 ) . What happened to health labour markets during COVID-19? Insights from the analysis of cross-sectional survey data on the perceptions of medical doctors in Brazil . BMJ Open vol. 13 , ( 8 )
Russo G, Perelman J, Zapata T, Šantrić-Milićević M ( 2023 ) . The layered crisis of the primary care medical workforce in the European region: what evidence do we need to identify causes and solutions? . Human Resources for Health vol. 21 , ( 1 )
Bah A, Russo G ( 2023 ) . Factors that influenced utilization of antenatal and immunization services in two local government areas in The Gambia during COVID-19: An interview-based qualitative study . PLOS ONE vol. 18 , ( 6 )
Manjate NJ, Sitoe N, Sambo J, Guimarães E, Canana N, Chilaúle J, Viegas S, Nguenha N et al. ( 2023 ) . Testing for SARS-CoV-2 in resource-limited settings: A cost analysis study of diagnostic tests using different Ag-RDTs and RT-PCR technologies in Mozambique . PLOS Global Public Health vol. 3 , ( 6 )
Shayo EH, Nassor NK, Mboera LEG, Ngadaya E, Mangesho P, Bakari M, Urassa M, Seif M et al. ( 2023 ) . The impacts of COVID-19 and its policy response on access and utilization of maternal and child health services in Tanzania: A mixed methods study . PLOS Global Public Health vol. 3 , ( 5 )
Dias IWH, Matijasevich A, Russo G, Scheffer MC ( 2023 ) . Effects of individual and organizational factors on job tenure of primary care physicians: A multilevel analysis from Brazil . PLOS ONE vol. 18 , ( 4 )
Scheffer M, Paiva VSF, Barberia LG, Russo G ( 2022 ) . Monkeypox in Brazil between stigma, politics, and structural shortcomings: have we not been here before? . The Lancet Regional Health - Americas vol. 17 ,
Russo G, Cassenote A, De Oliveira BLCA, Scheffer M ( 2022 ) . Demographic and professional risk factors of SARS-CoV-2 infections among physicians in low- and middle-income settings: Findings from a representative survey in two Brazilian states . PLOS Global Public Health vol. 2 , ( 10 )
Scheffer M, Cassenote A, de Britto e Alves MTSS, Russo G ( 2022 ) . The multiple uses of telemedicine during the pandemic: the evidence from a cross-sectional survey of medical doctors in Brazil . Globalization and Health vol. 18 , ( 1 )
de Oliveira BLCA, Andrietta LS, Reis RS, de Carvalho RHDSBF, de Britto e Alves MTSS, Scheffer MC, Russo G ( 2022 ) . The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Physicians’ Working Hours and Earnings in São Paulo and Maranhão States, Brazil . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health vol. 19 , ( 16 )
Russo G, Jesus TS, Deane K, Osman AY, McCoy D ( 2021 ) . Epidemics, Lockdown Measures and Vulnerable Populations: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review of the Evidence of Impacts on Mother and Child Health in Low- and Lower-Middle-Income Countries . International Journal of Health Policy and Management vol. 0 , ( 10 ) 2003 - 2021 .
Bird V, He FJ, Heritage P, Kelly P, MacGregor G, Martineau A, McCoy D, Montag D et al. ( 2021 ) . The United Kingdom's global health funding cuts will exacerbate inequities . Nat Microbiol
Russo G, Silva TJ, Gassasse Z, Filippon J, Rotulo A, Kondilis E ( 2021 ) . The impact of economic recessions on health workers: a systematic review and best-fit framework synthesis of the evidence from the last 50 years . Health Policy and Planning vol. 36 , ( 4 ) 542 - 551 .
Russo G, Levi ML, de Britto e Alves MTSS, de Oliveira BLCA, de Carvalho RHDSBF, Andrietta LS, Filippon JG, Scheffer MC ( 2020 ) . How the ‘plates’ of a health system can shift, change and adjust during economic recessions: A qualitative interview study of public and private health providers in Brazil’s São Paulo and Maranhão states . PLOS ONE vol. 15 , ( 10 )
Scheffer MC, Pastor-Valero M, Russo G, Hernández-Aguado I ( 2020 ) . Revolving doors and conflicts of interest in health regulatory agencies in Brazil . BMJ Global Health vol. 5 , ( 4 )
Andrietta LS, Levi ML, Scheffer MC, de Britto e Alves MTSS, de Oliveira BLCA, Russo G ( 2020 ) . The differential impact of economic recessions on health systems in middle-income settings: a comparative case study of unequal states in Brazil . BMJ Global Health vol. 5 , ( 2 )
Russo G, Cassenote AJF, Guilloux AGA, Scheffer MC ( 2020 ) . The role of private education in the selection of primary care careers in low and middle-income countries. Findings from a representative survey of medical residents in Brazil . Human Resources for Health vol. 18 , ( 1 )
Jesus TS, Kondilis E, Filippon J, Russo G ( 2019 ) . Impact of economic recessions on healthcare workers and their crises’ responses: study protocol for a systematic review of the qualitative and quantitative evidence for the development of an evidence-based conceptual framework . BMJ Open vol. 9 , ( 11 )
Russo G, Xu L, McIsaac M, Matsika-Claquin MD, Dhillon I, McPake B, Campbell J ( 2019 ) . Health workers’ strikes in low-income countries: the available evidence . Bulletin of the World Health Organization vol. 97 , ( 7 ) 460 - 467h .
Chemlal S, Russo G ( 2019 ) . Why do they take the risk? A systematic review of the qualitative literature on informal sector abortions in settings where abortion is legal . BMC Women's Health vol. 19 , ( 1 )
Delgado AP, Dias S, Tolentino A, Russo G, Ferrinho P ( 2018 ) . Evolução da Política de Educação Médica em Cabo Verde . Saúde e Sociedade vol. 27 , ( 4 ) 1186 - 1205 .
Miotto BA, Guilloux AGA, Cassenote AJF, Mainardi GM, Russo G, Scheffer MC ( 2018 ) . Physician’s sociodemographic profile and distribution across public and private health care: an insight into physicians’ dual practice in Brazil . BMC Health Services Research vol. 18 , ( 1 )
Bertone MP, Falisse J-B, Russo G, Witter S ( 2018 ) . Context matters (but how and why?) A hypothesis-led literature review of performance based financing in fragile and conflict-affected health systems . PLOS ONE vol. 13 , ( 4 )
Leão T, Campos-Matos I, Bambra C, Russo G, Perelman J ( 2018 ) . Welfare states, the Great Recession and health: Trends in educational inequalities in self-reported health in 26 European countries . PLoS One vol. 13 , ( 2 ) e0193165 - e0193165 .
Russo G, Fronteira I, Jesus TS, Buchan J ( 2018 ) . Understanding nurses’ dual practice: a scoping review of what we know and what we still need to ask on nurses holding multiple jobs . Human Resources for Health vol. 16 , ( 1 )
Uguru N, Etiaba E, Uzochukwu B, Ajuba M, Russo G, Huss R, Onwujekwe O ( 2018 ) . Exploring actors roles in formulation of the human resources for health policy in Nigeria . Nigerian Journal of Medicine vol. 27 , ( 1 )
Russo G, Bloom G, McCoy D ( 2017 ) . Universal health coverage, economic slowdown and system resilience: Africa's policy dilemma . BMJ Glob Health vol. 2 , ( 3 ) Article e000400 , e000400 - e000400 .
Campos-Matos I, Russo G, Gonçalves L ( 2017 ) . Shifting determinants of health inequalities in unstable times: Portugal as a case study . European Journal of Public Health vol. 28 , ( 1 ) 4 - 9 .
Rego I, Russo G, Gonçalves L, Perelman J, Pita Barros P ( 2017 ) . Economic Crisis and Portuguese National Health Service Physicians: Findings from a Descriptive Study of Their Perceptions and Reactions from Health Care Units in the Greater Lisbon Area . Acta Médica Portuguesa vol. 30 , ( 4 ) 263 - 272 .
Guerreiro CS, Hartz Z, Sambo L, Conceição C, Dussault G, Russo G, Viveiros M, Silveira H et al. ( 2017 ) . Scientific Research Policy for Health in Portugal: II - Facts and Suggestions . Acta Médica Portuguesa vol. 30 , ( 3 ) 233 - 242 .
Russo G, Pires CA, Perelman J, Gonçalves L, Barros PP ( 2017 ) . Exploring public sector physicians’ resilience, reactions and coping strategies in times of economic crisis; findings from a survey in Portugal’s capital city area . BMC Health Services Research vol. 17 , ( 1 )
Guerreiro CS, Hartz Z, Sambo L, Conceição C, Dussault G, Russo G, Viveiros M, Silveira H et al. ( 2017 ) . Scientific Research Policy for Health in Portugal: I - European and National Environment . Acta Médica Portuguesa vol. 30 , ( 2 ) 141 - 147 .
Russo G, Pavignani E, Guerreiro CS, Neves C ( 2017 ) . Can we halt health workforce deterioration in failed states? Insights from Guinea-Bissau on the nature, persistence and evolution of its HRH crisis . Human Resources for Health vol. 15 , ( 1 )
Mirzoev T, Das M, Ebenso B, Uzochukwu B, Rawat B, Blok L, Russo G, Thepthien B-O et al. ( 2017 ) . Contextual influences on the role of evidence in health policy development: what can we learn from six policies in India and Nigeria? . Evidence & Policy vol. 13 , ( 1 ) 59 - 79 .
Leão T, Campos-Matos I, Russo G, Perelman J ( 2016 ) . Health inequalities in Europe: where are we evolving to? . European Journal of Public Health vol. 26 , ( suppl_1 )
Russo G, Rego I, Perelman J, Barros PP ( 2016 ) . A tale of loss of privilege, resilience and change: the impact of the economic crisis on physicians and medical services in Portugal . Health Policy vol. 120 , ( 9 ) 1079 - 1086 .
Campos-Matos I, Russo G, Perelman J ( 2016 ) . Connecting the dots on health inequalities – a systematic review on the social determinants of health in Portugal . International Journal for Equity in Health vol. 15 , ( 1 )
McPake B, Russo G, Hipgrave D, Hort K, Campbell J ( 2015 ) . Implications of dual practice for universal health coverage . Bulletin of the World Health Organization vol. 94 , ( 2 ) 142 - 146 .
Onwujekwe O, Uguru N, Russo G, Etiaba E, Mbachu C, Mirzoev T, Uzochukwu B ( 2015 ) . Role and use of evidence in policymaking: an analysis of case studies from the health sector in Nigeria . Health Research Policy and Systems vol. 13 , ( 1 )
Gregório J, Russo G, Lapão LV ( 2015 ) . Pharmaceutical services cost analysis using time-driven activity-based costing: A contribution to improve community pharmacies' management . Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy vol. 12 , ( 3 ) 475 - 485 .
Russo G, Gonçalves L, Craveiro I, Dussault G ( 2015 ) . Feminization of the medical workforce in low-income settings; findings from surveys in three African capital cities . Human Resources for Health vol. 13 , ( 1 )
Etiaba E, Uguru N, Ebenso B, Russo G, Ezumah N, Uzochukwu B, Onwujekwe O ( 2015 ) . Development of oral health policy in Nigeria: an analysis of the role of context, actors and policy process . BMC Oral Health vol. 15 , ( 1 )
Russo G, Banda G ( 2015 ) . Re-Thinking Pharmaceutical Production in Africa; Insights from the Analysis of the Local Manufacturing Dynamics in Mozambique and Zimbabwe . Studies in Comparative International Development vol. 50 , ( 2 ) 258 - 281 .
Oliveira C, Russo G ( 2015 ) . Vertical interventions and system effects; have we learned anything from past experiences? . Pan African Medical Journal vol. 21 ,
McPake B, Russo G, Tseng F-M ( 2014 ) . How do dual practitioners divide their time? The cases of three African capital cities . Social Science & Medicine vol. 122 , 113 - 121 .
Russo G, de Oliveira L, Shankland A, Sitoe T ( 2014 ) . On the margins of aid orthodoxy: the Brazil-Mozambique collaboration to produce essential medicines in Africa . Globalization and Health vol. 10 , ( 1 )
Russo G, de Sousa B, Sidat M, Ferrinho P, Dussault G ( 2014 ) . Why do some physicians in Portuguese-speaking African countries work exclusively for the private sector? Findings from a mixed-methods study . Human Resources for Health vol. 12 , ( 1 )
Mirzoev T, Das M, Ebenso B, Rawat B, Uguru N, Russo G, Bymolt R, Huss R ( 2014 ) . Contextual influences on the role of evidence in health policy development: insights from India and Nigeria . BMC Health Services Research vol. 14 , ( Suppl 2 )
Huss R, Das M, Ebenso B, Rawat B, Onwujekwe O, Russo G, Blok L, Weerasak P et al. ( 2014 ) . Participation of policy actors in the development of health policies in India and Nigeria and the implications for the role of evidence in policy-making . BMC Health Services Research vol. 14 , ( Suppl 2 )
Cabral L, Russo G, Weinstock J ( 2014 ) . Brazil and the Shifting Consensus on Development Co‐operation: Salutary Diversions from the ‘Aid‐effectiveness’ Trail? . Development Policy Review vol. 32 , ( 2 ) 179 - 202 .
Russo G, McPake B, Fronteira I, Ferrinho P ( 2013 ) . Negotiating markets for health: an exploration of physicians’ engagement in dual practice in three African capital cities . Health Policy and Planning vol. 29 , ( 6 ) 774 - 783 .
Lapão LV, Gregório J, Ferreira T, Cavaco A, Lovis C, Russo G, Da Silva MM ( 2013 ) . eHealth Services for Enhanced Pharmaceutical Care Provision: from Counseling to Patient Education . Conference: 2013 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH)1 - 7 .
Russo G, Shankland A ( 2013 ) . Brazil’s engagement in health co-operation: what can it contribute to the global health debate? . Health Policy and Planning vol. 29 , ( 2 ) 266 - 270 .
Russo G, Cabral L, Ferrinho P ( 2013 ) . Brazil-Africa technical cooperation in health: what’s its relevance to the post-Busan debate on ‘aid effectiveness’? . Globalization and Health vol. 9 , ( 1 )
Russo G, Ferrinho P, de Sousa B, Conceição C ( 2012 ) . What influences national and foreign physicians’ geographic distribution? An analysis of medical doctors’ residence location in Portugal . Human Resources for Health vol. 10 , ( 1 )
Ferrinho F, Amaral M, Russo G, Ferrinho P ( 2012 ) . Purchasing power of civil servant health workers in Mozambique . Pan African Medical Journal vol. 11 ,
McPake B, Hongoro C, Russo G ( 2011 ) . Two-tier charging in Maputo Central Hospital: Costs, revenues and effects on equity of access to hospital services . BMC Health Services Research vol. 11 , ( 1 )
Tyrrell AK, Russo G, Dussault G, Ferrinho P ( 2010 ) . Costing the scaling-up of human resources for health: lessons from Mozambique and Guinea Bissau . Human Resources for Health vol. 8 , ( 1 )
Wirtz VJ, Russo G, Kageyama-Escobar MDLL ( 2010 ) . Access to medicines by ambulatory health service users in Mexico: an analysis of the national health surveys 1994 to 2006 . Salud Pública de México vol. 52 , ( 1 ) 30 - 38 .
Russo G, McPake B ( 2009 ) . Medicine prices in urban Mozambique: a public health and economic study of pharmaceutical markets and price determinants in low-income settings . Health Policy and Planning vol. 25 , ( 1 ) 70 - 84 .

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