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Publications: Dr Edo Boek

Wu J, Meeten GH, Jones TGJ, Cagney N, Boek ES ( 2024 ) . Membrane fouling during the harvesting of microalgae using static microfiltration . Separation and Purification Technology
Collins IR, Floriano DC, Paevskiy I, Wee J, Boek ES, Mohammadi MK ( 2024 ) . Transition from oil & gas drilling fluids to geothermal drilling fluids . Geoenergy Science and Engineering vol. 233 ,
Erfani H, Haghani R, McClure J, Boek E, Berg CF ( 2023 ) . Spatial Characterization of Wetting in Porous Media Using Local Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations . Transport in Porous Media vol. 151 , ( 3 ) 429 - 448 .
Huang Y, Liang Y, Masuda Y, Cui W, Tsuji T, Matsuoka T, Boek ES, Takabayashi K ( 2023 ) . Evaluation of Asphaltene Hildebrand and Hansen Solubility Parameters Using Digital Oil Models with Molecular Dynamics Simulation . Energy & Fuels vol. 37 , ( 19 ) 14699 - 14713 .
Cui W, Huo K, Sugiyama S, Liang Y, Masuda Y, Morimoto M, Matsuoka T, Boek ES et al. ( 2022 ) . Microstructural evolution of bitumen during the glass transition: An application of digital oil . Fuel vol. 335 ,
Luo Z, Burrows SA, Smoukov SK, Fan X, Boek ES ( 2022 ) . Extension of the TraPPE Force Field for Battery Electrolyte Solvents . Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Soft Condensed Matter and Biophysical Chemistry)
Kalhor Mohammadi M, Riahi S, Boek ES ( 2022 ) . An insight review on formation damage induced by drilling fluids . Reviews in Chemical Engineering
Kalhor Mohammadi M, Riahi S, Boek ES ( 2021 ) . Developing novel bio-nano catalyst well clean up fluid to remove formation damage induced by polymeric water-based drilling fluids . Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering vol. 210 , Article 109809 ,
Gostick JT, Misaghian N, Yang J, Boek ES ( 2021 ) . Simulating volume-controlled invasion of a non-wetting fluid in volumetric images using basic image processing tools . Computers and Geosciences vol. 158 , Article 104978 ,
Luo Z, Burrows SA, Fan X, Smoukov SK, Boek ES ( 2021 ) . Virtual voids method to generate low-density microporous carbon structures using quenched molecular dynamics simulation . Carbon vol. 183 , 438 - 448 .
Kramer OJI, van Schaik C, Dacomba-Torres PDR, de Moel PJ, Boek ES, Baars ET, Padding JT, van der Hoek JP ( 2021 ) . Fluidisation characteristics of granular activated carbon in drinking water treatment applications . Advanced Powder Technology vol. 32 , ( 9 ) 3174 - 3188 .
Nijssen TMJ, Kramer OJI, de Moel PJ, Rahman J, Kroon JP, Berhanu P, Boek ES, Buist KA et al. ( 2021 ) . Experimental and numerical insights into heterogeneous liquid-solid behaviour in drinking water softening reactors . Chemical Engineering Science: X vol. 11 ,
Gray F, Anabaraonye BU, Crawshaw JP, Boek ES ( 2021 ) . Pore-scale dissolution mechanisms in calcite-CO<inf>2</inf>-brine systems: The impact of non-linear reaction kinetics and coupled ion transport . Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol. 305 , 323 - 338 .
Kramer OJI, van Schaik C, Hangelbroek JJ, de Moel PJ, Colin MG, Amsing M, Boek ES, Breugem WP et al. ( 2021 ) . A novel sensor measuring local voidage profile inside a fluidised bed reactor . Journal of Water Process Engineering
Kramer OJI, de Moel PJ, Padding JT, Baars ET, Rutten SB, Elarbab AHE, Hooft JFM, Boek ES et al. ( 2021 ) . New hydraulic insights into rapid sand filter bed backwashing using the Carman–Kozeny model . Water Research vol. 197 ,
Burrows SA, Korotkin I, Smoukov SK, Boek E, Karabasov S ( 2021 ) . Benchmarking of Molecular Dynamics Force Fields for Solid–Liquid and Solid–Solid Phase Transitions in Alkanes . The Journal of Physical Chemistry B vol. 125 , ( 19 ) 5145 - 5159 .
Zacharoudiou I, Boek ES, Crawshaw J ( 2020 ) . Pore-Scale Modeling of Drainage Displacement Patterns in Association With Geological Sequestration of CO2 . Water Resources Research vol. 56 , ( 11 )
Jiang F, Yang J, Boek E, Tsuji T ( 2020 ) . Investigation of viscous coupling effects in three-phase flow by lattice Boltzmann direct simulation and machine learning technique . Advances in Water Resources vol. 147 ,
Kramer OJI, de Moel PJ, Padding JT, Baars ET, Hasadi YMFE, Boek ES, van der Hoek JP ( 2020 ) . Accurate voidage prediction in fluidisation systems for full-scale drinking water pellet softening reactors using data driven models . Journal of Water Process Engineering vol. 37 ,
Kramer OJI, Padding JT, van Vugt WH, de Moel PJ, Baars ET, Boek ES, van der Hoek JP ( 2020 ) . Improvement of voidage prediction in liquid-solid fluidized beds by inclusion of the Froude number in effective drag relations . International Journal of Multiphase Flow vol. 127 ,
Iwase M, Liang Y, Masuda Y, Morimoto M, Matsuoka T, Boek ES, Kaito Y, Nakagawa K ( 2019 ) . Application of a Digital Oil Model to Solvent-Based Enhanced Oil Recovery of Heavy Crude Oil . Energy and Fuels Article acs.energyfuels.9b02 ,
Law JC, Headen TF, Jiménez-Serratos G, Boek ES, Murgich J, Müller EA ( 2019 ) . Catalogue of Plausible Molecular Models for the Molecular Dynamics of Asphaltenes and Resins Obtained from Quantitative Molecular Representation . Energy & Fuels vol. 33 , ( 10 ) 9779 - 9795 .
Boek ES, Padding JT ( 2006 ) . CECAM Workshop on “Structure and Rheology of Self-Assembling and Aggregating Colloidal Suspensions: Theory, Simulation and Experiment” . Applied Rheology . vol. 16 , 35 - 36 .
Yang L, Yang J, Boek E, Sakai M, Pain C ( 2019 ) . Image-based simulations of absolute permeability with massively parallel pseudo-compressible stabilised finite element solver . Computational Geosciences
Zacharoudiou I, Boek ES, Crawshaw J ( 2018 ) . The impact of drainage displacement patterns and Haines jumps on CO<inf>2</inf> storage efficiency . Scientific Reports vol. 8 , ( 1 )
Crawshaw JP, Boek ES ( 2018 ) . 12. Multi-scale Imaging and Simulation of Structure, Flow and Reactive Transport for C02 Storage and EOR in Carbonate Reservoirs . Geochemistry of Geologic CO2 Sequestration , De Gruyter
Gray F, Anabaraonye B, Shah S, Boek E, Crawshaw J ( 2018 ) . Chemical mechanisms of dissolution of calcite by HCl in porous media: Simulations and experiment . Advances in Water Resources vol. 121 , 369 - 387 .
Sugiyama S, Liang Y, Murata S, Matsuoka T, Morimoto M, Ohata T, Nakano M, Boek ES ( 2018 ) . Construction, validation, and application of digital oil: Investigation of asphaltene association toward asphaltene-precipitation prediction . SPE Journal vol. 23 , ( 3 ) 952 - 968 .
Sugiyama S, Liang Y, Murata S, Matsuoka T, Morimoto M, Ohata T, Nakano M, Boek ES ( 2018 ) . Construction, Validation, and Application of Digital Oil: Investigation of Asphaltene Association Toward Asphaltene-Precipitation Prediction . Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal vol. 23 , ( 03 ) 952 - 968 .
Iwase M, Sugiyama S, Liang Y, Masuda Y, Morimoto M, Matsuoka T, Boek ES, Ueda R et al. ( 2017 ) . Development of Digital Oil for Heavy Crude Oil: Molecular Model and Molecular Dynamics Simulations . Energy and Fuels vol. 32 , ( 3 ) 2781 - 2792 .
Li X, Guo Y, Boek ES, Guo X ( 2017 ) . Experimental Study on Kinetics of Asphaltene Aggregation in a Microcapillary . Energy and Fuels vol. 31 , ( 9 ) 9006 - 9015 .
Zacharoudiou I, Chapman EM, Boek ES, Crawshaw JP ( 2017 ) . Pore-filling events in single junction micro-models with corresponding lattice Boltzmann simulations . Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol. 824 , 550 - 573 .
Boek ES, Zacharoudiou I, Gray F, Shah SM, Crawshaw JP, Yang J ( 2017 ) . Multiphase-flow and reactive-transport validation studies at the pore scale by use of lattice Boltzmann computer simulations . SPE Journal . Conference: SPE ATCE vol. 22 , 940 - 949 .
Welch NJ, Gray F, Butcher AR, Boek ES, Crawshaw JP ( 2017 ) . High-Resolution 3D FIB-SEM Image Analysis and Validation of Numerical Simulations of Nanometre-Scale Porous Ceramic with Comparisons to Experimental Results . Transport in Porous Media vol. 118 , ( 3 ) 373 - 392 .
Shah SM, Crawshaw JP, Gray F, Yang J, Boek ES ( 2017 ) . Convex hull approach for determining rock representative elementary volume for multiple petrophysical parameters using pore-scale imaging and Lattice–Boltzmann modelling . Advances in Water Resources vol. 104 , 65 - 75 .
Headen TF, Boek ES, Jackson G, Totton TS, Müller EA ( 2017 ) . Simulation of Asphaltene Aggregation through Molecular Dynamics: Insights and Limitations . Energy and Fuels vol. 31 , ( 2 ) 1108 - 1125 .
Boek ES ( 2017 ) . Chapter 10 Progress in Computer Simulations of Wormlike Micellar Fluids . Wormlike Micelles , Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
Sugiyama S, Liang Y, Murata S, Matsuoka T, Morimoto M, Ohata T, Nakano M, Boek ES ( 2016 ) . Construction of Digital Oil for Investigation of Crude Oil Properties at Different Thermodynamic Conditions . Conference: Day 3 Wed, November 16, 2016
Gray F, Cen J, Boek ES ( 2016 ) . Simulation of dissolution in porous media in three dimensions with lattice Boltzmann, finite-volume, and surface-rescaling methods . Phys Rev E vol. 94 , ( 4-1 ) 043320 - 043320 .
Shah SM, Crawshaw JP, Boek ES ( 2016 ) . Three-dimensional imaging of porous media using confocal laser scanning microscopy . Journal of Microscopy vol. 265 , ( 2 ) 261 - 271 .
Hu R, Crawshaw JP, Trusler JPM, Boek ES ( 2016 ) . Rheology and Phase Behavior of Carbon Dioxide and Crude Oil Mixtures . Energy and Fuels vol. 31 , ( 6 ) 5776 - 5784 .
Shah SM, Gray F, Crawshaw JP, Boek ES ( 2016 ) . Micro-computed tomography pore-scale study of flow in porous media: Effect of voxel resolution . Advances in Water Resources vol. 95 , 276 - 287 .
Gray F, Cen J, Shah SM, Crawshaw JP, Boek ES ( 2016 ) . Simulating dispersion in porous media and the influence of segmentation on stagnancy in carbonates . Advances in Water Resources vol. 97 , 1 - 10 .
Zhou J, Lu X, Boek ES ( 2016 ) . Changes in the interlayer structure and thermodynamics of hydrated montmorillonite under basin conditions: Molecular simulation approaches . Clays and Clay Minerals vol. 64 , ( 4 ) 503 - 511 .
Ross DA, Boek ES ( 2016 ) . Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Slip on Curved Surfaces . Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles vol. 71 , ( 4 )
Zacharoudiou I, Boek ES ( 2016 ) . Capillary filling and Haines jump dynamics using free energy Lattice Boltzmann simulations . Advances in Water Resources vol. 92 , 43 - 56 .
Zhou J, Lu X, Boek ES ( 2016 ) . Confined water in tunnel nanopores of sepiolite: Insights from molecular simulations . American Mineralogist vol. 101 , ( 3 ) 713 - 718 .
Gray F, Boek E ( 2016 ) . Enhancing Computational Precision for Lattice Boltzmann Schemes in Porous Media Flows . Computation vol. 4 , ( 1 )
Alvim RS, Lima FCDA, Sánchez VM, Headen TF, Boek ES, Miranda CR ( 2016 ) . Adsorption of asphaltenes on the calcite (10.4) surface by first-principles calculations . RSC Advances vol. 6 , ( 97 ) 95328 - 95336 .
Zhou J, Boek ES, Zhu J, Lu X, Sprik M, He H ( 2015 ) . Molecular Simulation Study of Hydrated Na-Rectorite . Langmuir vol. 31 , ( 6 ) 2008 - 2013 .
Hibi R, Tagami K, Kobayashi K, Liang Y, Honda H, Murata S, Matsuoka T, Morimoto M et al. ( 2014 ) . Investigation of Asphaltene-Asphaltene Association and Aggregation for Compositional Reservoir Simulators By Quantitative Molecular Representations . Conference: All Days
Hu R, Crawshaw JP, Trusler JPM, Boek ES ( 2014 ) . Rheology of Diluted Heavy Crude Oil Saturated with Carbon Dioxide . Energy & Fuels vol. 29 , ( 5 ) 2785 - 2789 .
Shah SM, Crawshaw JP, Boek ES ( 2014 ) . Preparation of microporous rock samples for confocal laser scanning microscopy . Petroleum Geoscience vol. 20 , ( 4 ) 369 - 374 .
Boek ES, Zacharoudiou I, Gray F, Shah SM, Crawshaw JP, Yang J ( 2014 ) . Multiphase Flow and Reactive Transport at the Pore Scale Using Lattice-Boltzmann Computer Simulations . Conference: All Days
Boek ES ( 2014 ) . Molecular dynamics simulations of interlayer structure and mobility in hydrated Li-, Na- and K-montmorillonite clays . Molecular Physics vol. 112 , ( 9-10 ) 1472 - 1483 .
Yang J, Crawshaw J, Boek ES ( 2013 ) . Quantitative determination of molecular propagator distributions for solute transport in homogeneous and heterogeneous porous media using lattice Boltzmann simulations . Water Resources Research vol. 49 , ( 12 ) 8531 - 8538 .
Crawshaw JP, Boek ES ( 2013 ) . Multi-scale Imaging and Simulation of Structure, Flow and Reactive Transport for CO2 Storage and EOR in Carbonate Reservoirs . Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry vol. 77 , ( 1 ) 431 - 458 .
Seifried CM, Al Lawati S, Crawshaw JP, Boek ES ( 2013 ) . Asphaltene Deposition in Capillary Flow . Conference: Day 3 Wed, October 02, 2013
Shah SM, Yang J, Crawshaw JP, Gharbi O, Boek ES ( 2013 ) . Predicting Porosity and Permeability of Carbonate Rocks From Core-Scale to Pore-Scale Using Medical CT, Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy and Micro CT . Conference: Day 3 Wed, October 02, 2013
Li X, Ross DA, Trusler JPM, Maitland GC, Boek ES ( 2013 ) . Molecular Dynamics Simulations of CO2 and Brine Interfacial Tension at High Temperatures and Pressures . The Journal of Physical Chemistry B vol. 117 , ( 18 ) 5647 - 5652 .
Yang J, Boek ES ( 2013 ) . A comparison study of multi-component Lattice Boltzmann models for flow in porous media applications . Computers & Mathematics with Applications . vol. 65 , 882 - 890 .
Seifried CM, Crawshaw J, Boek ES ( 2013 ) . Kinetics of Asphaltene Aggregation in Crude Oil Studied by Confocal Laser-Scanning Microscopy . Energy & Fuels . vol. 27 , 1865 - 1872 .
Mikami Y, Liang Y, Matsuoka T, Boek ES ( 2013 ) . Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Asphaltenes at the Oil–Water Interface: From Nanoaggregation to Thin-Film Formation . Energy & Fuels . vol. 27 , 1838 - 1845 .
Gharbi O, Bijeljic B, Boek E, Blunt MJ ( 2013 ) . Changes in Pore Structure and Connectivity Induced by CO2 Injection in Carbonates: A Combined Pore-Scale Approach . Energy Procedia . vol. 37 , 5367 - 5378 .
Chapman EM, Yang J, Crawshaw JP, Boek ES ( 2013 ) . Pore Scale Models for Imbibition of CO2 Analogue Fluids in Etched Micro-model||junctions Using Micro-fluidic Experiments and Direct Flow Calculations . Energy Procedia . vol. 37 , 3680 - 3686 .
Stukan MR, Ligneul P, Boek ES ( 2012 ) . Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Spontaneous Imbibition in Nanopores and Recovery of Asphaltenic Crude Oils Using Surfactants for EOR Applications . Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles vol. 67 , ( 5 ) 737 - 742 .
Suter JL, Sprik M, Boek ES ( 2012 ) . Free energies of absorption of alkali ions onto beidellite and montmorillonite surfaces from constrained molecular dynamics simulations . Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol. 91 , 109 - 119 .
Halwachi HKA, Yakovlev DS, Boek ES ( 2012 ) . Systematic Optimization of Asphaltene Molecular Structure and Molecular Weight Using the Quantitative Molecular Representation Approach . Energy & Fuels vol. 26 , ( 10 ) 6177 - 6185 .
Lawal KA, Crawshaw JP, Boek ES, Vesovic V ( 2012 ) . Experimental Investigation of Asphaltene Deposition in Capillary Flow . Energy & Fuels vol. 26 , ( 4 ) 2145 - 2153 .
Li X, Boek ES, Maitland GC, Trusler JPM ( 2012 ) . Interfacial Tension of (Brines + CO2): CaCl2(aq), MgCl2(aq), and Na2SO4(aq) at Temperatures between (343 and 423) K, Pressures between (2 and 50) MPa, and Molalities of (0.5 to 5) mol·kg–1 . Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data vol. 57 , ( 5 ) 1369 - 1375 .
Boek ES ( 2012 ) . 12th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling . Energy & Fuels vol. 26 , ( 5 ) 2547 - 2547 .
Sengupta A, Hammond PS, Frenkel D, Boek ES ( 2012 ) . Error analysis and correction for Lattice Boltzmann simulated flow conductance in capillaries of different shapes and alignments . Journal of Computational Physics vol. 231 , ( 6 ) 2634 - 2640 .
Li X, Boek E, Maitland GC, Trusler JPM ( 2012 ) . Interfacial Tension of (Brines + CO2): (0.864 NaCl + 0.136 KCl) at Temperatures between (298 and 448) K, Pressures between (2 and 50) MPa, and Total Molalities of (1 to 5) mol·kg–1 . Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data vol. 57 , ( 4 ) 1078 - 1088 .
BOEK ES, CHIN J, COVENEY PV ( 2003 ) . LATTICE BOLTZMANN SIMULATION OF THE FLOW OF NON-NEWTONIAN FLUIDS IN POROUS MEDIA . International Journal of Modern Physics B . vol. 17 , 99 - 102 .
Boek ES, Stukan MR, Ligneul P ( 2011 ) . Molecular dynamics simulation of surfactant flooding in asphaltenic oils for EOR applications . 16th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery 2011 . 668 - 676 .
Xu X, Crawshaw JP, Boek E ( 2011 ) . Precipitation of asphaltene from crude oil using filtration experiments . 16th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery 2011 . 300 - 308 .
Lawal KA, Vesovic V, Boek ES ( 2011 ) . Modeling Permeability Impairment in Porous Media due to Asphaltene Deposition under Dynamic Conditions . Energy & Fuels vol. 25 , ( 12 ) 5647 - 5659 .
Boek ES, Van Der Schoot P ( 2011 ) . Resolution Effects in Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulations . International Journal of Modern Physics C vol. 9 , ( 08 ) 1307 - 1318 .
Boek E, Fadili A, Williams MJ, Padding J ( 2011 ) . Prediction of Asphaltene Deposition in Porous Media by Systematic Upscaling from a Colloidal Pore Scale Model to a Deep Bed Filtration Model . Conference: All Days
Boek ES, Hall C, Tardy PMJ ( 2011 ) . Deep Bed Filtration Modelling of Formation Damage Due to Particulate Invasion from Drilling Fluids . Transport in Porous Media vol. 91 , ( 2 ) 479 - 508 .
Headen TF, Boek ES ( 2011 ) . Potential of Mean Force Calculation from Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Asphaltene Molecules on a Calcite Surface . Energy & Fuels . vol. 25 , 499 - 502 .
Headen TF, Boek ES ( 2011 ) . Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Asphaltene Aggregation in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Limonene . Energy & Fuels . vol. 25 , 503 - 508 .
DE SIQUEIRA AVC, BOEK NTSPVCAES ( 2010 ) . Computer simulation evidence for enthalpy driven dehydration of smectite clays at elevated pressures and temperatures . Molecular Physics vol. 92 , ( 1 ) 1 - 6 .
Boek E ( 2010 ) . Pore Scale Simulation of Flow in Porous Media Using Lattice-Boltzmann Computer Simulations . Conference: All Days
Stukan MR, Ligneul P, Crawshaw JP, Boek ES ( 2010 ) . Spontaneous Imbibition in Nanopores of Different Roughness and Wettability . Langmuir vol. 26 , ( 16 ) 13342 - 13352 .
Boek ES, Venturoli M ( 2010 ) . Lattice-Boltzmann studies of fluid flow in porous media with realistic rock geometries . Computers & Mathematics with Applications vol. 59 , ( 7 ) 2305 - 2314 .
Boek ES, Headen TF, Padding JT ( 2010 ) . Multi-scale simulation of asphaltene aggregation and deposition in capillary flow . Faraday Discussions vol. 144 , ( 0 ) 271 - 284 .
Boek ES, Wilson AD, Padding JT, Headen TF, Crawshaw JP ( 2010 ) . Multi-scale Simulation and Experimental Studies of Asphaltene Aggregation and Deposition in Capillary Flow . Energy & Fuels . vol. 24 , 2361 - 2368 .
Wilson AD, Boek ES, Ladva HK, Crawshaw J, Padding JT ( 2009 ) . Recent Developments in the Deposition of Colloidal Asphaltene in Capillary Flow: Experiments and Mesoscopic Simulation . Conference: All Days
Boek ES, Yakovlev DS, Headen TF ( 2009 ) . Quantitative Molecular Representation of Asphaltenes and Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Their Aggregation . Energy & Fuels . vol. 23 , 1209 - 1219 .
Headen TF, Boek ES, Skipper NT ( 2009 ) . Evidence for Asphaltene Nanoaggregation in Toluene and Heptane from Molecular Dynamics Simulations . Energy & Fuels . vol. 23 , 1220 - 1229 .
Padding JT, Briels WJ, Stukan MR, Boek ES ( 2009 ) . Review of multi-scale particulate simulation of the rheology of wormlike micellar fluids . Soft Matter vol. 5 , ( 22 ) 4367 - 4375 .
Headen TF, Boek ES, Stellbrink J, Scheven UM ( 2008 ) . Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS and V-SANS) Study of Asphaltene Aggregates in Crude Oil . Langmuir vol. 25 , ( 1 ) 422 - 428 .
Suter JL, Boek ES, Sprik M ( 2008 ) . Adsorption of a Sodium Ion on a Smectite Clay from Constrained Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations . The Journal of Physical Chemistry C vol. 112 , ( 48 ) 18832 - 18839 .
Padding JT, Boek ES, Briels WJ ( 2008 ) . Dynamics and rheology of wormlike micelles emerging from particulate computer simulations . The Journal of Chemical Physics vol. 129 , ( 7 )
Boek ES, Ladva HK, Crawshaw JP, Padding JT, Co A, Leal GL, Colby RH, Giacomin AJ ( 2008 ) . Colloidal Asphaltene Deposition and Aggregation in Capillary Flow: Experiments and Mesoscopic Simulation . AIP Conference Proceedings . Conference: AIP Conference Proceedings vol. 1027 , 273 - 275 .
Stukan MR, Boek ES, Padding JT, Crawshaw JP ( 2008 ) . Influence of system size and solvent flow on the distribution of wormlike micelles in a contraction-expansion geometry . The European Physical Journal E vol. 26 , ( 1-2 )
Boek ES, Ladva HK, Crawshaw JP, Padding JT ( 2008 ) . Deposition of Colloidal Asphaltene in Capillary Flow: Experiments and Mesoscopic Simulation . Energy & Fuels vol. 22 , ( 2 ) 805 - 813 .
Stukan MR, Boek ES, Padding JT, Briels WJ, Crawshaw JP ( 2008 ) . Flow of wormlike micelles in an expansion-contraction geometry . Soft Matter vol. 4 , ( 4 ) 870 - 879 .
Boek ES, Padding JT, Anderson VJ, Briels WJ, Crawshaw JP ( 2007 ) . Flow of entangled wormlike micellar fluids: Mesoscopic simulations, rheology and μ-PIV experiments . Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics vol. 146 , ( 1-3 ) 11 - 21 .
Yakovlev DS, Boek ES ( 2007 ) . Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Mixed Cationic/Anionic Wormlike Micelles . Langmuir vol. 23 , ( 12 ) 6588 - 6597 .
Padding JT, Boek ES ( 2007 ) . Evidence for diffusion-controlled recombination kinetics in model wormlike micelles . EPL (Europhysics Letters) vol. 66 , ( 5 ) 756 - 762 .
Tambach TJ, Boek ES, Smit B ( 2006 ) . Molecular order and disorder of surfactants in clay nanocomposites . Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics vol. 8 , ( 23 ) 2700 - 2702 .
Venturoli M, Boek ES ( 2006 ) . Two-dimensional lattice-Boltzmann simulations of single phase flow in a pseudo two-dimensional micromodel . Physica A Statistical Mechanics and its Applications vol. 362 , ( 1 ) 23 - 29 .
Padding JT, Boek ES, Briels WJ ( 2005 ) . Rheology of wormlike micellar fluids from Brownian and molecular dynamics simulations . Journal of Physics Condensed Matter vol. 17 , ( 45 )
Boek ES, Padding JT, Otter WKD, Briels WJ ( 2005 ) . Mechanical Properties of Surfactant Bilayer Membranes from Atomistic and Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations . The Journal of Physical Chemistry B vol. 109 , ( 42 ) 19851 - 19858 .
Boek ES, Padding JT, Anderson VJ, Tardy PMJ, Crawshaw JP, Pearson JRA ( 2005 ) . Constitutive equations for extensional flow of wormlike micelles: stability analysis of the Bautista–Manero model . Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics vol. 126 , ( 1 ) 39 - 46 .
Padding JT, Boek ES ( 2004 ) . Influence of shear flow on the formation of rings in wormlike micelles: A nonequilibrium molecular dynamics study . Physical Review E vol. 70 , ( 3 )
Boek ES, Otter WKD, Briels WJ, Iakovlev D ( 2004 ) . Moleculardynamics simulation of amphiphilic bilayer membranes and wormlike micelles: a multiscale modelling approach to the design of viscoelastic surfactant solutions . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences vol. 362 , ( 1821 ) 1625 - 1638 .
Grosfils P, Boon JP, Chin J, Boek ES ( 2004 ) . Structural and dynamical characterization of HeleShaw viscous fingering . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences vol. 362 , ( 1821 ) 1723 - 1734 .
Yakovlev D, Boek ES ( 2003 ) . Structure of Bilayer Membranes of Gemini Surfactants with Rigid and Flexible Spacers from MD Simulations . Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 2658 , 668 - 677 .
Boek ES, Sprik M ( 2003 ) . Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Study of the Hydration of a Sodium Smectite Clay . The Journal of Physical Chemistry B vol. 107 , ( 14 ) 3251 - 3256 .
Boek ES, Chin J, Coveney PV ( 2003 ) . Lattice Boltzmann simulation of the flow of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media . International Journal of Modern Physics B . vol. 17 , 99 - 102 .
Boek ES, Jusufi A, Löwen H, Maitland GC ( 2002 ) . Molecular design of responsive fluids: molecular dynamics studies of viscoelastic surfactant solutions . Journal of Physics Condensed Matter vol. 14 , ( 40 )
Boek ES, Briels WJ, Feil D ( 2002 ) . Interfaces between a Saturated Aqueous Urea Solution and Crystalline Urea: A Molecular Dynamics Study . The Journal of Physical Chemistry vol. 98 , ( 6 ) 1674 - 1681 .
Boek ES, Coveney PV, Skipper NT ( 2002 ) . Molecular Modeling of Clay Hydration: A Study of Hysteresis Loops in the Swelling Curves of Sodium Montmorillonites . Langmuir vol. 11 , ( 12 ) 4629 - 4631 .
Boek ES, Coveney PV, Skipper NT ( 2002 ) . Monte Carlo Molecular Modeling Studies of Hydrated Li-, Na-, and K-Smectites: Understanding the Role of Potassium as a Clay Swelling Inhibitor . Journal of the American Chemical Society vol. 117 , ( 50 ) 12608 - 12617 .
Chin J, Boek ES, Coveney PV ( 2002 ) . Lattice Boltzmann simulation of the flow of binary immiscible fluids with different viscosities using the Shan-Chen microscopic interaction model . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences vol. 360 , ( 1792 ) 547 - 558 .
Sprik M, Boek ES ( 2002 ) . Ab initio molecular dynamics study of a model swelling smectite clay . ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY . vol. 223 , U616 - U616 .
Coveney PV, Griffin JLW, WATKINSON M, Whiting A, Boek ES ( 2002 ) . Novel non-exfoliated clay-nanocomposite materials by in situ co-polymerisation of intercalated monomers: A combinatorial discovery approach . Mol. Sim. vol. 28 , ( 3 ) 295 - 316 .
van der Kooij FM, Boek ES, Philipse AP ( 2001 ) . Rheology of Dilute Suspensions of Hard Platelike Colloids . Journal of Colloid and Interface Science vol. 235 , ( 2 ) 344 - 349 .
Bains AS, Boek ES, Coveney PV, Williams SJ, Akbar MV ( 2001 ) . Molecular Modelling of The Mechanism of Action of Organic Clay-Swelling Inhibitors . Molecular Simulation vol. 26 , ( 2 ) 101 - 145 .
Bailey L, Boek ES, Jacques SDM, Boassen T, Selle OM, Argillier J-F, Longeron DG ( 2000 ) . Particulate Invasion From Drilling Fluids . Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal vol. 5 , ( 04 ) 412 - 419 .
Coveney PV, de Silva H, Gomtsyan A, Whiting A, Boek ES ( 2000 ) . Novel Approaches to Cross-linking High Molecular Weight Polysaccharides: Application to Guar-based Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids . Molecular Simulation vol. 25 , ( 5 ) 265 - 299 .
Kutter S, Hansen J-P, Sprik M, Boek E ( 2000 ) . Structure and phase behavior of a model clay dispersion: A molecular-dynamics investigation . The Journal of Chemical Physics vol. 112 , ( 1 ) 311 - 322 .
Grimbergen RFP, Boek ES, Meekes H, Bennema P ( 1999 ) . Explanation for the supersaturation dependence of the morphology of lysozyme crystals . Journal of Crystal Growth vol. 207 , ( 1-2 ) 112 - 121 .
Boek ES, Coveney PV, Lekkerkerker HNW ( 1999 ) . Computer simulation of rheological phenomena in dense colloidal suspensions with dissipative particle dynamics . Journal of Physics Condensed Matter vol. 8 , ( 47 )
Bailey L, Boek E, Jacques S, Boassen T, Selle O, Argillier JF, Longeron D ( 1999 ) . Particulate invasion from drilling fluids . SPE - European Formation Damage Control Conference, Proceedings471 - 480 .
De Siqueira AVC, Skipper NT, Coveney PV, Boek ES ( 1998 ) . Computer simulation evidence for enthalpy driven dehydration of smectite clays at elevated pressures and temperatures . Molecular Physics vol. 95 , ( 1 ) 123 - 123 .
Boek ES, Coveney PV, Lekkerkerker HNW, van der Schoot P ( 1997 ) . Simulating the rheology of dense colloidal suspensions using dissipative particle dynamics . Physical Review E vol. 55 , ( 3 ) 3124 - 3133 .
Boek ES, Coveney PV, Lekkerkerker HNW, vanderSchoot P ( 1997 ) . Simulating the rheology of dense colloidal suspensions using dissipative particle dynamics . PHYSICAL REVIEW E vol. 55 , ( 3 ) 3124 - 3133 .
Boek ES, Coveney PV, Williams SJ, Bains AS ( 1996 ) . A Robust Water Potential Parameterisation . Molecular Simulation vol. 18 , ( 3 ) 145 - 154 .
Liu XY, Boek ES, Briels WJ, Bennema P ( 1995 ) . Analysis of morphology of crystals based on identification of interfacial structure . The Journal of Chemical Physics vol. 103 , ( 9 ) 3747 - 3754 .
Liu XY, Boek ES, Briels WJ, Bennema P ( 1995 ) . Prediction of crystal growth morphology based on structural analysis of the solid–fluid interface . Nature vol. 374 , ( 6520 ) 342 - 345 .
Boek ES, Briels WJ ( 1993 ) . Molecular dynamics simulations of aqueous urea solutions: Study of dimer stability and solution structure, and calculation of the total nitrogen radial distribution function G N( r ) . The Journal of Chemical Physics vol. 98 , ( 2 ) 1422 - 1427 .
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