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Publications: Dr James Strong

Strong J ( 2023 ) . A radical inquiry, tamed: the Sebastopol Committee of 1855 . Critical Military Studies1 - 16 .
Strong J ( 2023 ) . Some further reflections on the effect of employment on attendance . Politics
Strong J ( 2022 ) . Identifying and understanding the drivers of student engagement in a school of politics and international relations . Politics
Strong J ( 2021 ) . Did Theresa May Kill the War Powers Convention? Comparing Parliamentary Debates on UK Intervention in Syria in 2013 and 2018 . Parliamentary Affairs
Manchanda N, Sajuria J, Strong J ( 2019 ) . First thoughts on taking over Politics . Politics vol. 39 , ( 2 ) 135 - 136 .
Strong J ( 2018 ) . Using role theory to analyse British military intervention in the Syrian civil war during David Cameron’s premiership . British Politics vol. 14 , ( 4 ) 372 - 390 .
STRONG JR ( 2018 ) . Confidence and caretakers: Some less-obvious implications of the Fixed-term Parliaments Act . The Political Quarterly
STRONG JR ( 2018 ) . The war powers of the British parliament: What has been established, and what remains unclear? . The British Journal of Politics and International Relations
Strong J ( 2017 ) . Public Opinion, Legitimacy and Tony Blair’s War in Iraq . Taylor & Francis
Strong J ( 2017 ) . Two-Level Games beyond the United States: International Indexing in Britain during the Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya . Global Society vol. 31 , ( 2 ) 293 - 313 .
STRONG J ( 2015 ) . Interpreting the Syria vote: parliament and British foreign policy . International Affairs vol. 91 , ( 5 ) 1123 - 1139 .
Strong J ( 2014 ) . Why Parliament Now Decides on War: Tracing the Growth of the Parliamentary Prerogative through Syria, Libya and Iraq . The British Journal of Politics and International Relations vol. 17 , ( 4 ) 604 - 622 .