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Publications: Dr Javier Sajuria

Piña M, Sajuria J, Suárez-Cao J ( 2024 ) . Los engranajes del sistema político chileno . Friedrich Ebert Stiftung ( Santiago, Chile ),
Titelman N, Sajuria J ( 2023 ) . Why vote for an independent? The relevance of negative identity, independent identity, and dealignment in a pro-independent political environment . Party Politics vol. 30 , ( 6 ) 997 - 1013 .
Collignon S, Rüdig W, Lamprinakou C, Makropoulos I, Sajuria J ( 2022 ) . Intertwined fates? Members switching between niche and mainstream parties . Party Politics
Collignon S, Sajuria J ( 2021 ) . Parenthood, anxiety, gender, and race: drivers of non-compliance with lockdown measures . Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties
Meléndez C, Kaltwasser CR, Sajuria J ( 2021 ) . Chile 2020: Pandemic and constitutional plebiscite . Revista de Ciencia Politica vol. 41 , ( 2 ) 263 - 290 .
Meléndez C, Rovira Kaltwasser C, Sajuria J ( 2021 ) . Chile 2020: pandemia y plebiscito constitucional . Revista de ciencia política (Santiago) ( ahead )
Makropoulos I, Collignon S, Giebler H, Rüdig W, Sajuria J, Weßels B ( 2020 ) . Determinants of personalised campaigning: A comparative analysis . Parliamentary Candidates Between Voters and Parties: A Comparative Perspective ,
van Kessel S, Sajuria J, Van Hauwaert SM ( 2020 ) . Informed, uninformed or misinformed? A cross-national analysis of populist party supporters across European democracies . West European Politics vol. 44 , ( 3 ) 585 - 610 .
Manchanda N, Sajuria J, Strong J ( 2019 ) . First thoughts on taking over Politics . Politics vol. 39 , ( 2 ) 135 - 136 .
SAJURIA JE, Collignon S ( 2018 ) . Local means local, does it? Regional identification and preferences for local candidates . Electoral Studies
SAJURIA JE, Rudig W ( 2018 ) . Green party members and grass-roots democracy: A Comparative Analysis . Party Politics
Theocharis Y, Vitoratou S, Sajuria J ( 2017 ) . Civil Society in Times of Crisis: Understanding Collective Action Dynamics in Digitally-Enabled Volunteer Networks . Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
Sajuria J, Fábrega J ( 2016 ) . Do We Need Polls? Why Twitter Will Not Replace Opinion Surveys, but Can Complement Them . Digital Methods for Social Science , Palgrave Macmillan UK
Sajuria J, vanHeerde-Hudson J, Hudson D, Dasandi N, Theocharis Y ( 2014 ) . Tweeting Alone? An Analysis of Bridging and Bonding Social Capital in Online Networks . American Politics Research vol. 43 , Article 4 , 708 - 738 .
Fábrega J, Sajuria J ( 2014 ) . The formation of political discourse within online networks: the case of the occupy movement . International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering vol. 3 , Article 3/4 , 210 - 210 .
Sajuria J ( 2013 ) . Is the Internet Changing our Conception of Democracy? an analysis of Internet use During protests and Its effect on the perception of Democracy . Revista Política vol. 51 , Article 1 ,

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