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Publications: Dr Stijn van Kessel

van Kessel S ( 2024 ) . Populism, the far right and EU integration: beyond simple dichotomies . Journal of European Integration1 - 7 .
Rooduijn M, Pirro ALP, Halikiopoulou D, Froio C, Van Kessel S, De Lange SL, Mudde C, Taggart P ( 2023 ) . The PopuList: A Database of Populist, Far-Left, and Far-Right Parties Using Expert-Informed Qualitative Comparative Classification (EiQCC) . British Journal of Political Science vol. 54 , ( 3 ) 969 - 978 .
Albertazzi D, van Kessel S ( 2023 ) . Why do party elites incentivise activism? The case of the populist radical right . Party Politics vol. 30 , ( 5 ) 770 - 780 .
van Kessel S, Fagan A ( 2023 ) . Defending Europe from below: pro-European activism in Germany and the UK and its contribution to the politicisation of Europe . Journal of European Integration vol. 45 , ( 7 ) 971 - 993 .
van Kessel S, Fagan A ( 2023 ) . Mobilising around Europe: a conceptual framework and introduction to the special section . Social Movement Studies vol. 21 , ( 1-2 ) 169 - 179 .
Fagan A, Kessel SV ( 2023 ) . The Failure of Remain Anti-Brexit Activism in the United Kingdom .
van Kessel S, Albertazzi D ( 2021 ) . Right-Wing Populist Party Organisation Across Europe: The Survival of the Mass-Party? Conclusion to the Thematic Issue . Politics and Governance vol. 9 , ( 4 ) 365 - 370 .
Albertazzi D, van Kessel S ( 2021 ) . Right-Wing Populist Party Organisation Across Europe: The Survival of the Mass-Party? Introduction to the Thematic Issue . Politics and Governance vol. 9 , ( 4 ) 224 - 227 .
Abts K, Dalle Mulle E, Van Kessel S, Michel E ( 2021 ) . The Welfare Agenda of the Populist Radical Right in Western Europe: Combining Welfare Chauvinism, Producerism and Populism . Swiss Political Science Review
van Kessel S, Sajuria J, Van Hauwaert SM ( 2020 ) . Informed, uninformed or misinformed? A cross-national analysis of populist party supporters across European democracies . West European Politics vol. 44 , ( 3 ) 585 - 610 .
van Kessel S, Chelotti N, Drake H, Roch J, Rodi P ( 2020 ) . Eager to leave? Populist radical right parties’ responses to the UK’s Brexit vote . The British Journal of Politics and International Relations vol. 22 , ( 1 ) 65 - 84 .
Rooduijn M, Van Kessel S ( 2019 ) . Populism and Euroskepticism in the European Union . Oxford Encyclopedia of European Union Politics
Pirro ALP, Taggart PA, VAN KESSEL ST ( 2018 ) . The populist politics of Euroscepticism in times of crisis: Comparative conclusions . Politics
Pirro ALP, VAN KESSEL ST ( 2018 ) . Populist Eurosceptic trajectories in Italy and the Netherlands during the European crises . Politics
VAN HAUWAERT SM, VAN KESSEL S ( 2017 ) . Beyond protest and discontent: A cross‐national analysis of the effect of populist attitudes and issue positions on populist party support . European Journal of Political Research vol. 57 , ( 1 ) 68 - 92 .
Pirro ALP, van Kessel S ( 2017 ) . United in opposition? The populist radical right’s EU-pessimism in times of crisis . Journal of European Integration vol. 39 , ( 4 ) 405 - 420 .
Kessel SV ( 2015 ) . Populist Parties in Europe Agents of Discontent? . Springer
van Kessel S ( 2014 ) . The populist cat-dog: applying the concept of populism to contemporary European party systems . Journal of Political Ideologies vol. 19 , ( 1 ) 99 - 118 .
BALE T, Hough D, van Kessel S ( 2012 ) . In or out of proportion? Labour and social democratic parties responses to the radical right . Class Politics and the Radical Right , Editors: Rydgren, J ,
Bale T, Hough D, Van Kessel S ( 2012 ) . In or out of proportion? Labour and social democratic parties’ responses to the radical right . Class Politics and the Radical Right ,
Bale T, van Kessel S, Taggart P ( 2011 ) . Thrown around with abandon? Popular understandings of populism as conveyed by the print media: A UK case study . Acta Politica vol. 46 , ( 2 ) 111 - 131 .