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Publications: Dr William Monteith

Monteith W ( 2024 ) . Rethinking ‘work’ from the cities of the south . The Companion to Development Studies , Taylor & Francis
Wuidar S, Bakebek L, Monteith W ( 2024 ) . Producing ‘The Right Candidate’: The Social Embeddedness of Labour Market Intermediaries for Migrant Workers in the Belgian Construction Sector . Work, Employment and Society
Monteith W, Pascoe B, Mourkas E, Clark J, Hakim M, Hitchings MD, McCarthy N, Yahara K et al. ( 2023 ) . Contrasting genes conferring short- and long-term biofilm adaptation in Listeria . Microbial Genomics vol. 9 , ( 10 )
Camfield L, Monteith W ( 2022 ) . Chapter 4 ‘Precarious Prosperity’? Social Im/mobilities among Young Entrepreneurs in Kampala . Social Im/mobilities in Africa , De Gruyter
Monteith W, Luthra A ( 2021 ) . Of market vendors and waste collectors: Labour, informality and aesthetics in the era of world-class city making . Antipode: a radical journal of geography
Monteith W, Camfield L ( 2021 ) . ‘Don’t you want us to eat?’: The moral economy of a Ugandan marketplace . Critical African Studies
Monteith W ( 2021 ) . Mary Njeri Kinyanjui, African Markets and the Utu-ubuntu Business Model: a perspective on economic informality in Nairobi. Cape Town: African Minds (pb R250 – 978 1 928331 78 0). 2019, 200 pp . vol. 91 , is. 1 , pp. 123 - 125 .
Monteith W ( 2021 ) . ‘We are taught to act’: Hustling on the move in Kampala and Nairobi . Africa
Monteith W, Camfield L ( 2019 ) . Business as family, family as business: Female entrepreneurship in Kampala, Uganda . Geoforum vol. 101 , 111 - 121 .
Camfield L, Monteith W ( 2019 ) . ‘Precarious prosperity’? Social im/mobilities among young entrepreneurs in Kampala . Social Im/mobilities in Africa: Ethnographic Approaches ,
Monteith W ( 2018 ) . Book review: New Urban Worlds: Inhabiting Dissonant Times . Urban Studies vol. 55 , ( 11 ) 2561 - 2564 .
Monteith W ( 2018 ) . Showing ‘heart’ while making money: negotiating proximity in a Ugandan marketplace . Africa vol. 88 , ( S1 ) s12 - s30 .
MONTEITH W ( 2017 ) . Markets and monarchs: indigenous urbanism in postcolonial Kampala . Settler Colonial Studies
Monteith W ( 2017 ) . Showing ‘heart’ through ethnography . City vol. 21 , ( 2 ) 178 - 189 .
Monteith W, Lwasa S ( 2016 ) . The participation of urban displaced populations in (in)formal markets: contrasting experiences in Kampala, Uganda . Environment and Urbanization vol. 29 , ( 2 ) 383 - 402 .
Monteith W, Giesbert L ( 2016 ) . ‘When the stomach is full we look for respect’: perceptions of ‘good work’ in the urban informal sectors of three developing countries . Work, employment and society vol. 31 , ( 5 ) 816 - 833 .
Monteith W ( 2016 ) . A ‘Market for the People’? Changing structures of governance and participation in a Ugandan marketplace . Development vol. 58 , ( 1 ) 58 - 64 .