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Publications: Dr Anna Xambo Sedo

Zheng S, Del Sette BM, Saitis C, Xambo Sedo A, Bryan-Kinns N ( 2024 ) . Building Sketch-to-Sound Mapping with Unsupervised Feature Extraction and Interactive Machine Learning . Conference: New Interfaces for Musical Expression ( Utrecht, The Netherlands ) from: 04/09/2024 to: 06/09/2024 ,
Zheng S, Xambo Sedo A, Bryan-Kinns N ( 2024 ) . A Mapping Strategy for Interacting with Latent Audio Synthesis Using Artistic Materials . Proceedings of Explainable AI for the Arts Workshop 2024 (XAIxArts 2024) . Conference: Explainable AI for the Arts Workshop 2024 (XAIxArts 2024) ( Chicago, IL, USA ) from: 23/06/2024 to: 23/06/2024 ,
Jawad K, Xambo Sedo A ( 2024 ) . Feminist HCI and narratives of design semantics in DIY music hardware . Frontiers in Communication vol. 8 ,
Xambo Sedo A ( 2023 ) . Discovering Creative Commons Sounds in Live Coding . Organised Sound vol. 28 , ( 2 ) 276 - 289 .
Xambo Sedo A, Roma G, Magnusson T ( 2023 ) . Editorial: Live Coding Sonic Creativities . Organised Sound vol. 28 , ( 2 ) 147 - 148 .
Champlin A, Knotts S, Chicau J, Xambo Sedo A, Corfiel M, Saladino I ( 2023 ) . Community Report: LivecoderA . Proceedings of the International Conference of Live Coding . Conference: International Conference on Live Coding
Xambo Sedo A, Goudarzi V ( 2022 ) . The Mobile Audience as a Digital Musical Persona in Telematic Performance . Conference: NIME 2022
Roma G, Xambo Sedo A, Green O, Tremblay PA ( 2021 ) . A General Framework for Visualization of Sound Collections in Musical Interfaces . Applied Sciences vol. 11 , ( 24 ) 11926 - 11926 .
Xambo Sedo A, Roma G, Roig S, Solaz E ( 2021 ) . Live Coding with the Cloud and a Virtual Agent . Conference: NIME 2021
Xambo Sedo A ( 2021 ) . Virtual Agents in Live Coding: A Review of past, present and future directions . eContact! vol. 21 , ( 1 ) Article ,
Xambo Sedo A, Støckert R, Jensenius AR, Saue S ( 2020 ) . Learning to Code Through Web Audio: A Team-Based Learning Approach . Journal of the Audio Engineering Society vol. 68 , ( 10 ) 727 - 737 .
Xambo Sedo A, Martín SR, Roma G, Editors G ( 2020 ) . Guest editors' note special issue on web audio . AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society vol. 68 , ( 10 ) 701 - 702 .
Jawad K, Xambo Sedo A ( 2020 ) . How to Talk of Music Technology: An Interview Analysis Study of Live Interfaces for Music Performance among Expert Women . Proceedings of the International Conference on Live Interfaces . Editors: Brandtsegg, Ø , Conference: International Conference on Live Interfaces ( Trondheim, Norway ) 41 - 47 .
Xambó A, Roma G ( 2020 ) . Performing audiences: Composition strategies for network music using mobile phones . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . 55 - 60 .
Støckert R, Bergsland A, Xambó A ( 2020 ) . The Notion of Presence in a Telematic Cross-Disciplinary Program for Music, Communication and Technology . Music Technology in Education , Cappelen Damm AS - Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Xambo Sedo A, Støckert R, Saue S, Refsum A ( 2019 ) . Facilitating Team-Based Programming Learning with Web Audio . Proceedings of the Web Audio Conference 2019 . Editors: Xambo Sedo, A, Martín, SR, Roma, G , Conference: Web Audio Conference ( Trondheim, Norway ) 2 - 7 .
Xambó A, Font F, Fazekas G, Barthet M ( 2019 ) . Leveraging Online Audio Commons Content for Media Production . Foundations in Sound Design for Linear Media , Taylor & Francis
Xambó A, Saue S, Refsum A, Støckert R, Brandtsegg Ø ( 2019 ) . Nime prototyping in teams: A participatory approach to teaching physical computing . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . 216 - 221 .
Freeman J, Miller M, Magerko B, Moore R, Edwards D, Xambó A ( 2019 ) . Using earsketch to broaden participation in computing and music . SMC 2016 - 13th Sound and Music Computing Conference, Proceedings . 156 - 163 .
Pauwels J, Xambo Sedo A, Roma G, Barthet M, Fazekas G ( 2018 ) . Exploring Real-time Visualisations to Support Chord Learning with a Large Music Collection . Proceedings of the 4th Web Audio Conference (WAC) . Conference: 4th Web Audio Conference (WAC) ( Berlin, Germany ) from: 19/09/2018 to: 21/09/2018 ,
Roma G, Xambó A, Green O, Tremblay PA ( 2018 ) . A Javascript Library for Flexible Visualization of Audio Descriptors . Proceedings of the International Web Audio Conference . Editors: Monschke, J, Guttandin, C, Schnell, N, Jenkinson, T et al. ,
Taylor R, Rostami A, Šimbelis V, Lee YS, Jo K, Weisling A, Xambó A, McCarthy L ( 2018 ) . Demo hour . Interactions vol. 25 , ( 5 ) 10 - 13 .
SKACH S, XAMBO A, TURCHET L, Stolfi A, STEWART RL, BARTHET MHE ( 2018 ) . Embodied Interactions with E-Textiles and the Internet of Sounds for Performing Arts . Conference: ACM Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interactions ( Stockholm, Sweden ) from: 21/03/2018 to: 18/03/2018 ,
Freeman J, Magerko B, Edwards D, Miller M, Engelman S, Moore R, Xambó A, McKlin T ( 2018 ) . Apprentissage avec EarSketch . Revue Francophone Informatique & Musique
Weisling A, Xambo A ( 2018 ) . Beacon: Exploring Physicality in Digital Performance . PROCEEDINGS OF THE TWELFTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TANGIBLE, EMBEDDED, AND EMBODIED INTERACTION (TEI'18) . 586 - 591 .
Xambo A, Pauwels J, Roma G, Barthet M, Fazekas G ( 2018 ) . Jam with Jamendo: Querying a Large Music Collection by Chords from a Learner's Perspective . 2018 CONFERENCE ON INTERACTION WITH SOUND (AUDIO MOSTLY): SOUND IN IMMERSION AND EMOTION (AM'18) .
Xambo A, Roma G, Lerch A, Barthet M, Fazekas G ( 2018 ) . Live Repurposing of Sounds: MIR Explorations with Personal and Crowd-sourced Databases . Proc. of the New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), 3-6 June, Blacksburg, VA, USA. .
Xambo A, Lerch A, Freeman J ( 2018 ) . Music Information Retrieval in Live Coding: A Theoretical Framework . COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL vol. 42 , ( 4 ) 9 - 25 .
Weisling A, Xambó A, Olowe I, Barthet M ( 2018 ) . Surveying the compositional and performance practices of audiovisual practitioners . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . 344 - 345 .
Xambo A, Roma G, Shah P, Tsuchiya T, Freeman J, Magerko B ( 2018 ) . Turn-Taking and Online Chatting in Co-located and Remote Collaborative Music Live Coding . JOURNAL OF THE AUDIO ENGINEERING SOCIETY vol. 66 , ( 4 ) 253 - 266 .
Roma G, Xambo A, Freeman J ( 2018 ) . User-Independent Accelerometer Gesture Recognition for Participatory Mobile Music . JOURNAL OF THE AUDIO ENGINEERING SOCIETY vol. 66 , ( 6 ) 430 - 438 .
Xambó A ( 2018 ) . Who are the women authors in NIME?-improving gender balance in NIME research . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . 174 - 177 .
Xambó A ( 2017 ) . Embodied Music Interaction: Creative Design Synergies Between Music Performance and HCI . Digital Bodies , Springer Nature
Roma G, Xambó A, Freeman J ( 2017 ) . Handwaving: Gesture recognition for participatory mobile music . ACM International Conference Proceeding Series . vol. Part F131930 ,
Xambó A, Shah P, Roma G, Freeman J, Magerko B ( 2017 ) . Turn-taking and chatting in collaborative music live coding . ACM International Conference Proceeding Series . vol. Part F131930 ,
Roma G, Xambó A, Freeman J ( 2017 ) . Loop-aware Audio Recording for the Web . Proceedings of the International Web Audio Conference . Editors: Thalmann, F, Ewert, S ,
Jewitt C, Price S, Xambo Sedo A ( 2017 ) . Conceptualising and researching the body in digital contexts: towards new methodological conversations across the arts and social sciences . Qualitative Research vol. 17 , ( 1 ) 37 - 53 .
Jewitt C, Xambo A, Price S ( 2017 ) . Exploring methodological innovation in the social sciences: the body in digital environments and the arts . International Journal of Social Research Methodology vol. 20 , ( 1 ) 105 - 120 .
Xambo A, Drozda B, Weisling A, Magerko B, Huet M, Gasque T, Freeman J ( 2017 ) . Experience and Ownership with a Tangible Computational Music Installation for Informal Learning . PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TANGIBLE, EMBEDDED, AND EMBODIED INTERACTION (TEI'17) . 351 - 360 .
Xambo A, Hornecker E, Marshall P, Jorda S, Dobbyn C, Laney R ( 2017 ) . Exploring Social Interaction With a Tangible Music Interface . INTERACTING WITH COMPUTERS vol. 29 , ( 2 ) 248 - 270 .
Moore R, Edwards D, Freeman J, Magerko B, McKlin T, Xambo A ( 2016 ) . EarSketch: An authentic, STEAM-based approach to computing education . ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings . vol. 2016-June ,
Freeman J, Magerko B, Edwards D, Moore R, McKlin T, Xambo A ( 2015 ) . EarSketch: A STEAM Approach to Broadening Participation in Computer Science Principles . 2015 RESEARCH IN EQUITY AND SUSTAINED PARTICIPATION IN ENGINEERING, COMPUTING, AND TECHNOLOGY (RESPECT) .
Xambó A, Roma G, Laney R, Dobbyn C, Jordà S ( 2014 ) . Soundxy4: Supporting tabletop collaboration and awareness with ambisonics spatialisation . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . 40 - 45 .
Xambó A, Jewitt C, Price S ( 2014 ) . Towards an integrated methodological framework for understanding embodiment in HCI . Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings . 1411 - 1416 .
Xambó A, Laney R, Dobbyn C, Jordà S ( 2013 ) . Video Analysis for Evaluating Music Interaction: Musical Tabletops . Music and Human-Computer Interaction , Springer Nature
Xambo A, Hornecker E, Marshall P, Jorda S, Dobbyn C, Laney R ( 2013 ) . Let's Jam the Reactable: Peer Learning during Musical Improvisation with a Tabletop Tangible Interface . ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-HUMAN INTERACTION vol. 20 , ( 6 ) Article ARTN 36 ,
Bogdanov D, Haro M, Fuhrmann F, Xambo A, Gomez E, Herrera P ( 2013 ) . Semantic audio content-based music recommendation and visualization based on user preference examples . INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT vol. 49 , ( 1 ) 13 - 33 .
Xambó A, Laney R, Dobbyn C, Jordà S ( 2012 ) . Towards a taxonomy for video analysis on collaborative musical tabletops . Electronic Workshops in Computing .
Roma G, Xambó A, Herrera P, Laney R ( 2012 ) . Factors in human recognition of timbre lexicons generated by data clustering . Proceedings of the 9th Sound and Music Computing Conference, SMC 2012 .
Bogdanov D, Haro M, Fuhrmann F, Xambó A, Gómez E, Herrera P ( 2011 ) . A content-based system for music recommendation and visualization of user preferences working on semantic notions . Proceedings - International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing . 249 - 252 .
Milne AJ, Xambó A, Laney R, Sharp DB, Prechtl A, Holland S ( 2011 ) . Hex player—a virtual musical controller . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . 244 - 247 .
Xambó A, Laney R, Dobbyn C, Jordà S ( 2011 ) . MULTI-TOUCH INTERACTION PRINCIPLES FOR COLLABORATIVE REAL-TIME MUSIC ACTIVITIES: TOWARDS A PATTERN LANGUAGE . International Computer Music Conference, ICMC Proceedings . 403 - 406 .
Xambo A, Laney R, Dobbyn C ( 2011 ) . TOUCHtr4ck: Democratic Collaborative Music . TEI 2011: PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TANGIBLE EMBEDDED AND EMBODIED INTERACTION . 309 - 312 .
Haro M, Xambó A, Fuhrmann F, Bogdanov D, Gómez E, Herrera P ( 2010 ) . The Musical Avatar: A visualization of musical preferences by means of audio content description . Proceedings of the 5th Audio Mostly - A Conference on Interaction With Sound, AM '10 .
Laney R, Dobbyn C, Xambó A, Schirosa M, Miell D, Littleton K, Dalton S ( 2010 ) . Issues and techniques for collaborative music making on multi-touch surfaces . Proceedings of the 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference, SMC 2010 .
Roma G, Xambó A ( 2008 ) . A tabletop waveform editor for live performance . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . 249 - 252 .