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Publications: Dr Samuel Halvorsen

Halvorsen S, Annunziata R ( 2024 ) . Proximity as urban democratic legitimacy: Strategies of participation in Buenos Aires . Urban Studies vol. 61 , ( 10 ) 1915 - 1932 .
Bailey AJ, Breines M, Emmerson P, Esson J, Halvorsen S, Hope JC, Joronen M, Koh SY et al. ( 2023 ) . Care for Transactions . Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers vol. 48 , ( 1 ) 2 - 8 .
Halvorsen S ( 2021 ) . The Role of Territory in Grassroots Party-building: insights from Argentina . Territory, Politics, Governance
Halvorsen S ( 2020 ) . El Territorio en disputa: estrategias políticas y movimientos socioterritoriales . REVISTA PUNTO SUR Revista de Geografía de la UBA ( 3 )
Halvorsen S ( 2020 ) . Territorialising Movement Parties: the case of Nuevo Encuentro in Buenos Aires . Antipode: a radical journal of geography
Halvorsen S, Mauro S, Annunziata R ( 2020 ) . Presentación. Los partidos políticos y la democracia en las ciudades latinoamericanas . Estudios Políticos
HALVORSEN ST, Fernandes BM, Torres FV ( 2019 ) . Mobilising Territory: Socioterritorial Movements in Comparative Perspective . Annals of the Association of American Geographers vol. 109 , ( 5 ) Article 24694452 , 1454 - 1470 .
HALVORSEN ST ( 2018 ) . Cartographies of epistemic expropriation: critical reflections on learning from the South . Geoforum
Halvorsen S ( 2018 ) . Decolonising territory: Dialogues with Latin American knowledges and grassroots strategies . Progress in Human Geography vol. 43 , ( 5 ) 790 - 814 .
Halvorsen S ( 2017 ) . Spatial dialectics and the geography of social movements: the case of Occupy London . Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers vol. 42 , ( 3 ) 445 - 457 .
Halvorsen S ( 2015 ) . Militant research against‐and‐beyond itself: critical perspectives from the university and Occupy London . Area vol. 47 , ( 4 ) 466 - 472 .
Halvorsen S ( 2015 ) . Encountering Occupy London: Boundary Making and the Territoriality of Urban Activism . Environment and Planning D Society and Space vol. 33 , ( 2 ) 314 - 330 .
Halvorsen S ( 2014 ) . Taking Space: Moments of Rupture and Everyday Life in Occupy London . Antipode vol. 47 , ( 2 ) 401 - 417 .