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Publications: Prof Neve Gordon

Gordon N, Cohen Y ( 2025 ) . Biospatial Politics in Israel/Palestine . Race and the Question of Palestine , Editors: Tatour, L, Lentin, R , Stanford University Press
Gordon N ( 2024 ) . Medical Lawfare: The Nakba and Israel’s Attacks on Palestinian Healthcare . Journal of Palestine Studies
Gordon N ( 2024 ) . Antisemitism and Zionism: The Internal Operations of the IHRA Definition . Middle East Critique vol. 33 , ( 3 ) 345 - 360 .
Gordon N ( 2023 ) . From Human Rights to a Politics of Care . Humanity
Gordon N ( 2023 ) . On Antisemitism and Human Rights . The International Journal of Human Rights
Gordon N ( 2023 ) . Between Human Rights and Civil Society: The Case of Israel’s Apartheid Enablers . Law & Social Inquiry
Gordon N ( 2022 ) . The Moral Norm, the Law, and the Limits of Protection for Wartime Medical Units . Everybody’s War: The Politics of Aid in the Syrian crisis
Pardo S, Gordon N ( 2021 ) . The Instrumentalization of Euroscepticism in the Eastern-Mediterranean . The New Eastern Mediterranean Transformed , Springer Nature
Gordon N, Green P ( 2021 ) . State Crime, Structural Violence and COVID-19 . State Crime Journal vol. 10 , ( 1 ) 4 - 15 .
Cohen Y, Gordon N ( 2021 ) . Territory, Demography, and Effective Control: An Analysis of Israel's Biospatial Politics . Israel-Palestine: Lands and Peoples ,
Gordon N, Cohen Y ( 2020 ) . Western Interests, Israeli Unilateralism, and the Two-State Solution . Journal of Palestine Studies vol. 41 , ( 3 ) 6 - 18 .
Gordon N, Perugini N ( 2019 ) . ‘Hospital Shields’ and the Limits of International Law . European Journal of International Law vol. 30 , ( 2 ) 439 - 463 .
Perugini N, Gordon N ( 2019 ) . Between sovereignty and race: The bombardment of hospitals in the Italo-Ethiopian war and the colonial imprint of international law . State Crime Journal vol. 8 , ( 1 ) 104 - 125 .
Pardo S, Gordon N ( 2019 ) . The Instrumentalization of Euroscepticism by Third Parties . The New Eastern Mediterranean , Springer Nature
Pardo S, Gordon N ( 2018 ) . Euroscepticism as an Instrument of Foreign Policy . Middle East Critique vol. 27 , ( 4 ) 399 - 412 .
Gordon N, Perugini N ( 2018 ) . Liminal Bodies, Liminal Subjects: Notes on Distinction and the Contemporary Ethics of Violence . Bodies of Evidence. Ethics, Aesthetics, and Politics of Movement , Editors: Gurur, E, Noeth, S , Wien : Passagen
Gordon N, Perugini N ( 2018 ) . Human shields and the political geography of international humanitarian law . Handbook on the Geographies of Power ,
GORDON NN, Cohen Y ( 2018 ) . Israel’s Biospatial Politics: Territory, Demography, and Effective Control . Public Culture vol. 30 , ( 2 ) 199 - 220 .
GORDON NN ( 2017 ) . Distinction and the Ethics of Violence: On the Legal Construction of Liminal Subjects and Spaces . Antipode: a radical journal of geography
Rotem M, Gordon N ( 2017 ) . Bedouin sumud and the struggle for education . Journal of Palestine Studies vol. 46 , ( 4 ) 7 - 27 .
Gordon N, Perugini N ( 2017 ) . Human Shields, Sovereign Power, and the Evisceration of the Civilian . AJIL Unbound vol. 110 , 329 - 334 .
Perugini N, Gordon N ( 2016 ) . Introduction to Symposium on Critical Perspectives on Human Shields . AJIL Unbound . vol. 110 , 296 - 298 .
Gordon N ( 2017 ) . Palestinian resistance and the fallacy of destituent play . Political Geography vol. 56 , 101 - 103 .
( 2016 ) . Routledge Handbook on Human Rights and the Middle East and North Africa . Taylor & Francis
Berkovitch N, Gordon N ( 2016 ) . Differentiated Decoupling and Human Rights . Social Problems vol. 63 , ( 4 ) 499 - 512 .
Gordon N, Ram M ( 2016 ) . Ethnic cleansing and the formation of settler colonial geographies . Political Geography vol. 53 , 20 - 29 .
( 2015 ) . Regional Peacemaking and Conflict Management, A comparative approach . Taylor & Francis
Gordon N, Perugini N ( 2015 ) . The politics of human shielding: On the resignification of space and the constitution of civilians as shields in liberal wars . Environment and Planning D Society and Space vol. 34 , ( 1 ) 168 - 187 .
GORDON NN ( 2015 ) . The Human Right to Dominate . Oxford University Press
Gordon N, Pardo S ( 2015 ) . Normative Power Europe meets the Israeli-Palestinian conflict . Asia Europe Journal vol. 13 , ( 3 ) 265 - 274 .
Gordon N, Pardo S ( 2015 ) . The European union and Israel’s occupation: Using technical customs rules as instruments of foreign policy . Middle East Journal vol. 69 , ( 1 ) 76 - 90 .
Gordon N, Pardo S ( 2014 ) . Normative Power Europe and the Power of the Local . JCMS Journal of Common Market Studies vol. 53 , ( 2 ) 416 - 427 .
Gordon N, Pardo S ( 2013 ) . What Can Pro-Democracy Activists in Arab Countries Expect from the European Union? Lessons from the Union's Relations with Israel . Democracy and Security vol. 9 , ( 1-2 ) 100 - 119 .
Gordon N ( 2012 ) . Jonathan pollak: An anarchist "traitor" in his own society . Struggle and Survival in Palestine/Israel ,
Gordon N ( 2012 ) . The Geography and Political Context of Human Rights Education: Israel as a Case Study . Journal of Human Rights vol. 11 , ( 3 ) 384 - 404 .
Gordon N ( 2011 ) . A Villa in the Jungle: Th e Arab Awakening through the Lens of the Israeli Media . Middle East Law and Governance vol. 3 , ( 1-2 ) 105 - 117 .
( 2010 ) . Surveillance and Control in Israel/Palestine, Population, Territory and Power . Taylor & Francis
Brody R, Narula S, Ganesan A, Stork J, Buttigieg J, Swanson J, Gordon N ( 2010 ) . Human Rights and Global Capitalism: A Roundtable Discussion with Human Rights Watch . Rethinking Marxism vol. 13 , ( 2 ) 52 - 71 .
Berkovitch N, Gordon N ( 2008 ) . The Political Economy of Transnational Regimes: The Case of Human Rights . International Studies Quarterly vol. 52 , ( 4 ) 881 - 904 .
Gordon N ( 2008 ) . Israel's Occupation .
Gordon N ( 2008 ) . Israel's occupation .
Gordon N ( 2008 ) . From Colonization to Separation: exploring the structure of Israel's occupation . Third World Quarterly vol. 29 , ( 1 ) 25 - 44 .
Gordon N ( 2007 ) . Of Dowries and Brides: A Structural Analysis of Israel's Occupation . New Political Science vol. 29 , ( 4 ) 453 - 478 .
Gordon N ( 2007 ) . Uneasy calm in Palestine . Nation vol. 284 , ( 10 ) 4 - 5 .
Gordon N, Berkovitch N ( 2007 ) . Human Rights Discourse in Domestic Settings: How Does it Emerge? . Political Studies vol. 55 , ( 1 ) 243 - 266 .
Gordon N ( 2006 ) . Israel's backward March . Nation vol. 282 , ( 14 )
Gordon N ( 2004 ) . Ethics and the place of the other . Levinas and Buber: Dialogue and Difference ,
Gordon N ( 2002 ) . Zionism, Translation and the Politics of Erasure . Political Studies vol. 50 , ( 4 ) 811 - 828 .
Gordon N ( 2002 ) . On Visibility and Power: An Arendtian Corrective of Foucault . Human Studies vol. 25 , ( 2 ) 125 - 145 .
Gordon N ( 2001 ) . Dahl's Procedural Democracy: A Foucauldian Critique . Democratization vol. 8 , ( 4 ) 23 - 40 .
Gordon N, Swanson J, Buttigieg JA ( 2000 ) . Is the struggle for human rights a struggle for emancipation? . Rethinking Marxism vol. 12 , ( 3 ) 1 - 22 .
Gordon N ( 1999 ) . Foucault's Subject: An Ontological Reading . Polity vol. 31 , ( 3 ) 395 - 414 .