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Publications: Prof Borislava Mihaylova

Relton C, Blake MK, Bridge G, Umney D, Taylor SJC, Adams J, Mihaylova B, Griffiths C et al. ( 2025 ) . Place-based household vouchers for locally supplied fruit and vegetables: the Fresh Street pilot cluster randomised controlled trial . BMC Public Health vol. 25 , ( 1 )
Hart A, Miller L, Büttner FC, Hamborg T, Saxena S, Pollok RCG, Stagg I, Wileman V et al. ( 2024 ) . Fatigue, pain and faecal incontinence in adult inflammatory bowel disease patients and the unmet need: a national cross-sectional survey . BMC Gastroenterology vol. 24 , ( 1 )
Pearse R, Hamborg T ( 2024 ) . Cardiac output-guided haemodynamic therapy for patients undergoing major gastrointestinal surgery: the OPTIMISE II randomised clinical trial . British Medical Journal
Mihaylova B, Wu R, Zhou J, Williams C, Schlackow I, Emberson J, Reith C, Keech A et al. ( 2024 ) . Assessing long-term effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of statin therapy in the UK: a modelling study using individual participant data sets . Health Technology Assessment vol. 28 , ( 79 ) 1 - 134 .
Mihaylova B, Wu R, Williams C, Zhou J ( 2024 ) . HPR161 Variation of Cost-Effectiveness Across the Population, Treatment Cost and Adoption Decision: A Case Study in CVD Prevention . Value in Health vol. 27 , ( 12 ) s306 - s307 .
Roukas C, Miller L, Büttner FC, Hamborg T, Stagg I, Hart A, Gordeev VS, Lindsay JO et al. ( 2024 ) . Impact of pain, fatigue and bowel incontinence on the quality of life of people living with inflammatory bowel disease: A UK cross‐sectional survey . United European Gastroenterology Journal
Thalmann I, Preiss D, Schlackow I, Gray A, Mihaylova B ( 2024 ) . Quality of care for secondary cardiovascular disease prevention in 2009-2017: population-wide cohort study of antiplatelet therapy use in Scotland . BMJ Qual Saf vol. 33 , ( 11 ) 716 - 725 .
Zhou J, Mihaylova BN ( 2024 ) . Effects of Empagliflozin on Health Care Use and Quality of Life in CKD in the United Kingdom: Results from EMPA-KIDNEY . Journal of the American Society of Nephrology vol. 35 , ( 10S )
Mihaylova B, Wu R, Zhou J, Williams C, Schlackow I, Emberson J, Reith C, Keech A et al. ( 2024 ) . Lifetime effects and cost-effectiveness of statin therapy for older people in the United Kingdom: a modelling study . Heart vol. 110 , ( 21 )
Xiao C, Scales J, Chavda J, Dove RE, Tsocheva I, Wood HE, Kalsi H, Sartori L et al. ( 2024 ) . Children’s Health in London and Luton (CHILL) cohort: a 12-month natural experimental study of the effects of the Ultra Low Emission Zone on children’s travel to school . International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity vol. 21 , ( 1 )
Van Gelder IC, Rienstra M, Bunting KV, Casado-Arroyo R, Caso V, Crijns HJGM, De Potter TJR, Dwight J et al. ( 2024 ) . 2024 ESC Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation developed in collaboration with the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) . European Heart Journal vol. 45 , ( 36 ) 3314 - 3414 .
Vrints C, Andreotti F, Koskinas KC, Rossello X, Adamo M, Ainslie J, Banning AP, Budaj A et al. ( 2024 ) . 2024 ESC Guidelines for the management of chronic coronary syndromes . European Heart Journal vol. 45 , ( 36 ) 3415 - 3537 .
McEvoy JW, McCarthy CP, Bruno RM, Brouwers S, Canavan MD, Ceconi C, Christodorescu RM, Daskalopoulou SS et al. ( 2024 ) . 2024 ESC Guidelines for the management of elevated blood pressure and hypertension . European Heart Journal vol. 45 , ( 38 ) 3912 - 4018 .
Mazzolai L, Teixido-Tura G, Lanzi S, Boc V, Bossone E, Brodmann M, Bura-Rivière A, De Backer J et al. ( 2024 ) . 2024 ESC Guidelines for the management of peripheral arterial and aortic diseases . European Heart Journal vol. 45 , ( 36 ) 3538 - 3700 .
Koskinas KC, Van Craenenbroeck EM, Antoniades C, Blüher M, Gorter TM, Hanssen H, Marx N, McDonagh TA et al. ( 2024 ) . Obesity and cardiovascular disease: an ESC clinical consensus statement . European Heart Journal vol. 45 , ( 38 ) 4063 - 4098 .
Norton C, Moss-Morris R, Hart A, Cléirigh-Büttner F, Hamborg T, Stagg I, Aziz Q, Czuber-Dochan W et al. ( 2024 ) . O28 IBD-BOOST, a digital cognitive behavioural self-management programme for fatigue, and/or pain, and/or faecal incontinence in IBD: randomised controlled trial . Conference: Oral Presentationsa16.1 - a1a16 .
committee W, Reith C, Preiss D, Blackwell L, Emberson J, Spata E, Davies K, Halls H et al. ( 2024 ) . Effects of statin therapy on diagnoses of new-onset diabetes and worsening glycaemia in large-scale randomised blinded statin trials: an individual participant data meta-analysis . The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology vol. 12 , ( 5 ) 306 - 319 .
Mihaylova B, Wu R, Zhou J, Williams C, Schlackow I, Emberson J, Reith C, Keech A et al. ( 2024 ) . Lifetime effects and cost-effectiveness of standard and higher-intensity statin therapy across population categories in the UK: a microsimulation modelling study . The Lancet Regional Health - Europe vol. 40 , 100887 - 100887 .
Di Mascio L, Hamborg T, Mihaylova B, Kassam J, Shah B, Stuart B, Griffin XL ( 2024 ) . The Adhesive Capsulitis Corticosteroid and Dilation (ACCorD) randomized controlled trial . Bone & Joint Open vol. 5 , ( 3 ) 162 - 173 .
Levy M, Buckell J, Clarke R, Wu N, Pei P, Sun D, Avery D, Zhang H et al. ( 2024 ) . Association between health insurance cost-sharing and choice of hospital tier for cardiovascular diseases in China: a prospective cohort study . The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific vol. 45 ,
Norton C, Morris RM, Hart A, Buettner FC, Hamborg T, Miller L, Stagg I, Aziz Q et al. ( 2024 ) . P651 A randomised controlled trial of IBD-BOOST, a digital cognitive behavioural self-management programme for fatigue, and/or pain, and/or faecal incontinence in inflammatory bowel disease . Journal of Crohn's and Colitis vol. 18 , ( Supplement_1 ) i1240 - i1242 .
Members: ATF, McDonagh TA, Metra M, Adamo M, Gardner RS, Baumbach A, Böhm M, Burri H et al. ( 2024 ) . 2023 Focused Update of the 2021 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure . European Journal of Heart Failure vol. 26 , ( 1 ) 5 - 17 .
Jacobs A, Wu R, Tomini F, De Simoni A, Mihaylova B ( 2023 ) . Strong and graded associations between level of asthma severity and all-cause hospital care use and costs in the UK . BMJ Open Respiratory Research
Zhou J, Williams C, Keng MJ, Wu R, Mihaylova B ( 2023 ) . Estimating Costs Associated with Disease Model States Using Generalized Linear Models: A Tutorial . PharmacoEconomics vol. 42 , ( 3 ) 261 - 273 .
Tsocheva I, Scales J, Dove R, Chavda J, Kalsi H, Wood HE, Colligan G, Cross L et al. ( 2023 ) . Investigating the impact of London’s ultra low emission zone on children’s health: children’s health in London and Luton (CHILL) protocol for a prospective parallel cohort study . BMC Pediatrics vol. 23 , ( 1 )
Lui JNM, Williams C, Keng MJ, Hopewell JC, Sammons E, Chen F, Gray A, Bowman L et al. ( 2023 ) . Impact of New Cardiovascular Events on Quality of Life and Hospital Costs in People With Cardiovascular Disease in the United Kingdom and United States . J Am Heart Assoc vol. 12 , ( 19 )
Wu R, Williams C, Zhou J, Schlackow I, Emberson J, Reith C, Keech A, Robson J et al. ( 2023 ) . Long-term cardiovascular risks and statin treatment impact on socioeconomic inequalities: microsimulation model . British Journal of General Practice vol. 74 , ( 740 )
Byrne RA, Rossello X, Coughlan JJ, Barbato E, Berry C, Chieffo A, Claeys MJ, Dan G-A et al. ( 2023 ) . 2023 ESC Guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes . European Heart Journal Acute Cardiovascular Care vol. 13 , ( 1 ) 55 - 161 .
Carr CE, Medlicott E, Hooper R, Feng Y, Mihaylova B, Priebe S ( 2023 ) . Effectiveness of group arts therapies (art therapy, dance movement therapy and music therapy) compared to group counselling for diagnostically heterogeneous psychiatric community patients: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial in mental health services (the ERA study) . Trials vol. 24 , ( 1 )
Byrne RA, Rossello X, Coughlan JJ, Barbato E, Berry C, Chieffo A, Claeys MJ, Dan G-A et al. ( 2023 ) . 2023 ESC Guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes . European Heart Journal vol. 44 , ( 38 ) 3720 - 3826 .
Arbelo E, Protonotarios A, Gimeno JR, Arbustini E, Barriales-Villa R, Basso C, Bezzina CR, Biagini E et al. ( 2023 ) . 2023 ESC Guidelines for the management of cardiomyopathies . European Heart Journal vol. 44 , ( 37 ) 3503 - 3626 .
Marx N, Federici M, Schütt K, Müller-Wieland D, Ajjan RA, Antunes MJ, Christodorescu RM, Crawford C et al. ( 2023 ) . 2023 ESC Guidelines for the management of cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes . European Heart Journal vol. 44 , ( 39 ) 4043 - 4140 .
Delgado V, Marsan NA, de Waha S, Bonaros N, Brida M, Burri H, Caselli S, Doenst T et al. ( 2023 ) . 2023 ESC Guidelines for the management of endocarditis . European Heart Journal vol. 44 , ( 39 ) 3948 - 4042 .
McDonagh TA, Metra M, Adamo M, Gardner RS, Baumbach A, Böhm M, Burri H, Butler J et al. ( 2023 ) . 2023 Focused Update of the 2021 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure . European Heart Journal vol. 44 , ( 37 ) 3627 - 3639 .
Karampatakis GD, Wood HE, Griffiths CJ, Taylor SJC, Toffolutti V, Bird VJ, Lea NC, Ashcroft RE et al. ( 2023 ) . Non-randomised feasibility study testing a primary care intervention to promote engagement in an online health community for adults with troublesome asthma: protocol . BMJ Open vol. 13 , ( 7 )
Scales J, Chavda J, Ikeda E, Tsocheva I, Dove RE, Wood HE, Kalsi H, Colligan G et al. ( 2023 ) . Device-Measured Change in Physical Activity in Primary School Children During the UK COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown: A Longitudinal Study . J Phys Act Health vol. 20 , ( 7 ) 639 - 647 .
Norton C, Hart A, Miller L, Hamborg T, Staff I, McGuinness S, Wileman V, Tzorovili E et al. ( 2023 ) . P106 The relationship between fatigue, pain and urgency in 8486 people with inflammatory bowel disease: a survey . Conference: Poster presentationsa109.1 - a1a109 .
Upadhyaya A, Topan R, Pandya S, Williams S, Zarate-Lopez N, Aziz Q, Roukas C, Mihaylova B et al. ( 2023 ) . P264 Medication usage in hypermobile ehlers-danlos syndrome/hypermobile spectrum disorder patients with concomitant disorders of gut-brain interactions . Conference: Poster presentationsa189.2 - a1a190 .
Upadhyaya A, Topan R, Pandya S, Williams S, Zarate-Lopez N, Aziz Q, Roukas C, Mihaylova B et al. ( 2023 ) . P265 Healthcare utilisation and costs for hypermobile ehlers-danlos syndrome patients with concomitant functional dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome . Conference: Poster presentationsa190 - a191 .
Edwards MR, Forbes G, Walker N, Morton DG, Mythen MG, Murray D, Anderson I, Mihaylova B et al. ( 2023 ) . Fluid Optimisation in Emergency Laparotomy (FLO-ELA) Trial: study protocol for a multi-centre randomised trial of cardiac output-guided fluid therapy compared to usual care in patients undergoing major emergency gastrointestinal surgery . Trials vol. 24 , ( 1 )
Zhou J, Wu R, Williams C, Emberson J, Reith C, Keech A, Robson J, Wilkinson K et al. ( 2023 ) . Prediction Models for Individual-Level Healthcare Costs Associated with Cardiovascular Events in the UK . Pharmacoeconomics vol. 41 , ( 5 ) 547 - 559 .
Roukas C, Miller L, Hamborg T, Gordeev V, Lindsay J, Norton C, Mihaylova B ( 2023 ) . DOP23 Decrements in quality of life associated with symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: results from the UK IBD-BOOST survey . Journal of Crohn's and Colitis vol. 17 , ( Supplement_1 ) i87 - i88 .
Hart A, Miller L, Hamborg T, Stagg I, McGuinness S, Wileman V, Tzorovili E, Mihaylova B et al. ( 2023 ) . DOP59 What is the relationship between fatigue, pain and urgency in people with inflammatory bowel disease? Results of the IBD-BOOST survey in 8486 participants . Journal of Crohn's and Colitis vol. 17 , ( Supplement_1 ) i130 - i132 .
Roukas C, Miller L, Hamborg T, Gordeev V, Lindsay J, Norton C, Mihaylova B ( 2023 ) . Decrements in quality of life associated with symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: results from the UK IBD-BOOST survey . JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS . vol. 17 , I87 - I88 .
Upadhyaya A, Lalani R, Pandya S, Williams S, Zarate-Lopez N, Aziz Q, Roukas C, Mihaylova B et al. ( 2023 ) . Healthcare utilisation and costs for hypermobile ehlers-danlos syndrome patients with concomitant functional dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome . NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY . vol. 35 ,
Hart A, Miller L, Hamborg T, Stagg I, McGuinness S, Wileman V, Tzorovili E, Mihaylova B et al. ( 2023 ) . What is the relationship between fatigue, pain and urgency in people with inflammatory bowel disease? Results of the IBD-BOOST survey in 8486 participants . JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS . vol. 17 , I130 - I132 .
Williams C, Lui N, Bowman L, Gray A, Hopewell J, Landray M, Mihaylova B ( 2022 ) . MSR45 Challenges in Extrapolation When There Are Multiple Health Outcomes . Value in Health vol. 25 , ( 12 )
Thalmann I, Preiss D, Schlackow I, Gray A, Mihaylova B ( 2022 ) . Antiplatelet therapy use for the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease in 2009–2017: a population-wide retrospective cohort study of Scotland . European Heart Journal vol. 43 , ( Supplement_2 )
Wu R, Williams C, Zhou J, Schlackow I, Emberson J, Reith C, Keech A, Robson J et al. ( 2022 ) . Benefit accrual with cardiovascular disease prevention and effects of discontinuation: a modelling study . European Heart Journal vol. 43 , ( Supplement_2 )
Mihaylova B, Wu R, Williams C, Zhou J, Schlackow I, Emberson J, Reith C, Keech A et al. ( 2022 ) . Cost-effectiveness of statin therapy in categories of patients in the UK . European Heart Journal vol. 43 , ( Supplement_2 )
Zhou J, Wu R, Williams C, Emberson J, Reith C, Keech A, Robson J, Wilkinson K et al. ( 2022 ) . Impact of cardiovascular events on primary and hospital care costs: findings from UK Biobank study . European Heart Journal vol. 43 , ( Supplement_2 )
Thalmann I, Preiss D, Schlackow I, Gray A, Mihaylova B ( 2022 ) . Population-wide cohort study of statin use for the secondary cardiovascular disease prevention in Scotland in 2009–2017 . Heart vol. 109 , ( 5 ) 388 - 395 .
Cholesterol Treatment Trialists' Collaboration ( 2022 ) . Effect of statin therapy on muscle symptoms: an individual participant data meta-analysis of large-scale, randomised, double-blind trials . Lancet vol. 400 , ( 10355 ) 832 - 845 .
Schmierer K, Baker D, Nawaz T, Allen-Philbey K, Barkhof F, Chataway J, Hooper R, Mihaylova B et al. ( 2022 ) . 153 ChariotMS – cladribine to halt deterioration in people with advanced multiple sclerosis (pwAMS) . Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery & Psychiatry . vol. 93 ,
Oke JL, Feakins BG, Schlackow I, Mihaylova B, Simons C, O'Callaghan CA, Lasserson DS, Hobbs FDR et al. ( 2022 ) . Statistical models for the deterioration of kidney function in a primary care population: A retrospective database analysis . F1000Research vol. 8 ,
Roukas C, Syred J, Gordeev VS, Norton C, Hart A, Mihaylova B ( 2022 ) . Development and test–retest reliability of a new, self-report questionnaire assessing healthcare use and personal costs in people with inflammatory bowel disease: the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Resource Use Questionnaire (IBD-RUQ) . Frontline Gastroenterology vol. 14 , ( 1 ) 59 - 67 .
Keng MJ, Leal J, Bowman L, Armitage J, Mihaylova B, Group ASC ( 2022 ) . Hospital costs associated with adverse events in people with diabetes in the UK . Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism vol. 24 , ( 11 ) 2108 - 2117 .
Jumbe S, Madurasinghe VW, James WY, Houlihan C, Jumbe SL, Yau T, Tomini F, Eldridge S et al. ( 2022 ) . STOP— a training intervention to optimise treatment for smoking cessation in community pharmacies: cluster randomised controlled trial . BMC Medicine vol. 20 , ( 1 )
Azhir A, Talebi S, Merino L-H, Li Y, Lukasiewicz T, Argulian E, Narula J, Mihaylova B ( 2022 ) . BEHRTDAY: Dynamic Mortality Risk Prediction using Time-Variant COVID-19 Patient Specific Trajectories . AMIA Joint Summits on Translational Science Proceedings vol. 2022 , 120 - 129 .
Azhir A, Talebi S, Merino L-H, Lukasiewicz T, Argulian E, Narula J, Mihaylova B ( 2022 ) . Using Shapes of COVID-19 Positive Patient-Specific Trajectories for Mortality Prediction . AMIA Joint Summits on Translational Science Proceedings vol. 2022 , 130 - 139 .
Keng MJ, Armitage J, Bowman L, Leal J, Mihaylova B ( 2022 ) . IDF21-0188 Impact of adverse events on hospital costs and health-related quality of life in people with diabetes . Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice vol. 186 ,
Wu R, Williams C, Schlackow I, Zhou J, Emberson J, Reith C, Keech A, Robson J et al. ( 2022 ) . CALIBRATING CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE POLICY MODEL USING LARGE COHORT DATA . VALUE IN HEALTH . vol. 25 , S16 - S16 .
Willliam C, Lui NMJ, Bowman L, Gray A, Hopewell JC, Landray M, Mihaylova B ( 2022 ) . CHALLENGES IN EXTRAPOLATION WHEN THERE ARE MULTIPLE HEALTH OUTCOMES . VALUE IN HEALTH . vol. 25 , S358 - S358 .
Zhou J, Wu R, Williams C, Mihaylova B ( 2022 ) . P55 Excess Annual Hospital Costs Due to Cardiovascular Events in a Contemporary UK Population to Inform Health Technology Assessments . Value in Health . vol. 25 ,
Wu R, Williams C, Schlackow I, Zhou J, Emberson J, Reith C, Keech A, Robson J et al. ( 2022 ) . P70 Calibrating Cardiovascular Disease Policy Model Using Large Cohort Data . Value in Health . vol. 25 , s16 - s16 .
Wu R, Rison S, Raisi-Estabragh Z, Dostal I, Carvalho C, Robson J, Mihaylova B ( 2021 ) . Gaps in antihypertensive and statin treatments and benefits of optimisation: a modelling study in a 1 million ethnically diverse urban population in UK . BMJ Open
Keng MJ, Leal J, Bowman L, Armitage J, Mihaylova B, Group ASC ( 2021 ) . Decrements in health‐related quality of life associated with adverse events in people with diabetes . Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism vol. 24 , ( 3 ) 530 - 538 .
Group THT-RC, Committee W, Sammons E, Hopewell JC, Chen F, Stevens W, Wallendszus K, Valdes-Marquez E et al. ( 2021 ) . Long-term safety and efficacy of anacetrapib in patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease . European Heart Journal vol. 43 , ( 14 ) 1416 - 1424 .
Keng MJ, Leal J, Mafham M, Bowman L, Armitage J, Mihaylova B ( 2021 ) . Performance of the UK Prospective Diabetes Study Outcomes Model 2 in a Contemporary UK Type 2 Diabetes Trial Cohort . Value in Health vol. 25 , ( 3 ) 435 - 442 .
Wu R, Williams C, Schlackow I, Zhou J, Emberson J, Reith C, Keech A, Robson J et al. ( 2021 ) . A model of lifetime health outcomes in cardiovascular disease based on clinical trials and large cohorts . European Heart Journal . vol. 42 ,
Wu R, Rison S, Raisi-Estabragh Z, Dostal I, Carvalho C, Robson J, Mihaylova B ( 2021 ) . Benefits from optimised antihypertensive and statin treatment in high risk people . EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL . Conference: European Society of Cardiology Congress 2021 vol. 42 , 2728 - 2728 .
Lui NMJ, Williams C, Keng MJ, Hopewell J, Bowman L, Landray M, Gray A, Mihaylova B et al. ( 2021 ) . Impact of adverse events on quality of life and hospital costs in secondary cardiovascular disease prevention . European Heart Journal vol. 42 , ( Supplement_1 )
Wu R, Rison S, Raisi-Estabragh Z, Dostal I, Carvalho C, Robson J, Mihaylova B ( 2021 ) . Benefits from optimised antihypertensive and statin treatment in high risk people . European Heart Journal . vol. 42 , ehab724.2728 - ehab724.2728 .
Castellani J, Kimbute O, Makasi C, Mrango ZE, Paulus ATG, Evers SMAA, Hardy P, Sumner T et al. ( 2021 ) . Daily Life and Challenges Faced By Households With Permanent Childhood Developmental Disability in Rural Tanzania – A Qualitative Study . Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities vol. 34 , ( 3 ) 471 - 490 .
Halliday A, Bulbulia R, Bonati LH, Chester J, Cradduck-Bamford A, Peto R, Pan H, Halliday A et al. ( 2021 ) . Second asymptomatic carotid surgery trial (ACST-2): a randomised comparison of carotid artery stenting versus carotid endarterectomy . The Lancet vol. 398 , ( 10305 ) 1065 - 1073 .
Leal J, Alva M, Gregory V, Hayes A, Mihaylova B, Gray AM, Holman RR, Clarke P ( 2021 ) . Estimating risk factor progression equations for the UKPDS Outcomes Model 2 (UKPDS 90) . Diabetic Medicine vol. 38 , ( 10 )
Norton C, Syred J, Kerry S, Artom M, Sweeney L, Hart A, Czuber-Dochan W, Taylor SJC et al. ( 2021 ) . Supported online self-management versus care as usual for symptoms of fatigue, pain and urgency/incontinence in adults with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD-BOOST): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial . Trials vol. 22 , ( 1 )
Perera R, Stevens R, Aronson JK, Banerjee A, Evans J, Feakins BG, Fleming S, Glasziou P et al. ( 2021 ) . Long-term monitoring in primary care for chronic kidney disease and chronic heart failure: a multi-method research programme . Programme Grants for Applied Research vol. 9 , ( 10 ) 1 - 218 .
Norton C, Syred J, Kerry S, Artom M, Sweeney L, Hart A, Czuber-Dochan W, Taylor SJ et al. ( 2021 ) . Supported Online Self-Management Versus Care as Usual for Symptoms of Fatigue, Pain and Urgency/incontinence in Adults With Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD-BOOST): Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial .
Levy M, Chen Y, Clarke R, Guo Y, Lv J, Yu C, Li L, Chen Z et al. ( 2021 ) . Gender differences in use of invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for acute ischaemic heart disease in Chinese adults . Heart vol. 108 , ( 4 ) 292 - 299 .
Alonso Fernandez S, Tan M, Wang C, Kent S, Cobiac L, Macgregor G, He F, Mihaylova B ( 2021 ) . Impact of the 2003-2018 population salt intake reduction programme in England: a modelling study . Hypertension
Colligan G, Tsocheva I, Scales J, Chavda J, Dove R, Kalsi H, Wood H, Cross L et al. ( 2021 ) . Investigating the impact of London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone on children’s health: Children’s Health in London and Luton (CHILL): Protocol for a prospective parallel cohort study .
Schlackow I, Simons C, Oke J, Feakins B, O’Callaghan CA, Hobbs FDR, Lasserson D, Stevens RJ et al. ( 2020 ) . Long-term health outcomes of people with reduced kidney function in the UK: A modelling study using population health data . PLOS Medicine vol. 17 , ( 12 )
Thorn JC, Davies CF, Brookes ST, Noble SM, Dritsaki M, Gray E, Hughes DA, Mihaylova B et al. ( 2020 ) . Content of Health Economics Analysis Plans (HEAPs) for Trial-Based Economic Evaluations: Expert Delphi Consensus Survey . Value in Health vol. 24 , ( 4 ) 539 - 547 .
Thalmann I, Preiss D, Schlackow I, Gray A, Mihaylova B ( 2020 ) . Determinants of statin initiation and discontinuation in the secondary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in Scotland during 2009–2017 . European Heart Journal vol. 41 , ( Supplement_2 )
Tsiachristas A, West H, Oikonomou EK, Mihaylova B, Sabharwall N, Channon K, Neubauer S, Antoniades C ( 2020 ) . Real world cost and health outcomes of patients presented with chest pain in England: which is the most cost-effective first-line test? . European Heart Journal vol. 41 , ( Supplement_2 )
Shlipak MG, Tummalapalli SL, Boulware LE, Grams ME, Ix JH, Jha V, Kengne A-P, Madero M et al. ( 2020 ) . The case for early identification and intervention of chronic kidney disease: conclusions from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference . Kidney International vol. 99 , ( 1 ) 34 - 47 .
Mach F, Baigent C, Catapano AL, Koskinas KC, Casula M, Badimon L, Chapman MJ, De Backer GG et al. ( 2020 ) . 2019 ESC/EAS Guidelines for themanagement of dyslipidaemias: lipid modification to reduce cardiovascular risk . Russian Journal of Cardiology vol. 25 , ( 5 )
O'Halloran R, Mihaylova B, Cairns BJ, Kent S ( 2020 ) . BMI and Cause-Specific Hospital Admissions and Costs: The UK Biobank Cohort Study . Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.) vol. 28 , ( 7 ) 1332 - 1341 .
Levy M, Chen Y, Clarke R, Bennett D, Tan Y, Guo Y, Bian Z, Lv J et al. ( 2020 ) . Socioeconomic differences in health-care use and outcomes for stroke and ischaemic heart disease in China during 2009–16: a prospective cohort study of 0.5 million adults . The Lancet Global Health vol. 8 , ( 4 ) e591 - e602 .
Lieberman D, Mangat H, Allen-Philbey K, Baker D, Barkhof F, Chandran S, Chapman C, Chataway J et al. ( 2020 ) . Cladribine to halt deterioration in people with advanced multiple sclerosis (CHARIOTMS) . MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL . vol. 26 , 212 - 213 .
Mach F, Baigent C, Catapano AL, Koskinas KC, Casula M, Badimon L, Chapman MJ, De Backer GG et al. ( 2020 ) . Ghidul societăţii europene de cardiologie (Esc)/ societăţii europene de ateroscleroză (eas) pentru diagnosticul şi tratamentul dislipidemiilor 2019: modificările lipidice în vederea reducerii riscului cardiovascular . Revista Romana de Cardiologie vol. 30 , ( 2 ) 263 - 357 .
Members TF, Mach F, Baigent C, Catapano AL, Koskinas KC, Casula M, Badimon L, Chapman MJ et al. ( 2019 ) . Corrigendum to “2019 ESC/EAS Guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemias: lipid modification to reduce cardiovascular risk” [Atherosclerosis 290 (2019) 140–205] . Atherosclerosis vol. 294 , 80 - 82 .
Authors/Task Force Members, ESC National Cardiac Societies, ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines (CPG) ( 2019 ) . Erratum to "2019 ESC/EAS guidelines for the management of dyslipidemias: Lipid modification to reduce cardiovascular risk" [Atherosclerosis 290 (2019) 140-205] . Atherosclerosis vol. 292 , 160 - 162 .
Roukas C, Tomini F, Mihaylova B ( 2019 ) . P49 UK cost-effectiveness value pyramid of asthma interventions . Thorax . Conference: Driving quality improvement through education and training vol. 74 ,
Authors/Task Force Members, ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines (CPG), ESC National Cardiac Societies ( 2019 ) . 2019 ESC/EAS guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemias: Lipid modification to reduce cardiovascular risk . Atherosclerosis vol. 290 , 140 - 205 .
Levy M, Chen Y, Clarke R, Bennett D, Tan Y, Guo Y, Bian Z, Lv J et al. ( 2019 ) . Declining socioeconomic inequalities in hospital care use and case fatality rates for stroke and ischaemic heart disease in China during 2009–16: a prospective study of 0·5 million adults . The Lancet . vol. 394 ,
Mach F, Baigent C, Catapano AL, Koskinas KC, Casula M, Badimon L, Chapman MJ, De Backer GG et al. ( 2019 ) . 2019 ESC/EAS Guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemias: lipid modification to reduce cardiovascular risk . European Heart Journal vol. 41 , ( 1 ) 111 - 188 .
Hopewell JC, Ibrahim M, Hill M, Shaw PM, Braunwald E, Blaustein RO, Bowman L, Landray MJ et al. ( 2019 ) . Impact of ADCY9 Genotype on Response to Anacetrapib . Circulation vol. 140 , ( 11 ) 891 - 898 .
Keng MJ, Tsiachristas A, Leal J, Gray A, Mihaylova B ( 2019 ) . Impact of achieving primary care targets in type 2 diabetes on health outcomes and healthcare costs . Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism vol. 21 , ( 11 ) 2405 - 2412 .
Schlackow I, Kent S, Herrington W, Emberson J, Haynes R, Reith C, Collins R, Landray MJ et al. ( 2019 ) . Cost-effectiveness of lipid lowering with statins and ezetimibe in chronic kidney disease . Kidney Int vol. 96 , ( 1 ) 170 - 179 .
Schlackow I, Kent S, Herrington W, Emberson J, Haynes R, Reith C, Collins R, Landray M et al. ( 2019 ) . Cost-effectiveness of lipid lowering with statins and ezetimibe in chronic kidney disease . Kidney International
Edwards MR, Forbes G, MacDonald N, Berdunov V, Mihaylova B, Dias P, Thomson A, Grocott MP et al. ( 2019 ) . Optimisation of Perioperative Cardiovascular Management to Improve Surgical Outcome II (OPTIMISE II) trial: study protocol for a multicentre international trial of cardiac output-guided fluid therapy with low-dose inotrope infusion compared with usual care in patients undergoing major elective gastrointestinal surgery . BMJ Open vol. 9 , ( 1 ) e023455 - e023455 .
Kent S, Aveyard P, Astbury N, Mihaylova B, Jebb SA ( 2019 ) . Is Doctor Referral to a Low‐Energy Total Diet Replacement Program Cost‐Effective for the Routine Treatment of Obesity? . Obesity vol. 27 , ( 3 ) 391 - 398 .
MIHAYLOVA BA ( 2019 ) . Efficacy and safety of statin therapy in older people: meta-analysis of individual participant data from 28 randomised controlled trials . Lancet407 - 415 .
Thorn J, Davies CF, Brookes ST, Dritsaki M, Gray E, Hughes D, Noble SM, Petrou S et al. ( 2019 ) . Essential items for a Health Economics Analysis Plan (HEAP): expert Delphi consensus survey . TRIALS . vol. 20 ,
Keng MJ, Tsiachristas A, Leal J, Gray AM, Mihaylova B ( 2019 ) . Impact of variation in Type 2 diabetes care on health outcomes and healthcare costs . DIABETIC MEDICINE . vol. 36 , 161 - 161 .
Kent S, Jebb S, Gray A, Green J, REEVES G, Beral V, Cairns B, MIHAYLOVA B ( 2018 ) . Body Mass Index and use and costs of primary care services among women aged 55 to 79 years in England: a cohort and linked data study . International Journal of Obesity
Castellani J, Mihaylova B, Siribié M, Gansane Z, Ouedraogo AZ, Fouque F, Sirima SB, Evers SMAA et al. ( 2018 ) . Household costs and time to treatment for children with severe febrile illness in rural Burkina Faso: the role of rectal artesunate . Malaria Journal vol. 17 , ( 1 )
Mihaylova B, Group THTC ( 2018 ) . P5083Assessing cardiovascular risk in people with atherosclerotic vascular disease on intensive statin therapy . European Heart Journal vol. 39 , ( suppl_1 )
Herrington WG, Donovan K, Mihaylova B ( 2018 ) . Authors’ Reply . Journal of the American Society of Nephrology vol. 29 , ( 10 ) 2602 - 2603 .
Lokuge K, de Waard DD, Halliday A, Gray A, Bulbulia R, Mihaylova B ( 2018 ) . Meta-Analysis of the Procedural Risks of Carotid Endarterectomy and Carotid Artery Stenting Over Time . Journal of Vascular Surgery . vol. 67 , 1934 - 1935 .
Marthi A, Donovan K, Haynes R, Wheeler DC, Baigent C, Rooney CM, Landray MJ, Moe SM et al. ( 2018 ) . Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 and Risks of Cardiovascular and Noncardiovascular Diseases: A Meta-Analysis . Journal of the American Society of Nephrology vol. 29 , ( 7 )
Jepson M, Elliott D, Conefrey C, Wade J, Rooshenas L, Wilson C, Beard D, Blazeby JM et al. ( 2018 ) . An observational study showed that explaining randomization using gambling-related metaphors and computer-agency descriptions impeded randomized clinical trial recruitment . Journal of Clinical Epidemiology vol. 99 , 75 - 83 .
Mihaylova B ( 2018 ) . Assessing cardiovascular risk in people with atherosclerotic vascular disease on intensive statin therapy . EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL . vol. 39 , 1054 - 1054 .
Lokuge K, de Waard DD, Halliday A, Gray A, Bulbulia R, Mihaylova B ( 2018 ) . Meta-analysis of the procedural risks of carotid endarterectomy and carotid artery stenting over time . British Journal of Surgery vol. 105 , ( 1 ) 26 - 36 .
Morton RL, Schlackow I, Gray A, Emberson J, Herrington W, Staplin N, Reith C, Howard K et al. ( 2017 ) . Impact of CKD on Household Income . Kidney International Reports vol. 3 , ( 3 ) 610 - 618 .
Bowman L, Hopewell JC, Chen F, Wallendszus K, Stevens W, Collins R, Wiviott SD, Cannon CP et al. ( 2017 ) . Effects of Anacetrapib in Patients with Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease . New England Journal of Medicine vol. 377 , ( 13 ) 1217 - 1227 .
Schlackow I, Kent S, Herrington W, Emberson J, Haynes R, Reith C, Wanner C, Fellström B et al. ( 2017 ) . A policy model of cardiovascular disease in moderate-to-advanced chronic kidney disease . Heart vol. 103 , ( 23 )
Kent S, Fusco F, Gray A, Jebb SA, Cairns BJ, Mihaylova B ( 2017 ) . Body mass index and healthcare costs: a systematic literature review of individual participant data studies . Obesity Reviews vol. 18 , ( 8 ) 869 - 879 .
Clayton GL, Smith IL, Higgins JPT, Mihaylova B, Thorpe B, Cicero R, Lokuge K, Forman JR et al. ( 2017 ) . The INVEST project: investigating the use of evidence synthesis in the design and analysis of clinical trials . Trials vol. 18 , ( 1 )
Kent S, Green J, Reeves G, Beral V, Gray A, Jebb SA, Cairns BJ, Mihaylova B et al. ( 2017 ) . Hospital costs in relation to body-mass index in 1·1 million women in England: a prospective cohort study . The Lancet Public Health vol. 2 , ( 5 ) e214 - e222 .
de Waard DD, Halliday A, de Borst GJ, Bulbulia R, Huibers A, Casana R, Bonati LH, Tolva V et al. ( 2017 ) . Choices of Stent and Cerebral Protection in the Ongoing ACST-2 Trial: A Descriptive Study . European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery vol. 53 , ( 5 ) 617 - 625 .
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Schlackow I, Mihaylova B ( 2017 ) . A lifetime disease model based on an RCT: development, validation and applications . TRIALS . vol. 18 ,
Thorn J, Ridyard C, Hughes D, Wordsworth S, Mihaylova B, Noble SM, Hollingworth W ( 2017 ) . Health economics analysis plans: the current state of play . TRIALS . vol. 18 ,
Schlackow I, Gray A, Sharples L, Jackson C, Welton N, Mihaylova B ( 2017 ) . Methods for extrapolation from clinical trial data to inform economic evaluations: a taxonomy . TRIALS . vol. 18 ,
Castellani J, Nsungwa-Sabiiti J, Mihaylova B, Ajayi IO, Siribié M, Afonne C, Balyeku A, Sermé L et al. ( 2016 ) . Impact of Improving Community-Based Access to Malaria Diagnosis and Treatment on Household Costs . Clinical Infectious Diseases vol. 63 , ( suppl_5 ) s256 - s263 .
Castellani J, Mihaylova B, Ajayi IO, Siribié M, Nsungwa-Sabiiti J, Afonne C, Sermé L, Balyeku A et al. ( 2016 ) . Quantifying and Valuing Community Health Worker Time in Improving Access to Malaria Diagnosis and Treatment . Clinical Infectious Diseases vol. 63 , ( suppl_5 ) s298 - s305 .
Herrington WG, Emberson J, Mihaylova B, Collins R, Baigent C, Collaboration CTT ( 2016 ) . Are statins useful in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease? – Authors' reply . The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology vol. 4 , ( 12 ) 971 - 972 .
Thorn J, Ridyard C, Hughes D, Wordsworth S, Mihaylova B, Noble S, Hollingworth W ( 2016 ) . PRM221 Health Economics Analysis Plans: Where Are We Now? . Value in Health . vol. 19 ,
Achelrod D, Gray A, Preiss D, Mihaylova B ( 2016 ) . Cholesterol- and blood-pressure-lowering drug use for secondary cardiovascular prevention in 2004–2013 Europe . European Journal of Preventive Cardiology vol. 24 , ( 4 ) 426 - 436 .
Herrington W, Emberson J, Mihaylova B, Blackwell L, Reith C, Solbu M, Mark P, Fellström B et al. ( 2016 ) . Impact of renal function on the effects of LDL cholesterol lowering with statin-based regimens: a meta-analysis of individual participant data from 28 randomised trials . The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology vol. 4 , ( 10 ) 829 - 839 .
Kent S, Haynes R, Hopewell JC, Parish S, Gray A, Landray MJ, Collins R, Armitage J et al. ( 2016 ) . Effects of Vascular and Nonvascular Adverse Events and of Extended-Release Niacin With Laropiprant on Health and Healthcare Costs . Circulation Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes vol. 9 , ( 4 ) 348 - 354 .
Reith C, Blackwell L, Emberson J, Mihaylova B, Armitage J, Fulcher J, Keech A, Simes J et al. ( 2016 ) . Protocol for analyses of adverse event data from randomized controlled trials of statin therapy . American Heart Journal vol. 176 , 63 - 69 .
Lokuge K, de Waard D, Bulbulia R, Gray A, Halliday A, Mihaylova B ( 2016 ) . Procedural risks of carotid endarterectomy and carotid artery stenting have improved since 2005: Results from a systematic review of observational studies . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE . vol. 11 , S25 - S25 .
Mihaylova B, Schlackow I, Herrington W, Lozano-Kühne J, Kent S, Emberson J, Reith C, Haynes R et al. ( 2015 ) . Cost-effectiveness of Simvastatin plus Ezetimibe for Cardiovascular Prevention in CKD: Results of the Study of Heart and Renal Protection (SHARP) . American Journal of Kidney Diseases vol. 67 , ( 4 ) 576 - 584 .
Lokuge K, Halliday A, Bulbulia R, Gray A, Mihaylova B ( 2015 ) . Systematic review of randomised and observational evidence of effects of treatments of carotid stenosis to prevent stroke . Trials . vol. 16 ,
Morton RL, Schlackow I, Staplin N, Gray A, Cass A, Haynes R, Emberson J, Herrington W et al. ( 2015 ) . Impact of Educational Attainment on Health Outcomes in Moderate to Severe CKD . American Journal of Kidney Diseases vol. 67 , ( 1 ) 31 - 39 .
Morton RL, Schlackow I, Staplin N, Gray A, Cass A, Haynes R, Emberson J, Herrington W et al. ( 2015 ) . FP329IMPACT OF EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT ON HEALTH OUTCOMES IN MODERATE-TO-SEVERE CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE . Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation . vol. 30 , iii178 - iii178 .
Staff TPO ( 2015 ) . Correction: Out-of-Pocket Costs and Other Determinants of Access to Healthcare for Children with Febrile Illnesses: A Case-Control Study in Rural Tanzania . PLOS ONE vol. 10 , ( 5 )
Kent S, Schlackow I, Lozano-Kühne J, Reith C, Emberson J, Haynes R, Gray A, Cass A et al. ( 2015 ) . What is the impact of chronic kidney disease stage and cardiovascular disease on the annual cost of hospital care in moderate-to-severe kidney disease? . BMC Nephrology vol. 16 , ( 1 )
Castellani J, Mihaylova B, Evers SMAA, Paulus ATG, Mrango ZE, Kimbute O, Shishira JP, Mulokozi F et al. ( 2015 ) . Out-of-Pocket Costs and Other Determinants of Access to Healthcare for Children with Febrile Illnesses: A Case-Control Study in Rural Tanzania . PLOS ONE vol. 10 , ( 4 )
Fulcher J, O'Connell R, Voysey M, Emberson J, Blackwell L, Mihaylova B, Simes J, Collins R et al. ( 2015 ) . Efficacy and safety of LDL-lowering therapy among men and women: meta-analysis of individual data from 174 000 participants in 27 randomised trials . The Lancet vol. 385 , ( 9976 ) 1397 - 1405 .
Alva ML, Gray A, Mihaylova B, Leal J, Holman RR ( 2015 ) . The impact of diabetes‐related complications on healthcare costs: new results from the UKPDS (UKPDS 84) . Diabetic Medicine vol. 32 , ( 4 ) 459 - 466 .
Morton RL, Schlackow I, Mihaylova B, Staplin ND, Gray A, Cass A ( 2015 ) . The impact of social disadvantage in moderate-to-severe chronic kidney disease: an equity-focused systematic review* . Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation vol. 31 , ( 1 ) 46 - 56 .
Lokuge K, Halliday A, Bulbulia R, Gray A, Mihaylova B ( 2015 ) . Systematic review of randomised and observational evidence of effects of treatments of carotid stenosis to prevent stroke . Trials vol. 16 , ( Suppl 2 ) P164 - P164 .
Schlackow I, Mihaylova B, SHARP Collaborative Group ( 2013 ) . Developing a lifetime disease model from RCT data using parametric models with time-updated covariates . Trials vol. 14 , ( Suppl 1 )
Halliday A, Bulbulia R, Gray W, Naughten A, den Hartog A, Delmestri A, Wallis C, le Conte S et al. ( 2013 ) . Status Update and Interim Results from the Asymptomatic Carotid Surgery Trial-2 (ACST-2) . European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery vol. 46 , ( 5 ) 510 - 518 .
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Mihaylova B, Emberson J, Blackwell L, Keech A, Simes J, Barnes EH, Voysey M, Gray A et al. ( 2012 ) . The effects of lowering LDL cholesterol with statin therapy in people at low risk of vascular disease: meta-analysis of individual data from 27 randomised trials . The Lancet vol. 380 , ( 9841 ) 581 - 590 .
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Group HPSC ( 2011 ) . Effects on 11-year mortality and morbidity of lowering LDL cholesterol with simvastatin for about 5 years in 20 536 high-risk individuals: a randomised controlled trial . The Lancet vol. 378 , ( 9808 ) 2013 - 2020 .
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Mihaylova B, Briggs A, O'Hagan A, Thompson SG ( 2010 ) . Review of statistical methods for analysing healthcare resources and costs . Health Economics vol. 20 , ( 8 ) 897 - 916 .
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Group HPSC ( 2009 ) . Statin Cost-Effectiveness in the United States for People at Different Vascular Risk Levels . Circulation Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes vol. 2 , ( 2 ) 65 - 72 .
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Mihaylova B, Briggs A, Armitage J, Parish S, Gray A, Collins R ( 2006 ) . Lifetime cost effectiveness of simvastatin in a range of risk groups and age groups derived from a randomised trial of 20 536 people . The BMJ vol. 333 , ( 7579 )
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Mihaylova B, Armitage J, Briggs A, Gray A, Parish S, Collins R ( 2005 ) . Economic analysis of simvastatin in 20,536 people at different levels of vascular disease risk based on US costs: Randomised placebo-controlled trial . CIRCULATION . vol. 112 , U900 - U901 .
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Bryant J, Loveman E, Chase D, Mihaylova B, Cave C, Gerard K, Milne R ( 2002 ) . The clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness of the use of human growth hormones in adults . Health Technology Assessment vol. 6 , ( 19 ) 1 - 106 .
Heart Protection Study Collaborative Group ( 2002 ) . MRC/BHF Heart Protection Study of cholesterol lowering with simvastatin in 20,536 high-risk individuals: a randomised placebo-controlled trial . Lancet vol. 360 , ( 9326 ) 7 - 22 .
Group HPSC ( 2002 ) . MRC/BHF Heart Protection Study of antioxidant vitamin supplementation in 20 536 high-risk individuals: a randomised placebo-controlled trial . The Lancet vol. 360 , ( 9326 ) 23 - 33 .
Bryant J, Cave C, Mihaylova B, Chase D, McIntyre L, Gerard K, Milne R ( 2002 ) . Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of growth hormone in children: a systematic review and economic evaluation . Health Technology Assessment vol. 6 , ( 18 ) 1 - 168 .