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Publications: Dr Yiwei Sun

Stokes K, Sun Y, Thomas JL, Passaretti P, White H, Goldberg Oppenheimer P ( 2024 ) . Conductivity optimisation of graphene oxide-M13 bacteriophage nanocomposites: towards graphene-based gas micronano-sensors . Discover Nano vol. 19 , ( 1 )
Dong M, Sun Y, Dunstan DJ, Papageorgiou DG ( 2022 ) . Utilising buckling modes for the determination of the anisotropic mechanical properties of As<inf>2</inf>S<inf>3</inf> nanosheets . Nanoscale vol. 14 , ( 21 ) 7872 - 7880 .
Sun YW, Gehringer D, Holec D, Papageorgiou DG, Fenwick O, Qureshi SM, Humphreys CJ, Dunstan DJ ( 2022 ) . Significant interlayer coupling in bilayer graphene and double-walled carbon nanotubes: A refinement of obtaining strain in low-dimensional materials . Physical Review B vol. 105 , ( 2 ) Article 024103 ,
Sun YW, Papageorgiou D, Puech P, Proctor JE, Machon D, Bousige C, San-Miguel A, Humphreys C et al. ( 2021 ) . Mechanical Properties of Graphene . Applied Physics Reviews
Sun YW, Holec D, Gehringer D, Fenwick O, Dunstan DJ, Humphreys CJ ( 2021 ) . Erratum: Unexpected softness of bilayer graphene and softening of A-A stacked graphene layers [Phys. Rev. B 101, 125421 (2020)] . Physical Review B vol. 103 , ( 11 ) 119901 - 119901 .
Sun Y, Passaretti P, Hernandez I, Gonzalez J, Liu W, Rodriguez F, Dunstan DJ, Goldberg Oppenheimer P et al. ( 2020 ) . Nanomechanics of graphene oxide-bacteriophage based self-assembled porous composites . Scientific Reports vol. 10 , ( 1 ) Article 15618 ,
Passaretti P, Sun Y, Dafforn TR, Oppenheimer PG ( 2020 ) . Determination and characterisation of the surface charge properties of the bacteriophage M13 to assist bio-nanoengineering . RSC Advances vol. 10 , ( 42 ) 25385 - 25392 .
Sun Y, Holec D, Gehringer D, Fenwick O, Dunstan D, Humphreys C ( 2020 ) . Unexpected softness of bilayer graphene and softening of A-A stacked graphene layers . Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics vol. 101 , Article 125421 ,
Sun YW, Liu W, Hernandez I, Gonzalez J, Rodriguez F, Dunstan DJ, Humphreys C ( 2019 ) . 3D strain in 2D materials: to what extent is monolayer graphene graphite? . Physical Review Letters vol. 123 , 135501 - 135501 .
Luo H, Papaioannou N, Salvadori E, Roessler M, Ploenes G, van Eck ERH, Tanase L, Feng J et al. ( 2019 ) . Manipulating the optical properties of carbon dots via fine tuning their structural features . ChemSusChem
Passaretti P, Sun Y, Khan I, Chan K, Sabo R, White H, Dafforn TR, Oppenheimer PG ( 2019 ) . Multifunctional graphene oxide-bacteriophage based porous three-dimensional micro-nanocomposites . Nanoscale vol. 11 , ( 28 ) 13318 - 13329 .
Qadir A, Sun YW, Liu W, Oppenheimer PG, Xu Y, Humphreys CJ, Dunstan DJ ( 2019 ) . Effect of humidity on the interlayer interaction of bilayer graphene . Physical Review B vol. 99 , ( 4 )
DUNSTAN DJ, SUN Y, Holec D, Xu Y ( 2018 ) . Graphite Under Compression: Shift of Layer Breathing and Shear Modes Frequencies with Interlayer Spacing . Journal of Physics Communications vol. 2 , ( 4 )
Guo H, Li L, Liu W, Sun Y, Xu L, Ali A, Liu Y, Wu C et al. ( 2018 ) . All-Two-Dimensional-Material Hot Electron Transistor . IEEE Electron Device Letters vol. 39 , ( 4 ) 634 - 637 .
Torres-Dias AC, Cerqueira TFT, Cui W, Marques MAL, Botti S, Machon D, Hartmann MA, Sun Y et al. ( 2017 ) . From mesoscale to nanoscale mechanics in single-wall carbon nanotubes . Carbon
Zhou H, Lin X, Guo H, Lin S, Sun Y, Xu Y ( 2017 ) . Ab initio electronic transport study of two-dimensional silicon carbide-based p–n junctions . Journal of Semiconductors vol. 38 , ( 3 ) 033002 - 033002 .
Sun YW, Hernández I, González J, Scott K, Donovan KJ, Sapelkin A, Rodríguez F, Dunstan DJ ( 2016 ) . Significance of Bundling Effects on Carbon Nanotubes’ Response to Hydrostatic Compression . The Journal of Physical Chemistry C vol. 120 , ( 3 ) 1863 - 1870 .
Sun Y, Dunstan DJ ( 2016 ) . Carbon Nanotubes Under Pressure . Structure and Multiscale Mechanics of Carbon Nanomaterials , vol. 563 , Springer Nature
Sun YW, Holec D, Dunstan DJ ( 2015 ) . Graphite under uniaxial compression along the c axis: A parameter to relate out-of-plane strain to in-plane phonon frequency . Physical Review B vol. 92 , ( 9 )
Sun YW, Hernández I, Ghandour AJ, Rice C, Crowe IF, Halsall MP, Sapelkin A, Gonzalez J et al. ( 2014 ) . Resonance Raman spectroscopy of carbon nanotubes: Pressure effects on G-mode . High Pressure Research vol. 34 , ( 2 ) 191 - 197 .
Sun YW, Dunstan DJ, Hartmann MA, Holec D ( 2013 ) . Nanomechanics of Carbon Nanotubes . PAMM vol. 13 , ( 1 ) 7 - 10 .
Ghandour AJ, Crowe IF, Proctor JE, Sun YW, Halsall MP, Hernandez I, Sapelkin A, Dunstan DJ ( 2013 ) . Pressure coefficients of Raman modes of carbon nanotubes resolved by chirality: Environmental effect on graphene sheet . Physical Review B vol. 87 , ( 8 )
Zhong Z, Zhou T, SUN Y, Lin J ( 2011 ) . A Feasible Routine for Large-Scale Nanopatterning via Nanosphere Lithography . Recent Advances in Nanofabrication Techniques and Applications , Editors: Cui, B ,

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