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Publications: Ms Szilvia Mosonyi

Gond J, Brès L, Mosonyi S ( 2024 ) . Consultants as discreet corporate change agents for sustainability: Transforming organizations from the outsideā€in . Business Ethics the Environment & Responsibility vol. 33 , ( 2 ) 157 - 169 .
Mosonyi S ( 2023 ) . Organizational History and Evolution of Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) . Encyclopedia of Sustainable Management , Springer Nature
Mosonyi S ( 2023 ) . Knowledge Management in Management Consultancy . Elgar Encyclopedia of Services , Edward Elgar Publishing
Gond J-P, Tirapani A, Mosonyi S, Augustine G, Shin H ( 2022 ) . How corporate social responsibility and sustainable development functions impact the workplace . International Labour Organization
Gond J-P, Mena S, Mosonyi S ( 2020 ) . Let Me Show You the World in My Eyes: Reviewing Corporate Social Responsibility Literature Reviews . Academy of Management Proceedings . vol. 2020 ,
Gond J-P, Mena S, Mosonyi S ( 2020 ) . The Performativity of Literature Reviewing: Constituting the Corporate Social Responsibility Literature Through Re-presentation and Intervention . Organizational Research Methods109442812093549 - 109442812093549 .
Mosonyi S, Empson L, Gond J-P ( 2019 ) . Management consulting: Towards an integrative framework of knowledge, identity, and power . International Journal of Management Reviews
Mosonyi S, Empson L ( 2019 ) . From Hippies to Suits: Nested Paradoxical Tensions in CSR Consultants’ Identity Work . Academy of Management Proceedings . vol. 2019 ,
Brès L, Mosonyi S ( 2019 ) . Rethinking professionalization: A generative dialogue on CSR practitioners . Journal of Professions and Organization vol. 6 , ( 2 ) 246 - 264 .
Bres LP, Mosonyi S, Muzio D, Buzzanell PM, Gond J-P, Mitra R, Werr A, Wickert C ( 2018 ) . New Ways Towards Professionalization: The Case of CSR Practitioners . Academy of Management Proceedings . vol. 2018 ,
Mosonyi S, Empson L ( 2018 ) . Shooting for the stars: Co-constructing a professional mandate for corporate social responsibility . Academy of Management Proceedings . vol. 2018 ,
Gond J-P, Mena S, Mosonyi S . Meta-Reviewing the Business and Society Field through Sociological Paradigms . Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society . vol. 28 , 56 - 67 .
Mosonyi S, Gond J-P ( 2016 ) . "Knowledge, Identity, and Power: Taking Stock of Management Consulting Research" . Academy of Management Proceedings . vol. 2016 ,