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Publications: Mr Gabriele Nocchi

Gathercole LAP, Nocchi G, Brown N, Coker TLR, Plumb WJ, Stocks JJ, Nichols RA, Denman S et al. ( 2021 ) . Evidence for the Widespread Occurrence of Bacteria Implicated in Acute Oak Decline from Incidental Genetic Sampling . Forests vol. 12 , ( 12 ) 1683 - 1683 .
Nocchi G, Brown N, Coker TLR, Plumb WJ, Stocks JJ, Denman S, Buggs RJA ( 2021 ) . Genomic structure and diversity of oak populations in British parklands . Plants People Planet
Nocchi G, Brown N, Coker T, Plumb W, Stocks J, Denman S, Buggs R ( 2021 ) . Genomic structure and diversity of oak populations in British Parklands .