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Publications: Ms Lauren Edlin

Edlin L, Reiss J ( 2023 ) . Identifying Visual Depictions of Animate Entities in Narrative Comics: An Annotation Study . Conference: Proceedings of the The 5th Workshop on Narrative Understanding82 - 91 .
Edlin L, Reiss J ( 2023 ) . Measuring Inter­Subjective Agreement on Units and Attributions in Comics with Annotation Experiments . Zeitschrift fur Semiotik vol. 45 , ( 1-2 ) 57 - 95 .
Edlin L, Reiss J ( 2021 ) . An empirically-based spatial segmentation and coreference annotation scheme for comics . Conference: The 14th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction1 - 8 .
Edlin L, Yuanyuan L, Bryan-Kinns N, Reiss J ( 2020 ) . Exploring Augmented Reality as Craft Material . Conference: HCI International 2020

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