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Publications: Dr Saima Usman

Usman S, Waseem A, Teh MT, Tummala H, Ghaloum F, Yeudall WA ( 2024 ) . A single cysteine residue in vimentin regulates long non-coding RNA XIST to suppress epithelial-mesenchymal transition and stemness in breast cancer . eLife vol. 623301 ,
Jamal A, Usman S, Teh M-T, Waseem A ( 2024 ) . Preparation and Use of shRNA for Knocking Down Specific Genes . Methods in Molecular Biology vol. 2849 , 55 - 72 .
Usman S, Bushaala A, Teh MT, Waseem A ( 2024 ) . Site-Directed Mutagenesis to Mutate Multiple Residues in a Single Reaction . Methods in Molecular Biology vol. 2849 , 123 - 133 .
Waseem A ( 2022 ) . Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Vimentin-Induced Disruption of Cell–Cell Associations Augments Breast Cancer Cell Migration . Cells
Usman S, Aldehlawi H, Nguyen TKN, Teh M-T, Waseem A ( 2022 ) . Impact of N-Terminal Tags on De Novo Vimentin Intermediate Filament Assembly . International Journal of Molecular Sciences vol. 23 , ( 11 ) 6349 - 6349 .
Usman S ( 2021 ) . Vimentin Is at the Heart of Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) Mediated Metastasis . Cancers vol. 13 , ( 19 ) 4985 - 4985 .
Usman S, Jamal A, Teh M-T, Waseem A ( 2021 ) . Major Molecular Signaling Pathways in Oral Cancer Associated With Therapeutic Resistance . Frontiers in Oral Health vol. 1 , 603160 - 603160 .
Waseem A, Low S, Shah A, Avisetti D ( 2020 ) . Mutations in SPATA13/ASEF2 cause primary angle closure glaucoma . PLoS Genetics
Aldehlawi H, Usman S, Lalli A, Ahmad F, WILLIAMS G, Teh M-T, Waseem A ( 2020 ) . Serum lipids, retinoic acid and phenol red differentially regulate expression of keratins K1, K10 and K2 in cultured keratinocytes . Scientific Reports vol. 10 , ( 4829 )

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