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Publications: Dr Jordan Smith

Wang J-C, Hung Y-N, Smith JBL ( 2022 ) . To Catch A Chorus, Verse, Intro, or Anything Else: Analyzing a Song with Structural Functions . Conference: ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) ( Singapore ) vol. 00 , 416 - 420 .
Zhang D, Wang JC, Kosta K, Smith JBL, Zhou S ( 2022 ) . MODELING THE RHYTHM FROM LYRICS FOR MELODY GENERATION OF POP SONG . Proceedings of the 23rd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2022 . 141 - 148 .
Wang J-C, Smith JBL, Chen J, Song X, Wang Y ( 2021 ) . Supervised Chorus Detection for Popular Music Using Convolutional Neural Network and Multi-Task Learning . Conference: ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) ( Toronto, Canada ) vol. 00 , 566 - 570 .
Huang J, Wang JC, Smith JBL, Song X, Wang Y ( 2021 ) . Modeling the Compatibility of Stem Tracks to Generate Music Mashups . 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2021 . Conference: 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence vol. 1 , 187 - 195 .
Wang JC, Smith JBL, Lu WT, Song X ( 2021 ) . SUPERVISED METRIC LEARNING FOR MUSIC STRUCTURE FEATURES . Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR 2021 . 730 - 737 .
Nieto O, Mysore GJ, Wang C-I, Smith JBL, Schlüter J, Grill T, McFee B ( 2020 ) . Audio-Based Music Structure Analysis: Current Trends, Open Challenges, and Applications . Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval vol. 3 , ( 1 ) 246 - 263 .
Chen BY, Smith JBL, Yang YH ( 2020 ) . NEURAL LOOP COMBINER: NEURAL NETWORK MODELS FOR ASSESSING THE COMPATIBILITY OF LOOPS . Proceedings of the 21st International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2020 . 424 - 431 .
Ramires A, Font F, Bogdanov D, Smith JBL, Yang YH, Ching J, Chen BY, Wu YK et al. ( 2020 ) . THE FREESOUND LOOP DATASET AND ANNOTATION TOOL . Proceedings of the 21st International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2020 . 740 - 747 .
Smith JBL, Kawasaki Y, Goto M ( 2019 ) . Unmixer: An interface for extracting and remixing loops . Proceedings of the 20th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2019 . 824 - 831 .
Smith JBL, Goto M ( 2018 ) . Nonnegative tensor factorization for source separation of loops in audio . Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing . Conference: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)171 - 175 .
Cheng T, Smith JBL, Goto M ( 2018 ) . Music structure boundary detection and labelling by a deconvolution of path-enhanced self-similarity matrix . Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing . 106 - 110 .
Smith BLJ, Hamasaki M, Goto M ( 2017 ) . Classifying Derivative Works with Search, Text, Audio and Video Features . Conference: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)1422 - 1427 .
Smith JBL, Chew E ( 2017 ) . Automatic interpretation of music structure analyses: A validated technique for post-hoc estimation of the rationale for an annotation . Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference .
Smith JBL, Hamasaki M, Goto M ( 2017 ) . Classifying derivative works with search, text, audio and video features . Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia and Expo . 1428 - 1433 .
Smith JBL, Goto M ( 2017 ) . Multi-part pattern analysis: Combining structure analysis and source separation to discover intra-part repeated sequences . Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference .
Yang L, Maezawa A, Smith JBL, Chew E ( 2017 ) . Probabilistic transcription of sung melody using a pitch dynamic model . Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing . 301 - 305 .
Smith JBL, Kato J, Fukayama S, Percival G, Goto M ( 2017 ) . The CrossSong Puzzle: Developing a logic puzzle for musical thinking . Journal of New Music Research vol. 46 , Article 3 , 213 - 228 .
Smith JBL ( 2016 ) . Educating the Mathemusical . Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore vol. 32 , 165 - 167 .
Smith JBL ( 2016 ) . Introduction to “Part IV: Educating the Mathemusical” . Mathemusical Conversations: Mathematics and Computation in Music Performance and Composition , Imperial College Press and World Scientific
( 2016 ) . Mathemusical Conversations: Mathematics and Computation in Music Performance and Composition . Editors: Smith, JBL, Chew, E, Assayag, G , Imperial College Press and World Scientific
Watanabe K, Matsubayashi Y, Orita N, Okazaki N, Inui K, Fukayama S, Nakano T, Smith JBL et al. ( 2016 ) . Modeling discourse segments in lyrics using repeated patterns . Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Linguistics . 1959 - 1969 .
Smith JBL, Goto M ( 2016 ) . Using Priors To Improve Estimates of Music Structure . Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference . 554 - 560 .
Smith JBL, Percival G, Kato J, Goto M, Fukayama S ( 2015 ) . CrossSong Puzzle: Generating and unscrambling music mashups with real-time interactivity . Notes: Article submitted to New Interfaces in Music Expression ,
Smith JBL ( 2014 ) . Explaining listener differences in the perception of musical structure .
Smith JBL, Schankler I, Chew E ( 2014 ) . Listening as a Creative Act . Music Theory Online vol. 20 , ( 3 )
Smith JBL, Chuan C-H, Chew E ( 2014 ) . Audio properties of perceived boundaries in music . IEEE Transactions on Multimedia vol. 16 , Article 5 , 1219 - 1228 .
Smith JBL, Schankler I, Chew E ( 2014 ) . Listening as a creative act: Meaningful differences in structural annotations of improvised performances . Music Theory Online vol. 20 , Article 3 ,
Smith JBL, Chew E ( 2013 ) . A meta-analysis of the MIREX Structure Segmentation task . Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference . Conference: The 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2013 ( Curitiba, Brazil ) 251 - 256 .
Smith JBL, Chew E ( 2013 ) . A meta-analysis of the mirex structure segmentation task . Proceedings of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2013 . 469 - 474 .
Smith JBL, Chew E ( 2013 ) . Using Quadratic Programming to estimate feature relevance in structural analyses of music . Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia113 - 122 .
Rocha B, Smith JBL, Peeters G, Ross JC, Nieto O, Van Balen J ( 2012 ) . Late-break session on music structure analysis . Late-breaking and demo session, ISMIR .
Terrell MJ, Fazekas G, Simpson AJR, Smith JBL, Dixon S ( 2012 ) . Listening level changes music similarity . Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference . 487 - 92 .
Smith JBL, Burgoyne JA, Fujinaga I, De Roure D, Downie JS ( 2011 ) . Design and creation of a large-scale database of structural annotations . Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference555 - 560 .
Schankler I, Smith JBL, Fran c cois ARJ, Chew E ( 2011 ) . Emergent formal structures of factor oracle-driven musical improvisations . vol. 6726 , 241 - 254 .
Bay M, Burgoyne JA, Crawford T, De Roure D, Downie JS, Ehmann A, Fields B, Fujinaga I et al. ( 2011 ) . Towards web-scale computational musicology: An update on the salami project . Proceedings of the 10th UK e-Science All Hands Meeting .
Smith JBL ( 2010 ) . A comparison and evaluation of approaches to the automatic formal analysis of musical audio .
McKay C, Burgoyne JA, Hockman J, Smith JBL, Vigliensoni G, Fujinaga I ( 2010 ) . Evaluating the genre classification performance of lyrical features relative to audio, symbolic and cultural features . Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference213 - 8 .
Li B, Smith JBL, Fujinaga I ( 2009 ) . Optical audio reconstruction for stereo phonograph records using white light interferometry . Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval627 - 32 .
Smith JBL ( 2006 ) . Testing Zipf’s Law: The Mathematics and Aesthetics of Performance . Medium: Bachelor’s Thesis ,

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