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Publications: Dr Francois Gerard

Kresch EP, Walker M, Best MC, Gerard F, Naritomi J ( 2023 ) . Sanitation and property tax compliance: Analyzing the social contract in Brazil . Journal of Development Economics vol. 160 , 102954 - 102954 .
Gerard F ( 2021 ) . Assortative Matching or Exclusionary Hiring? The Impact of Employment and Pay Policies on Racial Wage Differences in Brazil . American Economic Review
Gerard F ( 2021 ) . Informal Labor and the Efficiency Cost of Social Programs: Evidence from Unemployment Insurance in Brazil . American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
Costa F, Gerard F ( 2021 ) . Hysteresis and the Welfare Effect of Corrective Policies: Theory and Evidence from an Energy-Saving Program . Journal of Political Economy vol. 129 , ( 6 ) 1705 - 1743 .
Gerard F, Naritomi J ( 2021 ) . Job Displacement Insurance and (the Lack of) Consumption-Smoothing . The American Economic Review vol. 111 , ( 3 ) 899 - 942 .
Gerard F, Imbert C, Orkin K ( 2020 ) . Social protection response to the COVID-19 crisis: options for developing countries . Oxford Review of Economic Policy
Gerard F ( 2020 ) . Bounds on Treatment Effects in Regression Discontinuity Designs with a Manipulated Running Variable . Quantitative Economics