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Publications: Mr Simon Franklin

Franklin S, Andersen AG, Getahun T, Kotsadam A, Somville V, Villanger E ( 2023 ) . Does Wealth Reduce Support for Redistribution? Evidence from an Ethiopian Housing Lottery . Journal of Public Economics
Franklin S, Quinn S, Fafchamps M, Caria S, Abebe G, Falco P ( 2020 ) . Anonymity or Distance? Job Search and Labour Market Exclusion in a Growing African City . The Review of Economic Studies vol. 87 , Article rdaa057 ,
Franklin S ( 2020 ) . Enabled to Work: The Impact of Government Housing on Slum Dwellers in South Africa . Journal of Urban Economics
Caria S, Franklin S, Witte M ( 2020 ) . Searching with Friends . Journal of Labor Economics
Franklin S, Ospina Betancurt J, Camporesi S ( 2018 ) . What statistical data of observational performance can tell us and what they cannot: the case ofDutee Chand v. AFI & IAAF . British Journal of Sports Medicine vol. 52 , ( 7 ) 420 - 421 .
Franklin S ( 2017 ) . Economic Shocks and Labour Market Flexibility . The Journal of Human Resources
Franklin S ( 2017 ) . Location, Search Costs and Youth Unemployment: Experimental Evidence from Transport Subsidies . The Economic Journal vol. 128 , ( 614 ) 2353 - 2379 .