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Publications: Dr Charalampos Saitis

Marinelli L, Lucht P, Saitis C ( 2024 ) . A multimodal understanding of the role of sound and music in gendered toy marketing . PLOS ONE vol. 19 , ( 11 )
Zhang J, Fazekas G, Saitis C ( 2024 ) . Composer Style-specific Symbolic Music Generation Using Vector Quantized Discrete Diffusion Models . Conference: IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP) from: 22/09/2024 to: 25/09/2024 ,
Saitis C, Del Sette BM, Shier J, Tian H, Zheng S, Skach S, Reed CN, Ford C ( 2024 ) . Timbre Tools: Ethnographic Perspectives on Timbre and Sonic Cultures in Hackathon Designs . Conference: Audio Mostly 2024 - Explorations in Sonic Cultures229 - 244 .
Zheng S, Del Sette BM, Saitis C, Xambo Sedo A, Bryan-Kinns N ( 2024 ) . Building Sketch-to-Sound Mapping with Unsupervised Feature Extraction and Interactive Machine Learning . Conference: New Interfaces for Musical Expression ( Utrecht, The Netherlands ) from: 04/09/2024 to: 06/09/2024 ,
Preniqi V, Ghinassi I, Ive J, Saitis C, Kalimeri K ( 2024 ) . MoralBERT: A Fine-Tuned Language Model for Capturing Moral Values in Social Discussions . Conference: Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good433 - 442 .
Saitis C, Wallmark Z ( 2024 ) . Timbral brightness perception investigated through multimodal interference . Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics vol. 86 , ( 6 ) 1835 - 1845 .
Preniqi V, Ghinassi I, Ive J, Kalimeri K, Saitis C ( 2024 ) . Automatic Detection of Moral Values in Music Lyrics . Proceedings of the 25th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference . Conference: 25th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference from: 10/11/2024 to: 14/11/2024 ,
Shier J, Saitis C, Robertson A, McPherson A ( 2024 ) . Real-time Timbre Remapping with Differentiable DSP .
Williams A, Tian H, Lattner S, Barthet M, Saitis C ( 2024 ) . Deep Learning-based Audio Representations for the Analysis and Visualisation of Electronic Dance Music DJ Mixes . Conference: AES International Symposium on AI and the Musician ( Boston, MA, USA ) from: 06/06/2024 to: 08/06/2024 ,
Marinelli L, Saitis C ( 2024 ) . Explainable Modeling of Gender-Targeting Practices in Toy Advertising Sound and Music . Conference: ICASSP 2024 Workshop XAI-SA ( Seoul ) from: 14/04/2024 to: 19/04/2024 ,
Pàmies-Vilà M, Saitis C ( 2024 ) . Timbral effects of col legno tratto techniques on bowed cello sounds . The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America . vol. 155 , a60 - a60 .
Zhang J, Fazekas G, Saitis C ( 2024 ) . Composer Style-Specific Symbolic Music Generation using Vector Quantized Discrete Diffusion Models . Conference: 2024 IEEE 34th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Hayes B, Shier J, Fazekas G, McPherson A, Saitis C ( 2024 ) . A review of differentiable digital signal processing for music and speech synthesis . Frontiers in Signal Processing vol. 3 ,
Preniqi V, Kalimeri K, Saitis C ( 2023 ) . Soundscapes of morality: Linking music preferences and moral values through lyrics and audio . PLOS ONE vol. 18 , ( 11 )
Marinelli L, FAZEKAS G, Saitis C ( 2023 ) . Gender-Coded Sound: Analysing the Gendering of Music in Toy Commercials via Multi-Task Learning . Conference: 24th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ( Milan ) from: 05/11/2023 to: 09/11/2023 ,
Del Sette BM, Carnes D, Saitis C ( 2023 ) . Sound of Care: Towards a Co-Operative AI Digital Pain Companion to Support People with Chronic Primary Pain . Conference: Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing283 - 288 .
Shier J, Caspe F, Robertson A, Sandler M, Mcpherson A, Saitis C ( 2023 ) . Differentiable Modelling of Percussive Audio with Transient and Spectral Synthesis . Conference: 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association (Forum Acusticum) from: 11/09/2023 to: 15/09/2023 ,
Preniqi V, Kalimeri K, Saitis C ( 2023 ) . Modelling Moral Traits with Music Listening Preferences and Demographics . Music in the AI Era , vol. 13770 , Springer Nature
Diaz R, Hayes B, Saitis C, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2023 ) . Rigid-Body Sound Synthesis with Differentiable Modal Resonators . Conference: ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 1 - 5 .
Hayes B, Saitis C, Fazekas G ( 2023 ) . Sinusoidal Frequency Estimation by Gradient Descent . Conference: ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 1 - 5 .
Diaz Fernandez R, Saitis C, Sandler M ( 2023 ) . Interactive Neural Resonators . Conference: International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
Hayes B, Saitis C, Fazekas G ( 2023 ) . The Responsibility Problem in Neural Networks with Unordered Targets . Published as a Tiny Paper at ICLR 2023 . Conference: International Conference on Learning Representations
Reymore L, Noble J, Saitis C, Traube C, Wallmark Z ( 2023 ) . Timbre Semantic Associations Vary Both Between and Within Instruments . Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal vol. 40 , ( 3 ) 253 - 274 .
Preniqi V, Kalimeri K, Saitis C ( 2022 ) . "More Than Words": Linking Music Preferences and Moral Values Through Lyrics . Conference: International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference
Bonnici RS, Benning M, Saitis C ( 2022 ) . Timbre Transfer with Variational Auto Encoding and Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks . Conference: 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) vol. 00 , 1 - 8 .
Hayes B, Saitis C, Fazekas G ( 2022 ) . Disembodied Timbres: A Study on Semantically Prompted FM Synthesis . Journal of the Audio Engineering Society vol. 70 , ( 5 ) 373 - 391 .
Delgado A, Demirel E, Subramanian V, Saitis C, Sandler M ( 2022 ) . Deep Embeddings for Robust User-Based Amateur Vocal Percussion Classification . Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conferences . Conference: 19th Sound and Music Computing Conferences123 - 130 .
Saitis C, Farkhatdinov I, Papetti S ( 2022 ) . Preface .
Hayes B, Saitis C, Fazekas G ( 2022 ) . A gamified interactive system for crowdsourcing a timbre semantic vocabulary . Proceedings of the International Congress on Acoustics .
Hayes B, Saitis C, Fazekas G ( 2021 ) . Neural Waveshaping Synthesis . Conference: Proceedings of the 22nd International Society for Music Information Retrieval ( Online ) from: 08/11/2021 to: 12/11/2021 ,
Vahidi C, Fazekas G, Saitis C ( 2021 ) . A Modulation Front-End for Music Audio Tagging . Conference: The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks from: 18/07/2021 to: 22/07/2021 ,
Delgado A, McDonald ST, Xu N, Saitis C, Sandler M ( 2021 ) . Learning Models for Query by Vocal Percussion: A Comparative Study . ICMC 2021 - Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2021 . 166 - 171 .
Delgado A, Saitis C, Sandler M ( 2021 ) . Phoneme Mappings for Online Vocal Percussion Transcription . 151st Audio Engineering Society Convention 2021 . 129 - 138 .
Lam JR, Saitis C ( 2021 ) . The Timbre Explorer: A Synthesizer Interface for Educational Purposes and Perceptual Studies . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . Conference: International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
Saitis C, Siedenburg K ( 2020 ) . Brightness perception for musical instrument sounds: Relation to timbre dissimilarity and source-cause categories . The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America vol. 148 , ( 4 ) 2256 - 2266 .
Delgado Luezas A, Saitis C, Sandler M ( 2020 ) . Spectral and Temporal Timbral Cues of Vocal Imitations of Drum Sounds . Conference: 2nd International Conference on Timbre
ZACHARAKIS A, Hayes B, Saitis C, Pastiadis K ( 2020 ) . Evidence for timbre space robustness to an uncontrolled online stimulus presentation . Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Timbre . Conference: Timbre 2020 ( Thessaloniki (Online) ) from: 03/09/2020 to: 04/09/2020 , 129 - 132 .
Hayes B, Saitis C ( 2020 ) . There’s more to timbre than musical instruments: semantic dimensions of FM sounds . Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Timbre . Conference: Timbre 2020 ( Thessaloniki (Online) ) from: 03/09/2020 to: 04/09/2020 , 69 - 72 .
Vahidi C, Fazekas G, Saitis C, Palladini A ( 2020 ) . Timbre Space Representation of a Subtractive Synthesizer . Conference: International Conference on Timbre (Timbre 2020) from: 03/09/2020 to: 04/09/2020 ,
Marinelli L, Lykartsis A, Weinzierl S, Saitis C ( 2020 ) . Musical dynamics classification with CNN and modulation spectra . Conference: 17th Sound and Music Computing Conference ( Torino ) from: 24/08/2020 to: 26/08/2020 ,
Saitis C, Weinzierl S, von Kriegstein K, Ystad S, Cuskley C ( 2020 ) . Timbre semantics through the lens of crossmodal correspondences: A new way of asking old questions . Acoustical Science and Technology vol. 41 , ( 1 ) 365 - 368 .
Siedenburg K, Saitis C, McAdams S, Popper AN, Fay RR ( 2019 ) . Timbre: Acoustics, Perception, and Cognition . Springer
Caetano M, Saitis C, Siedenburg K ( 2019 ) . Audio Content Descriptors of Timbre . Timbre: Acoustics, Perception, and Cognition , vol. 69 , Springer Nature
Siedenburg K, Saitis C, McAdams S ( 2019 ) . The Present, Past, and Future of Timbre Research . Timbre: Acoustics, Perception, and Cognition , vol. 69 , Springer Nature
Saitis C, Weinzierl S ( 2019 ) . The Semantics of Timbre . Timbre: Acoustics, Perception, and Cognition , vol. 69 , Springer Nature
Saitis C, Kalimeri K ( 2018 ) . Multimodal Classification of Stressful Environments in Visually Impaired Mobility Using EEG and Peripheral Biosignals . IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing
Papetti S, Saitis C ( 2018 ) . Musical Haptics . Springer
Papetti S, Saitis C ( 2018 ) . Musical Haptics: Introduction . Musical Haptics ,
Saitis C, Jarvelainen H, Fritz C ( 2018 ) . The Role of Haptic Cues in Musical Instrument Quality Perception . Musical Haptics ,
Saitis C, Parvez MZ, Kalimeri K ( 2018 ) . Cognitive Load Assessment from EEG and Peripheral Biosignals for the Design of Visually Impaired Mobility Aids . Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing vol. 2018 , Article 8971206 ,
Saitis C ( 2017 ) . Fractal Art: Closer to Heaven? Modern Mathematics, the Art of Nature, and the Nature of Art . Aesthetics of Interdisciplinarity: Art and Mathematics , Springer Nature
Saitis C, Weinzierl S ( 2017 ) . Concepts of timbre emerging from musician linguistic expressions . The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America . vol. 141 , 3799 - 3799 .
Saitis C, Fritz C, Scavone GP, Guastavino C, Dubois D ( 2017 ) . Perceptual evaluation of violins: A psycholinguistic analysis of preference verbal descriptions by experienced musicians . J Acoust Soc Am vol. 141 , ( 4 ) 2746 - 2757 .
Kalimeri K, Saitis C ( 2016 ) . Exploring multimodal biosignal features for stress detection during indoor mobility . Conference: Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction53 - 60 .
Bujacz M, Kropidlowski K, Ivanica G, Moldoveanu A, Saitis C, Csapo A, Wersenyi G, Spagnol S et al. ( 2016 ) . Sound of Vision - Spatial Audio Output and Sonification Approaches . Computers Helping People with Special Needs , vol. 9759 , Springer Nature
Saitis C, Kalimeri K ( 2016 ) . Identifying Urban Mobility Challenges for the Visually Impaired with Mobile Monitoring of Multimodal Biosignals . Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Users and Context Diversity , vol. 9739 , Springer Nature
Spagnol S, Johannesson OI, Kristjansson A, Unnthorsson R, Saitis C, Kalimeri K, Bujacz M, Moldoveanu A ( 2016 ) . Model-based obstacle sonification for the navigation of visually impaired persons . Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx . 309 - 316 .
Saitis C, Scavone GP, Fritz C, Giordano BL ( 2015 ) . Effect of Task Constraints on the Perceptual Evaluation of Violins . Acta Acustica vol. 101 , ( 2 ) 382 - 393 .
Mansour H, Fréour V, Saitis C, Scavone GP ( 2015 ) . Post-Classification of Nominally Identical Steel-String Guitars Using Bridge Admittances . Acta Acustica vol. 101 , ( 2 ) 394 - 407 .
Saitis C, Hankinson A, Fujinaga I ( 2014 ) . Correcting Large-Scale OMR Data with Crowdsourcing . Conference: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Digital Libraries for Musicology1 - 3 .
Saitis C, Fritz C, Scavone GP ( 2014 ) . Categorization and lexicon in verbal descriptions of violin quality by performers . The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America vol. 135 , ( 4 ) 2214 - 2214 .
Saitis C, Scavone GP, Fritz C, Giordano BL ( 2013 ) . Perceptual evaluation of violins: A comparison of intra-individual agreement in playing vs. listening tasks for the case of richness . Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics . vol. 19 ,
Saitis C, Scavone GP, Fritz C, Giordano BL ( 2013 ) . Perceptual evaluation of violins: A comparison of intra-individual agreement in playing vs. listening tasks for the case of richness . The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America vol. 133 , ( 5 ) 3365 - 3365 .
Saitis C, Giordano BL, Fritz C, Scavone GP ( 2012 ) . Perceptual evaluation of violins: A quantitative analysis of preference judgments by experienced players . The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America vol. 132 , ( 6 ) 4002 - 4012 .
Saitis C, Giordano BL, Fritz C, Scavone GP ( 2011 ) . Investigating the origin of inter-individual differences in the preference for violins . Proceedings of Forum Acusticum . 497 - 501 .
Saitis C, Giordano BL, Fritz C, Scavone GP ( 2011 ) . Aspects of experimental design for the perceptual evaluation of violin qualities . Canadian Acoustics - Acoustique Canadienne . vol. 39 , 134 - 135 .
Saitis C, Scavone GP, Fritz C, Giordano BL ( 2010 ) . Evaluating violin quality: How consistent are skilled players? . The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America vol. 128 , ( 4 ) 2284 - 2284 .
Saitis C, Orr S, van Walstijn M ( 2009 ) . Physical modeling of the piano: An investigation into the effect of string stiffness on the hammer string interaction . The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America vol. 125 , ( 4 ) 2684 - 2684 .

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