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Publications: Dr Andreas Papamichail

Harman S, Papamichail A ( 2024 ) . Global Health Governance . Taylor & Francis
Papamichail A ( 2023 ) . Reinscribing global hierarchies: COVID-19, racial capitalism and the liberal international order . International Affairs
Harman S, Papamichail A ( 2023 ) . Global health governance . International Organization and Global Governance , Taylor & Francis
Papamichail A ( 2021 ) . The Global Politics of Health Security before, during, and after COVID-19 . Ethics & International Affairs vol. 35 , ( 3 ) 467 - 481 .
Agostinis G, Grépin KA, Kamradt-Scott A, Lee K, Marion S, Worsnop CZ, Papagaryfallou I, Papamichail A et al. ( 2021 ) . FORUM: COVID-19 and IR Scholarship: One Profession, Many Voices . International Studies Reviewviab004- - viab004- .
El Achi N, Honein-Abouhaidar G, Rizk A, Kobeissi E, Papamichail A, Meagher K, Ekzayez A, Abu-Sittah GS et al. ( 2020 ) . Assessing the capacity for conflict and health research in Lebanon: a qualitative study . Conflict and Health vol. 14 , ( 1 )
Ekzayez A, Flecknoe MD, Lillywhite L, Patel P, Papamichail A, Elbahtimy H ( 2019 ) . Chemical Weapons and public health: assessing impact and responses . Journal of Public Health vol. 42 , ( 3 ) e334 - e342 .
El Achi N, Papamichail A, Rizk A, Lindsay H, Menassa M, Abdul-Khalek RA, Ekzayez A, Dewachi O et al. ( 2019 ) . A conceptual framework for capacity strengthening of health research in conflict: the case of the Middle East and North Africa region . Globalization and Health vol. 15 , ( 1 )
Bowsher G, Papamichail A, El Achi N, Ekzayez A, Roberts B, Sullivan R, Patel P ( 2019 ) . A narrative review of health research capacity strengthening in low and middle-income countries: lessons for conflict-affected areas . Globalization and Health vol. 15 , ( 1 )
Papamichail A, Partis-Jennings H ( 2015 ) . Why common humanity? Framing the responsibility to protect as a common response . International Politics vol. 53 , ( 1 ) 83 - 100 .
Papamichail A, Brown GW, Loewenson R, Modisenyane M, Cinar B ( 2015 ) . Business as usual? The role of BRICS co-operation in addressing health system priorities in East and Southern Africa . Journal of Health Diplomacy vol. 1 , ( 3 )
Papamichail A, Lang AF ( 2010 ) . Ethics and Security . Oxford University Press (OUP)

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