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Publications: Dr Carlo Inverardi Ferri

Inverardi-Ferri C ( 2024 ) . An anti-geoeconomics of climate change . Environment and Planning A Economy and Space
Dodds K, Taylor Z, Akbari A, Broto VC, Detterbeck K, Inverardi-Ferri C, Lee KO, Mamadouh V et al. ( 2023 ) . The Russian invasion of Ukraine: implications for politics, territory and governance . Territory Politics Governance vol. 11 , ( 8 ) 1519 - 1536 .
Inverardi-Ferri C ( 2022 ) . Overtime: The Cultural Political Economy of Illicit Labor in the Electronics Industry . Economic Geography vol. 99 , ( 2 ) 140 - 160 .
Inverardi-Ferri C, Brown T ( 2022 ) . Territories, politics and governance of the Covid-19 pandemic . Territory Politics Governance vol. 10 , ( 6 ) 751 - 758 .
Inverardi-Ferri C ( 2018 ) . Urban nomadism: everyday mobilities of waste recyclers in Beijing . Mobilities vol. 13 , ( 6 ) 910 - 920 .
Inverardiā€Ferri C ( 2017 ) . The enclosure of “waste land”: Rethinking informality and dispossession . Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers vol. 43 , ( 2 ) 230 - 244 .
Inverardi-Ferri C ( 2017 ) . Variegated geographies of electronic waste: policy mobility, heterogeneity and neoliberalism . Area Development and Policy vol. 2 , ( 3 ) 314 - 331 .