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Publications: Dr Elizabeth Thomas

Thomas L, Davis T, Millar L, Patrick K, Townsend E ( 2024 ) . View from perimenopause . Emergency Medicine Journal vol. 41 , ( 12 )
Bushell V, Thomas L, Combes J ( 2020 ) . Inside The O2: the NHS Nightingale Hospital London education center . Journal of Interprofessional Care vol. 34 , ( 5 ) 698 - 701 .
Dieckmann P, Torgeirsen K, Qvindesland SA, Thomas L, Bushell V, Langli Ersdal H ( 2020 ) . The use of simulation to prepare and improve responses to infectious disease outbreaks like COVID-19: practical tips and resources from Norway, Denmark, and the UK . Advances in Simulation vol. 5 , ( 1 )
Thomas E ( 2019 ) . Preparing for clinical practice through interprofessional full patient simulation: A phenomenological inquiry . Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob , Notes: This these is still awaiting publication so the full electronic version has not yet been released. ,
O’Loughlin K, Thomas L, Wilson G, Runnacles J ( 2017 ) . G226(P) Quality Assurance of Debriefing Practices Using the Paediatric Objective Structured Assessment of Debriefing Tool for Peer Review: Experience from a Paediatric Simulation Network . Archives of Disease in Childhood . Conference: Trainees Session vol. 102 ,
O’Loughlin K, Thomas L, Runnacles J ( 2016 ) . 90 Quality assurance of debriefing practices using the paediatric osad tool for peer review: experience from a uk paediatric simulation network . BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning . Conference: E-Posters vol. 2 ,
Runnacles J, Thomas L, Korndorffer J, Arora S, Sevdalis N ( 2016 ) . Validation evidence of the paediatric Objective Structured Assessment of Debriefing (OSAD) tool . BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning vol. 2 , ( 3 )
Thomas L, Gill E ( 2015 ) . 0131 The ontological shift – the influence an interprofessional full patient simulation session can have on a medical students’ learning . BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning . Conference: Standard posters vol. 1 ,
Jaye P, Thomas L, Reedy G ( 2015 ) . ‘The Diamond’: a structure for simulation debrief . The Clinical Teacher vol. 12 , ( 3 ) 171 - 175 .
Thomas L, Reeves S ( 2015 ) . Sociological fidelity: keeping the patient at the heart of interprofessional learning . Journal of Interprofessional Care vol. 29 , ( 3 ) 177 - 178 .
Thomas L, Reedy G, Gill E ( 2014 ) . 0215 Learning To Work Together: How Interprofessional Simulation Enables Undergraduate Medics In The Their Understanding Of Interprofessional Practice . BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning . Conference: Technical and innovation forum vol. 1 ,
Runnacles J, Thomas L, Sevdalis N, Kneebone R, Arora S, Cooper M ( 2014 ) . Development of a tool to improve performance debriefing and learning: the paediatric Objective Structured Assessment of Debriefing (OSAD) tool . Postgraduate Medical Journal vol. 90 , ( 1069 ) 613 - 621 .
Thomas L ( 2013 ) . Board 430 - Research Abstract How and Why do Students Evoke the Concept of ‘Pressure’ to Describe their Human Patient Simulation (HPS) Learning Experience? (Submission #301) . Simulation in Healthcare The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare vol. 8 , ( 6 )
Ross AJ, Anderson JE, Kodate N, Thomas L, Thompson K, Thomas B, Key S, Jensen H et al. ( 2012 ) . Simulation training for improving the quality of care for older people: an independent evaluation of an innovative programme for inter-professional education . BMJ Quality & Safety vol. 22 , ( 6 )
Ross AJ, Kodate N, Anderson JE, Thomas L, Jaye P ( 2012 ) . Review of simulation studies in anaesthesia journals, 2001–2010: mapping and content analysis . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 109 , ( 1 ) 99 - 109 .

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