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Publications: Mr Teodoro Dannemann

Avila JPM, Tragtenberg J, Calegario F, Ramos J, Lerner MM, Corintha I, Jaimovich J, Dannemann T et al. . Towards a Latin American NIME Research Community . Conference: Anais do XVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Musical (SBCM 2021)298 - 301 .
Dannemann T, Barthet M ( 2021 ) . SonicDraw: a web-based tool for sketching sounds and drawings . ICMC 2021 - Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2021 . 301 - 308 .
Dannemann T, Sotomayor-Gómez B, Samaniego H ( 2018 ) . The time geography of segregation during working hours . Royal Society Open Science vol. 5 , ( 10 )
Dannemann T, Boyer D, Miramontes O ( 2018 ) . Lévy flight movements prevent extinctions and maximize population abundances in fragile Lotka–Volterra systems . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America vol. 115 , ( 15 ) 3794 - 3799 .