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Publications: Dr Maria Ines Lobato de Faria de Matos Sequeira

Gelmetti M, Tomas I, Ragazzini R, Cautela M, Campinoti S, Torre M, Watt FM, Bonfanti P et al. ( 2024 ) . 010 Keratin 76 expression in Thymic Epithelial Cells is Necessary for Skin T cell Tolerance . Journal of Investigative Dermatology vol. 144 , ( 12 )
Moon J-S, Ho C-C, Park J-H, Park K, Shin B-Y, Lee S-H, Sequeira I, Mun CH et al. ( 2023 ) . Lrig1-expression confers suppressive function to CD4+ cells and is essential for averting autoimmunity via the Smad2/3/Foxp3 axis . Nature Communications vol. 14 , ( 1 )
Annusver K, Pereira D, Fernandex D, Robert B, Nicolas J, Kasper M, Sequeira I ( 2023 ) . 1390 Active hair growth is fuelled by conveyor-belt like differentiation of germinative layer cells . Journal of Investigative Dermatology vol. 143 , ( 5 )
Kumar R, Ibrahim R, Cheikh BB, Bailey E, Cottom H, Braubach O, Graham T, Wang J et al. ( 2023 ) . Abstract 5629: Spatial genomics and proteomics enable multimodal analyses of oral SCC clonal heterogeneity and interactions with tumor microenvironment . Cancer Research vol. 83 , ( 7_Supplement ) 5629 - 5629 .
Pereira DG, Kirk T, Mavros A, Rognoni E, O’Toole EA, Kasper M, Sequeira I ( 2022 ) . 603 Dissecting the role of fibroblasts in homeostasis and wound healing of the oral mucosa . Journal of Investigative Dermatology vol. 142 , ( 12 )
Trotzier C, Sequeira I, Auxenfans C, Mojallal AA ( 2022 ) . Fat Graft Retention: Adipose Tissue, Adipose-Derived Stem Cells, and Aging . Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery vol. 151 , ( 3 ) 420e - 431e .
Caetano AJ, Caetano A, Sharpe P, Volponi AA, Yianni V, Bush M, McKay LK, Wallet S et al. ( 2022 ) . A Roadmap for the Human Oral and Craniofacial Cell Atlas . Journal of Dental Research vol. 101 , ( 11 ) 1274 - 1288 .
Zucchi H, Pageon H, Asselineau D, Ghibaudo M, Sequeira I, Girardeau-Hubert S ( 2022 ) . Assessing the Role of Carbonyl Adducts, Particularly Malondialdehyde Adducts, in the Development of Dermis Yellowing Occurring during Skin Photoaging . Life vol. 12 , ( 3 )
Bassler MC, Stefanakis M, Sequeira I, Ostertag E, Wagner A, Bartsch JW, Roeßler M, Mandic R et al. ( 2021 ) . Comparison of Whiskbroom and Pushbroom darkfield elastic light scattering spectroscopic imaging for head and neck cancer identification in a mouse model . Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry vol. 413 , ( 30 ) 7363 - 7383 .
Pereira D, Sequeira I ( 2021 ) . A Scarless Healing Tale: Comparing Homeostasis and Wound Healing of Oral Mucosa With Skin and Oesophagus . Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology vol. 9 ,
Huang N, Pérez P, Kato T, Mikami Y, Okuda K, Gilmore RC, Conde CD, Gasmi B et al. ( 2021 ) . SARS-CoV-2 infection of the oral cavity and saliva . Nature Medicine vol. 27 , ( 5 ) 892 - 903 .
Sequeira I, Rashid M, Tomás IM, Williams MJ, Graham TA, Adams DJ, Vigilante A, Watt FM ( 2020 ) . Genomic landscape and clonal architecture of mouse oral squamous cell carcinomas dictate tumour ecology . Nature Communications vol. 11 , ( 1 )
Joost S, Annusver K, Jacob T, Sun X, Dalessandri T, Sivan U, Sequeira I, Sandberg R et al. ( 2020 ) . The Molecular Anatomy of Mouse Skin during Hair Growth and Rest . Cell Stem Cell vol. 26 , ( 3 ) 441 - 457.e7 .
Byrd KM, Piehl NC, Patel JH, Huh WJ, Sequeira I, Lough KJ, Wagner BL, Marangoni P et al. ( 2019 ) . Heterogeneity within Stratified Epithelial Stem Cell Populations Maintains the Oral Mucosa in Response to Physiological Stress . Cell Stem Cell vol. 25 , ( 6 ) 814 - 829.e6 .
Girardeau-Hubert S, Deneuville C, Pageon H, Abed K, Tacheau C, Cavusoglu N, donovan R, Bernard D et al. ( 2019 ) . 233 Epidermal differentiation and proliferation heterogeneity in skin color types . Journal of Investigative Dermatology vol. 139 , ( 9 )
Sequeira I, Watt FM ( 2019 ) . The role of keratins in modulating carcinogenesis via communication with cells of the immune system . Cell Stress vol. 3 , ( 4 ) 136 - 138 .
Sequeira I, Neves JF, Carrero D, Peng Q, Palasz N, Liakath-Ali K, Lord GM, Morgan PR et al. ( 2018 ) . Immunomodulatory role of Keratin 76 in oral and gastric cancer . Nature Communications vol. 9 , ( 1 ) Article 3437 ,
Liakath‐Ali K, Vancollie VE, Sequeira I, Lelliott CJ, Watt FM ( 2018 ) . Myosin 10 is involved in murine pigmentation . Experimental Dermatology vol. 28 , ( 4 ) 391 - 394 .
Liakath-Ali K, Mills EW, Sequeira I, Lichtenberger BM, Pisco AO, Sipilä KH, Mishra A, Yoshikawa H et al. ( 2018 ) . An evolutionarily conserved ribosome-rescue pathway maintains epidermal homeostasis . Nature vol. 556 , ( 7701 ) 376 - 380 .
Telerman SB, Rognoni E, Sequeira I, Pisco AO, Lichtenberger BM, Culley OJ, Viswanathan P, Driskell RR et al. ( 2017 ) . Dermal Blimp1 Acts Downstream of Epidermal TGFβ and Wnt/β-Catenin to Regulate Hair Follicle Formation and Growth . Journal of Investigative Dermatology vol. 137 , ( 11 ) 2270 - 2281 .
Weber C, Telerman SB, Reimer AS, Sequeira I, Liakath-Ali K, Arwert EN, Watt FM ( 2016 ) . Macrophage Infiltration and Alternative Activation during Wound Healing Promote MEK1-Induced Skin Carcinogenesis . Cancer Research vol. 76 , ( 4 ) 805 - 817 .
Sequeira I, Nicolas J-F ( 2012 ) . Redefining the structure of the hair follicle by 3D clonal analysis . Development vol. 139 , ( 20 ) 3741 - 3751 .
Della Gaspera B, Armand A, Sequeira I, Chesneau A, Mazabraud A, Lécolle S, Charbonnier F, Chanoine C ( 2012 ) . Myogenic waves and myogenic programs during Xenopus embryonic myogenesis . Developmental Dynamics vol. 241 , ( 5 ) 995 - 1007 .
Legué E, Sequeira I, Nicolas J-F ( 2010 ) . Hair follicle renewal: authentic morphogenesis that depends on a complex progression of stem cell lineages . Development vol. 137 , ( 4 ) 569 - 577 .
della Gaspera B, Armand A-S, Sequeira I, Lecolle S, Gallien CL, Charbonnier F, Chanoine C ( 2009 ) . The Xenopus MEF2 gene family: Evidence of a role for XMEF2C in larval tendon development . Developmental Biology vol. 328 , ( 2 ) 392 - 402 .
Della Gaspera B, Sequeira I, Charbonnier F, Becker C, Shi D, Chanoine C ( 2005 ) . Spatio‐temporal expression of MRF4 transcripts and protein during Xenopus laevis embryogenesis . Developmental Dynamics vol. 235 , ( 2 ) 524 - 529 .