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Publications: Dr Paul Balcombe

Balcombe P, Chatenet M, Deseure J, Schäfer H, Staffell I ( 2024 ) . Markets and Costs for Hydrogen Electrolysis . Powerfuels , Springer Nature
Roman-White SA, Prasanna DM, McCullagh A, Ravikumar AP, Allen DT, Chivukula K, Khutal H, Balcombe P et al. ( 2024 ) . Gas Pathing: Improved Greenhouse Gas Emission Estimates of Liquefied Natural Gas Exports through Enhanced Supply Chain Resolution . ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering vol. 12 , ( 46 ) 16956 - 16966 .
Huang J, Balcombe P ( 2024 ) . How to minimise the cost of green hydrogen with hybrid supply: A regional case study in China . Applied Energy vol. 355 ,
Rosselot KS, Balcombe P, Ravikumar AP, Allen DT ( 2023 ) . Simulating the Variability of Methane and CO2 Emissions from Liquefied Natural Gas Shipping: A Time-in-Mode and Carrier Technology Approach . ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering vol. 11 , ( 43 ) 15632 - 15643 .
Heggo D, Balcombe P ( 2023 ) . Developing a Strategy for Site-Level Methane Emissions Monitoring to Meet OGMP2.0 Level 5: A Case Study . Conference: SPE Offshore Europe Conference & Exhibition
Dubey L, Speirs J, Balcombe P, Tariq N, Brandon N, Hawkes A ( 2023 ) . Future use of natural gas under tightening climate targets . Futures vol. 150 ,
Olczak M, Piebalgs A, Balcombe P ( 2023 ) . A global review of methane policies reveals that only 13% of emissions are covered with unclear effectiveness . One Earth vol. 6 , ( 5 ) 519 - 535 .
Huang J, Balcombe P, Feng Z ( 2023 ) . Technical and economic analysis of different colours of producing hydrogen in China . Fuel vol. 337 ,
Dubey L, Cooper J, Staffell I, Hawkes A, Balcombe P ( 2023 ) . Comparing satellite methane measurements to inventory estimates: A Canadian case study . Atmospheric Environment X vol. 17 ,
Allen MR, Peters GP, Shine KP, Azar C, Balcombe P, Boucher O, Cain M, Ciais P et al. ( 2022 ) . Indicate separate contributions of long-lived and short-lived greenhouse gases in emission targets . npj Climate and Atmospheric Science vol. 5 , ( 1 )
Olczak M, Piebalgs A, Balcombe P ( 2022 ) . Methane regulation in the EU: Stakeholder perspectives on MRV and emissions reductions . Environmental Science & Policy vol. 137 , 314 - 322 .
Roman-White SA, Littlefield JA, Fleury KG, Allen DT, Balcombe P, Konschnik KE, Ewing J, Ross GB et al. ( 2022 ) . Response to Comment on "LNG Supply Chains: A Supplier-Specific Life-Cycle Assessment for Improved Emission Accounting" . ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering
Balcombe P, Heggo D, Harrison M ( 2022 ) . Total Methane and CO2 Emissions from Liquefied Natural Gas Carrier Ships: The First Primary Measurements . Environmental Science and Technology
Chatenet M, Pollet BG, Dekel DR, Dionigi F, Deseure J, Millet P, Braatz RD, Bazant MZ et al. ( 2022 ) . Water electrolysis: from textbook knowledge to the latest scientific strategies and industrial developments . Chemical Society Reviews vol. 51 , ( 11 ) 4583 - 4762 .
Parkinson B, Balcombe P, Speirs JF, Hawkes AD, Hellgardt K ( 2022 ) . Correction: Levelized cost of CO 2 mitigation from hydrogen production routes . Energy & Environmental Science vol. 15 , ( 12 ) 5425 - 5433 .
Ludlow J, Jalil-Vega F, Rivera XS, Garrido R, Hawkes A, Staffell I, Balcombe P ( 2021 ) . Organic waste to energy: resource potential and barriers to uptake in Chile . Sustainable Production and Consumption
Cooper J, Balcombe P, Hawkes A ( 2021 ) . The quantification of methane emissions and assessment of emissions data for the largest natural gas supply chains . Journal of Cleaner Production128856 - 128856 .
Roman-White SA, Littlefield JA, Fleury KG, Allen DT, Balcombe P, Konschnik KE, Ewing J, Ross GB et al. ( 2021 ) . LNG Supply Chains: A Supplier-Specific Life-Cycle Assessment for Improved Emission Accounting . ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Article acssuschemeng.1c0330 ,
Auger T, Trüby J, Balcombe P, Staffell I ( 2021 ) . The future of coal investment, trade, and stranded assets . Joule
Balcombe P, Staffell I, Kerdan IG, Speirs JF, Brandon NP, Hawkes AD ( 2021 ) . How can LNG-fuelled ships meet decarbonisation targets? An environmental and economic analysis . Energy vol. 227 ,
Rivera XCS, Balcombe P, Niero M ( 2021 ) . Chapter 3 Life Cycle Assessment as a Metric for Circular Economy . Life Cycle Assessment , Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
Speirs J, Balcombe P, Blomerus P, Stettler M, Achurra-Gonzalez P, Woo M, Ainalis D, Cooper J et al. ( 2020 ) . Natural gas fuel and greenhouse gas emissions in trucks and ships . Progress in Energy vol. 2 , ( 1 ) 012002 - 012002 .
Cooper J, Hawkes A, Balcombe P ( 2019 ) . Life cycle environmental impacts of natural gas drivetrains used in UK road freighting and impacts to UK emission targets . Science of the Total Environment vol. 674 , 482 - 493 .
Crow DJG, Balcombe P, Brandon N, Hawkes AD ( 2019 ) . Assessing the impact of future greenhouse gas emissions from natural gas production . Science of the Total Environment vol. 668 , 1242 - 1258 .
Balcombe P, Brierley J, Lewis C, Skatvedt L, Speirs J, Hawkes A, Staffell I ( 2019 ) . How to decarbonise international shipping: Options for fuels, technologies and policies . Energy Conversion and Management vol. 182 , 72 - 88 .
Staffell I, Scamman D, Velazquez Abad A, Balcombe P, Dodds PE, Ekins P, Shah N, Ward KR ( 2019 ) . The role of hydrogen and fuel cells in the global energy system . Energy and Environmental Science vol. 12 , ( 2 ) 463 - 491 .
Parkinson B, Balcombe P, Speirs JF, Hawkes AD, Hellgardt K ( 2019 ) . Levelized cost of CO <inf>2</inf> mitigation from hydrogen production routes . Energy and Environmental Science vol. 12 , ( 1 ) 19 - 40 .
Cooper J, Balcombe P ( 2019 ) . Life cycle environmental impacts of natural gas drivetrains used in road freighting . Procedia CIRP . Conference: Procedia CIRP vol. 80 , 334 - 339 .
Balcombe P, Speirs JF, Brandon NP, Hawkes AD ( 2018 ) . Methane emissions: choosing the right climate metric and time horizon . Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts vol. 20 , ( 10 ) 1323 - 1339 .
Balcombe P, Speirs J, Johnson E, Martin J, Brandon N, Hawkes A ( 2018 ) . The carbon credentials of hydrogen gas networks and supply chains . Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews vol. 91 , 1077 - 1088 .
Speirs J, Balcombe P, Johnson E, Martin J, Brandon N, Hawkes A ( 2018 ) . A greener gas grid: What are the options . Energy Policy vol. 118 , 291 - 297 .
Balcombe P, Brandon NP, Hawkes AD ( 2018 ) . Characterising the distribution of methane and carbon dioxide emissions from the natural gas supply chain . Journal of Cleaner Production vol. 172 , 2019 - 2032 .
Balcombe P, Anderson K, Speirs J, Brandon N, Hawkes A ( 2017 ) . The Natural Gas Supply Chain: The Importance of Methane and Carbon Dioxide Emissions . ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering vol. 5 , ( 1 ) 3 - 20 .
Balcombe P, Rigby D, Azapagic A ( 2015 ) . Energy self-sufficiency, grid demand variability and consumer costs: Integrating solar PV, Stirling engine CHP and battery storage . Applied Energy vol. 155 , 393 - 408 .
Balcombe P, Rigby D, Azapagic A ( 2015 ) . Environmental impacts of microgeneration: Integrating solar PV, Stirling engine CHP and battery storage . Applied Energy vol. 139 , 245 - 259 .
Balcombe P, Rigby D, Azapagic A ( 2014 ) . Investigating the importance of motivations and barriers related to microgeneration uptake in the UK . Applied Energy . vol. 130 , 403 - 418 .
Balcombe P, Rigby D, Azapagic A ( 2013 ) . Motivations and barriers associated with adopting microgeneration energy technologies in the UK . Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews vol. 22 , 655 - 666 .

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