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Publications: Dr Andrea Rossetto

Schofield H, Rossetto A, Armstrong PC, Allan HE, Warner TD, Brohi K, Vulliamy P ( 2023 ) . Immature platelet dynamics are associated with clinical outcomes after major trauma . Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis vol. 22 , ( 4 ) 926 - 935 .
Gunn F, Stevenson R, Almuwallad A, Rossetto A, Vulliamy P, Brohi K, Davenport R ( 2023 ) . A comparative analysis of tranexamic acid dosing strategies in traumatic major hemorrhage . Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery vol. 96 , ( 2 ) 216 - 224 .
Almuwallad A, Cole E, Rossetto A, Brohi K, Perkins Z, Davenport R ( 2023 ) . Nationwide analysis of prehospital tranexamic acid for trauma demonstrates systematic bias in adherence to treatment guidelines: a retrospective cohort study . International Journal of Surgery vol. 109 , ( 12 ) 3796 - 3803 .
Schofield H, Rossetto A, Armstrong PC, Allan HE, Warner TD, Brohi K, Vulliamy P ( 2023 ) . Immature platelet dynamics are associated with clinical outcomes after major trauma .
Rossetto A, Torres T, Platton S, Vulliamy P, Curry N, Davenport R ( 2023 ) . A new global fibrinolysis capacity assay for the sensitive detection of hyperfibrinolysis and hypofibrinogenemia in trauma patients . Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis vol. 21 , ( 10 ) 2759 - 2770 .
Rossetto A, Wohlgemut JM, Brohi K, Davenport R ( 2023 ) . Sonorheometry versus rotational thromboelastometry in trauma: a comparison of diagnostic and prognostic performance . Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis vol. 21 , ( 8 ) 2114 - 2125 .
Rossetto A, Vulliamy P, Lee K, Brohi K, Davenport R ( 2021 ) . Temporal Transitions In Fibrinolysis After Trauma: Adverse Outcome Is Principally Related To Late Hypofibrinolysis­­­­ . Anesthesiology
Marsden M, Vulliamy P, Carden R, Naumann D, Davenport R ( 2021 ) . Trauma Laparotomy in the UK: A Prospective, National Service Evaluation . Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Marsden MER, Rossetto A, Duffield CAB, Woolley TGD, Buxton WP, Steynberg S, Bagga R, Tai NRM ( 2019 ) . Prehospital tranexamic acid shortens the interval to administration by half in Major Trauma Networks: a service evaluation . Emergency Medicine Journal vol. 36 , ( 7 )
Marsden M, Benger J, Brohi K, Curry N, Foley C, Green L, Lucas J, Rossetto A et al. ( 2018 ) . Coagulopathy, cryoprecipitate and CRYOSTAT-2: realising the potential of a nationwide trauma system for a national clinical trial . British Journal of Anaesthesia vol. 122 , ( 2 ) 164 - 169 .