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Publications: Prof Maria Liakata

Chim J, Ive J, Liakata M ( 2024 ) . Evaluating Synthetic Data Generation from User Generated Text . Computational Linguistics1 - 44 .
Bye A, Carter B, Leightley D, Trevillion K, Liakata M, Branthonne-Foster S, Cross S, Zenasni Z et al. ( 2024 ) . Cohort profile: The Social media, smartphone use and Self-harm in Young People (3S-YP) study–A prospective, observational cohort study of young people in contact with mental health services . PLOS ONE vol. 19 , ( 5 )
Gkoumas D, Wang B, Tsakalidis A, Wolters M, Purver M, Zubiaga A, Liakata M ( 2024 ) . A longitudinal multi-modal dataset for dementia monitoring and diagnosis . Language Resources and Evaluation1 - 20 .
Alkhalifa R, Borkakoty H, Deveaud R, El-Ebshihy A, Espinosa-Anke L, Fink T, Gonzalez-Saez G, Galuščáková P et al. ( 2024 ) . LongEval: Longitudinal Evaluation of Model Performance at CLEF 2024 . Advances in Information Retrieval , vol. 14613 , Springer Nature
Zhu Y, Liakata M, Montana G ( 2024 ) . A Multi-Task Transformer Model for Fine-grained Labelling of Chest X-Ray Reports . 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC-COLING 2024 - Main Conference Proceedings . 862 - 875 .
Song J, Chim J, Tsakalidis A, Ive J, Atzil-Slonim D, Liakata M ( 2024 ) . Combining Hierachical VAEs with LLMs for clinically meaningful timeline summarisation in social media . Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics . 14651 - 14672 .
Hills A, Tseriotou T, Miscouridou X, Tsakalidis A, Liakata M ( 2024 ) . Exciting Mood Changes: A Time-aware Hierarchical Transformer for Change Detection Modelling . Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics . 12526 - 12537 .
Alkhalifa R, Borkakoty H, Deveaud R, El-Ebshihy A, Espinosa-Anke L, Fink T, Galuščáková P, Gonzalez-Saez G et al. ( 2024 ) . Extended overview of the CLEF 2024 LongEval Lab on Longitudinal Evaluation of Model Performance . CEUR Workshop Proceedings . vol. 3740 , 2267 - 2289 .
Dougrez-Lewis J, Kochkina E, Liakata M, He Y ( 2024 ) . Knowledge Graphs for Real-World Rumour Verification . 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC-COLING 2024 - Main Conference Proceedings . 9843 - 9853 .
König A, Liakata M ( 2024 ) . Message from the General Chair . 5th RaPID Workshop: Resources and Processing of Linguistic, Para-Linguistic and Extra-Linguistic Data from People with Various Forms of Cognitive/Psychiatric/Developmental Impairments, RAPID 2024 at LREC-COLING 2024 - Workshop Proceedings
Chim J, Tsakalidis A, Gkoumas D, Atzil-Slonim D, Ophir Y, Zirikly A, Resnik P, Liakata M ( 2024 ) . Overview of the CLPsych 2024 Shared Task: Leveraging Large Language Models to Identify Evidence of Suicidality Risk in Online Posts . CLPsych 2024 - 9th Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology, Proceedings of the Workshop . 177 - 190 .
Alkhalifa R, Borkakoty H, Deveaud R, El-Ebshihy A, Espinosa-Anke L, Fink T, Galuščáková P, Gonzalez-Saez G et al. ( 2024 ) . Overview of the CLEF 2024 LongEval Lab on Longitudinal Evaluation of Model Performance . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) . vol. 14959 LNCS , 208 - 230 .
Tseriotou T, Chan RSY, Tsakalidis A, Bilal IM, Kochkina E, Lyons T, Liakata M ( 2024 ) . Sig-Networks Toolkit: Signature Networks for Longitudinal Language Modelling . EACL 2024 - 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of System Demonstrations . 223 - 237 .
Hills A, Tsakalidis A, Liakata M ( 2023 ) . Time-Aware Predictions of Moments of Change in Longitudinal User Posts on Social Media . Advanced Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data , vol. 14343 , Springer Nature
Cid YD, Macpherson M, Gervais-Andre L, Zhu Y, Franco G, Santeramo R, Lim C, Selby I et al. ( 2023 ) . Development and validation of open-source deep neural networks for comprehensive chest x-ray reading: a retrospective, multicentre study . The Lancet Digital Health vol. 6 , ( JAMA Netw Open 2 2019 ) e44 - e57 .
Kochkina E, Hossain T, Logan RL, Arana-Catania M, Procter R, Zubiaga A, Singh S, He Y et al. ( 2023 ) . Evaluating the generalisability of neural rumour verification models . Information Processing and Management vol. 60 , ( 1 )
Alkhalifa R, Bilal I, Borkakoty H, Camacho-Collados J, Deveaud R, El-Ebshihy A, Espinosa-Anke L, Gonzalez-Saez G et al. ( 2023 ) . Overview of the CLEF-2023 LongEval Lab on Longitudinal Evaluation of Model Performance . Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction , vol. 14163 , Springer Nature
Alkhalifa R, Bilal I, Borkakoty H, Camacho-Collados J, Deveaud R, El-Ebshihy A, Espinosa-Anke L, Gonzalez-Saez G et al. ( 2023 ) . LongEval: Longitudinal Evaluation of Model Performance at CLEF 2023 . Advances in Information Retrieval , vol. 13982 , Springer Nature
Bye A, Carter B, Leightley D, Trevillion K, Liakata M, Branthonne-Foster S, Williamson G, Zenasni Z et al. ( 2023 ) . Observational prospective study of social media, smartphone use and self-harm in a clinical sample of young people: study protocol . BMJ Open vol. 13 , ( 2 )
Leightley D, Bye A, Carter B, Trevillion K, Branthonne-Foster S, Liakata M, Wood A, Ougrin D et al. ( 2023 ) . Maximizing the positive and minimizing the negative: Social media data to study youth mental health with informed consent . Frontiers in Psychiatry vol. 13 ,
Gkoumas D, Tsakalidis A, Liakata M ( 2023 ) . A Digital Language Coherence Marker for Monitoring Dementia . Conference: Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing16021 - 16034 .
Hills A, Tsakalidis A, Nanni F, Zachos I, Liakata M ( 2023 ) . Creation and evaluation of timelines for longitudinal user posts . EACL 2023 - 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference . 3773 - 3786 .
Alkhalifa R, Bilal I, Borkakoty H, Camacho-Collados J, Deveaud R, El-Ebshihy A, Espinosa-Anke L, Gonzalez-Saez G et al. ( 2023 ) . Extended Overview of the CLEF-2023 LongEval Lab on Longitudinal Evaluation of Model Performance . CEUR Workshop Proceedings . vol. 3497 , 2181 - 2203 .
Zhao R, Arana-Catania M, Zhu L, Kochkina E, Gui L, Zubiaga A, Procter R, Liakata M et al. ( 2023 ) . PANACEA: An Automated Misinformation Detection System on COVID-19 . EACL 2023 - 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of System Demonstrations . Conference: The 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational67 - 74 .
Gkoumas D, Purver M, Liakata M ( 2023 ) . Reformulating NLP tasks to Capture Longitudinal Manifestation of Language Disorders in People with Dementia . Conference: Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing15904 - 15917 .
Tseriotou T, Tsakalidis A, Foster P, Lyons T, Liakata M ( 2023 ) . Sequential Path Signature Networks for Personalised Longitudinal Language Modeling . Conference: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 20235016 - 5031 .
Bilal IM, Wang B, Tsakalidis A, Nguyen D, Procter R, Liakata M ( 2022 ) . Template-based Abstractive Microblog Opinion Summarization . Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics vol. 10 , 1229 - 1248 .
Maufe M, Ravenscroft J, Procter R, Liakata M ( 2022 ) . A Pipeline for Generating, Annotating and Employing Synthetic Data for Real World Question Answering . Conference: Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations80 - 97 .
Tsakalidis A, Nanni F, Hills A, Chim J, Song J, Liakata M ( 2022 ) . Identifying Moments of Change from Longitudinal User Text . Conference: Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)4647 - 4660 .
Zirikly A, Atzil-Slonim D, Liakata M, Bedrick S, Desmet B, Ireland M, Lee A, MacAvaney S et al. ( 2022 ) . Introduction . CLPsych 2022 - 8th Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology, Proceedings . V - VI .
Arana-Catania M, Kochkina E, Zubiaga A, Liakata M, Procter R, He Y ( 2022 ) . Natural Language Inference with Self-Attention for Veracity Assessment of Pandemic Claims . NAACL 2022 - 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Proceedings of the Conference . Conference: Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies1496 - 1511 .
Tsakalidis A, Chim J, Bilal IM, Zirikly A, Atzil-Slonim D, Nanni F, Resnik P, Gaur M et al. ( 2022 ) . Overview of the CLPsych 2022 Shared Task: Capturing Moments of Change in Longitudinal User Posts . Conference: Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology184 - 198 .
Dougrez-Lewis J, Kochkina E, Arana-Catania M, Liakata M, He Y ( 2022 ) . PHEMEPlus: Enriching Social Media Rumour Verification with External Evidence . Conference: Proceedings of the Fifth Fact Extraction and VERification Workshop (FEVER)49 - 58 .
Chakraborty T, Akhtar MS, Shu K, Bernard HR, Liakata M, Nakov P ( 2022 ) . Preface . CONSTRAINT 2022 - 2nd Workshop on Combating Online Hostile Posts in Regional Languages during Emergency Situation, Proceedings of the WorkshopII - III .
Song J, Bilal IM, Tsakalidis A, Procter R, Liakata M ( 2022 ) . Unsupervised Opinion Summarisation in the Wasserstein Space . Conference: Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing8592 - 8607 .
Morgan SE, Diederen K, Vértes PE, Ip SHY, Wang B, Thompson B, Demjaha A, De Micheli A et al. ( 2021 ) . Natural Language Processing markers in first episode psychosis and people at clinical high-risk . Translational Psychiatry vol. 11 , ( 1 )
Procter R, Arana-Catania M, van Lier F-A, Tkachenko N, He Y, Zubiaga A, Liakata M ( 2021 ) . Citizen Participation and Machine Learning for a Better Democracy . Digital Government Research and Practice vol. 2 , ( 3 ) 1 - 22 .
Wang B, Wu Y, Vaci N, Liakata M, Lyons T, Saunders KEA ( 2021 ) . Modelling Paralinguistic Properties in Conversational Speech to Detect Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder . Conference: ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 7243 - 7247 .
AlKameli A, Liakata M ( 2021 ) . Subjectivity analysis of arabic-english wikipedia . vol. 2020 , 537 - 542 .
Alkhalifa R, Tsakalidis A, Zubiaga A, Liakata M ( 2020 ) . QMUL-SDS @ DIACR-Ita: Evaluating Unsupervised Diachronic Lexical Semantics Classification in Italian . 432 - 437 .
Tsakalidis A, Atzil-Slonim D, Polakovski A, Shapira N, Tuval-Mashiach R, Liakata M ( 2021 ) . Automatic Identification of Ruptures in Transcribed Psychotherapy Sessions . Conference: Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: Improving Access122 - 128 .
Pergola G, Kochkina E, Gui L, Liakata M, He Y ( 2021 ) . Boosting Low-Resource Biomedical QA via Entity-Aware Masking Strategies . Conference: Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume1977 - 1985 .
Ravenscroft J, Cattan A, Clare A, Dagan I, Liakata M ( 2021 ) . CD<sup>2</sup>CR: Co-reference resolution across documents and domains . EACL 2021 - 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference . 270 - 280 .
Ravenscroft J, Clare A, Cattan A, Dagan I, Liakata M ( 2021 ) . CDˆ2CR: Co-reference resolution across documents and domains . Conference: Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume270 - 280 .
Arana-Catania M, Procter R, He Y, Liakata M ( 2021 ) . Evaluation of Abstractive Summarisation Models with Machine Translation in Deliberative Processes . Conference: Proceedings of the Third Workshop on New Frontiers in Summarization57 - 64 .
Bilal IM, Wang B, Liakata M, Procter R, Tsakalidis A ( 2021 ) . Evaluation of Thematic Coherence in Microblogs . Conference: Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)6800 - 6814 .
Peinelt N, Rei M, Liakata M ( 2021 ) . GiBERT: Enhancing BERT with Linguistic Information using a Lightweight Gated Injection Method . Conference: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 20212322 - 2336 .
Dougrez-Lewis J, Liakata M, Kochkina E, He Y ( 2021 ) . Learning Disentangled Latent Topics for Twitter Rumour Veracity Classification . Conference: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 20213902 - 3908 .
Wang B, Wu Y, Taylor N, Lyons T, Liakata M, Nevado-Holgado AJ, Saunders KEA . Learning to Detect Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder with Language and Speech in Non-Clinical Interviews . Conference: Interspeech 2020437 - 441 .
Lathiya S, Dhobi JS, Zubiaga A, Liakata M, Procter R ( 2020 ) . Birds of a feather check together: Leveraging homophily for sequential rumour detection . Online Social Media and Networks vol. 19 ,
Nguyen D, Liakata M, DeDeo S, Eisenstein J, Mimno D, Tromble R, Winters J ( 2020 ) . How We Do Things With Words: Analyzing Text as Social and Cultural Data . Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence vol. 3 ,
Kochkina E, Liakata M ( 2020 ) . Estimating predictive uncertainty for rumour verification models . Conference: Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics6964 - 6981 .
Alkhalifa R, Yoong T, Kochkina E, Zubiaga A, Liakata M ( 2020 ) . QMUL-SDS at CheckThat! 2020: Determining COVID-19 Tweet Check-Worthiness Using an Enhanced CT-BERT with Numeric Expressions . CEUR Workshop Proceedings . vol. 2696 ,
Tsakalidis A, Liakata M ( 2020 ) . Sequential Modelling of the Evolution of Word Representations for Semantic Change Detection . Conference: Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)8485 - 8497 .
Peinelt N, Nguyen D, Liakata M ( 2020 ) . tBERT: Topic Models and BERT Joining Forces for Semantic Similarity Detection . Conference: Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics7047 - 7055 .
Zubiaga A, Wang B, Liakata M, Procter R ( 2019 ) . Political Homophily in Independence Movements: Analyzing and Classifying Social Media Users by National Identity . IEEE Intelligent Systems vol. 34 , ( 6 ) 34 - 42 .
Liakata M, Vlachos A ( 2019 ) . Preface . Conference: Proceedings of the Conference for Truth and Trust Online 2019
Wang B, Liakata M, Ni H, Lyons T, Nevado-Holgado AJ, Saunders K . A Path Signature Approach for Speech Emotion Recognition . Conference: Interspeech 20191661 - 1665 .
Ravenscroft J, Liakata M, Clare A, Duma D ( 2019 ) . Academic Impact . Definitions , Qeios
Ravenscroft J, Liakata M, Clare A, Duma D ( 2019 ) . Comprehensive Impact . Definitions , Qeios
Guo W, Liakata M, Mosquera G, Qi W, Deng J, Zhang J ( 2019 ) . Big Data Methods for Ultra‐dense Network Deployment . Ultra-dense Networks for 5G and Beyond ,
Guo W, Liakata M, Mosquera G, Qi W, Deng J, Zhang J ( 2019 ) . Big data methods for ultra-dense network deployment . Ultra-Dense Networks for 5G and Beyond: Modelling, Analysis, and Applications ,
Lukasik M, Bontcheva K, Cohn T, Zubiaga A, Liakata M, Procter R ( 2019 ) . Gaussian processes for rumour stance classification in social media . ACM Transactions on Information Systems vol. 37 , ( 2 )
Tsakalidis A, Liakata M, Damoulas T, Cristea AI ( 2019 ) . Can We Assess Mental Health Through Social Media and Smart Devices? Addressing Bias in Methodology and Evaluation . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 11053 , 407 - 423 .
Peinelt N, Liakata M, Nguyen D ( 2019 ) . Aiming beyond the Obvious: Identifying Non-Obvious Cases in Semantic Similarity Datasets . Conference: Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics2792 - 2798 .
Gorrell G, Kochkina E, Liakata M, Aker A, Zubiaga A, Bontcheva K, Derczynski L ( 2019 ) . RumourEval 2019: Determining rumour veracity and support for rumours . NAACL HLT 2019 - International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, SemEval 2019, Proceedings of the 13th Workshop . 845 - 854 .
Gorrell G, Kochkina E, Liakata M, Aker A, Zubiaga A, Bontcheva K, Derczynski L ( 2019 ) . SemEval-2019 Task 7: RumourEval, Determining Rumour Veracity and Support for Rumours . Conference: Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation845 - 854 .
Velupillai S, Suominen H, Liakata M, Roberts A, Shah AD, Morley K, Osborn D, Hayes J et al. ( 2018 ) . Using clinical Natural Language Processing for health outcomes research: Overview and actionable suggestions for future advances . Journal of Biomedical Informatics vol. 88 , 11 - 19 .
Tsakalidis A, Aletras N, Cristea AI, Liakata M ( 2018 ) . Nowcasting the Stance of Social Media Users in a Sudden Vote . Conference: Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management367 - 376 .
Tsakalidis A, Papadopoulos S, Voskaki R, Ioannidou K, Boididou C, Cristea AI, Liakata M, Kompatsiaris Y ( 2018 ) . Building and evaluating resources for sentiment analysis in the Greek language . Language Resources and Evaluation vol. 52 , ( 4 ) 1021 - 1044 .
Zubiaga A, Kochkina E, Liakata M, Procter R, Lukasik M, Bontcheva K, Cohn T, Augenstein I ( 2018 ) . Discourse-aware rumour stance classification in social media using sequential classifiers . Information Processing and Management vol. 54 , ( 2 ) 273 - 290 .
Zubiaga A, Aker A, Bontcheva K, Liakata M, Procter R ( 2018 ) . Detection and resolution of rumours in social media: A survey . ACM Computing Surveys vol. 51 , ( 2 )
Tolmie P, Procter R, Rouncefield M, Liakata M, Zubiaga A ( 2018 ) . Microblog Analysis as a Program of Work . ACM Transactions on Social Computing vol. 1 , ( 1 ) 1 - 40 .
Kochkina E, Liakata M, Zubiaga A ( 2018 ) . All-in-one: Multi-task learning for rumour verification . COLING 2018 - 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Proceedings . 3402 - 3413 .
Ravenscroft J, Clare A, Liakata M ( 2018 ) . HarriGT: A Tool for Linking News to Science . Conference: Proceedings of ACL 2018, System Demonstrations19 - 24 .
Ravenscroft J, Clare A, Liakata M ( 2018 ) . HarriGT: Linking news articles to scientific literature . ACL 2018 - 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of System Demonstrations . vol. 2018-January , 19 - 24 .
Wang B, Liakata M, Zubiaga A, Procter R ( 2017 ) . A hierarchical topic modelling approach for tweet clustering . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) . Conference: International Conference on Social Informatics vol. 10540 LNCS , 378 - 390 .
Zubiaga A, Liakata M, Procter R ( 2017 ) . Exploiting context for rumour detection in social media . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) . Conference: International Conference on Social Informatics vol. 10539 LNCS , 109 - 123 .
Aker A, Zubiaga A, Bontcheva K, Kolliakou A, Procter R, Liakata M ( 2017 ) . Stance classification in out-of-domain rumours: A case study around mental health disorders . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) . Conference: International Conference on Social Informatics vol. 10540 LNCS , 53 - 64 .
Zubiaga A, Voss A, Procter R, Liakata M, Wang B, Tsakalidis A ( 2017 ) . Towards Real-Time, Country-Level Location Classification of Worldwide Tweets . IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering vol. 29 , ( 9 ) 2053 - 2066 .
Gkotsis G, Oellrich A, Velupillai S, Liakata M, Hubbard TJP, Dobson RJB, Dutta R ( 2017 ) . Erratum: Corrigendum: Characterisation of mental health conditions in social media using Informed Deep Learning . Scientific Reports vol. 7 , ( 1 )
Tolmie P, Procter R, Randall DW, Rouncefield M, Burger C, Hoi GWS, Zubiaga A, Liakata M ( 2017 ) . Supporting the Use of User Generated Content in Journalistic Practice . Conference: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems3632 - 3644 .
Gkotsis G, Oellrich A, Velupillai S, Liakata M, Hubbard TJP, Dobson RJB, Dutta R ( 2017 ) . Characterisation of mental health conditions in social media using Informed Deep Learning . Scientific Reports vol. 7 , ( 1 )
Ravenscroft J, Liakata M, Clare A, Duma D ( 2017 ) . Measuring scientific impact beyond academia: An assessment of existing impact metrics and proposed improvements . PLOS ONE vol. 12 , ( 3 )
Peinelt N, Liakata M, Hsieh SK ( 2017 ) . ClassifierGuesser: A Context-based Classifier Prediction System for Chinese Language Learners . 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing - Proceedings of the IJCNLP 2017, System Demonstrations . 41 - 44 .
Chesney S, Liakata M, Poesio M, Purver M ( 2017 ) . Incongruent Headlines: Yet Another Way to Mislead Your Readers . Conference: Proceedings of the 2017 EMNLP Workshop: Natural Language Processing meets Journalism56 - 61 .
Derczynski L, Bontcheva K, Liakata M, Procter R, Wong Sak Hoi G, Zubiaga A ( 2017 ) . SemEval-2017 Task 8: RumourEval: Determining rumour veracity and support for rumours . Conference: Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2017)69 - 76 .
Wang B, Liakata M, Zubiaga A, Procter R ( 2017 ) . TDParse: Multi-target-specific sentiment recognition on Twitter . Conference: Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Volume 1, Long Papers483 - 493 .
Wang B, Liakata M, Tsakalidis A, Kolaitis SG, Papadopoulos S, Apostolidis L, Zubiaga A, Procter R et al. ( 2017 ) . TOTEMSS: Topic-based, Temporal Sentiment Summarisation for Twitter . 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing - Proceedings of the IJCNLP 2017, System Demonstrations . 21 - 24 .
Kochkina E, Liakata M, Augenstein I ( 2017 ) . Turing at SemEval-2017 Task 8: Sequential Approach to Rumour Stance Classification with Branch-LSTM . Conference: Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2017)475 - 480 .
Duma D, Liakata M, Clare A, Ravenscroft J, Klein E ( 2016 ) . Rhetorical Classification of Anchor Text for Citation Recommendation . D-Lib Magazine vol. 22 , ( 9/10 )
Zubiaga A, Liakata M, Procter R, Hoi GWS, Tolmie P ( 2016 ) . Analysing How People Orient to and Spread Rumours in Social Media by Looking at Conversational Threads . PLOS ONE vol. 11 , ( 3 )
Duma D, Liakata M, Clare A, Ravenscroft J, Klein E ( 2016 ) . Applying core scientific concepts to context-based citation recommendation . Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2016 . 1737 - 1742 .
Gurumdimma N, Jhumka A, Liakata M, Chuah E, Browne J ( 2016 ) . CRUDE: Combining Resource Usage Data and Error Logs for Accurate Error Detection in Large-Scale Distributed Systems . Conference: 2016 IEEE 35th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS)51 - 60 .
Tsakalidis A, Liakata M, Damoulas T, Jellinek B, Guo W, Cristea AI ( 2016 ) . Combining heterogeneous user generated data to sense well-being . COLING 2016 - 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of COLING 2016: Technical Papers . 3007 - 3018 .
Jeffryes M, Liakata M, Bateman A ( 2016 ) . Crowdsourcing protein family database curation . CEUR Workshop Proceedings . vol. 1747 ,
Gkotsis G, Velupillai S, Oellrich A, Dean H, Liakata M, Dutta R ( 2016 ) . Don't Let Notes Be Misunderstood: A Negation Detection Method for Assessing Risk of Suicide in Mental Health Records . Conference: Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Computational Lingusitics and Clinical Psychology95 - 105 .
Ravenscroft J, Oellrich A, Saha S, Liakata M ( 2016 ) . Multi-label annotation in scientific articles - The multi-label cancer risk assessment corpus . Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2016 . 4115 - 4123 .
Wang B, Liakata M, Zubiaga A, Procter R, Jensen E ( 2016 ) . SMILE: Twitter emotion classification using domain adaptation . CEUR Workshop Proceedings . vol. 1619 , 15 - 21 .
Saeidi M, Bouchard G, Liakata M, Riedel S ( 2016 ) . SentiHood: Targeted aspect based sentiment analysis dataset for urban neighbourhoods . COLING 2016 - 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of COLING 2016: Technical Papers . 1546 - 1556 .
Zubiaga A, Kochkina E, Liakata M, Procter R, Lukasik M ( 2016 ) . Stance classification in rumours as a sequential task exploiting the tree structure of social media conversations . COLING 2016 - 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of COLING 2016: Technical Papers . 2438 - 2448 .
Gkotsis G, Oellrich A, Hubbard T, Dobson R, Liakata M, Velupillai S, Dutta R ( 2016 ) . The language of mental health problems in social media . Conference: Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Computational Lingusitics and Clinical Psychology63 - 73 .
Li C, Liakata M ( 2015 ) . Bio-event definition in text mining towards event interconnection . BMC Proceedings vol. 9 , ( Suppl 5 )
Gurumdimma N, Jhumka A, Liakata M, Chuah E, Browne J ( 2015 ) . Towards Increasing the Error Handling Time Window in Large-Scale Distributed Systems Using Console and Resource Usage Logs . Conference: 2015 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA vol. 3 , 61 - 68 .
Zubiaga A, Liakata M, Procter R, Bontcheva K, Tolmie P ( 2015 ) . Crowdsourcing the Annotation of Rumourous Conversations in Social Media . Conference: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web347 - 353 .
Bontcheva K, Liakata M, Procter R, Scharl A ( 2015 ) . Session details: RDSM 2015 . Conference: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web
Gurumdimma N, Jhumka A, Liakata M, Chuah E, Browne J ( 2015 ) . Towards Detecting Patterns in Failure Logs of Large-Scale Distributed Systems . Conference: 2015 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshop1052 - 1061 .
Ravenscroft J, Clare A, Liakata M ( 2015 ) . HarriGT: Linking news articles to scientific literature . ACL 2018 - 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of System Demonstrations . 19 - 24 .
Wang B, Zubiaga A, Liakata M, Procter R ( 2015 ) . Making the most of tweet-inherent features for social spam detection on twitter . CEUR Workshop Proceedings . vol. 1395 , 10 - 16 .
Zubiaga A, Liakata M, Procter R, Bontcheva K, Tolmie P ( 2015 ) . Towards detecting rumours in social media . AAAI Workshop - Technical Report . vol. WS-15-04 , 35 - 41 .
Li C, Song R, Liakata M, Vlachos A, Seneff S, Zhang X ( 2015 ) . Using word embedding for bio-event extraction . Conference: Proceedings of BioNLP 15121 - 126 .
Townsend R, Tsakalidis A, Zhou Y, Wang B, Liakata M, Zubiaga A, Cristea A, Procter R ( 2015 ) . WarwickDCS: From Phrase-Based to Target-Specific Sentiment Recognition . Conference: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2015)657 - 663 .
Gkotsis G, Stepanyan K, Pedrinaci C, Domingue J, Liakata M ( 2014 ) . It's all in the content . Conference: Proceedings of the 2014 ACM conference on Web science202 - 210 .
Townsend R, Kalair A, Kulkarni O, Procter R, Liakata M ( 2014 ) . University_of_Warwick: SENTIADAPTRON - A Domain Adaptable Sentiment Analyser for Tweets - Meets SemEval . Conference: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2014)768 - 772 .
Ravenscroft J, Liakata M, Clare A ( 2013 ) . Partridge: An Effective System for the Automatic Cassification of the Types of Academic Papers . Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXX , Springer Nature
Scott IM, Lin W, Liakata M, Wood JE, Vermeer CP, Allaway D, Ward JL, Draper J et al. ( 2013 ) . Merits of random forests emerge in evaluation of chemometric classifiers by external validation . Analytica Chimica Acta vol. 801 , 22 - 33 .
Li C, Liakata M, Rebholz-Schuhmann D ( 2013 ) . Biological network extraction from scientific literature: state of the art and challenges . Briefings in Bioinformatics vol. 15 , ( 5 ) 856 - 877 .
Boyce RD, Horn JR, Hassanzadeh O, De Waard A, Schneider J, Luciano JS, Rastegar-Mojarad M, Liakata M ( 2013 ) . Dynamic enhancement of drug product labels to support drug safety, efficacy, and effectiveness . Journal of Biomedical Semantics vol. 4 , ( 1 )
Liakata M, Dobnik S, Saha S, Batchelor C, Rebholz-Schuhmann D ( 2013 ) . A Discourse-Driven Content Model for Summarising Scientific Articles Evaluated in a Complex Question Answering Task . Conference: Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing747 - 757 .
Liakata M, Saha S, Dobnik S, Batchelor C, Rebholz-Schuhmann D ( 2012 ) . Automatic recognition of conceptualization zones in scientific articles and two life science applications . Bioinformatics vol. 28 , ( 7 ) 991 - 1000 .
Liakata M, Kim J-H, Saha S, Hastings J, Rebholz-Schuhmann D ( 2012 ) . Three Hybrid Classifiers for the Detection of Emotions in Suicide Notes . Biomedical Informatics Insights vol. 5s1 , ( Suppl 1 )
King RD, Liakata M, Lu C, Oliver SG, Soldatova LN ( 2011 ) . On the formalization and reuse of scientific research . Journal of The Royal Society Interface vol. 8 , ( 63 ) 1440 - 1448 .
Guo Y, Korhonen A, Liakata M, Silins I, Hogberg J, Stenius U ( 2011 ) . A comparison and user-based evaluation of models of textual information structure in the context of cancer risk assessment . BMC Bioinformatics vol. 12 , ( 1 )
Clare A, Croset S, Grabmueller C, Kafkas S, Liakata M, Oellrich A, Rebholz-Schuhmann D ( 2011 ) . Exploring the generation and integration of publishable scientific facts using the concept of nano-publications . CEUR Workshop Proceedings . vol. 721 , 13 - 17 .
Scott IM, Vermeer CP, Liakata M, Corol DI, Ward JL, Lin W, Johnson HE, Whitehead L et al. ( 2010 ) . Enhancement of Plant Metabolite Fingerprinting by Machine Learning . Plant Physiology vol. 153 , ( 4 ) 1506 - 1520 .
Sparkes A, King RD, Aubrey W, Benway M, Byrne E, Clare A, Liakata M, Markham M et al. ( 2010 ) . An Integrated Laboratory Robotic System for Autonomous Discovery of Gene Function . SLAS TECHNOLOGY vol. 15 , ( 1 ) 33 - 40 .
Sparkes A, Aubrey W, Byrne E, Clare A, Khan MN, Liakata M, Markham M, Rowland J et al. ( 2010 ) . Towards Robot Scientists for autonomous scientific discovery . Automated Experimentation vol. 2 , ( 1 )
Liakata M, Teufel S, Siddharthan A, Batchelor C ( 2010 ) . Corpora for conceptualisation and zoning of scientific papers . Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2010 . 2054 - 2061 .
Guo Y, Silins I, Korhonen A, Sun L, Liakata M, Stenius U ( 2010 ) . Identifying the information structure of scientific abstracts: An investigation of three different schemes . Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics . 99 - 107 .
King RD, Rowland J, Oliver SG, Young M, Aubrey W, Byrne E, Liakata M, Markham M et al. ( 2009 ) . Make Way for Robot Scientists . Science vol. 325 , ( 5943 ) 945 - 945 .
King RD, Rowland J, Aubrey W, Liakata M, Markham M, Soldatova LN, Whelan KE, Clare A et al. ( 2009 ) . The Robot Scientist Adam . Computer vol. 42 , ( 8 ) 46 - 54 .
King RD, Rowland J, Oliver SG, Young M, Aubrey W, Byrne E, Liakata M, Markham M et al. ( 2009 ) . The Automation of Science . Science vol. 324 , ( 5923 ) 85 - 89 .
Liakata M, Claire CQ, Soldatova LN ( 2009 ) . Semantic Annotation of Papers: Interface &amp; Enrichment Tool (SAPIENT) . BioNLP 2009 - Biomedical Natural Language Processing Workshop, BioNLP 2009 - held in conjunction with 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, NAACL-HLT 2009 - Proceedings . 193 - 200 .
Liakata M, Q C, Soldatova LN ( 2009 ) . Semantic annotation of papers . Conference: Proceedings of the Workshop on BioNLP - BioNLP '09
Liakata M, Pulman S ( 2008 ) . Automatic fine-grained semantic classification for domain adaptation . Conference: Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Semantics in Text Processing - STEP '08139 - 153 .
Pulman SG, Liakata M ( 2004 ) . Learning domain theories . Current Issues in Linguistic Theory . vol. 260 ,
Dalrymple M, Liakata M, Mackie L ( 2005 ) . A two-level morphology of Malagasy . PACLIC 19 - Proceedings of the 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation .
Liakata M, Pulman S ( 2005 ) . Using ILP to learn a domain theory in the form of a FSA . Learning Language in Logic - Challenge Task: Extracting Relations from Bio-Medical Texts, LLL 2005 - ICML 2005 Workshop . 46 - 52 .
Liakata M, Pulman S ( 2004 ) . Learning theories from text . Conference: Proceedings of the 20th international conference on Computational Linguistics - COLING '04
Liakata M, Pulman S ( 2002 ) . From trees to predicate-argument structures . Conference: Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Computational linguistics - vol. 1 , 1 - 7 .
Boutsis S, Demiros I, Giouli V, Liakata M, Papageorgiou H, Piperidis S ( 2000 ) . A System for Recognition of Named Entities in Greek . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 1835 , 424 - 435 .
Demiros I, Boutsis S, Giouli V, Liakata M, Papageorgiou H, Piperidis S ( 2000 ) . Named entity recognition in Greek texts . 2nd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2000 .