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Publications: Prof Richard Falk

Falk R ( 2019 ) . Geopolitical Crimes: A Preliminary Jurisprudential Proposal . State Crime Journal vol. 8 , ( 1 ) 5 - 18 .
Falk R ( 2019 ) . Global Inequality and Human Rights: An Odd Couple . Humanity An International Journal of Human Rights Humanitarianism and Development vol. 10 , ( 3 ) 404 - 415 .
Falk RA ( 2017 ) . Palestine's Horizon Towards a Just Peace . Pluto Press (UK)
Falk R ( 2016 ) . Power Shift On the New Global Order . Zed Books Ltd.
Falk R ( 2015 ) . Chaos and Counterrevolution .
Falk R ( 2014 ) . Palestine The Legitimacy of Hope .
Falk R ( 2014 ) . Humanitarian Intervention and Legitimacy Wars Seeking Peace and Justice in the 21st Century . Routledge
Falk R ( 2014 ) . Achieving Political Legitimacy in the Twenty-First Century: Secular and Postsecular Imperatives . Towards a Postsecular International Politics New Forms of Community, Identity, and Power , Editors: Mavelli, L , Edition. 1 , Palgrave Macmillan