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Publications: Prof Shalom Lappin

Lappin S ( 2023 ) . An HPSG Account of Antecedent-Contained Ellipsis . Fragments , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Lappin S ( 2023 ) . Assessing the Strengths and Weaknesses of Large Language Models . Journal of Logic, Language and Information
Bernardy J-P, Blanck R, Chatzikyriakidis S, Lappin S, Maskharashvili A ( 2023 ) . Bayesian Inference Semantics for Natural Language . Probabilistic Approaches to Linguistics Theory , Editors: Bernardy,, J-P, Blanck, R, Chatzikyriakidis, S, Lappin, S et al. , CSLI (University of Chicago Press) ( Stanford CA ),
Lappin S ( 2023 ) . We Shall Be as a City on a Hill . Mapping the New Left Antisemitism , Taylor & Francis
Bernardy J-P, Blanck R, Chatzikyriakidis S, Lappin S, Maskharashvili A ( 2023 ) . Probabilistic Approaches to Linguistic Theory . Center for the Study of Language and Information Publica Tion
bernardy J-P, Lappin S ( 2022 ) . Algebraic Structures in Natural Language . Editors: Lappin, S, Bernardy, J-P , CRC Press, Taylor and Francis ( Boca Raton and Oxford ),
Bernardy J-P, Lappin S ( 2022 ) . Unitary Recurrent Networks: Algebraic and Linear Structures for Syntax . Algebraic Structures in Natural Language , Editors: Lappin, S, Bernardy, J-P , CRC Press, Taylor and Francis ( Boca Raton and Oxford ),
Bernardy J-P, Lappin S ( 2022 ) . Assessing the Unitary RNN as an End-to-End Compositional Model of Syntax . Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science . Editors: Moortgat, M, Wijnholds, G , Conference: End-to-End Compositional Models of Vector-Based Semantics, 2022 (E2ECOMPVEC) ( ESSLLI 2022, Galway, Ireland ) from: 16/08/2022 to: 15/08/2022 , vol. 366 , 9 - 22 .
Bernardy J-P, Lappin S ( 2022 ) . A Neural Model for Compositional Word Embeddings and Sentence Processing . . Conference: ACL Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics ( Dublin, Ireland ) from: 26/05/2022 to: 26/05/2022 , vol. 2022 , 12 - 22 .
Lappin S ( 2021 ) . Deep Learning and Linguistic Representation . CRC Press
Lappin S ( 2021 ) . Cognitively Viable Computational Models of Linguistic Knowledge . Deep Learning and Linguistic Representation , Taylor & Francis
Lappin S ( 2021 ) . Conclusions and Future Work . Deep Learning and Linguistic Representation , Taylor & Francis
Lappin S ( 2021 ) . Introduction: Deep Learning in Natural Language Processing . Deep Learning and Linguistic Representation , Taylor & Francis
Lappin S ( 2021 ) . Learning Syntactic Structure with Deep Neural Networks . Deep Learning and Linguistic Representation , Taylor & Francis
Lappin S ( 2021 ) . Machine Learning and the Sentence Acceptability Task . Deep Learning and Linguistic Representation , Taylor & Francis
Lappin S ( 2021 ) . Predicting Human Acceptability Judgements in Context . Deep Learning and Linguistic Representation , Taylor & Francis
Lappin S ( 2020 ) . The Re-Emergence of the Jewish Question . Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism vol. 2 , ( 1 ) 29 - 46 .
Lau JH, Armendariz CS, Lappin S, Purver M, Shu C ( 2020 ) . How Furiously Can Colourless Green Ideas Sleep? Sentence Acceptability in Context . Trans. Assoc. Comput. Linguistics vol. 8 , 296 - 310 .
Lau JH, Santos Armendariz C, Lappin S, Purver M, Shu C ( 2020 ) . How Furiously Can Colourless Green Ideas Sleep? Sentence Acceptability in Context . Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics vol. 8 , 296 - 310 .
Bernardy J-P, Blanck R, Chatzikyriakidis S, Lappin S, Maskharashvili A ( 2019 ) . Bayesian Inference Semantics: A Modelling System and A Test Suite . from: 06/06/2019 to: 07/06/2019 , is. 2019 , pp. 263 - 272 . Association of Computational Linguistics ( Minneapolis MN ), Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob ,
Bizzoni Y, Lappin S ( 2019 ) . Predicting metaphor paraphrase judgements in context . IWCS 2019 - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Semantics - Long Papers . 165 - 175 .
Bizzoni Y, Lappin S ( 2019 ) . The Effect of Context on Metaphor Paraphrase Aptness Judgments . Conference: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Semantics - Long Papers165 - 175 .
Bizzoni Y, Lappin S ( 2018 ) . Predicting Human Metaphor Paraphrase Judgments with Deep Neural Networks . from: 10/06/2018 to: 10/06/2018 , pp. 45 - 55 . Association of Computational Linguistics ( New Orleans, LA ), Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob ,
Bernardy J-P, Lappin S, Lau JH ( 2018 ) . The Influence of Context on Sentence Acceptability Judgements . Conference: Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)456 - 461 .
Bernardy J-P, Lappin S ( 2017 ) . Using Deep Neural Networks to Learn Syntactic Agreement . Linguistic Issues in Language Technology vol. 15 , ( 2 ) 1 - 15 .
Lappin S ( 2017 ) . Formal Semantics . The Handbook of Linguistics , Wiley
Dubhashi D, Lappin S ( 2017 ) . AI dangers . vol. 60 , is. 2 , pp. 43 - 45 . Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Bizzoni Y, Lappin S ( 2017 ) . Deep learning of binary and gradient judgements for semantic paraphrase . 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics, IWCS 2017 - Short Papers .
Lau JH, Clark A, Lappin S ( 2016 ) . Grammaticality, Acceptability, and Probability: A Probabilistic View of Linguistic Knowledge . Cognitive Science vol. 41 , ( 5 ) 1202 - 1241 .
Cooper R, Dobnik S, Lappin S, Larsson S ( 2015 ) . Probabilistic Type Theory and Natural Language Semantics . Linguistic Issues in Language Technology vol. 10 ,
Lappin S ( 2015 ) . Curry Typing, Polymorphism, and Fineā€Grained Intensionality . The Handbook of Contemporary Semantic Theory , Wiley
Lau JH, Clark A, Lappin S ( 2015 ) . Unsupervised Prediction of Acceptability Judgements . Conference: Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)1618 - 1628 .
Fox C, Lappin S ( 2014 ) . Type-theoretic logic with an operational account of intensionality . Synthese vol. 192 , ( 3 ) 563 - 584 .
Cooper R, Dobnik S, Lappin S, Larsson S ( 2014 ) . A Probabilistic Rich Type Theory for Semantic Interpretation . Conference: Proceedings of the EACL 2014 Workshop on Type Theory and Natural Language Semantics (TTNLS)72 - 79 .
Lappin S ( 2014 ) . Intensions as Computable Functions . Linguistic Issues in Language Technology vol. 9 ,
Lau JH, Clark A, Lappin S ( 2014 ) . Measuring Gradience in Speakers' Grammaticality Judgements . Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, CogSci 2014 . 821 - 826 .
Clark A, Lappin S ( 2013 ) . Complexity in Language Acquisition . Topics in Cognitive Science vol. 5 , ( 1 ) 89 - 110 .
Clark A, Giorgolo G, Lappin S ( 2013 ) . Statistical Representation of Grammaticality Judgements: The Limits of N-Gram Models . CMCL 2013 - Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Workshop . 28 - 36 .
Clark A, Giorgolo G, Lappin S ( 2013 ) . Towards a Statistical Model of Grammaticality . Cooperative Minds: Social Interaction and Group Dynamics - Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, CogSci 2013 . 2064 - 2069 .
Lappin S ( 2012 ) . Semantics . The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics , vol. 9780199276349 ,
MCCORD M, BERNTH A, LAPPIN S, ZADROZNY W ( 2012 ) . NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING WITHIN A SLOT GRAMMAR FRAMEWORK . International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools vol. 1 , ( 02 ) 229 - 277 .
Clark A, Lappin S ( 2012 ) . Computational Learning Theory and Language Acquisition . Philosophy of Linguistics , Elsevier
Clark A, Lappin S ( 2011 ) . Linguistic Nativism and the Poverty of the Stimulus . Wiley
Clark A, Fox C, Lappin S ( 2010 ) . The Handbook of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing . The Handbook of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing
Clark A, Lappin S ( 2010 ) . Unsupervised Learning and Grammar Induction . The Handbook of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing , Wiley
LAPPIN S ( 2009 ) . CLASSICAL LOGIC AND EXISTENTIALLY QUANTIFIED NOUN PHRASES . Theoretical Linguistics vol. 8 , ( 1-3 ) 145 - 156 .
LAPPIN S, SHLONSKY U ( 2009 ) . Impersonal passives . Linguistics vol. 31 , ( 1 ) 5 - 24 .
LAPPIN S ( 2009 ) . PRONOMINAL BINDING AND COREFERENCE . Theoretical Linguistics vol. 12 , ( s1 ) 241 - 264 .
ERTESCHIK-SHIR N, LAPPIN S ( 2009 ) . Dominance and modularity . Linguistics vol. 25 , ( 4 ) 671 - 686 .
LAPPIN S ( 2009 ) . Introduction: the syntax and semantics of NPs . Linguistics vol. 26 , ( 6 ) 903 - 908 .
LAPPIN S, REINHART T ( 2009 ) . Presuppositional effects of strong determiners: a processing account . Linguistics vol. 26 , ( 6 ) 1021 - 1038 .
LAPPIN S ( 2009 ) . The semantics of ‘many’ as a weak determiner . Linguistics vol. 26 , ( 6 ) 977 - 998 .
LAPPIN S ( 2009 ) . DONKEY PRONOUNS UNBOUND . Theoretical Linguistics vol. 15 , ( 3 ) 263 - 286 .
Clark A, Lappin S ( 2009 ) . Another look at indirect negative evidence . Conference: Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition - CACLA '0926 - 33 .
Erteschik-Shir N, Lappin S ( 2008 ) . Under stress: a functional explanation of English sentence stress . Journal of Linguistics vol. 19 , ( 2 ) 419 - 453 .
Lappin S ( 2008 ) . A Sequenced Model of Anaphora and Ellipsis Resolution . Anaphora Processing , vol. 263 , John Benjamins Publishing Company
Wintner S, Gabbay D, Daelemans W, Kehler A, Lappin S, Winter Y ( 2008 ) . Editorial . Research on Language and Computation vol. 6 , ( 1 ) 1 - 2 .
Fox C, Lappin S ( 2008 ) . Anaphora and Ellipsis . Foundations of Intensional Semantics , Wiley
Fox C, Lappin S ( 2008 ) . Expressive Power and Formal Strength . Foundations of Intensional Semantics , Wiley
Fox C, Lappin S ( 2008 ) . Foundations of Intensional Semantics . Wiley
Fox C, Lappin S ( 2008 ) . Number Theory and Cardinality . Foundations of Intensional Semantics , Wiley
Lappin S ( 2008 ) . An Introduction to Formal Semantics . The Handbook of Linguistics ,
Fernández R, Ginzburg J, Gregory H, Lappin S ( 2008 ) . Shards: Fragment Resolution In Dialogue . Computing Meaning , Springer Nature
Fernndez R, Ginzburg J, Lappin S ( 2007 ) . Classifying Non-Sentential Utterances in Dialogue: A Machine Learning Approach . Computational Linguistics vol. 33 , ( 3 ) 397 - 427 .
LAPPIN S, SHIEBER SM ( 2007 ) . Machine learning theory and practice as a source of insightinto universal grammar . Journal of Linguistics vol. 43 , ( 2 ) 393 - 427 .
Lappin S ( 2007 ) . Multiculturalism and Democracy . Dissent vol. 54 , ( 3 ) 14 - 18 .
Fox C, Fernandez M, Lappin S ( 2007 ) . Lambda Calculus, Type Theory, and Natural Language II . Journal of Logic and Computation vol. 18 , ( 2 ) 203 - 203 .
Lappin S ( 2007 ) . Multiculturalism and democracy . Dissent vol. 54 , ( 3 ) 14 - 18 .
Lappin S ( 2006 ) . How Class Disappeared From Western Politics . Dissent vol. 53 , ( 1 ) 73 - 78 .
Fox C, Lappin S ( 2006 ) . A type-theoretic approach to anaphora and ellipsis resolution . Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing III , vol. 260 , John Benjamins Publishing Company
Fox C, Lappin S ( 2005 ) . Achieving expressive completeness and computational efficiency for underspecified scope representations . Proceedings of the 15th Amsterdam Colloquium . 77 - 82 .
Fernández R, Ginzburg J, Lappin S ( 2005 ) . Using machine learning for non-sentential utterance classification . Proceedings of the 6th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue . 77 - 86 .
Fernandez M, Lappin S, Fox C ( 2005 ) . Editorial . Journal of Logic and Computation . vol. 15 , 83 - 84 .
Fox C, Lappin S ( 2005 ) . Underspecified Interpretations in a Curry-typed Representation Language . Journal of Logic and Computation . vol. 15 , 131 - 143 .
Fox C, Lappin S ( 2004 ) . An Expressive First-Order Logic with Flexible Typing for Natural Language Semantics . Logic Journal of IGPL vol. 12 , ( 2 ) 135 - 168 .
Fernández R, Ginzburg J, Lappin S ( 2004 ) . Classifying ellipsis in dialogue: a machine learning approach . Conference: Proceedings of the 20th international conference on Computational Linguistics - COLING '04
Ebert C, Lappin S, Gregory H, Nicolov N ( 2003 ) . Full Paraphrase Generation for Fragments in Dialogue . Current and New Directions in Discourse and Dialogue , vol. 22 , Springer Nature
Mitkov R, Boguraev B, Lappin S ( 2001 ) . Introduction to the Special Issue on Computational Anaphora Resolution . Computational Linguistics vol. 27 , ( 4 ) 473 - 477 .
Lappin S, Levine RD, Johnson DE ( 2001 ) . The Revolution Maximally Confused . Natural Language & Linguistic Theory vol. 19 , ( 4 ) 901 - 919 .
Fox C, Lappin S ( 2001 ) . A Framework for the Hyperintensional Semantics of Natural Language with Two Implementations . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 2099 , 175 - 192 .
Ebert C, Lappin S, Gregory H, Nicolov N ( 2001 ) . Generating full paraphrases of fragments in a dialogue interpretation system . Conference: Proceedings of the Second SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue - vol. 16 , 1 - 10 .
Lappin S ( 2000 ) . An Intensional Parametric Semantics For Vague Quantifiers . Linguistics and Philosophy vol. 23 , ( 6 ) 599 - 620 .
Lappin S, Levine RD, Johnson DE ( 2000 ) . The Revolution Confused: A Response To Our Critics . Natural Language & Linguistic Theory vol. 18 , ( 4 ) 873 - 890 .
Lappin S ( 2000 ) . New labour and the destruction of social democracy . Dissent vol. 47 , ( 4 ) 15 - 19 .
Lappin S, Levine RD, Johnson DE ( 2000 ) . Topic ... Comment . Natural Language & Linguistic Theory vol. 18 , ( 3 ) 665 - 671 .
Lappin S ( 1998 ) . Reconstructing Polish Jewish history . East European Jewish Affairs vol. 28 , ( 1 ) 109 - 116 .
Obrst L, Lappin S ( 1998 ) . The Handbook of Contemporary Semantic Theory . Language vol. 74 , ( 1 )
Johnson D, Lappin S ( 1997 ) . A Critique of the Minimalist Program . Linguistics and Philosophy vol. 20 , ( 3 ) 273 - 333 .
Lappin S, Shih H-H ( 1996 ) . A generalized reconstruction algorithm for ellipsis resolution . Conference: Proceedings of the 16th conference on Computational linguistics - vol. 2 , 687 - 692 .
LAPPIN S ( 1996 ) . Generalized Quantifiers, Exception Phrases, and Logicality . Journal of Semantics vol. 13 , ( 3 ) 197 - 220 .
DAGAN I, JUSTESON J, LAPPIN S, LEASS H, RIBAK A ( 1995 ) . SYNTAX AND LEXICAL STATISTICS IN ANAPHORA RESOLUTION . Applied Artificial Intelligence vol. 9 , ( 6 ) 633 - 644 .
LAPPIN S ( 1995 ) . Generalized Quantifiers, Exception Phrases, and Logicality . Logic Journal of IGPL vol. 3 , ( 2-3 ) 203 - 222 .
Lappin S, Francez N ( 1994 ) . E-type pronouns, i-sums, and donkey anaphora . Linguistics and Philosophy vol. 17 , ( 4 ) 391 - 428 .
Lappin S, McCord M ( 1990 ) . A syntactic filter on pronominal anaphora for Slot Grammar . Conference: Proceedings of the 28th annual meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics -135 - 142 .
Golan I, Lappin S, Rimon M ( 1988 ) . An active bilingual lexicon for Machine Translation . Conference: Proceedings of the 12th conference on Computational linguistics - vol. 1 , 205 - 211 .
Lappin S ( 1982 ) . On the pragmatics of mood . Linguistics and Philosophy vol. 4 , ( 4 ) 559 - 578 .
Lappin S ( 1976 ) . Goodman and Katz on synonymy . Philosophical Studies vol. 29 , ( 4 ) 279 - 281 .
Brody B, Swinburne RG, Michalos AC, Weiler G, Sampson G, Dascal M, Lappin S, Melzer Y et al. ( 1974 ) . Book reviews . Philosophia vol. 4 , ( 2-3 ) 351 - 439 .
Lappin S ( 1971 ) . Analytical philosophy knowledge . Philosophia vol. 1 , ( 1-2 ) 117 - 128 .