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Publications: Dr Sophie Holmes-Elliott

Holmes-Elliott S, Levon E ( 2024 ) . The jet set: Modern RP and the (re)creation of social distinction . Language Variation and Change vol. 36 , ( 2 ) 149 - 170 .
Levon E, Holmes-Elliott S ( 2024 ) . Voices, bodies, and the cultural organization of meaning . Signs and society vol. 12 , ( 1 )
Barnard M, Hellyer RJ, Holmes-Elliott S ( 2023 ) . The urge to unmerge: a case of structural change across the lifespan . . Editors: Skarnitzl, R, Volín, J , Conference: 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) ( Prague, Czechia ) from: 07/08/2023 to: 11/08/2023 , 3627 - 3631 .
Smith J, Holmes-Elliott S ( 2022 ) . Tracking linguistic change in childhood: Transmission, incrementation, and vernacular reorganization: Supplementary material . Language vol. 98 , ( 1 )
Smith J, Holmes-Elliott S ( 2022 ) . Mapping Syntax and the Sociolinguistic Monitor . Explanations in Sociosyntactic Variation , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Holmes-Elliott S ( 2020 ) . Calibrate to innovate: Community age vectors and the real time incrementation of language change . Language in Society vol. 50 , ( 3 ) 441 - 474 .
Holmes-Elliott S ( 2019 ) . Rena Torres Cacoullos & Catherine E. Travis, Bilingualism in the community: Code-switching and grammars in contact. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. Pp. x + 372 . Journal of Linguistics vol. 55 , ( 4 ) 905 - 909 .
Holmes-Elliott S, Smith J ( 2018 ) . Dressing down up north: DRESS-lowering and /l/ allophony in a Scottish dialect . Language Variation and Change vol. 30 , ( 1 ) 23 - 50 .
Holmes-Elliott S ( 2017 ) . Sali A. Tagliamonte , Teen talk: The language of adolescents. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. Pp. 298. Pb. £18.99 . Language in Society vol. 46 , ( 5 ) 742 - 745 .
Holmes-Elliott S, Levon E ( 2017 ) . The substance of style: Gender, social class and interactional stance in /s/-fronting in southeast England . Linguistics vol. 55 , ( 5 ) 1045 - 1072 .
SMITH J, HOLMES-ELLIOTT S ( 2017 ) . The unstoppable glottal: tracking rapid change in an iconic British variable . English Language and Linguistics vol. 22 , ( 3 ) 323 - 355 .
Holmes-Elliott S ( 2016 ) . Ladies first? Adolescent peaks in a male-led change . pp. 81 - 90 .
Holmes-Elliott S ( 2015 ) . DRESS-down: /ε/-lowering in apparent time in a rural Scottish community . . Conference: 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences ( Glasgow ) from: 10/08/2015 to: 14/08/2015 ,
Smith R, Holmes-Elliott S, Pettinato M, Knight R-A ( 2014 ) . Cross-Accent Intelligibility of Speech in Noise: Long-Term Familiarity and Short-Term Familiarization . Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology vol. 67 , ( 3 ) 590 - 608 .
Holmes-Elliott S, Levon E ( 2013 ) . East end boys and west end girls:/s/-fronting in Southeast England . pp. 111 - 120 .
Stuart-Smith J, Smith R, Rathke T, Li Santi F, Holmes-Elliott S ( 2011 ) . RESPONDING TO ACCENTS AFTER EXPERIENCING INTERACTIVE OR MEDIATED SPEECH . . Conference: 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences ( Hong Kong ) from: 17/08/2023 to: 21/08/2011 ,