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Publications: Ms Ijeoma Uchegbu

Jeraldo RIE, Chandra A, Anjum R, Bothongo PLK, Waters S, Uchegbu I, Byford M, Marshall CR et al. ( 2023 ) . Dementia prevention strategies in Low and Middle Income Countries: A systematic review . Alzheimer's & Dementia vol. 19 , ( S23 )
Bothongo PL, Waters S, Chandra A, Uchegbu I, Jeraldo RIE, Anjum R, Byford M, Livingston G et al. ( 2023 ) . Ethnic Variation in Modifiable Risk Factors for Dementia . Alzheimer's & Dementia vol. 19 , ( S22 )
Bothongo PL, Waters S, Chandra A, Uchegbu I, Jeraldo RIE, Anjum R, Byford M, Livingston G et al. ( 2023 ) . Socioeconomic variation in modifiable risk factors for dementia . Alzheimer's & Dementia vol. 19 , ( S22 )
Chandra A, Anjum R, Bothongo PL, Waters S, Uchegbu I, Jeraldo RIE, Byford M, Marshall CR ( 2023 ) . The influence of widowhood on amyloid positivity status in cognitively normal older adults . Alzheimer's & Dementia vol. 19 , ( S22 )
Anjum R, Chandra A, Bothongo PL, Waters S, Uchegbu I, Jeraldo RIE, Byford M, Marshall CR ( 2023 ) . The relationship between divorced status and in vivo beta‐amyloid pathology in cognitively normal older adults . Alzheimer's & Dementia vol. 19 , ( S23 )
Abdulkareem M, Brahier MS, Zou F, Rauseo E, Uchegbu I, Taylor A, Thomaides A, Bergquist PJ et al. ( 2022 ) . Quantification of Epicardial Adipose Tissue Volume and Attenuation for Cardiac CT Scans Using Deep Learning in a Single Multi-Task Framework . Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine vol. 23 , ( 12 )
Marshall CR, Uchegbu I ( 2022 ) . Artificial intelligence for detection of Alzheimer's disease: demonstration of real-world value is required to bridge the translational gap . The Lancet Digital Health vol. 4 , ( 11 ) e768 - e769 .
Uchegbu I, Rodriguez-Guadarrama Y, Rua T, Kartha MR, Abdulkareem M, Petersen SE ( 2022 ) . Health Economics, Economic Evaluation and Artificial Intelligence Technology . Artificial Intelligence in Cardiothoracic Imaging , Springer Nature
Murphy T, Jones DA, Friebel R, Uchegbu I, Mohiddin SA, Petersen SE ( 2021 ) . A Cost Analysis of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnostic Pathway of Patients Presenting With Unexplained Acute Myocardial Injury and Culprit-Free Coronary Angiography . Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine vol. 8 ,
Murphy T, Jones D, Friebel R, Uchegbu I, Mohiddin S, Petersen S ( 2021 ) . A cost analysis of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnostic pathway of a population with unexplained acute myocardial injury and normal coronary angiography . European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging vol. 22 , ( Supplement_2 )
Abel L, Shinkins B, Smith A, Sutton AJ, Sagoo GS, Uchegbu I, Allen AJ, Graziadio S et al. ( 2019 ) . Early Economic Evaluation of Diagnostic Technologies: Experiences of the NIHR Diagnostic Evidence Co-operatives . Medical Decision Making vol. 39 , ( 7 ) 857 - 866 .
Uchegbu I, Sato M, Allam A, Buckle P, Hanna G ( 2018 ) . The challenges of patient and public involvement in medical technology and in-vitro diagnostic research . Research for All vol. 2 , ( 2 ) 335 - 346 .
Borsci S, Uchegbu I, Buckle P, Ni Z, Walne S, Hanna GB ( 2017 ) . Designing medical technology for resilience: integrating health economics and human factors approaches . Expert Review of Medical Devices vol. 15 , ( 1 ) 15 - 26 .
Thompson A, Allen A, Bouttell J, Gavan S, Graziado S, Hall P, McMeekin P, Smith A et al. ( 2017 ) . PHP318 Bringing Molecular Diagnostic Tests Into Clinical Practice: Mapping The Evidence Pathway . Value in Health vol. 20 , ( 9 )
Naylor NR, Uchegbu I, Chatterjee A, Robotham JV ( 2017 ) . Gambling with antibiotics: a novel approach for exploring antibiotic consumption decision-making . Public Health vol. 151 , 146 - 148 .
Borsci S, Buckle P, Uchegbu I, Ni M, Walne S, Hanna GB ( 2018 ) . Integrating human factors and health economics to inform the design of medical device: a conceptual framework . IFMBE Proceedings . vol. 65 , 49 - 52 .
Gopalakrishna G, Langendam M, Scholten R, Bossuyt P, Leeflang M, Noel-Storr A, Thomas J, Marshall I et al. ( 2017 ) . Erratum to: Methods for evaluating medical tests and biomarkers . Diagnostic and Prognostic Research vol. 1 , ( 1 )
Gopalakrishna G, Langendam M, Scholten R, Bossuyt P, Leeflang M, Noel-Storr A, Thomas J, Marshall I et al. ( 2017 ) . Methods for Evaluating Medical Tests and Biomarkers . Diagnostic and Prognostic Research vol. 1 , ( Suppl 1 )
Thompson AJ, Allen AJ, Bouttell J, Gavan S, Graziado S, Hall PS, McMeekin PM, Smith AF et al. ( 2017 ) . BRINGING MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTIC TESTS INTO CLINICAL PRACTICE: MAPPING THE EVIDENCE PATHWAY . VALUE IN HEALTH . vol. 20 , A707 - A707 .
Guest JF, Ayoub N, McIlwraith T, Uchegbu I, Gerrish A, Weidlich D, Vowden K, Vowden P ( 2016 ) . Health economic burden that different wound types impose on the UK's National Health Service . International Wound Journal vol. 14 , ( 2 ) 322 - 330 .
Guest JF, Ayoub N, McIlwraith T, Uchegbu I, Gerrish A, Weidlich D, Vowden K, Vowden P ( 2015 ) . Health economic burden that wounds impose on the National Health Service in the UK . BMJ Open vol. 5 , ( 12 )

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