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Publications: Dr Hajar Hajmohammadi Hosseinabadi

Hajmohammadi H, Heydecker B ( 2022 ) . Evaluation of air quality effects of the London ultra-low emission zone by state-space modelling . Atmospheric Pollution Research vol. 13 , ( 8 )
Hajmohammadi H, Pfeffer P, De Simoni A, Cole JN, Griffiths CJ, Hull SA, Heydecker B ( 2022 ) . Association between short-term NO x exposure and asthma exacerbations in East London: A time series regression model . Urban Climate vol. 44 ,
De Simoni A, Hajmohammadi H, Pfeffer P, Cole J, Griffiths C, Hull SA ( 2022 ) . Reducing SABA overprescribing in asthma: lessons from a Quality Improvement prescribing project in East London . British Journal of General Practice vol. 72 , ( 722 )
Hajmohammadi H, Heydecker B ( 2021 ) . Multivariate time series modelling for urban air quality . Urban Climate vol. 37 ,
Salehi H, Karde V, Hajmohammadi H, Dissanayake S, Larsson SH, Heng JYY, Bradley M ( 2021 ) . Understanding flow properties of mannitol powder at a range of temperature and humidity . International Journal of Pharmaceutics vol. 596 ,
Hajmohammadi H, Marra G, Heydecker B ( 2019 ) . Data-driven models for microscopic vehicle emissions . Transportation Research Part D Transport and Environment vol. 76 , 138 - 154 .
Hajmohammadi Hosseinabadi H ( 2019 ) . Microscopic Vehicle Emission Modelling .